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Everything posted by joeintt

  1. i laughed so hard that I had a backfire in the exhaust
  2. Where has the lop theory ever been proven wrong time after time?? Is your proof by articles that people post on these sights who know someone high up in someplace in Iraq or in a bank??? The only thing that has happened "time after time" is that someone will state that it could never lop.......there is no way to prove that it WILL lop or that it WILL NOT lop. Time and time alone will answer this!!! What is for sure is that all articles from folks in Govt. in Iraq & CBI support a LOP whilst all articles from regular folks (like us) say that a LOP cannot happen because of "all sorts of reasons, etc.". It is for this reason that I believe that it will LOP & then RV (immediately or soon thereafter). But guess what.....that is just my opinion.......that does not make it so or makes me a bad person (crap out of my ass).......its just my opinion. Be blessed Joe
  3. Hope you all won't mind if I jump in too..... Lone ranger and Tonto are fast asleep by the camp fire when the Lone Ranger suddenly screams out. Upon investigation it soon becomes obvious that the Lone ranger was bitten by a Rattle snake on his private parts. Since Tonto was not sure what to do to help his buddy he hops on his horse and rides fast to the nearest town to ask the doctor what to do. After explaining what happened to Kemosaby to the doctor, he is advised to quickly put his mouth over the snake bite holes and suck the venom out. Then Tonto speeds back to the Lone Ranger before it is too late. Once he arrives the Lone ranger asked him if he saw the doctor and if he did advise him on what he should do. Tonto answers that he did meet the doctor and the doctor told him that......he would soon die.
  4. Sorry to say but...YES, it does. Many folks feel that the CBI & GOI are thowing out redenomination "stories" to throw the public off track. Folks even cite other countries and government that have done that - said one thing then did the exact opposite - but we really don't know what will happen here. One thing for sure.....Iraq has maintained the LOP story consistently for nearly two years. More importantly, the only folks who have ever mentioned an RV has been the "very reliable" gurus -(yeah right!!!). If the LOP story was just designed to throw us off track ---well it is working on me. I really am doubting if there will ever be an RV. I REALLY HOPE I AM WRONG, but honestly, I am expecting a LOP....full stop. Be blessed....and I truly hope that I am wrong Joe
  5. this was a cool idea certainly cleared up alot of reasons for alot of names that have been around here for some time....including yours My name is Joe and I live in the caribbean...on a twin island country called Trinidad & Tobago. The abbreviation for this country is TT. Thus...Joe in tt Be blessed all Joe
  6. Not that I want to pick a fight but.....who says it will piss off the whole world?? We need to try to remain clear thinkers with regard to what we WANT to have happen and what CAN ACTUALLY happen. It can go anyway and they don't have to worry about the whole other country does. Be blessed Joe
  8. Based on your theory above - you realize that you just caused the RV to be delayed further because you made these comments!!! Why did you not just shut up and let it happen!!! Now this extra delay is all your fault!! (by the way - get real my friend)???
  9. 789 times ....but who is counting?? Be blessed Joe
  10. That there is some good shooting. The T-Rex video is so funny....I needed this laugh this morning. Stay cool BanG Blessings Joe
  11. As more and more time pass I am beginning to feel that your summation is bang on.....I so want to be wrong but...."if you were born a nickle there`s no way you will ever die a dime". Your dad was a very wise man Be blessed Joe
  12. DITTO sentiments exactly Be blessed all Joe
  13. I saw it back in December 2009 and posted it....I was so excited at the time!!! I was then told that it was around for some time before its been around for over 1-1/2 years Sorry guys....but keep searching and will be true some day Be blessed Joe
  14. You hear from the "TOP" and you panic.......why?? Terry K, Okie and many other Gurus hear from the TOP too and their TOP people keep telling them - its done, done soon, on Thursday, on Friday, on Monday, on next day, in Kuwait, in Iraq, in Canada, etc., etc., etc. The moral of my post.....THERE IS NO CREDIBLE "TOP". Follow your heart....follow your mind - stay in or get out - make it your call only!!! Be blessed Joe
  15. Thanks for moving bad But it is for xactly the saving face scenario that makes me question why they did not RV if they could... They have lost more face by having their people scream and march against them. Now, if they were to RV/RI it will now appear as if the people had to force them to do it. This is more of a slap in the face. This is what leads me to wonder if they have any control on this matter ...or worse if they plan to ever do it. Joe
  16. real sorry to upset your day....YES I AGREE......THIS POST SHOULD BE IN OPINIONS AND NOT RUMORS. Please forgive me Joe
  17. Bang on Legolas....I totally agree with you. had I read your post earlier I would not have needed to make the post that I just did...which downloads the same concerns. Be blessed Joe
