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Everything posted by Rochester

  1. ......well, if I'm gonna just sit here, reading posts, I may as well open a bottle.....
  2. Also Japan. I forgot about Japan. Should be on list, of countries with more money than the Big 4. They have more money than the big 4
  3. Very, very interesting speculation LGD. You might be right. Time will tell. What I do know, that seems to support your opinion: I heard President Trump the other day on Newsmax interview with Sean Spicer, talking about Amazon wrecking so many American stores and small businesses. Trump is thinking about doing something about that, as it's wrecking the American middle class. Eleven minutes, twenty seconds in, Trump talks about Amazon. video below Also I have watched Professor Scott Galloway, a business professor at New York University. Scott talks about "The Big 4"....Amazon, Google, Facebook and Apple Computer. He says the "Big 4" combined, have more money than almost all countries in the world. More money than Russia. More money than Canada. The only countries in the world with more money are the U.S., China, Germany, the U.K., France and India. video below And they are expected to go past India, this year. Eleven minutes twenty seconds in, Trump talks about Amazon: Thirteen Minutes, forty nine seconds in, Scott talks about how much money Amazon has:
  4. Thanks to Adam. Thanks to everyone who bring news feeds. We all benefit from your steady work.
  5. Iraq can hurt OPEC members financially, by ramping up it's oil...which would lower the price of oil for all. OPEC have to cooperate to some degree, they have to let Iraq prosper, or Iraq could hurt them by ramping up oil production, driving down prices of oil. Iraq needs it's fair share of money, needs to share in the oil prosperity...or else. This means a higher value for the Dinar....imo
  6. Dear Mr. President Trump, I heard you say you are going to spend money on an RV. That sounds like a great idea. Make a deal with Iraq, then spend money on an RV of their Dinar. Thanks a million. Sincerely, Rochester...who lives near that mountain in the picture with the RV
  7. I really like that Sofa. Go RV Go Sofa Go Chesterfield, if you are Canadian Go Hammock, if you are Hammock Boy 😂😂😂😂
  8. I went to look at a nice house to buy the other day.I really like Cuban cigars. But be careful if you are in Cuba, buy them off a reputable dealer. The guys in the street will sell you dried up banana leaves. Is this banana leaves? Or fine Cuban cigars?
  9. My two cents: I've followed this saga for over a decade. For what it's worth I think Adam's summary is 100% accurate. I'm quite positive on the Iraq Dinar. This is going to work. As the saying goes "Suddenly"
  10. Thanks for your comment, no I've never been in the military. That's why I used the wrong word. Didn't know. Yeah I knew a few army guys. A lot of people are like me, they never served, but find a lot of it very interesting. Like most kids in the days of black and white TV, I played Army as a kid.... Army life must be a hell of an interesting life. I knew a guy who served overseas as a Canadian Peace Keeper....he has lots of stories. Lots of stories over beers and BBQ. His dad was WWII vet, at Normandy I think...told me a story I'll never forget. I think being in the army, it goes with the way of life, that lots of crazy stuff must happen, so you must have to develop a hell of a sense of humor, to survive. I've wished a time or two, that I had chosen such a path in life. When I read your comment, the movie that leaped to mind, was "The Dirty Dozen". Classic movie, amazing cast. I hope I have "cracked the code"....we'll see All the best to you and yours.... “
  11. There is supposed to be a big conference, on the future of Iraq, in June. The fact that America is pulling out of some bases tells me an agreement has been reached already. An Agreement on what? The thing about these big conferences is all the work is usually done before hand, behind the scenes. Often the actual conference, the signing of things, is just for show. One of the things I wonder about, is the future of the American military presence in Kurdistan. The Kurds are quite unusual, among the Muslim world. Kurds actually LIKE Americans. They would welcome an American base, if they had their way. That's something the late writer Christopher Hitchens used to talk about. Could it be that an American base will be left there? We'll find out. The Kurds would like that outcome, the Iranians would hate that, the Iraqi Shiites would oppose that. Retreating all American forces to Kuwait is another option. It's only a couple of hours drive by tank, to re-invade, if need be. Will Iraq pay for the American bases? Was Trump right? Will a financial deal be worked out, where China gets to help Iraq develop, gets Iraq oil, but the Iraqi Dinar is supported by Chinese money, so Iraq gets rich and America gets to cash in it's Iraqi Dinar at some pay for the war and pay for the bases? That's the deal I would like to see....I'm sure President Trump would like to see, but I have no clue what's going on, behind the scene. We'll see what happens... Go RV Go final agreements Go Prosperity for Iraq My suspicion is, for better or worse, the deal leading to the RV has already happened. That's why we are seeing American military bases being turned over. I could be wrong, it's just my guess... Go Soon
  12. Thanks, that's at "Lake Louise", just down the road. It's very similar to Colorado. Singer John Denver loved it too, wrote a song about the Canadian Rockies, just north of here. I hope you make the trip. Sorry your friend didn't make it to the end.
