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Everything posted by elmstreet61

  1. What is? Your forehead?? Yes maybe.....Ah well..just send in Ron Paul...he wil sort them out.
  2. Yup, not only crime... do you know that more people die each year, in the USA, from medical mishaps, hospital and doctor errors...each year...than in the entire Vietnam war? According to Wikipeadia, total Vietnam death count (US military and civilians) was around 59,000 souls lost during the period of 1965 to 1970...and do you recall the HUGE protests?? USA deaths due to hospital error is around 424,000 each year WOW, right? story on CNN....why is that? HERE In Australia: Federal: Medical error rates are still too high Thousands of people are likely to be dying every year as a result of preventable hospital errors, a health economist says. Doctors and academics yesterday called for more funding of hospital programs to examine adverse events (unintended injuries from medical care) after The Age revealed inadequacies in the voluntary reporting system for such incidents at the Royal Children's Hospital. Professor of health economics at Monash University, Jeff Richardson, said that if the last major Australian study to estimate the number of deaths due to preventable adverse events was right, 350 patients were dying every two weeks because of the problem. Professor Richardson said it was astonishing that so little had been done since The Quality in Australian Health Care Study in 1995 estimated about 12,000 Australians were dying each year because of preventable events. ''The issue of adverse events in the Australian health system should dominate all others. However, it would be closer to the truth to describe it as Australia's best kept secret,'' he said. Our prayers are with the families of the 60 Iraqi dead. May God bless them. I trust my post puts it in somewhat of a perspective.'s not a very cheery post....but you know what i mean....
  3. I cannot agree more. It is sad....but every cloud has a silver lining....let us examine the situation and see what opportunities for greatness exist therein. ANd I'll be's getting harder each day to find something made in Aus. I would love the opprtunity to see your part of the world. GO RV, eh? stay well and happy, me mate! Cheers.
  4. i know, mate...thank you for your thoughtful response. It's really appreciated. i did look around my home and could find NOTHING that was made in the do you only supply the world with military?? shot, i know...but back to what i really want to say: some Iranians hate the USA way of life...largely due to their programming. but i bet you that 98% of Iranians could not care for the hostages...more and more false flag operations and dis-information makes me wonder if the hostages were truly taken by actual Iranians...or maybe by agent provocateurs, planted by your CIA in cahoots with Mossad....etc.... it would not surprise me one bit..... your various security organizations have become VERY good at creating boogey-men out of thin air. the idea is to get your people to hate the we lose the odd diplomat or news reporter or's just collateral damage in the eyes of your biggie....that's pretty much the impression we get, about how your CIA and other organizations think...and have done for decades....put on a show and make the people believe there is an enemy....even if there really is no enemy... it is an MO that's been carried out over and over please excuse my suspicions. as i have stated in previous posts...i am NOT anti-American myself.... I know what sublime greatness the USA people are capable of...I'd just like to see that greatness displayed, instead of the really really ugly side of America that has been shown to the world via the Bush family and now through Obama's admin. Go USA!!!!! it makes me weep...knowing the extraordinary potential your people and your country have....but which sadly you are seemingly not permitted to convey to the world or yourselves for that matter. God Richly Bless You all. I mean it. i really do. PEACE. i recall the John Lennon song.... WAR IS OVER.....IF YOU WANT IT......WAR IS OVER NOW. but...your leaders obviously do not want it to be over.....MORE WAR is the loud and clear message the rest of us around the globe are getting from your admin. May be time to change admin, yes? thanks again for your thoughtful response. Bless you C/Shark!!
  5. Nope...I won't be QUIET...btw...that's how you spell it. We used to sell a lot of we sell Uranium to India; steel to China, beef to indonesia...etc..etc... what does USA sell to...well...anyone anymore...? nothin' to sell...heyyyy...start another war...upset more people...coz you got John Wayne's true grit....geez....
  6. A private club...and we ain't in it. BRILLIANT video...I saw this a month or two ago....still my favorite If you say something is not possible...then it won't be possible. If you say something is possible...then it is possible You and I program our about you give RP a chance by believing and acting in favor of his winning. Come on...for real change for the RP stand up to Barry O.....and stay up...we do not want RP shot like they did JFK.
