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Everything posted by bostonangler

  1. Don't take it personal... They still love you Mister Nope, they just don't like truthful statements... It's their way or the negged highway... Take my advise and stay out of the swamp on the political thread, they get vicious down there... B/A
  2. You know I had heard of this mega church but had never really seen anything on it... When I saw the pastor interviewed I had a chill run down my spine. He looks (and that's all I'm saying) he looks demonic. I don't know anything about him, his personal or professional life, but he looked scary. I don't know how else to say it. Personally I sent my donation to a reputable charity, not a mega church with that kind of overhead. It reminds me or Tammy Faye and Jimmy or Oral Roberts.... They simply live too large not to be paying taxes... JMHO B/A
  3. Yesterday I saw an interview with a Democratic congresswoman from Texas talking about the money they need, when the anchor asked why she voted against helping with Sandy, she got mad and didn't want to answer the hard questions... Karma is a *****. B/A
  4. It is amazing these things are still out there. This is one of those stories that will lead to huge conspiracy posts on youtube etc... LOL B/A
  5. As always Jax, thanks for a well thought out and genuine response. I do enjoy reading your words and I agree that we do share a lot in the ideas of independence and individuality. I hope things are good for you and yours and you also have a good day... B/A
  6. How can one stop what has never started? Just saying B/A
  7. Jax I would never pretend to tell you how to think... And politics are not my motivating source. I want America to be it's best. People do indeed have the right to freedom of choice and the free mind to think for themselves. I do not come in here and ask or tell people what they should think. I simply point out the obvious. You say Trump represents the best choice to protect you freedom. He might have been a better choice than the "one world government" mentality of Clinton. But he is not proposing to serve the people as much as he is demonstrating his servitude to his masters, the multinationals. Corporate welfare is not going to help America. As a constitutionalist, I know you support our founding fathers who believed that individuals shouldn't pay the burden of government, but corporations need to carry the load. Somewhere along the way we lost and corporations won. Republicans and Democrats do not support you or me, they support corporations and big government. You are proud of your freedom to make choices as am I. But you have to admit, most Americans have become zombies. They lap up the spoon fed dribble and are afraid to be free. And it is only getting worse. Young people I meet, don't know what freedom is, they do not care about their privacy, and they are addicted to pop culture. I recently asked a high school student who our first president was.. The answer? Abe Lincoln... And what is really sad, when I pointed out the error, there was no shame or embarrassment. The reply was "Who cares". The country we grew up in is gone. History shows there is no going back. People think they can vote us back. They are wrong. People think a revolution will bring us back. They too are wrong. The old ways give way to the new ways and we won't go back. I'm not saying I like it or support it, but that is basic truth. Never again will you have the freedoms we enjoyed when we grew up. The future world is getting smaller and in time there will be a one world mentality. It has been said in time there will be less than 10 corporations that own everything. The way takeovers are happening, I'm beginning to think this is where things are going. I don't think we will live to see it but our great grand kids will live in a vastly different world than you and I. B/A
  8. I can't argue that, except for the fact fanatics on whatever side are just that fanatics. If a supporter of any political leader cannot admit there are flaws, then they are sheeple. Pure and simple. Many people I meet whether left or right refuse to question their leaders. Sad but true. If you as a Trump supporter or any Clinton supporter, or me who voted for the Libertarian candidate, cannot honestly say they can be wrong, then you will always be disappointed. Trump is proven to have many flaws. Clinton has proven to have many flaws. This is why I refused to vote for wither one of them. They did not deserve my most precious right... My vote. Too bad other Americans spend their vote without looking at the character for whom they are voting. B/A
  9. Always... I think that this posting serves us all as a place to vent, and many times I have seen folks here do battle, but in the end there is respect, love and understanding. I don't believe anyone holds ill will or hatred, I think it is mostly frustration. B/A
  10. You do make big assumptions don't you? You have no idea of mine or anyone else's "Strategy". And while I'm at it, I ask you "PLEASE" stop with the insults towards me. I don't not insult you in every post, as you like to do when responding to mine. In fact I have complemented you on more than a few occasions. We can agree to disagree on posted threads, but try taking the high road instead of your low road attempt at bathroom humor... B/A
