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Everything posted by eastcreek

  1. I am reminded of a quote attributed to Pres.Truman. When he was accused of giving people hell, he responded by saying, "I told them the truth, and they thought it was hell." Well said POTUS Truman, well said.
  2. Uh, with what part of the article do you disagree? I don't claim to know what O's plans are, but he is doing MANY things that are unnecessary; many things that are suspect; many things that are unconstitutional. All I can say is, don't be as Lord Chamberlain, and dismiss what is right in front of you. You will be sorry.
  3. Shabibi said, "I can't vouch for 1957....but it sounds just like 1977, minus Zeppelin, of course. GO RV, then BV" OK Shabibi, you are oficially a "whippersnapper."
  4. eastcreek


    BwaaaHaHaHa.......... Taxpayers not paying for abortions ! That's the silliest statement I've heard in many a moon . YHGTBKM !!!!!
  5. Umber, if you would look at the actions of those being accused, you would see that not only is Ted Cruz "spot-on." but so is Allen West. Please familiarize yourself with communist beliefs. Then look at the voting record of the Congressional Progressive Caucus. If you don't recognize that they, as a whole, are communist in their thinking and actions, then you are incapable of understanding the difference between communist ideology and the ideals of a democratic republic. PLEASE become informed.
  6. This response is laughable ! You see what this , and other governments are doing for "the good of their citizens," and you think there is no reason or will be no reason to hide ? Please, go back and study history just a little bit harder. Try to get a feel for what inevitably happens as governments get more and more power. Power does corrupt, and absolute power does corrupt, absolutely. There is no denying it, and there is no doubt it is happening right now in this country. BTW, you might want to start paying attention to krome2ez's posts. I've watched them over the last few months. You may just learn something if you watch. Have a good day. Quite literally laughing as I read this. Thanks, sarge ! Ha !
  7. Things NOT made-up: - Anne Dunham (Obama's mom) was, in her own words, a socialist who "admired Karl Marx," - Both sets of Obama's grandparents were socialists, - O's father was a communist, - O's mother, when they were living in Indonesia, married a man who claimed he was a socialist. When he later claimed to favor capitalism, she divorced him for that reason (so she claimed). - When living back in Hawaii, his grandfather (mom's dad), decided Barack needed a male influence, so the grandfather arranged for a male mentor, Frank Marshall Davis(FMD). FMD was literally a card-carryimng member of the Communist Party USA, and a producer of porn. Now what loving grandfather wouldn't want his teenaged grandson mentored by a pornography producer ? Good grief ! - Barack was never raised in the Christian church; was raised as a Muslim while in Africa and Indonesia (his mom, and her parents were irreligious, as can best be ascertained). His pastor in Chicago, who Barack claims as a mentor and dear friend, is a radical reparationist who is shunned by much of the Christian church. - While in college, Barack himself states that he sought out the radicals, the leftists, the socialists. - His job in Chicago, before becoming a Senator, was as a Community Organizer. Do you understand what that job title infers, and implies about a person's belief system ? - A book Obma wrote was " Dreams From My Father." "From," not "of" or "about," but "from." Hmmm, an interesting piece of the pie added. - Obama, was never taught capitalism. Has hardly worked in a capitalist system, a government employee practically his whole life. Is there ANY reason to believe that he understands ANYTHING about the benefits that capitalism has over communism ? No. - Obama claims now to be a Christian, but he rarely attends church; he is for abortion on demand (even in last days of pregnancy), and he has recently proclaimed that he approves of *** marriage. There are many other "Christians" who do or believe those same things, but Christian teachings do not support either of those positions. - Obama has spent more money than any President in history, and if he spends as he has requested, he will have spent more money than all US Presidents before him ,COMBINED ! -- I could go on, but you get my point. --Now, IMO, he was not raised to appreciate the USA for the opportunity it provides to it's millions of citizens, and to the rest of the world. He was raised to think that the USA needs to be a socialist, if not communist, style givernment. That's what he means when he uses "change" as his operative word. -- Now Sal, please tell me what it is about the foregoing statements that you think are good for a US President to believe or to have happened in his life.
  8. Drummin' my fingers on the table and waitin'.
  9. ROFL on that one ! Nice.
  10. Well Kimj, good question. I've been on this ride for four years now, and we haven't hit the correct year yet ! Hang in there, baby. Go RV !
  11. But wps, I like my brother's, sister's ,uncle's cousin in Baghdad , darn it !!!
  12. ....and don't forget the guy who shot Congresswoman Giffords. I believe a Dem also. You might want to check that one.
  13. Sorry smee, but the author is correct. If you don't want to admit it, I understand. Rather than trying to diminish the author's writing however, research his/her topic. The statements made concerning where violence is most likely, are spot-on. Thomas Jefferson warned us in the 1700s against the day that we became a society concentrated in cities rather than rural settings. He understood the violent and greedy nature of mankind, and that where humans congregate, friction mounts. Where humans congregate, and where friction mounts, people are going to get hurt. I'm 62 years old. Grew up in, and now again live in a rural area. Lived about half my life in urban settings. Only place I EVER felt threatened was in an urban setting. Growing up, every household had at least one gun; many had more. I never saw them unless we were going hunting. Never saw anyone shot or hurt by/with a gun,.......until I lived in a city. Look at statistics on gun violence now. See where it happens. Almost without exception, the cities with the strictest gun laws have the worst crime rates. Those laws have been put in place by liberal, Democrat regimes. In every mass murder in this country (and abroad) the gunman went to where he knew others would not have guns. If Sandy Hook (God bless them) had been secure and had the principal and other staff members been properly armed and trained, there would almost certainly have been no children killed that day. Dang, we are sometimes so stupid !!!!! Smee,, read Thomas Jefferson's writings. Many quotes worth memorizing there.
  14. Ah yes, some of us do dream of new socks.......................
  15. So, a careful reading of the article you've cited reveals that the German populace was already gunless, then Hitler enacted laws to get guns into the hands of the groups of which he already had control.
  16. The answer to your question is IMO, no one knows. A regular currency exchange, like when I've traveled to Europe (3 times) and Egypt, has been a non-taxable event. HOWEVER, those are "small potatoes" compared o what we're all waiting on, so if/when this RV happens, I have to believe that our government will NOT let pass an opportunity to tax us. They will claim that this is special situa :angry:/> tion, and will tax us. Just watch !
  17. Does your name mean "lost your senses?" That's what your post says about you. :P/>
  18. Why you were down voted, I have no idea. The numbers you are using are the approximate numbers I've seen and heard many times before. Now, if we could just get Maliki,, to remove the three zeroes, thereby making the dinar equal to the dollar in value, I'd be a mighty happy boy ! Woo Hoo ! Go RV !!!!!
  19. Wonderful news, Francie. God is good ! Doin' better than we deserve, huh ? Well, at least I am.
  20. eastcreek


    Trusts are taxed, and may be taxed at higher rates than individuals.
  21. You may be right. However, the POTUS can declare Martial law, and postpone an election; effectively giving himself another term, third or not. I have no idea how long that could hold. This having not been done before makes it a murky area, at best.
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