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Everything posted by Rockymtnhi

  1. It's no secret. Iraq struggled to make their budget when oil was $100/brl. Now they are broke.
  2. $45 won't run the country. They couldn't even do it at $100. They didn't RV at $100 either. Getting back there won't produce an RV. The money supply in the trillions is the issue.
  3. A drop in the ocean. They are running deficits. Annual spending exceeds revenue.
  4. Leave the gun manufactures out of it. They are not the cause of violence, it is people. We need our guns to protect oueselves from criminals and governments like the curent one.
  5. This is an invasion pure and simple. Poland has the right idea. They want to form an army of immigrants and send them back to syria to fight to regain their country. Great idea. All European countries should do the same. Send them all back home to fight for their country instead of keeping them and forcing their own citizens into bankruptcy by supporting them. If they keep them they will lose their country and their way of life forever.
  6. Why are all leaders of European and even our own country rushing at max speed to completely destroy their citizens and country by allowing these mad barbarians in. Every leader should be forced to house a couple hundred in their own mansions to feel the full effect. Look at what is already happened to Europe. Read the story about Calais France and how that town has already been destroyed by these muslim immigrants. Go to Pam Geller's website and get educated.
  7. And you know who implemented NAFTA. The Clintons. What nice Americans they are. They both should be run out of town on a rail tared and feathered. If you are sucked in by that yuk yuk crap by Billybob you're the problem just like those two.
  8. Great to see. The only non politically correct candidate in the race. When Hilldigard finally gets indicted Trump will win and overturn everything Obummer has done to destroy America.
  9. Obama is a lair about no other advanced countries having these shootings. Look it up. Obama lies about everything. A well armed country is a safer country. His recent executive orders are illegal and would have done absolutely nothing to have stopped the recent attacks. What would have been safer would have been if everyone in the room in San Bernardino had been carrying. Look at Ft Hood. Soldiers were not allowed to be armed on base so the shooter had no opposition. Obama caused that. Can you imagine a military facility gun free zone!!!! No one allowed to carry their weapons!!! Utter and total BS. Obama was the ultimate killer there. Even Bush made soldiers in the field at times carry unloaded guns. They are the problem, not the armed public.
  10. Wow, can you imagine someone stold a dump truck full of dinar and no one knows who????? Amazing isn't it.
  11. No countries backing off the high production rates. No reason yet for oil to go up.
  12. The French are all running around trying to get guns to protect themselves from the muslim swarms overrunning their country and of course they can't because guns are illegal in France. The same in the UK.
  13. You can thank Obama for their existence. He said they were a jv team and did nothing to stop them. Now see their devastation. Barrack should be hanging in the town square for his defacto support of this evil.
  14. You should go join ISIS and leave the human race. Stop posting your ignorance.
  15. After 5yrs this kind of stuff is so tiring and bogus. Lugi should be banned. Stop posting.
  16. All those Rat B...s need to go to jail for a very long time. We are becoming a police state and no one is standing up to them and stopping this kind of horrific injustice.
  17. Of course they need to sell bonds. Their oil revenue is 40% of what it used to be. They are running a huge deficit.
  18. They are selling gold to raise cash because they are unable to pay their bills. Their only means of revenue is down 60% and they are getting desperate.
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