  11. So much for The Art of the Deal 07/28/2017 Status: Senate amendment rejected More: select a member to see his or her other key health care votes. Yes (49) R Dan Sullivan AK R Richard Shelby AL R John Boozman AR R Tom Cotton AR R Jeff Flake AZ R Cory Gardner CO R Marco Rubio FL R John Isakson GA R David Perdue GA R Joni Ernst IA R Charles Grassley IA R Michael Crapo ID R James Risch ID R Todd Young IN R Jerry Moran KS R Pat Roberts KS R Mitch McConnell KY R Rand Paul KY R Bill Cassidy LA R John Kennedy LA R Roy Blunt MO R Thad Cochran MS R Roger Wicker MS R Steve Daines MT R Richard Burr NC R Thom Tillis NC R John Hoeven ND R Deb Fischer NE R Benjamin Sasse NE R Dean Heller NV R Robert Portman OH R James Inhofe OK R James Lankford OK R Patrick Toomey PA R Lindsey Graham SC R Tim Scott SC R Mike Rounds SD R John Thune SD R Lamar Alexander TN R Bob Corker TN R John Cornyn TX R Ted Cruz TX R Orrin Hatch UT R Mike Lee UT R Ron Johnson WI R Shelley Capito WV R John Barrasso WY R Michael Enzi WY No (51) R Lisa Murkowski AK R John McCain AZ D Dianne Feinstein CA D Kamala Harris CA D Michael Bennet CO D Richard Blumenthal CT D Christopher Murphy CT D Thomas Carper DE D Chris Coons DE D Bill Nelson FL D Mazie Hirono HI D Brian Schatz HI D Tammy Duckworth IL D Richard Durbin IL D Joe Donnelly IN D Edward Markey MA D Elizabeth Warren MA D Benjamin Cardin MD D Chris Van Hollen MD R Susan Collins ME I Angus King ME D Gary Peters MI D Debbie Stabenow MI D Alan Franken MN D Amy Klobuchar MN D Claire McCaskill MO D Jon Tester MT D Heidi Heitkamp ND D Margaret Hassan NH D Jeanne Shaheen NH D Cory Booker NJ D Robert Menéndez NJ D Martin Heinrich NM D Tom Udall NM D C. Cortez Masto NV D Kirsten Gillibrand NY D Charles Schumer NY D Sherrod Brown OH D Jeff Merkley OR D Ron Wyden OR D Robert Casey PA D John Reed RI D Sheldon Whitehouse RI D Timothy Kaine VA D Mark Warner VA D Patrick Leahy VT I Bernard Sanders VT D Maria Cantwell WA D Patty Murray WA D Tammy Baldwin WI D Joe Manchin WV
  12. Clinton, Obummer holdovers..... Ahh not so much 07/26/2017 Status: Senate amendment rejected More: select a member to see his or her other key health care votes. Yes (45) R Dan Sullivan AK R Richard Shelby AL R John Boozman AR R Tom Cotton AR R Jeff Flake AZ R Cory Gardner CO R Marco Rubio FL R John Isakson GA R David Perdue GA R Joni Ernst IA R Charles Grassley IA R Michael Crapo ID R James Risch ID R Todd Young IN R Jerry Moran KS R Pat Roberts KS R Mitch McConnell KY R Rand Paul KY R Bill Cassidy LA R John Kennedy LA R Roy Blunt MO R Thad Cochran MS R Roger Wicker MS R Steve Daines MT R Richard Burr NC R Thom Tillis NC R John Hoeven ND R Deb Fischer NE R Benjamin Sasse NE R James Inhofe OK R James Lankford OK R Patrick Toomey PA R Lindsey Graham SC R Tim Scott SC R Mike Rounds SD R John Thune SD R Bob Corker TN R John Cornyn TX R Ted Cruz TX R Orrin Hatch UT R Mike Lee UT R Ron Johnson WI R John Barrasso WY R Michael Enzi WY No (55) R Lisa Murkowski AK R John McCain AZ D Dianne Feinstein CA D Kamala Harris CA D Michael Bennet CO D Richard Blumenthal CT D Christopher Murphy CT D Thomas Carper DE D Chris Coons DE D Bill Nelson FL D Mazie Hirono HI D Brian Schatz HI D Tammy Duckworth IL D Richard Durbin IL D Joe Donnelly IN D Edward Markey MA D Elizabeth Warren MA D Benjamin Cardin MD D Chris Van Hollen MD R Susan Collins ME I Angus King ME D Gary Peters MI D Debbie Stabenow MI D Alan Franken MN D Amy Klobuchar MN D Claire McCaskill MO D Jon Tester MT D Heidi Heitkamp ND D Margaret Hassan NH D Jeanne Shaheen NH D Cory Booker NJ D Robert Menéndez NJ D Martin Heinrich NM D Tom Udall NM D C. Cortez Masto NV R Dean Heller NV D Kirsten Gillibrand NY D Charles Schumer NY D Sherrod Brown OH R Robert Portman OH D Jeff Merkley OR D Ron Wyden OR D Robert Casey PA D John Reed RI D Sheldon Whitehouse RI R Lamar Alexander TN D Timothy Kaine VA D Mark Warner VA D Patrick Leahy VT I Bernard Sanders VT D Maria Cantwell WA D Patty Murray WA D Tammy Baldwin WI R Shelley Capito WV D Joe Manchin WV
  13. Not everything.......... Go RVvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvv B/A
  14. You're right I should have said worshiping... Come on now Jax... Sheeple applies to all who follow a herd mentality... To follow without question, those on both sides of the aisle fall under that definition. B/A
  15. Following Trump blindly is the definition of Sheeple... He has proven himself to be a liar, an ego-maniac, and out of touch with reality... He takes credit for things in motion before he was elected. He begs Mexico not to say they won't pay because he lied and said they would. He threatens other nations without any thought of the repercussions. He thinks he knows more than his generals. Does anyone really want his finger on the button? You call me reactionary, have you followed your man on a daily basis? Reaction without thought should be his middle name. He is alienating himself from everyone except his shrinking list of supports. B/A
  16. Yeah they were revealed to me to... By Tiger.... Spokesman and Communications Director of the Office of the Minister of Communications, Hazem Mohammad Ali, announced that the ministry will cut off Internet service for the period from 26/8 until 10/9/2017. Ali said in a statement received by the news agency a copy of him that 'the ministry will cut the Internet service for the period from 26/8 to 10/9/2017 from seven to nine in the morning throughout the country except public holidays. He attributed the reason according to the directives of the higher governmental bodies and at the request of the Ministry of Education to perform the student examinations for the second round of the completed stages.