  18. IMHO if I was M or S and I was planning to RI/RV my currency so that my people would become financially "liberated" after so many years of suffering under one regime after another, then I would have made sure that it would be on the top of my agenda of things to do. I know many will say (in answer to what I just stated) that there are a series of "steps" that need to be followed before that final big momentous event (RI/RV) happens. Since I invested in the IQD, like all/most of us, I accepted that these steps were required and so I followed all of the steps, one by one, with great expectation that once that "next step" was accomplished we would see the great event by Sunday (or Monday or Tuesday, etc) as predicted by the many self proclaimed experts, gurus and well sourced individuals that command these many IQD sites. I consider myself to be a fairly clear thinking and not so easily swayed person. I still believe that my decision to invest in the IQD to be a reasonable risk to take as I accept that the fundamentals towards justifying an eventual RI/RV makes real commercial sense (and I invested in an amount that I can afford to lose). But, NOTHING MAKES SENSE ANY MORE. If M or S (or whoever is responsible to pulling the RI/RV trigger) truly intended to do it then: why would they allow its people to hit the streets to protest their dissatisfaction of what is NOT happening for them? why would they allow their security forces to "kill" some of the protestors (BBC says 11) on Friday (it took only one death in Tunisia for that govt. to ultimately collapse)? why would they see it necessary to block protestors in gaining access to the centre of Baghdad? I am certain that everyone of the questions above can be reasonably answered but the reality of what is going on in other ME countries is very very real. The average blue collar Arab has finally awakened. They are finally seeing the power of their combined voices enmassed on the streets. They have become enpowered to demand real results from their leaders. A tsumani of people power has been unleashed in the ME that cannot now be reversed. Their voice will be heard or changes will be imposed. M or S (or whoever is responsible to pulling the RI/RV trigger) know this!!! Yet they allowed their people to join the other ME countries in showing their dissatisfaction by protesting marches. Any reasonable man would have thought that this would have been the perfect opportuntiy to show its people (and indeed the rest of the ME) how Iraq is a model nation, how its people are being cared for, how its a beacon of democracy in the ME by enpowering its people, especially when its neighbors are fighting its own. Yet, they allowed this perfect PR opportunity to slip through their hands?? Makes no sense!! If you really intended to bless your people with a RI/RV, which would be extremely well received, then why would you allow your people to protest, get beaten, shot at, water hosed, killed??? It just does not add up!! I am really beginning to doubt why I am here? IMHO.....NOTHING MAKES SENSE ANY MORE!! Be blessed all Joe .
  19. Not to sound like I am adding to a "conspiracy theory" but I was only recently enlightened to the fact the the Rothschild Family owns (and run) the Federal reserve of USA and the CBI.......could this really be true??? Are there forces out there trying to break this control away from a "family"? Is this "family" going to allow this control to be wrest from them? It really does sound like a "conspiracy theory" !!! But I do have a real theory.....My Lord will alway take from the unrighteous and give to the righteous!! Be blessed all Joe
  20. I am so sorry that I got here so late today........there is so much irony in this post here!! Normally folks on this site would be beating a poster who shared some intel based on a "friend" told you or based on another "friend who works in a bank", etc. Keep this says a lot for you............NO ONE CLOBBERED YOU EVEN THOUGH YOUR INTEL WAS LIKE THAT........well done my have arrived !!!!!!! YOU ARE OFFICIALLY A GURU IN MY BOOKS..................keep the peace my brother proud of you Joe
  21. I know what you are talking about and I am not afraid to tell the whole world.......AMEN!!![/size]
  22. My dear brother littlesam - that was awesome!!! And you posted it in the right place. Do not let other people's ignorance or impatience get you down. You did no wrong and I am so proud of you. Not only are the words of this song awesome and not only do the 4 young men give a fabulous rendition but this song is a true example of Our Lords saving grace. Not many people know that the man who wrote those words was once a caption of a slave ship. As a captain of a slave ship he was responsible for countless misery and deaths of many africans who were sold into slavery during that dark period of the 1600's to early 1800's who were brought to the Americas. Yet, he was able to find the Lord and when he did he made amends in his latter years. Once you understand where the caption was and where he had come to in the Lord - you will fully appreciate the words of this song. Amazing grace how sweet the sound, that saved a wretch like me, I once was lost but now I am found, was blind but now I see. In one way or another we are all wretches......and we are/were all lost - but it is the Grace of Our Lord that will save a wretch like me.......and this He did!!!!!! Stand tall littlesam--------you did no wrong!!! be blessed Joe
  23. For a long time now I have wondered why DO THEY HAVE TO!!!! No, they do not HAVE TO!! However, I do believe that they will only because of a conversation that I had with an Iraqi friend of mine whose family still all live in Iraq. He said to me that it will happen.......because of the Iraq pride. Yes pride!!! We all seem to forget that the Dinar was once worth about US$3.22. Then after the invasion (their view) it was reduced to 0.00086 (after some fluctuations). Therefore, it is because of their pride that they will want to see their currency return to its former glory. For many arabs their pride (and their word) is their bond and they will die for this. It is for this reason that I do believe that we will eventually see a very profitable return on this investment. BUT IT WILL NOT BE ON OUR TIME.......IT WILL BE ON THEIR OWN it should be. Be blessed Joe
  24. [OKIE_OIL_MAN] suebuilder--why don't you just sign off my dear Read more: We need to give suebuilder a medal for bravery!! I think she was giving him a little thunder on his comments to which he answered her by saying..... "[OKIE_OIL_MAN] suebuilder--why don't you just sign off my dear" GO suebinder !!!!
  25. when I saw it I thought the same thing......SO I GIVE YOU A +.....JUST TO BRING YA BACK
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