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Everything posted by caz1104

  1. To bad the Judcial system is in Maliki's back pocket,otherwise this could be resolved. For now its a He(A) said She(M) said type of confrontation.Looks like the UN or the US is going to have to get more involved. GO RV!!!!!
  2. The date was 7/19/2010,that was monday nite and the meeting was yesterday the 20th I believe. Thanks for the post
  3. or they agreed to continue the meeting next week or the dreaded "comin days" line-ughhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh
  4. Great Post!!!!! Question now is are they talking to one another, or at the floor or to the door? Worst case would be "talk to the hand" GO RV!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1
  5. There are reports out today (7/19/2010) that the troops are begining to get ready to pull out 30 days before original pullout date. If true that can mean a multiple of things one of which would be the possible formation of the govnmnt. GO RV!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  6. Thank You Ms Sunshine for yet another great find! I think Sadr knows exactly what he's doing,playin both sides against themselves. He knows he holds the key and is waiting for the best deal for him and his group. But alas time is running out,and he now will have to form an alliance with someone-imo. GO RV!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  7. Smoke & Mirrors go together like a horse & carriage. One side says one thing,while the other says something completely the opposite. IMO someone anyone needs to step in and settle this impass. GO RV!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  8. I hope "next week" meant the week we are now entering-GO RV!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  9. "the crisis may be ending in the next coming days" this has been stated/posted on a daily bases since march-disregard anything by these clowns. GO RV!!!!!!
  10. I think this just might be the piece we're looking for to finish off the puzzle. Lets hope they can reach some kind off an agreement to start to form a Government. GO RV!!!!!!!
  11. Scooter-With all that you have on your plate(personal life/business), to be able to find the time to do the research & dicipher sure takes alot. I know i'm not alone in standing up and saluting you for all your efforts. THANK YOU!!! VERY MICH! GO RV!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  12. I give you a +10 for that response,well just because!! GO RV!!! & cupcakes placed in properly placed area's
  13. Ditto that!! GO RV!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  14. You know things have to be dire if al-Sistani is complaining about how long this process is taking. He was a lad of 21 when this 1st started,look at him now. Thanks for the post- GO RV!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  15. These CLOWNS are worried about breaching constitutional provisions!!!! HAHA are ya freakin kidding me. They've trampled all over the sacred constitution-GO RV!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Thank You for the post
  16. I cant believe the US and the world is going to sit back while sitting on there collective hands and let these fools disrupt the world economy much longer. IMO the US needs to step in and insatll the new Gov so as to let the RV happen. How can the world sit idly by and let these corrupt clowns hold all economicaly hostage? GO RV!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! By the way Thank You for the post
  17. Thanks for the post,I had just read it at DD. I found it to be informative without being longwinded. I hope his intel is on the up & up,and this carnival known as the Iraqi Gov finally makes a decision on they're own. GO RV!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  18. I read somewhere yesterday or saw it stated in the chat room that Frank had stepped down. Can anyone confirm or dis- prove this? I'm not talking about GET,I know they stepped down from CC. Thanks - GO RV!!!!!
  19. I read on DD that they have been invited there. GO RV!!!!!!!
  20. "good ship Happy RV" I like it!! Where do i buy tickets? GO RV!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  21. Why would there be need for any new sites if the RV is just around the corner? Seems like a waste of time and energy.
  22. Nice to see your confidence. I'm not a sheep and think for myself. One thing I've learned over the years in business is that belief in ones self is a great virtue,and I see that in you. And because of that I believe in you. Whether it happens today,tommorrow,next week,or next year I know it will happen. How many other speculative investments can you say that about. Not many if people are honest with themselves-GO RV!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  23. Whats to stop them from doing this over & over again? If we stop payin them salaries until a govnmnt is seated, i bet cha then things would move uncontrolably fast!! I see Sonny has concerns as well with the july 26th date,not good imo.
  24. Great Post-The KISS system,I love it! GO RV!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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