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Everything posted by nowhammies

  1. That's what I'm talking about.....No Whammies!
  2. Good questions. I am looking forward to Doc's next posting and analysis.
  3. Bobby Jindal is not a Natural Born citizen.....good conservative, not presidential material nor eligible. Herman Caine is a great conservative...I would vote for him.
  4. Actually it hasn't and this is the fake....FACT JACK.
  5. At roughly 8 minutes into it, SHabs states that they are going to "study" removing the zeroes and then he corrects himself. What he says next wasn't clear to me....did he state that they were undecided or that they had decided to remove the zereos and that it was only a question of when to do it ("very soon" to do it or "very soon" to decide)? Thanks anyone.
  6. Adam, I have watched the video of Shabibi meeting yesterday and there are two specific topics I would like your opinion on. 1. Shabs stated that security was still an issue and wanted the violence in country reduced so the Iraq security forces could go more "unoticed" and spend more time with him. How do you take that other than the obvious of wanting violence further reduced? I mean do they need more bodies and more effective security in place to assist in a LOP scenario? At this point do you really believe that security is standing in the way of the plan (whatever it is)? 2. Shabs also clearly stated that a revaluation and removing of the 3 zeros ( never stated currency speficically) go hand in hand and should be implented soon. Question then is how did you take that? LOP with simultaneous RV or RV with gradual removal of larger bills? Thanks
  7. Here's some more "lies" for ya man.... I have sat back and watched your little charade long enough. Time to interject some facts into the debate as this theme / topic keeps coming up on this site. I too thought this was a bogus issue for a while until I decided to give it some due research. As a christian conservative I approach this topic from two standpoints: 1. I believe in the Constitution and want it adhered to. 2. I want this man out of office yesterday and all the legislation that he has signed voided. Finding the man unqualified meets both these goals. With that in mind I believe most folks are missing the real doesn't matter WHERE he was born. The fact of the matter is that in order to satisfy the Constitution's Natural Born requirement he needs to have had two parent citizens and he doesn't. The 14th Ammendment doesn't trump the original requirement and has been improperly substituted in this case. Read Vattel's Law of Nations on which our founding documents were drafted from and guided by and then you will (hopefully) understand why this man doesn't love this country and wants to "transform" it. And don't give me any "it's because he is a black man" crap either. I'm not gonna take that from anybody. I would vote for Herman Caine in a heartbeat. Yes the Supreme Court has decidedly avoided this issue, yes the Congress has been all but silent and negligent, but the truth of the Constitutional requirement has not changed and there is nothing that you can say that will change it either. Forget Hawaii.....irrelevant issue in this controversy.
  8. "triple the currency or not"....that doesn't sound like a lop to me. But then again it doesn't sound like a huge return either. Making three times my investment is a modest return but there would be no real satisfaction in that. JMO
  9. Nothing personal but I would like a time refund for reading this post.
  10. I dry my Dinars all the time, right after I use them to wipe away my " no RV yet" tears!
  11. Your picture disgusts me. Hope you are not a voter in the U.S.
  12. Will the pumping ever stop?
  13. Can someone show me documented proof (links) that Iraq has been accepted into the GCC and WTO? I must have missed those articles. The post has some good reasoning in it but we must verify the statements that are being issued as fact. I sure hope and pray this Nighthk11 doesn't have egg on his face come April 10th. Thanks babyorca for all your posts and research work over the last couple of months.
  14. Wake up...we are divided...between the takers and the earners. The time for unity in CONUS and getting along is not now. Should we be attacked again, hell yeah, united in our common defense, but we are in a fight here at home for the very existence of our country and being in denial like you seem to be only continues us down the path of the end of America's prosperity. Get a grip on reality.
  15. I suggest you read Michael Savage's "Trickle up Poverty".
  16. Wow, there have been some great responses to this thread. But here is where I draw the line..... I believe The Donald would most definitely do a better job as CEO of the US than BHO without question. However, I heard Donald state with his own mouth on a radio program that he has donated money (campaign contributions) to Rahm Emmanual. Rahm is currently running for Mayor of Chicago and is the former White House Chief of Staff for Obummer. With just a little research it is clear that Rahm is a anti-Semite and Socialist (or worse) just like his former boss. Why would Donald do this you ask? Well it was asked of him and his response was rewarding loyalty to friends. WTH! I'm sorry, as much as he is a great business man, entertaining TV personality and not a politician or lawyer, I cannot support someone who supports a man (Emmanuel) who has dedicated his life to the "transforming of America" . Donald must not be POTUS (maybe Treasury Secretary?).
  17. Ah yes....the beauty of watermelon. Take all the time you need to ponder and reflect on this topic. Decisions such as these must not be made in haste.
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