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Everything posted by 20MillionDinar

  1. My personal opinion is that all of these so called "Gurus" are getting their information from each other and/or from each other's "sources" which is why their information matches. Some of the "gurus" may have good intentions, others may have a big ego and love the fact that they have a following of people who hang on to every word they say, and then there are the "gurus" who are possibly there to "*pump" up the sales for some of the dealers. *However, I never did understand how somebody could "pump" sales if they don't promote a particular currency dealer. Yes people might buy from things they hear, but how do you direct them to one particular dealer? I always wondered that...
  2. Darin I have to say that during the past few weeks I have enjoyed reading your posts more than anybody else's on this site. Logic, common sense, and positivity are key factors. Also, you know how to carry on a conversation/debate and still remain polite with the other party. I am not looking to fly high in the clouds in a millionaires dream, or believe anything that somebody says just because I want to hear it. Keep up the good work my friend.
  3. Sounds like Med is a SPAZ! Everything in the above chat could have been said in a matter of 3-4 sentences. Also, USAID is not a U.S. based company, it is a government agency...
  4. Managed Trading Accounts (brief overview) It’s important that you understand something here: no stock broker or financial advisor cares about your hard earned money like you do. We’re all currently living in the perfect economic storm and there’s a good chance that you’re going to get screwed if you haven’t yet taken your financial matters into your own hands. The solution to not only surviving, but prospering in these challenging economic times, is to take steps towards becoming more self-reliant. The first key in that process is to adopt the proper mindset and then seek out those who can help you get the results you’re looking for. However, accomplishing this is easier said than done... especially when you’re dealing with a financial industry that’s incredibly full of B.S., hype, manipulation, and lies. It shouldn’t be any wonder that so many investors are confused – it’s by design. In fact, there’s a very concerted effort to keep you in the dark so that you’ll never figure out your finances, and you’ll have no other choice but to hire a professional to help you. Most people never create wealth in their lifetime because they spend the majority of their lives being seduced into following the dangerous “advice” of the bought-and-paid-for cronies in the media... or ‘shocking’ headlines on websites like or Only a very small percentage of the population knows that many Wall Street investment banks operate almost in the form of a syndicate – a method of operation to trick, manipulate, and separate the majority from their money. These vultures use all kinds of stealthy fear-driven tactics to divert and distract you from what’s really going on in the markets. The Growing Popularity of Managed Trading Accounts Managed account programs have taken off in popularity over the last few years, with many providers offering solutions that have dramatically reduced the risk of fraudulent transactions. Investing through managed account programs certainly provides lots of advantages over direct fund investing, particularly when it comes to transparency, ownership and liquidity. However, it’s crucial for investors to fully understand the potential positive or negative impact these programs can have on their investment portfolios. Now, it should come as no surprise to anyone reading this that every investment vehicle –no matter how automated or “hands-free” it is – requires a certain base level understanding of how it works. So, in case you’re not already familiar with this kind of terminology, a managed account is an arrangement whereby a trading firm (or individual trader) trades your account for you on auto-pilot, and in return, they take a percentage of the monthly profits they earn you. It’s a fair system, because they generally only make money if you do. Transparency and liquidity A major benefit of having a managed account is its increased transparency and liquidity compared to other alternative investment products like hedge funds, which pool investors’ money together. In other words, managed accounts – at least the genuine ones – don’t operate as a “secret institution” where your capital could be locked up for months and transparency is often limited to just monthly paper statements. Account funds in managed trading accounts are segregated and not comingled or “pooled” together. This means your money always stays in your account and under your control. Furthermore, a bona fide managed account is established in your name (or business name) and all or part of your funds can be redeemed within a few business days via bank wire (as long as they’re not in trade). So there’s a high degree of liquidity here that’s not found in other IVs. How does it work? Once you open and fund a live account with a trading firm, the fund manager/trader will usually use what’s called a PAMM, LAMM, or MAM System to automatically tie your account to the trader’s master account. PAMM stands for Percentage Allocation Management Module. It’s a technical software solution provided by the broker that allows the creation of an unlimited number of Investors’ Accounts under one “Master Account” (or Manager Account). The funds from all clients and the Master Account are traded as one unit, and the PAMM software distributes gains, losses and fees on an equal percentage basis. In other words, all accounts obtain the same percentage returns regardless of their size. LAMM stands for Lot Allocation Management Module and allows the trader to allocate different trade lots to each investor’s account. This allows the trader to have the flexibility to use different leverages for different types of investors. **Not my work, but I wanted to share with you folks a brief overview of what a MTA is and the benefits it can provide versus trying to trade yourself. Aren't we shooting for Passive Income in the long run? If you are trying to learn to "day trade" yourself then kudos to you. But doesn't that now becomes your job and is not considered an investment? If you don't work you don't earn... Hope you enjoyed the info, and again, this is not my work.
