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Found on another site....PTR Conf Call Notes Tuesday 1pm (ET)

09/06/2011 PTR call 9-6-11 1pm est

Tony Dan and Dave – guest will be on the call – Tony states I don't want to go into it if its negative...Dan it won't be bad...Dave has same info as my sources and Dan States private serious meeting in Iraq...told before that Alawi put into some position of authority and until that was RV …we gather info and bring to call from diff. sources and we both have a role to play...peeps that I talk to and peeps that tony talks to...but we still don't know where we are going...sometimes we both question what we are hearing

Tony states we do have intel and it is good we try to put all the pieces of the big picture together and its emotional for everyone – we get 10 or more calls a day… don’t take sides – the good or bad and take info and see where we are. GOOD info gets you excited as it should as it is good and it’s another piece of the puzzle of we are there… we try to get you there… We try to bring you the best and Dan and I go back and forth and we did have a discussion of what we have today so you can understand – bottom line is there is some good things happening both ways …Dan states it’s all for the puzzle to be put together … trying to bring most accurate info we can but we are two separate people…our understanding is that no matter what you hear do NOT be discouraged as it is about to happen this will revalue… .talking about the contention between their two opinions and we play it out on the calls to show both sides...this is what you have asked for and we have agreed to do it... you need to quit trying to silence tony or requesting to only hear one side. let's address this because we are only delivering what we are hearing... Okie's name keeps coming up... new person comes to our calls we have to educate them so they hear what has transpired in the past...they hear it is being done...and then when it doesn't happen it shocks the new peeps…if you don't like that then we just say what we are hearing but we are not bashing Okie – intel is telling Tony the same thing – NO MATTER WHAT ITS STILL AROUND THE CORNER…

Tony states .I want you to know that if the rv happened yesterday then I’m mad because nobody told me...LOL!

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Dave states he has confirming info from last Monday we talked – this meeting scheduled in Parliament did take place the positive things came about is positive progression and agreed upon some things and I got called on Sunday early saying that they had named the Security Minister and then the news publications not controlled by Maliki had confirmed this on Sunday – in conjunction one of the not so positive aspects of it is that Mr. M is being contrary and he is being brought under control – seems to line up with the positive discussions in the meetings where certain members were there we were not told they would be and Mr. S and A and M were all there in the meeting…

TONY states remember on Friday’s call Friday AM that the Defense Minister had been picked last Friday and the one other thing came out in the paper Sunday – things come out after the fact and we see things in news articles that have ALREADY happened no matter if the articles say it’s about to happen it is already DONE. Today we heard that today’s meeting was told the official announcement of the Iraq currency is to be announced on Thursday – official final vote is to happen on Thursday even though we know they are meeting TONIGHT…that is the pattern it follows…

Dan states he heard the SAME INTEL the exact intel – that this is to take place this way DAN AND TONY BOTH HEARD THE OFFCIALY CURRENCY ANNOUNCEMENT IS THURSDAY.

Dan these men are not saying at all – there is no way no one will know the date or rate 24 hours in advance… they will get wind of certain things happening in the markets ...but not specifically to the IQD… NO ONE… this is a catastrophic event and it will have an effect on the markets (commodities) stock drops...oil goes up etc...will be indicators

Tony states that he says Dan is making sense – that there are maybe 100 different events once the dinar revalues – industries and people and some may be indicators to those people that some signal show it – maybe they know what to look for r- we heard that billions and trillions of dollars moved around when we heard it was the RV day – have they been moved back? The train picked up the de la rue machines and UPS sent the trucks to bring to banks – we thought that was the time – the stand by to the bank employees we thought we had it – they all can lead to the even but those 100 events are signs but it’s not that we can know this ahead of the time…

Tony says he is hearing some good news and some people are still expecting this and we heard banks were not ready this weekend for this to take place – we have an annex over here and the CBI here in NYC was closed and all should be open and then guys who were working all last week got to go home and be home and they said they were through and it’s just a matter of time for the RV now – and their part is finished only so there may be other parts to be done to make the switch on this be thrown… then we go to the other parts that have to be done… the Defense minister arguing since January and other ministers are there, they do have names on the Doors and are working the HCL is agreed upon and voted on – and no arguing is going on not in the public eye or behind closed doors where Allawi is concerned… so what are we waiting for? I have no idea…

Gary states he heard what has been covered already – we are a lot closer that meeting was very critical as soon as that happens they would be ready to release things and move forward – so we need to see what came out of that meeting and things should roll faster now – and it will catch us a lot by surprise… TONY states that that happens every day…

Tony asks Dave – Dave states you all covered it and this lines up to be our week or should be and I am saying this as it’s what I hear not because you said I t- lots of things have turned positive direction – bottom line I can express the sentiments that the only info we want to hear Is that **** done and we can go to the bank – the progression and one is indicators and they could indicate that this RV is about to take place and the events, this is event driven and they have to take place before this revaluation can be effective – but the question is = is this done simultaneously or in a progression… Tony states he and DAN spoke of this before the call.. Indicators are signs it will take place but not necessarily right then- intel is an art folks – signs and events are taking a progression and we are in the process and does it happen together or do we continue to check marking in the box of what has been done?