  7. Ok, all of you John Wayne types in here...allow me to give you the other side of this... Iran wants to test its let them and stay out of the way...they are NOT threatening your navy...they are just warning you in a nice way, saying..." hey USA, we're about to do some please give us some room to play with our toys." I reckon that is the spirit of's not an altermatum to a fight....just a reasonable warning to keep clear...ok, so USA...pull your stupid head in and stay clear and let them have a play. Freakin' bullies you lot! Ah, but I forget...your bosses WANT a war with Iran, so they take this warning as a threat...waaaay out of proportion and context. Jeez!!
  8. No brainer really...Ron Paul....who is your pick, Anti?
  9. It's a no brainer... RON PAUL all the way....and as an Aussie...I cannot even vote him through....I wish I could. I emailed his campaign guys and said that if RP doesn't make it to President over your way, that my mates and i will give him a very warm welcome here in Australia. I would say to tose who "don't like his foreign policy" to Let me know what it is you don't like.....Ron Paul will give you a powerful defense force...but will scale back the current world wide offense programs... So a few thousand military people will need to get real what? Ron Pauls trade policies will ensure plenty of great jobs for everyone at that do not include killing lots of nice men women and children with cluster bombs... GO RP GO RV
  10. Thanks for highlighting in RED font...great posts guys and gals!!! You totally made my week!!!
  11. yes it stinks......who's in charge? off with their heads! LOL never lose sight of the fact that on the walls (inside) of your congress room...on the front wall, for all to see...but nobody seems to notice...nobody seems to care......on those walls, you will find at least 2 huge depictions of Fasci you know...those rods all tied together with rope, with an axe head off to one side...that is the same Fasci symbol as used by Hitler and Mussolini those wall "decorations" have been there for a very long time, and they are there to tell you (without words) that your congress and your country has been a fascist state, for as long as those symbols have been up. hey, don't get angry at me!!!! i did not put them there...your leaders did.....there are PLENTY of signs out in public view...that NEVER get a verbal's done on purpose. here's the deal... If they put someting out on public display...and nobody questions or criticizes it...then "they" take that as a sign of public approval. that really IS how it works. long has the USA been a fascist state? and why would you expect anything except corruption and deceit and loss of personal freedoms? they do it slowly but surely. if you place a frog or a toad in hot water, that frog will jump out. if you place the same animal in room temperature water...and then very gradually increase the temperature...the animal will NOt detect the difference and will be boiled to death. You and I are the frogs....and we're expected to just go along long as we cannot clearly detect the turning up of the heat....
  12. says it all, really....thanks for your post, ScrumD Keep up the good work in good faith. the more people awaken, the better.
  13. wow!! really do have a very good taste in music! am i saying that just because it matches mine? well, maybe. A lot of great USA acts about Chris Rea from Newcastle, in the UK? have you explored his stuff yet? he is another one with a very relaxed style, but he is not of a jazz slant...he is more pop-soft rock...or as they call it these days AOR Adult Orientated Rock. Albums to look for (and don't go for the latest remixed iTunes versions...they destroyed his original works...why did he let them??!!): Shamrock Diaries On The Beach (this one has a similar effect on me as does Blue Pacific by M. Franks) Chris Rea (self-titled) Dancing With Strangers enjoy!!
  14. Hi just HAVE to see this video, and please do your bit to spread it far and wide. yes, it's by David Icke, but I promise he does not use any "hippy" tree hugging language in this's all straight ahead common sense good stuff. Stand your ground. dont move out of your home, just because some bank tells you to....David explains WHY. let's overcome the so-called "elite" bullies...and let's make them nervous about us, the people. if the bullies a.k.a. world controllers are the capstone of the pyramyd...then we are the ones at the base of that pyramyd...holding them up and supporting them, yes? so where, in that pyramyd, is the real power?? it is in you and I...the people...the many...the power is not with the few of them....but for centuries now...we've been programmed to give our power away to those few who seek to control more, folks! if we can get ourselves to stop aquiescing to their stop supporting them...their fake and illusional power structure will fall down like a house of cards. enjoy the packs a few serious punches.
