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Everything posted by sheepdog

  1. GP, Thank you for taking the time sending us this info. I always appreciate the true & practical opinions of people.
  2. I Believe The IQD Will RV Because..... I bought some dinar. Why else would I buy it?
  3. Signed by the parliamentary Finance Committee Haitham Jubouri currency to be replaced by deleting three zeros from the end of 2013. Does this statement mean it be necessary to complete phase 3 of deleting the zeros in 2013 before an RV can take place??? Read more:
  4. Tim5400, I agree with what you said here. I was wondering the same thing. Why aren't we hearing from Shabibi while all this commotion is going on?
  5. thanks for posting. Did you listen to it? Was there some good/hopeful news in this 2 hour conference?
  6. There have been a few of articles printed from time to time, one as recent as last week posted on DV stating the banks are not anywhere near ready for the dinar revaluation.I think it's going to be awhile,maybe a few years yet.
  7. thank you for this prayer Delta 22, we are always hopeful.
  8. Posted 28 November 2011 - 05:42 PM [/url]storm1, on 28 November 2011 - 03:35 PM, said: im going with 2013, the banks arent near ready for a v easyrider: I don't think storm1 is that far off with his prediction of 2013. Didn't Shabibi say at the Jackson Hole, WY financial meeting in Sept 2011 that the banking system would need a few years to educate and train people how handle the new dinar exchange rate to be used around the world? Read more:
  9. well if Shabbs find the time to come in on a DV chat, it would be exciting. However, would we know what to believe no matter what Shabbs said? He's a chest player. He's not going to show his hand to us. Adam says he doesn't believe a word Shabbs says so what would be the point in having him on DV for a chat?
  10. delta22; This idea may not ever happen, but it should for awhile until the US gets it's fiscal house in order. Charity begins at home.
  11. krome2ez: good article & worth reading, thanks for posting. I learned a lot form the info stated here.
  12. What else is behind the delay of the “RV”? and “What’s Really Behind the Iraqi Dinar Revaluation?” 2011-10-01 20:42:18 SEPTEMBER 28TH, 2011 08:50 AM One very significant thing that most who have purchased Iraqi Dinar have not been told, not considering, or factor into all the delays –it has been stated that there are at least 123, and as many as 153, other countries which are to have their currencies revalued at the same time as the Iraqi Dinar. Coordinating such an event, and working to have those countries agree to having their currencies manipulated for the sake of “world commerce” (and to help rejuvenate the world financial system), doesn’t happen “overnight”, and takes a significant amount of work, time, and cooperation, to complete such an event –which may be unprecedented in world history. That the “RV” hasn’t happened, seems to some who doubt the validity of Foreign Currency exchanging to support their thoughts, and cast doubt on those who have purchased Iraqi Dinar. Those who doubt the validity of this, and think it is a “scam”, have primarily looked for what might support their assumptions, and not obtained or “weighed” all the evidence. Read More Link on Right What’s Really Behind this Dinar Revaluation?The Babylonian system intends to use this to infuse a huge amount of cash into its near-collapsed world-wide banking system. Essentially, they are monetizing Iraq’s natural resources–that is, they are printing up debt notes (thought to be money) to sell the Iraqi’s oil and natural gas that is yet in the ground.I believe that this was the plan of the bankers and oil companies from the beginning. Trick Saddam Hussein into attacking Kuwait so that there was an excuse to put Iraq under UN Sanctions. Then there would be a two-pronged attack on Iraq: the first by militarily taking over the country, and the second by financially taking over the country’s natural assets (oil and gas).The military phase is finished, for all practical purposes. Once “stability” is established, then Phase II can occur. “The Fed” has reportedly bought about $7 trillion Iraqi dinar at low, low prices–probably no more than $2-3 billion in all, and when the Iraqi Dinar is revalued, “the Fed” (or rather those who own the banks that own the Fed) has incentive to push for a high rate of exchange in order to increase its profit. Secondly, apparently, “the Fed” has “agreed” not to dump Iraq’s Dinar on Iraq all at once, but to use them to purchase oil at a predetermined low rate of about $40 per barrel (some have stated the price to the US is to be no more than $32 per barrel –but who or what is meant by “the US”?). With the price of oil now about $90 per barrel, this means that the Fed’s Iraqi Dinars–whatever the revalued rate turns out to be–will be worth at least double to them than what the Dinar will be for us in actual purchasing power.If the revaluation comes in at, say, $5/dinar, then the Fed’s $7 trillion worth of Dinar would be worth $35 trillion toward the purchase of Iraqi oil and gas. And,they will get to purchase Iraq’s natural resources at a low, low rate, essentially doubling the purchase power of their Dinar to the equivalent of $70 trillion or more.Hence, for a mere 2-3 billion dollars (of their own Federal Reserve Notes?), “the Fed” has by its plan, mortgaged Iraq’s entire wealth in the ground for the next century. The cost of securing these resources militarily cost them nothing, because