Tony states it’s a catch 22 position – Tony hears they will be done simultaneously – there will be an RV after ministers are announced – same day same hour IMO – I can rationalize this and if they give us Allawi and Defense Minister then they can let the world know the money can be changed – they won’t give the word 72 hour notice as hedge funds can go out there and buy - Dave states that rational is not in this process in some elements of this – common sense is not in this as we thought they could not even go this long without t an rv and that’s a great issue – but the articles have turned positive this past month and most came from the CBI and one of the indicators is the naming of the security minister is apparently is agreed upon – that means they are in the final stages of this process… that makes its process…and the HCL was announced in the news last week it was agreed upon so this was the two significant parts that are DONE - THE AGENCIES TOLD ME AGAIN TODAY WE ARE THERE -the banking US systems are looking for it – political people are looking for it and the citizens on the Iraq streets think it’s going to happen Thursday saying the young people are planning a protest on Thursday all about M and what he is NOT doing – the young people can’t be controlled when they protest like they can the adults.. the Mosque reported things this past weekend so we feel that a formal announcement could be tonight or tomorrow morning about their progression…DAN states with the conclusion of the meeting Saturday....i wasn't told who was there but just that it accomplished what was needed.

With the info coming in are we really at a point we are moving forward or in line with Okie that it will happen this week – so will it happen this week…Dan states he likes Okie and likes him and when you ask what we think of his opinion and who has wisdom and I think you should leave Okie’s opinion over there e= disagreement is not bashing and I am not arguing about what he is saying.. not sure what exactly he is saying – he has an opinion we do too… CALLER states there is a lot of conversation out there...talking about that the rv is this week...a huge week...and tony talks to other peeps some respected some not.... a lot of the intel gatherers saying the same things that it is pointing to this week… Dan says I get call negative cause I say it’s not and they say it is and then it doesn’t….]

Tony states – 3 people in these agencies are saying the same things we are all getting it cause the other guys have people who are in the same agencies and they tell us both separately – We all don’t talk to Okie’s or Poppy’s or Dust’s info and we all have our resources and use as many as you can to try to figure this out… one of my sources in an agency and 3 sources saying the same thing...i may talk to only 2 of those,,,but other intel gatherers will have other sources in that same agency cant' say it is a conspiracy as all saying the same conspiracy ever put together...they are all either telling the truth or are all given false info – they all say we are heading in that direction - many of our sources are diff. and some the same but all are giving the same thing....even Dave is getting the same intel as i have gotten

Gary states we get info from out intel we are NOT Crossing over info from the copy catters - take a look at this what we are getting from reliable sources directly ...we don't get it from other intel gatherers but directly from the source we do take the reliable sources as a whole...get out of these intel battles

Tony states i talk to poppy and okie to see if they are hearing what i am hearing...and when they say "YES" then it all fits in... some peeps call me and give intel and say..."I don't know where this fits in but it is what i am hearing" then later we see where it fits – we .try to give you our honest opinion of what we are hearing...dan...sometimes question what he is hearing and he questions me and we question it till it makes sense…Dan states that we ask each other questions that you would also ask if i didn't know what i know i would ask this....sometimes we ask ...and we already know the answer.

Gary states it’s really important that you have opposing views is helpful. May not be the most popular but it gives credibility to what you do hear… a lot easier to listen to you guys because it keeps peeps grounded and thinking for themselves...and if it is reality then it is what it is .Dan states i know that it is easy to say it is Not happening but you have to tell me WHY it is not happening – I want Okie and Tony to be right with their info and last week i kept praying that my peeps were wrong.…

Tony states he hears there are still 35 UST offices scheduled to open across the land and he was told they did some things over the weekend to position things and position people at the locations and Tony says YES we hear that there will be UST offices – Dan agrees withTony he hears the same thing.

Dr. Todd who is the REAL Dr. Todd who has hands on with the Marshal Plan said there are LOTS of things happening other countries were recently downgraded and some are facing major critical issues and in the masses on a lot of fronts – thought the dynamic answers from Jackson Hole would come out from Bernake but none did –no one is addressing it – and he believes that all are focused in the ME of what is going on and will see lots of other currencies 90 + that will revalue here in the first basket will RV and the IQD is the TOP currency to be revalued in this basket… It’s not going to last forever – we will see this come to fruition… Tony states that if we look at Japan Germany an Switz being downgraded and out own country news yesterday can’t pay with their payments are in the postal service – and at 8:30 this AM out the dow dropped into double dip recession signs by dropping 270+ points down first thing and a decision has to be made as we are sinking into an abyss.. we can’t lose as we are running out of time and the good things we are hearing is that it’s truly about to take place… DAN says he agrees also…

Tony states The banks are frustrated and mad as they hired new people as they were told to gear up and the people are sitting as Friday the lights were GREEN TO GO with the RV and no one is saying GO and we are ready to go...Dan says he agrees..