  15. Hmmmm. it wasn't al was the real axis of evil... US/UN/UK/Israel and oh boy are they milking it or what??!! Neither Al Quaeda..(if it actually exists...or if it does's not what we are told it is)........ nor ANY Muslim group benefited from 9/11. always follow the money and follow the aftermath....and then ask yourself honestly...who DID benefit from 9/11?? Here's the list of benefactors: 1. The owners of the WTC got a huuuuge insurance payout...and they no longer had to do work on the towers to remove astbestos....a huge job that they were asked to do. 2. the politicians who wanted tighter security controls over the people of theUSA/ UK...everywhere......more control for them...less freedoms for the people...i mean...those horrible radiation blasting airport scanners were just WAITING IN THE WINGS....they were sooo ready to install them, were they not? irradiate the passengers and at the same time subject people to potentially embarrasing x rays...each day, men women and children's genital areas are fully exposed to security God...they are some sick people. 3. obama and his lot are now still milking the 9/11 false flag scam to help them pass new radical and dangerous laws...dangerous for the people, your freedoms and rights. 4. your government and people like Haliburton made huuuuuuuge amounts of $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ from the rebuilding contracts of Kuwait...and now Iraq. and 5. One thing we must never forget...if it was not for 9/11...we would not be on this web forum, right? Just sayin..... and...who the hell is the US district court to make such claims,'s all sooooo bogus.....we can all see it now, yes???? they want WW3 asap...and they will throw the kitchen sink at Iran to make it happen. Extract from the report: "Affidavit of Patrick L. Clawson, PhD Regarding the Relationship Between Various Individuals and Entities and the Government of Iran" HEY!!!!!!!!! What about the relationship between the Bush family and the Bin Laden family, for Gods sake!!!???
  16. A great bit of advice from my Lawyer and close friend.... when you get a substantial windfall, don't do what poor people would do...which is....straight away buy a house and car with that money. do what the RICH people do instead...and that is...NEVER touch your main capital, apart from a bit of "fun" money...ya gotta have fun, right? But as for the bulk of your newfound wealth....keep it in the a high rate of interest and LIVE OFF THE INTEREST!!!! take out an INTEREST ONLY Mortgage for a nice new home and a loan for a nice car...and...make the payments from the interest you earn from the bank. if the world really goes times of dire emergency....then you may want to use your capital to pay off your new mortgage and own the home outright....but if the world and your life are just humming along nicely....use the bank's money, and not your own, to buy "stuff". You may also want to do this....say the RV happens and you now have $3,000,000 in the bank. YIPPEEE!! How about you put 2 million in the bank and live off that interest forever. Put 1 million dollars into a WHOLE LIFE insurance policy...that insurance policy is funded by your million bucks, ok? Now here's where it gets interesting....that kind of insurance policy lets you BORROW money from your account at a VERY LOW interest rate. BRILLIANT!! So you buy a nice home for, say, $600,000 and a car for, say $60,000....if you really wanna spend that much..... so you BORROW the $660,000 from your insurance, say 2% interest (the insurance company gets that interest....but that's ok...) You now make a solemn promise to yourself, to pay your insurance policy back at...5% can figure out what those repayments might be. Why would you do that?? because now...your insurance policy has helped you to become YOUR own are now a bank...writing loans out to yourself...that you faithfully pay back....and the profit you make from paying the EXTRA interest is TAX FREE or at worst TAX DEFERRED!! that's one of the tricks the rich people use...they setup MASSIVE insurance policies for themselves and their families....with money they already have, obviously....and then they just pump a lot of their wealth into those...and use those accounts to write other people...and they become kind of like a private effect....and they reap the benefits of the tax advantages. the IRS cannot accuse them of setting those accounts up "just to avoid tax"...which is argument would be that they actually NEED those insurance policies...and who can argue with that logic? Ya can't. Cool huh?
  17. thanks again for posting about Michael Franks...ESPECIALLY this album.... i bought the cd and put it in my portable cd player...with headphones poolside on a hot day...with a nice beverage....aaaahhhh...the PERFECT CD for that sort of occasion....sooooo relaxing. i highly recommend this CD...especially if you're a little stressed....
