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Everything posted by gymrat76541

  1. Heyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy, ISIS has lots of $$$$$$$$. Think about all the criminals US banks do business with everyday!
  2. I really do not think that passing the annual budget has any effect on our investment. Of course, not passing a budget in a timely manner does effect the country not in a good way. I await our day in the sun!
  3. I think the Iraqi people prefer dollars because it has much more value. Maybe if they increased the worth of the dinar to the same as the dollar then they could eliminate the use of our money? In the meantime, the government is making money by exchanging dollars to dinars and back into dollars. Why change this system if they are making a profit? I have been on this ride for 11 years and patiently wait for positive change!
  4. That was a wise investment in that young man training! Our military has always made me proud! Just wish Washington valued their service to our nation! I see the new budget and saw all kinds of tax credits for businesses (as usual) but no tax credit for our retired military! Washington talks the talk but does not walk the walk! S A D
  5. They should come in handy pushing ISIS out of Iraq! Russia may succeed to passing America as the number 1 arms dealer in the world?
  6. Please stop asking for predictions - we get too many as it is! LOL
  7. I think the Saudi's flooded the oil market because they could no longer control the price of oil. They were seeking to drive the price per barrel so low that the shale oil companies went out of business, and cause problems for Russia - who did not want to play ball with OPEC. They succeeded in driving the prices down but now their reserve cash is looking gloomy. Russia suffered but they did hang on! One big step they accomplished was to get Iraq to join OPEC. Interesting times ahead. The price of oil has to rebound - question is WHEN?
  8. They were making money with the currency auctions, so why stop? Question of the year?????????? The Iraq people would rather deal in dollars because they do not need a wheel burrow to carry money around. If they went 1 to 1 then the use of the dollar is no longer needed.
  9. Being an Independent - I am really enjoying watching the Republicans this election. Last election I watched them shoot themselves in the foot & thought they might have learned something from the experience - NOT! Trump is entertaining to say the least! The Republicans are so scared right now. They thought he would fade away as the elections went on but he seems to keep right in the front looking back. Cruz - while he does say many things that I agree with; is at heart just a Tea-Party mouth piece. The Tea-Party are a bit too extreme for me. Rubio - Is too illegal Immigrant friendly! Too young & unproven. Too unpredictable, and inexperienced. The sad part of our story is that Hilary MIGHT win! WOW I can not even imagine what she might do! Hard to believe that she has built a career on being the First Lady! I can still remember that she was caught with her hand in the cookie jar when Bill was running for office! LOL
  10. Al-Sadr is always shooting off his mouth. Why are you not fighting against ISIS?
  11. Funny how the leaders always find a safe place to direct their followers to die! LOL
  12. The one fact that makes no sense to me is Shia & Sunni can not get along! To me & most Americans - Muslim is Muslim. The Middle East to a total mess; Shia, Sunni, Kurd, and Christian all want to kill each other!
  13. No problem - No agreement: Pull out every military service member in country. Stop air support and no more supplies! See how the fight against ISIS goes then!
  14. Whoever convinced Obama that killing the leaders of ISIS was a way to defeat them was an idiot. Every military expert in the world has stated that you can not win a war by only using Air Power. Until I see competent troops, planning, and leadership on the ground - we are looking at a prolonged war!
  15. Fact: In order for the Federal government to effectively be pro-active against the terrorist - Many aspects of America liberty must be surrendered. Can anyone see that happening?
  16. Games within games = business as usual in the ME. America is a major player. Arming select rebel groups hoping to unseat Assad. Russia is responding by backing Assad. Obama hides his intentions by telling the American people we are fighting ISIS. Other rebel factions within Syria do not cooperate, but neither do they fight each other very often either! Russia bombs any group fighting against Assad. America is trying to get Russia to only attack ISIS. Turkey has been a player from the start. They are backing ISIS against Assad & against the Kurds. The Russians plane shot down was no mistake! Turkey does not like Russia's support of ISIS & it does not like America's support of the Kurds. Saudi does not like anyone supporting anyone who is not Sunni. America thinks that there are only Muslim's fighting. There are Christian Syrians, Sunni Syrians, Shia Syrians, Kurds, almost every terrorist organization in the Middle East. Plus Turkey, Iran, Saudi, America and Russia. You need a score card to be able to identify who is attacking who every day in Syria. LOL
  17. LOL Adding what you call "PLAN B" to this announcement does NOT make it real! LOL
  18. Saddam understood that the only thing that these tribes understand & respect is absolute dictatorship and domination. Without it they think anything else is weakness! For some reason some people think that everyone desires our type of governance and freedom. It ain't true!
  19. Obama is more interested in supplying arms, ammo & supplies to the rebels fighting against Assad & Russia. He speaks of fighting ISIS but that is really not his goal. Obama wants Russia to stop fighting HIS rebels & concentrate of ISIS. It ain't going to happen! Sometimes I wonder how Washington could have screwed up America's interest in the Middle East so badly!
  20. It really does NOT make sense to me! If you exchange two 25K bills for a 50k bill - yes it does reduce the number of physical bills, but the amount of dinars stays the same.
  21. Can you imagine Trump winning the GOP nomination & Hilary winning the Democratic nomination for 2016? Never been so happy to be Independent. LOL
  22. Turkey only looks out for their own interest - should be dropped from NATO.
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