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Everything posted by RocketDinarest

  1. -" The Iraqi budget for 2011 does not supply the contracts with the amount of money necessary for all the projects outlined pre-RV (can’t pay them at 1170 or .00086 – 1/10 of a penny) – (82.6 billion dinars is not a lot of money pre-RV. Post RV, the new rate of exchange will be sufficient monetary support all of the existing 3500 contracts as per Iraqi Government )" The number you gave for the Iraqi budget suppose to be in dollars not dinars. The budget is about 92 trillion ID, not 82.6 billion ID. GO RV!
  2. First of all this article is 3.5 years old. Second, Shabibi is saying the value of the dinar is not going to get low like previous years, he didn't say it is not going to get better! GO RV
  3. Well I am almost positive that when everyone in here got in the iraqi dinar investment, did so knowing that the return could either skyrocket and pay huge, or worst case scenario break even, or very minimal loss, as long as you don't invest more than you can afford to lose (just like any other investment if not better). So noone got carried away, or over excited to be on a blood pressure medicine. However, when they pull the trigger on that freaking RV I know I will be on a blood pressure medecine. So bring on that blood pressure medecine!!!
  4. Some people amaze me with their large imaginations, and their ability to create stories. Those people should forget about the dinar investment and start writing novels! GO RV!!!!!
  5. It is going to RV, and hopefully the returns are going to be execllent. However, I personally think it is going to be a while yet. So be patient, and as my grandpa used to say :" Patience is the key to success". GO RV!!
  6. About freaking time! Form that damn government, and let's RV!!!!!!!!!
  7. Thanks for the article, sounds good. However, instead of giving the people a free kilowatt of energy, I think it would be much better, if they move their behinds and improve the economy, create jobs for their people, or make their currency worth something, so their people and us can afford to pay our electricity bills, and much more! GO RV!!
  8. I will give a summary, and a direct to the point translation (not a word for word translation). Basically the CBI is denying the false news about " a powerful force pressuring the CBI to listen to the GOI". Then the CBI is saying to "whom it may concern" we know our jobs, and our duties, and we know what we are doing for the best intrest of Iraq, and we don't need anyone to tell us what to do. I hope that helped clarified the matter a bit! Come on CBI screw all of them let's RV!!!!!!
  9. I just read the CBI artcile in Arabic (which is by the way my native language). The article says nothing about introducing new currency, it was listing the duties of the CBI which one of them is "the issuance of currency"! I think whoever translated it, translated it wrong. GO RV!!
  10. Thank you for the post Doc. I also give my deepest condolences for the families of the victims of the barbaric attack in AZ. God Bless!
  11. I don't think we should be concerned about Moqtada Al Sadr returning to Iraq, because he doesn't have that big of an influence in Iraq anymore (which I never thought he did to begin with). When the big key players in Iraq decide on something, Moqtada has to agree because he has no other choice. After all, if the US didn't give him the green light to comeback he would've never came back, and the deal is:" you can come back to your homeland, but you go but what we say!!! Personal Opinion.
  12. If that is the case..... That dude is making some serious money! Good for him. COME ON MALIKI PULL THE TRIGGER DUDE!!! LET'S RV.
  13. I believe Possum as much as I believe Mohamad Said Alssahhaf ( that is the guy in Possum's profile picture). I am sure most of us remember Mohamad Said Alssahhaf from "Operation Iraqi Freedom". He was one of Saddam's ministers, who was always on TV during the war, talking about how the iraqi army is defeating the US army (the reality was the otherway around ofcourse). I think he was rated the #1 liar in history!!!
  14. I think that is an Iraqi "Craig's List" Ad that is a scam!
  15. When I logged on this morning, that article on yahoo caught my attention, and the first thing that came to my mind :" Another smoke bomb for us Dinar investors". Don't you think???
  16. That was the lamest, weakest, silliest interview I saw in my life. The guy so called "financial advisor/analyst" used a few words to bash the dinar investment, without giving a solid proof to back his non sense statments. So basically the dinar investment is a scam just because he says so. What a joke, and they call that an interview!!!!
  17. [Kurdish deputy: Impossible for Nouri Al Maliki to form a government in one month. Hi People I am a new kid on this block. I think this guy is full of it. The forming of a government is coming sooner than he thinks, it is a done deal between the "Big Players", and the major factions in Iraq!
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