  18. i LOVE Michael franks and yes, this album is a bit of a Fave...nice production...and a bit of a departure from the pure Jazz instruments....which he brought back with a vengeance in later albums...phew! "Abandoned Garden" is stunningly beautiful. thanks for posting.
  19. I get the feeling that the "powers that be" are looking for ANY excuse to stir up the middle east...get tensions up and keep them hasten the start of WW 3. so i am expecting to see a lot of, what will be, False flag events from drones 'crashing" in Iran supposedly abducting some government official...bomb blasts in Syria, Libya..Turkey...etc...etc....blowing up churches....that WILL stir up and get support for war...especially from the peace-loving Christians, right? Now of course, Iran is getting more and more chummy with China and Russia...and China is starting to convey messages to USA/ UN / Israel / Britain to the effect of: "Hey guys...mess with Iran...and you mess with us..." but...expect it...coz...that's what the world controllers want to happen. Happy New Year.
  20. ... ONLY IF WE GET OFF OUR ARSES AND MAKE IT SO If we don't, and big-time, we will regret it for the rest of our lives and our children and grandchildren even more so. Hello all ... So we are here at last: the all-singing, all-dancing, world famous, 2012. Is it the end of the world? Or the start of a new one? I say neither. Some of the 2012 hype has become just plain silly and we have probably seen nothing yet. I have been saying since 1990 that we were in the midst of a vibrational change - the result of an information change in the waveform construct of the Universe - which would awaken humanity from its aeons of manipulated slumber. This is now clearly happening as millions upon millions of people worldwide open their minds to another view of self and reality. I had still more confirmation over the Christmas break when I met people I have known for decades who were suddenly 'getting it'. They were 'No, not him or her, they'll never get it' people and yet the solidity of their intellectual-vibrational 'box' is now being breached by the spontaneous 'insight' that they and the world are not what they thought they were. I have no problem, therefore, with the theme of energetic transformation bringing 'five-sense' transformation to human society. I just don't buy the 2012 'Mayan calendar' stuff, or the interpretation of it, that's all. For me, the real significance of 2012 is that it is not 2011. But, then, it is not 2013, either. The energetic/information change that I dubbed the 'Truth Vibrations' in 1990 is not a one-year wonder. It has been easing its way into the information construct of our experienced reality for decades, especially since the 1980s, and it has been increasing its power and influence ever since. First the more awakened were touched by its 'perception check' and now those who were solid gold asleep 20 years ago, even a year ago, are going through the same process of life and reality reassessment. This will continue through 2012 in which the impact will be greater than 2011, but not as great as 2013, 2014, 2015, and 2016. These are the crucial four years that could decide the nature of human society for a long time hence. There is also another potential significance for 2012 - how the Control System could exploit the hype and mystique of 2012 to make it seem like the prophecies about the end of the world are really happening. This brings me to the gathering storm now targeting so many aspects of human life. End of the world??????????? No, it's not ... but that is what they will want us to believe. First among them are the pieces being blatantly moved into place to trigger the long-planned World War III. We are seeing Iran and Pakistan being pushed ever more obviously into the camp of China as they seek protection from the verbal and, in the case of Pakistan, military attacks by the Cabal-controlled NATO and United States. It is more than verbal with Iran, too, with surveillance drones flying in its airspace - one was captured, of course - and American and Israeli assets on the ground seeking to destabilise Iranian society as they have already done in countries like Libya and Syria, and are attempting to do in Russia. The America-Israel-Britain Axis of Evil has been desperate for years to attack Iran, take over the oil assets and occupy its strategic position in Eurasia, the land mass between Europe and China that the Rothschilds and the Illuminati in general want to subjugate and plunder. World War III has long been designed to explode out of the Middle and Near East with a conflict between Israel and parts of the Muslim world that would draw in China and Russia on the Muslim side against the NATO countries which would (naturally) support Israel. The Illuminati have said in their own writings that nothing changes a society more than a war and if you want to fundamentally change global society then a global war must be top of the wishlist. World Wars I and II did just that, but they always planned a third to complete the job of installing their Orwellian state across the world. We have reached the stage now where China is openly offering support to Iran