the US Treasury paid the troops to do their work for them. The US Treasury paid for it by borrowing more “money” (Federal Reserve Notes) from “the Fed”, which was created for “the Fed” at a cost of nothing to them, and then loaned to the US Government –plus interest. I deplore this plot against Iraq, but, I understand certain men have been doing such things for a long, long time, and America too, has been a victim of the same kind of takeover by monetary manipulation. Such is the nature of the beast of Babylon. Some may ask, then why we should participate in the plot by buying Iraqi Dinar? First, there are supposedly about 3 million American “little guys” who have only purchased about $1.6 trillion Iraqi Dinar. Most other nations (if not all) have laws prohibiting the sale of Iraqi Dinar within their countries. “The Fed” has succeeded in limiting these sales to Americans (by publicizing it is a scam, along with banks that do not want their employees to become millionaires and quit their jobs –which the bank trained them to do), not because they like us so much, but because when we “cash in” the revalued Iraqi dinars at the bank (exchange Dinar for bank credits or Federal Reserve Notes), the dinars make their way to the bank vaults of “the Fed”! “The Fed” pays the banks for the Dinar with Federal Reserve Notes or credits, but these Dinar are worth at least twice as much to “the Fed” in purchasing Iraqi oil and gas (which is then sold to whom…for what price?). So, those who own the banks that own “the Fed” are using us (Americans) to legitimize their plan to enhance their balance sheets. So much for the plans “of mice and men”. The real question is: What is God’s Divine Plan in all of this? When we look at the prophetic history of Babylon and see Iraq as a type of Babylon, the plan unfolds perfectly. When the kings of the East conquered Babylon in the days of Daniel, they first diverted the Euphrates River and then walked into the city on the dry river bed. They killed the king (Belshazzar), and the city fell to them intact. The drying up of the Euphrates is mentioned in Isaiah 44, as well as in Revelation 16, where it is pictured as part of the prophetic sequence of events. The Euphrates is the life blood of Babylon, and it prophetically represents the life blood of modern Mystery Babylon. That life blood is MONEY. It is cash flow –liquidity, is the river current (currency).When the Iraqi dinar revalues, it is prophetic of the diversion of the Euphrates before the fall of Babylon–i.e., the “type” of Babylon, which is Iraq today. We will have a short time in which to cash in/exchange dinars before “the city falls”. I do not suggest holding on to Iraqi Dinar while awaiting an increase in their value. Let “the Fed” do that, because their greed will be their downfall.Iraq‘s Prime Minister is Mr. Maliki. The Hebrew word for “king” is Melek. It appears to me that Maliki is prophetically representing the “king of Babylon,” or Belshazzar of old. It appears to me that Mr. Maliki will be overthrown at some point, more likely killed (assassinated), and that this will enflame the entire country in a civil war. The nation will split into three parts, as Revelation 16 indicates.Iraq is already politically and religiously divided into three parts, and it is presently taking “a lot of glue” to hold them together. I believe that an assassination would split the nation into three parts along those natural fault lines. When this happens, none of those three pieces will honor the present Dinar but will begin printing their own currencies.“The Fed” will then be caught with close to $9 trillion “confederate” Iraqi Dinar that will be as the worthless pieces of paper they once were. That, I believe, will cause the final collapse of Mystery Babylon - in the bigger picture. In other words, the “type” (Iraq) will be a regional picture of a much bigger collapse of the entire Babylonian worldwide system.This is my opinion and understanding of the prophecies in Scripture. As always, I may be wrong, but this is how I see it working out. The final outcome of the great conspiracy of “the Fed” against Iraq will backfire because they do not know that God is running a counter-conspiracy to catch them in their own trap I believe that God is going to use this situation to help fund the Kingdom. There will be a short window of opportunity that may only last a few months or a year. So, if you find yourselves with Iraqi Dinar that are worth something, do not plan to hold on to it hoping it will increase in value or as you might if it were “precious metal”. Use it to help build the Kingdom and to prepare for the overthrow of “that great City”. Use the money to buy things of real value that will be useful in the times ahead, so that you will be part of the solution, rather than be destroyed along with what has been the problem.
  13. luigi1, you got that one right, It won't be MaliKi who pulls the trigger. It's Shabibi!
  14. brokenomore, No the IRS does not collect at cash-in. You pay your taxes owed on your declared income/investments on the next tax return. The % of taxes owed could be on ordinary income of the tax year you are filing a return for.
  15. I do not believe "O" has that much influence on the decision to RV now or later. If it was, it would have been done by now. I think "O" knows to get re-elected, he needs to give this economy a boost and he would do anything in his power to do it. I believe there are a bunch of other major factors involved and it's gonna be a really big deal to get the Iraqi dinar to revalue.