  13. My two cents America does not need Iraqi oil to run it's economy. They are staying in the ME for their own strategic interests, protecting our friends and allies like Israel and SA and keeping up, the value of the American dollar. The stark basic political and economic reality: The Chinese desperately need ME oil, or they have no economy. It will be America that decides who gets the oil, not the Chinese. America needs to retain global leadership and that means controlling access to oil in Iraq. That means China does not get access to oil if America does not want them to have it. Trump has no intention of letting China run the world. There is a big conference in June regarding the shape of the ME. Trump likes to "shake up the box" and re-arrange all the pieces. That's his style, for solving problems. He is clever and knows that things don't usually change unless there is a crisis, unless there is a set of conditions that get everyone to re-think their basic assumptions. We are in such a global period, due to Covid-19. It brought in plunging oil prices, it has Iran backed into a corner. Rats are dangerous when cornered, but this will be just fine. Lately Iraq has been begging Iran's enemies, like SA, for money. This is because Iran is so weak they cannot lend money to their friend and lackey Iraq. This is all a sign that low oil prices and Trump's policy of hurting the Iranian economy are working brilliantly. This is essential to our victory. Be patient people, the news is all good from our perspective, since the terrible China virus started stalking the world. Desperation and politics makes strange bedfellows. World political alliances are shifting, a new Cold War with China is emerging, everything is changing. We who invested in the Iraqi Dinar are in the strongest position we have ever been, by far. The box is being shaken up, things are changing. Stay strong, America. The world needs you, more than ever! I have my gaps in knowledge about what is going on in the ME, I don't know everything, many here know a lot more than I do, but as a long term watcher of the situation, I am more excited, more happy about how things are going in this investment, the general trend of events, than I have been since I bought my Dinar, over ten years ago. ...Things really are, going our way. The news is great for us, lately. My prediction: This is going to turn out, just fine, for us. Just fine. One caveat to my prediction: If Joe Biden gets in, we're all screwed. Or if Biden is replaced and the Democrats win, all bets are off. The success of this investment depends on Trump being re-elected. Period. If Americans are so foolish as to let the Democrats win, it's likely that America's days as the global super-power will end very, very quickly and America will begin down the road to becoming a province of China, controlled by the Chinese Communist government. My granddad was right. Life really IS, a rodeo...Buckle up cowboys and cowgirls.... Enjoy your great country, take a drive this summer Or if you prefer, head North, visit my back yard. At the bottom of the snow, high up in the mountain on the right, there is a nice Swiss style tea house, where you can hike to, get a bowl of home made soup and a sandwich....
  14. Where is the dog that didn't bark? use an old Sherlock Holmes cliche What I mean is, sure Iraq has decided to stop importing gas and electricity from Iran. Sure that's a big big deal. Sure it hurts Iran. Sure it strengthens Iraq. Sure it weakens the hold that Iran had over the government of Iraq. Sure, chopping off 🪓a major income stream 💲 to the Trollatollahs 👳‍♂️...who run Iran is great.... However, the dog that didn't bark is that the Iraq government would never do this, unless they had another reliable supplier. They would never put themselves and their economy at risk, if there was no other reliable supplier. Maybe I missed it, but who is guaranteeing Iraq's gas and electricity now? 😺...where is that dog?
  15. What I learned from this video: Joe Biden is going to beat Joe Biden. Let's all help Joe Biden, to defeat Joe Biden this fall.
  16. Billy Joel the singer is involved in Iraq politics? 😄...must be the beer I just had...
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