and Pakistan on the basis of 'mess with them and you mess with us'. Russia is getting closer militarily and politically to China and has both deployed a naval presence to the NATO-targeted Syria and test-fired two intercontinental missiles capable of carrying nuclear weapons. Both acts are symbolic warnings to NATO and especially the US government of 'anti-war', Nobel Peace Prize Laureate, Barack Insane Obama. But warnings are worthless when the Cabal demands that something must happen. We should also be aware that much of this posturing is part of the movie orchestrated from behind the scenes to lead the world into another global conflict. China and Russia condemned what happened in Libya, but they could have stopped the NATO slaughter even starting had they voted against resolution 1973 at the UN Security Council. They abstained instead and refused to use their veto. Actions, not words, are what we need to watch no matter which 'side' we are observing, because at the deepest levels there are no 'sides' - only different expressions of the same 'team'. Putin is a puppet ultimately, the same as Obama, Cameron, Merkel, Sarkozy and the Chinese leadership. The desperation of the Cabal to strike against Iran can be seen in the ever more ludicrous excuses to demonise the country in the public mind. We have had the laughable claim about Iranians trying to assassinate the Saudi Arabian Ambassador to the US and this week the alleged connections between Iran and 9/11. Fear, fear, fear. If in doubt and you have nowhere else to go - bring up 9/11. What an insult to those who died that day and lost their loved ones that these sick people exploit those horrific events as an excuse to commit still further horror against more innocent civilians with brown faces. The United States military, with and without NATO, has been engaged in mass murder in country after country since September 11th, 2001 when World War III actually began. It has just not been officially declared yet. All of those countries, Afghanistan, Iraq, Libya, Pakistan, Yemen, Somalia and so on, are all brown or black-skinned countries and so are the others in their gun-sights like Iran and Syria. This systematic devastation of non-white societies is being conducted by nations 'with values' who claim to abhor racism. First of all, the Illuminati bloodline families are the most racist on earth and consider themselves genetically superior to everyone else, and secondly, they have no values, nor even the ability to feel empathy with those they maim, torture, slaughter and destroy. Libya is liberated. I have been trying for so long to get across to people that we are not dealing with just sick and imbalanced human beings who want to hijack all the wealth and power for themselves. The bloodlines behind world events are literally a breed apart from the human mainstream. We are like animals in their eyes and they have no empathy or compassion whatsoever for humans. The suffering they cause, no matter what the scale or magnitude, is of no consequence for them except in the way it advances their goals. In fact, they get enormous sexual pleasure from observing the effect of their daily abominations. This is who we are dealing with and it is time the world realised that. These people have an agenda for total global control on behalf of their hidden non-human masters and the term 'utterly ruthless' does not even begin to describe their methods of achieving it. Nothing is too horrific, no scale of suffering too much. Anything goes. There are no limits. Now, as we walk forth into 2012, they are about to embark on still new levels of human suffering and we need to get off our knees real bloody fast. Look at how far we have already come, or the depths to which we have already sunk. The coldly-engineered global economic crash has produced the biggest transfer of wealth from the many to the few in known human history. Poverty, homelessness, hunger and their consequence in death and disease are absolutely soaring as a result. It was estimated this week that almost a billion people go hungry every day and I would say that figure is on the low side compared with what is actually happening. Hundreds of millions of children are made blind every year by vitamin A deficiency, and malnutrition is a factor in the deaths of half a billion children under the age of five every year. What was once considered a 'Third World' problem is now impacting upon the 'West' with Associated Press reporting that 48 per cent of Americans are now considered low-income or poor, and more than half the children in major US cities are living in poverty. Children in countries like Greece are being abandoned in ever greater numbers and handed over into government 'care' or placed in charity homes as a result of the austerity measures imposed by the International Monetary Fund (IMF) and the European Central Bank (ECB) - both creations of the Rothschild networks. One Greek father, Dimitris Gasparinatos, said he had made a request for four of his children to be taken into care. He said: 'The crisis has killed us. I am ashamed to say but it had got to the point where I couldn't even afford the two euros needed to buy bread. We