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Impeach Obama


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ill tell ya you b est be prepared for another recession .. the massive sell off in the stock market has just begun .. when it hits certain lows .. it keeps going ..

why is there a sell off ..?

because if they dont sell they lose money because of new higher capitol gains taxes and dividend taxes .. that warren buffet campaigned for .. see buffet is already rich .. increasing capitol gains taxes keeps him alone at the top .. he doesnt want any competion.. i hope buffet loses his rear in the stock market .. after the new tates are in .. those rates will only be in effect if congress allows them in .. obama cant raise them himself .. but if they expire ....

Higher Tax Rates for All

You might think only individuals in the top two brackets will face higher federal income taxes if the Bush cuts evaporate as scheduled on Jan. 1, 2013. But unless Congress takes action and the president (whoever that is) goes along, rates will go up for everyone.

Specifically, the existing 10% bracket will go away, and the lowest "new" bracket will be 15%. The existing 25% bracket will be replaced by the new 28% bracket; the existing 28% bracket will be replaced by the new 31% bracket; the existing 33% bracket will be replaced by the 36% bracket; and the existing 35% bracket will be replaced by the 39.6% bracket.

Higher Capital Gains and Dividend Taxes

Right now, the maximum federal rate on long-term capital gains and dividends is 15%. Starting next year, the maximum rate on long-term gains is scheduled to increase to 20% (or 18% on gains from assets acquired after Dec. 31, 2000, and held for over five years). The maximum rate on dividends will skyrocket to 39.6%.

People in the lowest two rate brackets of 10% and 15% currently pay 0% on long-term gains and dividends. Starting next year, they will pay 10% on long-term gains (or 8% on gains from assets acquired after Dec. 31, 2000, and held for over five years) and 15% and 28%, respectively, on dividends.

Harsher Marriage Penalty

The Bush tax cuts included several provisions to ease the so-called marriage penalty, which can cause a married couple to pay more in taxes than when they were single.

Right now, the bottom two tax brackets for married joint-filing couples are twice as wide as those for singles. This helps keep the marriage penalty from biting lower- and middle-income couples. Starting next year, the joint-filer tax brackets will contract, causing higher tax bills for many couples.

Currently, the standard deduction for married joint-filing couples is double the amount for singles. Starting next year, the joint-filer standard deduction will fall back to about 167% of the amount for singles.

All this means that many lower- and middle-income couples are facing higher tax bills due to a harsher marriage penalty.

Return of Phase-Out Rules for Itemized Deductions

Before the Bush tax cuts, a phaseout rule could eliminate up to 80% of a higher-income individual's itemized deductions for mortgage interest, state and local taxes and charitable donations. The rule was gradually eased and finally eliminated in 2010.

Return of Phase-Out Rule for Personal Exemptions

Another pre-Bush phaseout rule could eliminate some or all of a higher-income individual's personal-exemption deductions. (For 2012, such deductions are $3,800 each.) The rule was gradually cut back and finally eliminated in 2010. But it will be back next year barring action in Washington.

So you need to be ready for yet another bite out of your wallet if you are a married joint-filer with 2013 adjusted gross income above about $265,000.

If you are single, the magic number will be about $175,000. If you use head-of-household filing status, watch out if your 2013 adjusted gross income exceeds about $220,000.

Some Bush Tax Cuts Are Likely to Be Continued

Some elements of the Bush tax cuts have bipartisan support and will likely be continued beyond this year.

Examples include inflation-indexed alternative minimum tax, or AMT, exemption amounts, the ability to use nonrefundable personal tax credits to offset your AMT bill and the deduction for qualified higher-education tuition and fees.

The current versions of the child tax credit, earned-income credit, dependent-care credit and adoption credit also are more likely than not to be continued. The Bush tax-cut legislation liberalized these credits, and later legislation liberalized them even more.

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No, actually, Richard Milhouse Nixon resigned.

." The first step in finding a permanent solution is to correctly understand the history.

THE CONSTITUTION OF THE UNITED STATES is not FOR us. We are not a party to it, and we have not been since 1871 and the 41st Congress.

I just happened to be in comm when defcon was raised in preparation for the Nixion announcement.

I briefly considered going to the EM club and making bets he would resign before getting impeached, but was scared I'd get a court martial.

Here I was all prepared to not pay any attention to your posts anymore and you up and state a fact only those darn stubborn constitutionalists know anything about.

A welcome surprise indeed.

It's crazy how words are sometimes perceived when identical ones are uttered from different sources.

A lot more people need to understand the weight and depth of your last two sentences before any meaningful change can take place.

If that is what we get out of the next four years, honest, genuine dialogue with our fellow American slaves, then I will consider it a blessing.

In the last two days I have had the pleasure of realizing I was very wrong in my perception of some of my DV family.

Now is finally the time to finish what was started 236 years ago but immediately hijacked by a few elites and effectively covered until recently.

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And ALLLLLL were WRONGGGGGG. Chances are that they are ALLLLLL WRONGGGGGG about Iran too.

2 brave souls in a herd of yes men and yes women, and those were probably set up as the token opposition. Big deal. I'm not impressed with their histrionics.

Politicians lie. It's what they do. Welcome to the real world. Would not even you cast doubt upon Obama's ability to unite?


And you get your "clues" from FOX News and the Drudge Report? :lol:

The UNITED STATES, INC. must end, and Barack Hussein Obama is just the man for the job.

I know the truth, and I like it. He is ushering in a new and better day, once the CORPORATION dies.

I am sure Mr. Romney was aware of this going in. The media did the bidding of the Bankers in creating the illusion of a free, democratic election.

How can I even begin to have a debate with you when you completey justify every point against him. God help us all.

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No wonder Obama was chosen at the Democratic president. This just shows that Democratic lies began a long time ago, and Obama is merely the latest in that long line of flagrant liars.

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Barack Obama will never be impeached. Look at the impeachment proceeding of Bill Clinton in 1998. Mr.Clinton evaded impeachment when there was cause. The boys in DC are weak and partisan. They stick together are not particularly honest. They want to keep their jobs. My faith in DC is non existent.

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In the future, I ask that you address me with some respect... at the very least with more professionalism.

I understand that you are a volunteer/mod on this site, and as such... it has been made clear the mods are free to weigh in with their opinions too.

Your main function as a mod gives you influence and authority, so I humbly suggest you set a better example of how members should conduct themselves when we disagree.

Belittling, jumping up and down and laughing is not appropriate, especially as a moderator... with all due respect... you could raise the bar to improve this site.


Maggie, you could improve this sight :)

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