  17. I have dinars, that means I have special needs... Like the need for an RVvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvv!!! B/A
  18. The body count continues.... Soon the prez and his kids will be the only ones left... B/A
  19. Ahhh, The United States of Amnesia. People are going right back to their old habits and policy makers again want to deregulate the banks.... History does indeed repeat itself. B/A
  20. I denounce any hate group... including hateful democrats and or republicans. Don't you agree, or do you support their causes? B/A
  21. Yup I think Trump is a fraud... But you and most everyone else seems to think I support Clinton. I have made it clear on countless occasions I didn't vote her and do not support her. I have said many times, I vote the person not the party. If more people would let go how the heard mentality, we would all be better off. I know people on both sides who would vote for Hitler if he was their party's candidate. Personally I don't subscribe to the sheeple point of view. That means if someone is good or bad I can state my opinion without worrying what my friends will say. You should try it sometime it is rather liberating. B/A
  22. You see BJ there you go again, putting implying this is what I believe. I simply brought over a story because you mentioned competency. Why are "some" right-wings so nutty??? B/A
  23. A group of psychiatrists has written to Congress to warn Donald Trump poses a "clear and present danger" to the world. Among them is Dr Bandy Lee, of Yale University, who is also reportedly consulting with Democratic members of Congress on setting up an expert panel to give advice on the President's mental health. She is concerned by Mr Trump's "dangerousness", Dr Lee told USA Today. The group's letter, sent to members of both parties, said: "It no longer takes a psychiatrist to recognise the alarming patterns of impulsive, reckless, and narcissistic behaviour — regardless of diagnosis — that, in the person of President Trump, put the world at risk. "We now find ourselves in a clear and present danger, especially concerning North Korea and the President’s command of the US nuclear arsenal." It comes after Democrats proposed creating an 11-member, cross-party Oversight Commission on Presidential Capacity which would be responsible for examining the US president’s mental and physical health. First tabled by Maryland congressman Jamie Raskin, and now backed by more than two dozen members of the House, the bill would see Mr Trump or any other US president forced from the Oval Office is he or she is deemed to be mentally or physically unfit for the role. Discussion of Mr Trump's fitness to lead has intensified in the days since his extraordinary address to supporters in Phoenix, Arizona. The President blasted "damned dishonest" journalists and took aim at both the state's Republican senators in a rambling speech, having abandoned his teleprompters. He also revisited his various statements in the wake of far-right violence in Charlottesville, Virginia, reading portions to prove he had condemned white supremacists and had been misrepresented by the media
  24. Felix Sater, one of Donald Trump’s shadiest former business partners, is reportedly preparing for prison time — and he says the president will be joining him behind bars. Sources told The Spectator‘s Paul Wood that Special Counsel Robert Mueller’s deep dive into Trump’s business practices may be yielding results. Trump recently made remarks that could point to a money laundering scheme, Wood reported. “I mean, it’s possible there’s a condo or something, so, you know, I sell a lot of condo units, and somebody from Russia buys a condo, who knows?” the president said. Sater, who has a long history of legal troubles and is cooperating with law enforcement, was one of the major players responsible for selling Trump’s condos to the Russians. And according to Wood’s sources, Sater may have already flipped and given prosecutors the evidence they need to make a case against Trump. For several weeks there have been rumours that Sater is ready to rat again, agreeing to help Mueller. ‘He has told family and friends he knows he and POTUS are going to prison,’ someone talking to Mueller’s investigators informed me. Sater hinted in an interview earlier this month that he may be cooperating with both Mueller’s investigation and congressional probes of Trump. “In about the next 30 to 35 days, I will be the most colourful character you have ever talked about,” Sater told New York Magazine. “Unfortunately, I can’t talk about it now, before it happens. And believe me, it ain’t anything as small as whether or not they’re gonna call me to the Senate committee.” Sater is not the only one rumored confidante to have turned against Trump. An attack on former Trump campaign manager Paul Manafort by the National Enquirer — a friendly outlet for the president — suggests that he may have already turned over damaging evidence to authorities. B/A
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