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U. S. Sec. of State & U. K. Sec. of State

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I am posting this in opinions because I don't have a link.

I have just been watching the BBC News. I saw a joint press conference between both our Secretaries of State. They announced that they had , had lengthy talks regarding the progress they had made throughout the world in the past year through their joint working. When the floor was open for questions one of the journalists raised the subject of Iraq and Malaki's visit. Hilary Clinton advised that talks had gone on in the Oval office last night and into this morning with the delegation. She stated that the Iraqis had provided. A long list of requests for on going training and support. She said that the troops would be home by Christmas and that all future requests from Iraq would be considered on an individual basis. She stated these would be through private companies and personnel based in Iraq and that they would be protected by private security services. She did not actually mention Chapter 7 but did state that discussions with Iraq in all areas were progressing well. Apparently the Iraqis wish to be very much part of the international community and wish to have much more than military relationships with the out side world. This might not mean anything but thought I would share. :)

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I am posting this in opinions because I don't have a link.

I have just been watching the BBC News. I saw a joint press conference between both our Secretaries of State. They announced that they had , had lengthy talks regarding the progress they had made throughout the world in the past year through their joint working. When the floor was open for questions one of the journalists raised the subject of Iraq and Malaki's visit. Hilary Clinton advised that talks had gone on in the Oval office last night and into this morning with the delegation. She stated that the Iraqis had provided. A long list of requests for on going training and support. She said that the troops would be home by Christmas and that all future requests from Iraq would be considered on an individual basis. She stated these would be through private companies and personnel based in Iraq and that they would be protected by private security services. She did not actually mention Chapter 7 but did state that discussions with Iraq in all areas were progressing well. Apparently the Iraqis wish to be very much part of the international community and wish to have much more than military relationships with the out side world. This might not mean anything but thought I would share. :)

Hi Bettyboop

watched a little of this on my lunch break, all good stuff...

GO RV !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! B)

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