  16. I don't know if this is of any significance to the dinar RV, but here is some info you might be interested in A couple of days ago I told you how Apple is now accepting payment in China’s yuan for purchased iTunes music and applications. And now the Chicago Mercantile Exchange (CME), the world’s largest trading exchange, just announced that it will begin accepting margin deposits in China’s currency! If these aren’t signs of the rapid emergence of China’s currency onto the international stage, I don’t know what are. Thing is, you’re bound to see and hear a lot more about China’s currency in the weeks ahead. You see, China’s currency is becoming more and more of an international player in its own right, simply because of the strength of China’s economy. Meanwhile here in the United States, nearly every central banker and politician you can name, including President Obama, is virtually working overtime to make China’s currency even stronger! Why? Because the simple truth of the matter is that our leaders in Washington want the value of China’s currency to go UP — and the value of the U.S. dollar to go DOWN — because that’s how our leaders think they can pay off the mountain of debts they’ve created, with cheaper dollars! Of course, the powers that be in Washington (and most of those now seeking power for 2012) will never admit that they want to devalue the U.S. dollar. The American people would virtually accuse them of treason. And understandably so! But as I’ve been telling you all along, Washington wants the value of the dollar to fall so that they can pay off all the debts they’ve racked up — including all the benefits promised to you in Social Security, Medicare, pensions and more — but with cheaper dollars. Effectively robbing you of your wealth. So yes, you are going to hear a lot more about China’s rising currency in the weeks ahead. And conversely, the weakening U.S. dollar. There is no question about it. Which is precisely why I also believe it is absolutely critical that you view my video on the subject. Just follow it to its logical conclusion, and I’m sure you’ll want to then request the six free profit guides that I’ve designed to help you protect and grow your wealth. Don’t delay. Apple sees the handwriting on the wall. So does the largest trading exchange in the world. So should you. You can view the video now by clicking here. Best wishes, Larry Edelson
  17. I won't be able to listen to G. Beck's show. I would appreciate it if someone would be willing to let those of us know that are unavailable to listen, tell us what he talked about.Thank you.
  18. I"m in, I would like to go to Vegas and meet all the darians on here.Don't forget looKing in to seeing some of the shows.They are wonderful.
  19. dinarslave: I like Bondlady. Thank you for standing up & defending Bondlady. I agree with you. She spends her time to do the research and brings her info to us to read. We can decide for ourselves if her info is credible or not. I believe Bondlady's info is as credible as anyone elses.
  20. I don't know how anyone would know this ?? Originally Posted by FREEWAY BILL I can absolutely understand why people can get frustrated with hearing "any hour, minute or day" over and over. Well, here goes...Nobody wants to hear about O's part in keeping your money away from you, but it has happened 5 times that I know of! Because I am not, and never have been an Obama fan, I get verbally chastised when I bring this up, but you ask...The UST has had control of putting in the codes for all 133 currencies. Obama pulled them off before they got finished in a bargaining issue of the timing that Obama wanted this to come out which would be at HIS time that suited HIM the best. China, Shabibi and the IMF went nuts! They threatened the World Court on him if he did not finish it and he promised to go back and do it right this time. The UST was under lock down to get this done. The night before Thanksgiving, he tried it again, but this time the work was further along. At this time, one of two things has happened. Either the IMF took it over and sent it to the BIS (Bank of International Settlements) in Switzerland and it is getting finished there OR O has realized that he, indeed was not elected King of the World and does have to answer to higher powers when he is told to get something done and got it finished today. Either way, it appears from all that we are hearing that it is finished and is ready to be activated...(This is good news) The rest should be seen before Sunday night and then we will see the RV. As for Obama, the very thing he campaigned about was that the Republican Presidency had alienated the entire World over the past 8 years prior to him being elected (under Bush). Well, let me tell you, hold off the economic recovery of 133 countries at one time and see how many allies you will have when this is over...With all due and undue respect to our President, he may not be guilty of being shifty, he just may not have read the handbook on his power or lack of as President of the United States. So bash away at me O lovers, but the truth is hard to swallow once you have put all of your faith in someone who has failed to accomplish anything he promised after 3 years. I LOVE THIS COUNTRY and EVERYONE IN IT! I VOTE FOR THE BEST PERSON FOR THE JOB! All of what I have stated will come to the light after the RV is will see
  21. wow, what a brave soldier. May he resat in peace.
  22. now that's funny. Happy T-day!
  23. Alex36: What does this video say? I can't watch them on my computer.I would appreciate it if you would tell me briefly what Breitling's message is. Thank you
  24. I don't have speakers on my computer. briefly, Anyone? what did the youtube video say? thanksany & all
  25. I read articles from the Daily Crux. Today the Daily Crux ran an article stating the Muslim population growing by leaps & bounds in many aears of our country. Some judges are now allowing Sharira Law rulings in our court systems. Muslims are pushing for Sharira Law to become part of our Constiution.
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