didn't want to break up the family but we did think it would be easier for them if four of my children were sent to an institution for maybe two or three years.' Ilias Ilioupolis, General Secretary of the civil servants' union, said: 'People are going hungry, families are breaking up, instances are mounting of mothers and fathers no longer being able to bring up their own kids.' It is so heart-breaking to see for those who have a heart to break; but not for those who have worked tirelessly to create this very situation - one they want to mirror in every country. The more they squeeze people financially and marginalise the population from decision-making the more power they have to impose their will and their blueprint for global tyranny. This includes the end of what passes for 'democracy' and its replacement by governments ruled by appointed bureaucrats, 'experts' and bankers. The unelected banker prime ministers in Greece and Italy - both justified by the manipulated economic crisis - are just the start if we go on standing for this. The break-up of families and vast numbers of children losing the protection of parental care also serves another major purpose for these child-abusing, child-sacrificing bloodlines and their hidden masters who have an insatiable desire for ever more children. It has become almost surreal for me these days to see my books of 18 years ago being read, in effect, on the television news - not least in relation to the Orwellian state. The scale of human control in the fake name of 'security' is already shocking and about to get so much worse. Police brutality has become commonplace with the examples getting more and more extreme and outrageous as the goons and thugs in uniform realise that they can do almost whatever they like and get away with it. Why? Because the system wants them to be thugs that intimidate the population into line and it is recruiting personalities with this very aim in mind. 'Are you a psychopath?' 'Yes.' 'Okay, here's your Taser, you got the job.' For goodness sake, we have now reached the point where legislation is passing through the rigged US political 'process' that gives the military the right to arrest anyone, anywhere in the world - including US citizens at home - and hold them indefinitely without charge nor trial. We have already seen in 2011 how an American citizen, Anwar al-Awlaki, born in Denver, was murdered by a strike from an unmanned drone in Yemen after Obama approved his 'targeted killing'. This was done without any evidence being produced, no charge, no trial, nothing. There is now a war like never before against alternative medicine and supplements as part of the plan to massively cull the global population. The same motivation is behind the now constant attacks on organic farmers and growers and even growing food in your own garden. It is being done in the name of 'food safety' when the real reason is to secure a monopoly on food production for the global corporations and their cumulatively-lethal, chemical-infested, genetically-modified shite. How bad does it have to get before millions are on the streets, never mind the thousands that we have seen in the Occupy protests? That is the scale of human response that is now required and not only to protest and go home, but to occupy key locations in the system and peacefully, but vigorously, pursue the engineers of this enslavement like the Rothschilds, Rockefellers, George Soros, Zbigniew Brzezinski and all the rest. They should not be given a moment's peace wherever they go. They are working to enslave all of us and our children and grandchildren to an even greater extent. WHAT ARE WE DOING LEAVING THEM TO GET ON WITH IT?? How come the British royal family, such symbols of the Cabal and what it stands for, can appear in public day after day with not a whimper of protest exposing what they represent? Because there are not enough people aware enough and committed enough to make this and other responses happen. Well, in that case, they should stop moaning about what is going on, then, and stretch out their arms to accept the shackles. They should also look their children and grandchildren in the eyes and tell them why they are doing nothing. I often feel like I am watching a road traffic accident in slow motion, shouting at the guy about to walk in front of a truck, but he tells me he can't hear me because he has got a game show playing on his iPod. Then there is a loud thud - a thud that is coming collectively unless the human response is increased a thousand fold and more. I am sorry that I have to bring this information to light. I wish everything was hunky-dory. But it isn't and we need to face that or else. It is no good digging holes in the sand, crossing fingers and hoping for the best. It is not going to get better unless WE make it better. A message for humanity on this opening day of 2012? Open your mind and open your eyes. Get off your knees and get off your arse. NOW. While you still have the chance.
  21. Hi folks!! Happy 2012 to you all. It is now 5:10 pm here in Australia, on January the 1st ......2012. Have we had an RV yet?!?!?!?!?
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