  5. I am pretty sure Nigeria took off 2 zeros from their currency back in 2007 making an old 100 Naira note worth 1 New Naira.
  6. Take this crap somewhere else. Our government officials are screwing us over in every way possible! If you can't see this then you are blind. Turn the other cheek right?
  7. From what Ali says on his website it looks as though he ceased selling any currencies for personal/family reasons. Plenty of people have been speculating as to what the real reason is. Problem is, we will never know assuming it is a different reason then what he has provided us. So it doesn't really matter, all that matters is Ali isn't selling or buying any foreign currency. There have been quite a few articles posted during the past few days so if you want to dig deeper feel free my friend.
  8. Some people don't have their tents setup right in front of their computer 24/7 if you know what I mean. Think about it, what if somebody was away for hmmm... let's say the past 4 days. They wouldn't know what's going on with Ali at Dinar Trade! Ever thought about that?
  9. The Chicago Mercantile Exchange Group raised margin requirements for the 5,000-ounce COMEX silver futures, increasing the cost of trading the metal. Higher margin requirements, or the money needed to put up to trade silver, ignited wholesale selling of the metal that started on Monday and has shown little sign of abating. This is the 3rd time they have raised Margin requirements in just this past week alone! Not too many of the small players are able to play anymore.. nvestors also scrambled out of physical silver, as reflected by the 15.3-million-ounce fall on Thursday in holdings of metal in global ETFs, with the world's largest, the iShares Silver Trust staging the second-biggest one-day fall since its inception in 2006. http://goldandsilver...past-week-0231/
  10. "The Creature From Jekyll Island" is an excellent book! Great info regarding the history of our nation's Federal Reserve and very detailed information explaining fractional banking. No conspiracy crap here, just facts.
  11. More detailed information regarding Student Loans...
  12. Excellent cartoon that speaks the truth...
  13. Student loans, ain't that the truth...
  14. Simply due to the dollar's rally because of Osama's death. Interesting how one man's death and a speech from the U.S. president can manipulate markets. (Oil, Metals, and Fiat Currencies)
  15. There has been proof that multiple branches in multiple cities have stopped selling Dinars at 5/3rd bank. Can anybody verify if there are any 5/3rd branches left that sell Dinar? If not, it tells me that 5/3 bank no longer sells dinar. Period.
  16. Lol....I was waiting for somebody to say this. Guys come on, we don't know when it will happen. If somebody needs to liquidate their dinars let them, we are all old enough to know what we need in life. Can you guarantee us that it will happen in one more month? *If people need to sell that is their choice. *If you want to buy that is your choice. *None of us know exactly when it will RV
  17. I could be wrong but I believe 5/3rd Bank recently stopped selling Dinar. Also Capital One has also stopped selling Dinar as of late. Not sure if there are any other banks that sell this currency at this time. Feel free to correct me if I'm wrong.
  18. Are you the "Sheriff Deputy" ?? I just looked up the Cast Crew and saw somebody named Chuck La** Just curious...
  19. Thanks for the info hoosier1470. When I got my first million back in 06 I decided to take it to a currency exchange business at the Ala Moana mall and asked if my currency was real. The lady opened up a currency book and verified that the IQD (25k notes) were real. I think most (if not all) banks have this "currency book" which shows in detail the different security features.
  20. Thanks for the heads up HopefulTxn. I didn't realize that... Oh well, still trying to stay positive but am ready for anything!
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