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desert surfer

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Everything posted by desert surfer

  1. I agree, I look forward to the Wen chat, but really enjoy the quick drive bys as well. Thanks Adam, looking forward to meeting you after the RV. BLESSINGS to all ,
  2. Any chance you can go back and take a picture of it.
  3. Once again, only time will tell. It will happen one day. Until then, keep your eyes on the One above.
  4. Thanks Adam for your Wen. updates. They are very helpful and allow me to share with those who are in this investment. Have a blessed day, Desert Surfer
  5. My daughter would be proud of me seeing it right off, she is an eye doctor! :rolleyes::rolleyes:
  6. As some of you may remember my daughter had a miscarriage. Well the Lord blessed her with a baby girl on Sunday at 1:29pm. So far all is well and they are doing great. Thank you for all your first prayers and the prayers you may have lifted up when on a earlier post I asked for prayer because of some problems she was having. God and Doctors are good. Blessings on all, First time grandpa :rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes: For some reason the picture did not print. Sorry, but thanks again for your prayer support.
  7. Once again thank you for all your input. Blessings,
  8. I think that if I say it is going to happen tomorrow, everyday of the week. One day I will get it right. I don't know if I could sleep at night though. Blessings on all, :blink:
  9. I have been on the site a lot, but have not made any comments. But this is worth a BIG AMEN, GO RV. Blessings to all,
  10. 429, Prayer is a wonderful gift from God. Thanks for letting us know, praying God's perfect hand of protection and peace for you all. Blessings from above.
  11. I am thinking the the Dallas Cowboys football coach wished he had a ton of Dinar and that was the price of it. After calling that time out to let his kicker set up for the win. Only to have him kick it and go through but not count because of the time out. Then miss the next one, and end up losing the game. :( I think we all would do back flips if it were true. Blessings on all,
  12. This is an update about my daughter, the one that you may of you prayed for after her miscarriage. As I posted a little while back, she was with child. They just found out on Sat. that they are going to have a girl. They are going to name her after my dad, with the girls spelling Claire. (Male spelling Clair) I started to cry. :rolleyes::rolleyes: Thanks again for all your prayers. Blessings on you all.
  13. I agree that there has been a lot of talk about them getting out of Chap. 7. It is an exciting time, lets be patient and keep our eyes on the one above. Have a blessed day to all.
  14. Just for the fun of it, I read the bank stories. One day, hopefully very soon we will all have our own bank story. Blessings to all, :)
  15. Great job Adam, those of you that asked questioned did a good job as well. Sure hope Adam can find a dance partner for you, dancing alone in no fun. I love to dance with my wife. I am looking forward to some good news soon,along with everyone else. Have a blessed day to all,
  16. And you are surprised?:lol:
  17. I just got a tax return (filed late), it would be great to give to Uncle Sam if the RV would come through big. Blessings to all.
  18. Adam has just said that he is very excited at what is happening and said that it could very possibly RV before Thanksgiving. That is all he has said, no date. Have a blessed day.
  19. My wife is still laughing. That was a good one. Have a blessed night to all,
  20. Just make sure when you use them for wall dressing, use water base so you can wash and cash them in. Even with your attitude, have a blessed day.
  21. I want to thank all of you who prayed for my daughter when she had her first pregnancy tune into a miscarriage. I told her how many of you were praying for her and her husband. They were so blessed by all of you. They put their hearts and minds in the Lords hands and recovered from it wonderfully. Now I am able to tell you that she has now just passed her 12th week of her new pregnancy and has given us the green light to now be able to share it with people. She wanted us to wait this long because of what happened the first time. So if you think of it , lift her up that all goes well this time. Thanking you all in advance for your prayer, Blessings on all of you,
  22. No matter what any of us think, we will know on Tue. One day this will be all over and then we are all going to miss the logins about the rate and the times. Until then, blessings on you all.
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