Caller asking about taxation…Tony states he was told 15% for 45 days then 18-22% after that then 36% at 6 months cash out and higher and we got this DIRECTLY FROM THE TREASURY DEPARTMENT and if we cash out at the UST offices they are opening we would be guaranteed NO AUDIT if we cash out with a UST office and this is exactly what they are telling us from our sources in the UST… if i tell you that you are not getting audited for 3 years and it goes into the computer that way you will not get audited...they can do that.. they need the money ASAP and so they are saying that to get you to come in and pay your taxes ASAP… Tony did tax audits when he worked for them and he is speaking from experience…

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I guess I must be far too dense to understand what you mean by "too funny."

I happen to appreciate you for bringing this information to us here at DV, and didn't think any of it was funny. The folks on these conference calls really seem to be trying their very best to be informative and positive about this really complex process. They admit their shortcomings and flaws, and those of the people whom they listen to who give them information to bring to us. I would not want to be in their position of doing so simply because there are too many people hurting, stretched out, or just plain tired of waiting so long

Thanks for sharing it with us here.

Edited by billio0
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I guess I must be far too dense to understand what you mean by "too funny."

I happen to appreciate you for bringing this information to us here at DV, and didn't think any of it was funny. The folks on these conference calls really seem to be trying their very best to be informative and positive about this really complex process. They admit their shortcomings and flaws, and those of the people whom they listen to who give them information to bring to us. I would not want to be in their position of doing so simply because there are too many people hurting, stretched out, or just plain tired of waiting so long

Thanks for sharing it with us here.

Wasn't being disrespectful by no means, however they are funny and I enjoy listening to there calls.

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opppsss the person made a mistake..... funny is not the word..... I belive sad is more like it..... Let string the people along and make them believe that every thing we say is going to happen.... Let's start out by telling everyone that we have the greatest intel.... that can provide us with minute to minute updates.... especaillay when we are doing a call...provides more drama when you have to go answer a call from the high 3 letter Acencies..... and then come back , pissing in your depends, that is is going to happen within hours... if I had a dinar for every predicted hour that they say it was going to happen, I would be able to become a dinar dealer.....

Show me a time that thay have been right

Chapter VII article came out today........ Britain warns Iraq in order to get out of sanctions, they need to play nice with their neighbors.... Kuwait and Iraq are at odds... will not see a release from Chapter VII................ How long ago did Tony tell us they were out of Chapter VII?????

HCL law..... still being discussed and tossed around..... How long ago did tony say it was a Done Deal?????

Everytime you turn around there is a delay from today within hours it is going to happen..... to I don't know what is holding it up, to my intel has told me 100%.... now he hides behind ... It is only a window of opportunity...... Thank someone that there will always be more Tuesday's and Thursday's so we can run out and buy dinar on Wed and Fri.......

One time post and discuss that comes true and I will be more than happy to listen.... so far not even close to the truth........

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I guess I must be far too dense to understand what you mean by "too funny."

I happen to appreciate you for bringing this information to us here at DV, and didn't think any of it was funny. The folks on these conference calls really seem to be trying their very best to be informative and positive about this really complex process. They admit their shortcomings and flaws, and those of the people whom they listen to who give them information to bring to us. I would not want to be in their position of doing so simply because there are too many people hurting, stretched out, or just plain tired of waiting so long

Thanks for sharing it with us here.

Are you being serious????

Dan and Tony are total fraudsters and most people are away to stay well clear of them apart from the few sheep who still go to PTR and cant work out how to google for information.

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Are you being serious????

Dan and Tony are total fraudsters and most people are away to stay well clear of them apart from the few sheep who still go to PTR and cant work out how to google for information.

Yes, I was being serious. I care that people try to bring something meaningful to us, and even though none of them has ever been correct on anything, the fact that they continue to try is worth something. As you well know, none of us has to read or listen to what they have to say, but the fact remains that we wind up doing so anyway. Why? Because even bogus information is better than no information for those of us that have been waiting so long.

Now, please be clear on what I truly meant; I was not giving support to those who use us to repeatedly spout crap over and over again. I was merely thanking DINGLEBERRIES for bringing the detailed information to us here at DV, and also asking him exactly what was funny about what they had to say in this particular CC. Nothing I read was even remotely funny. And no, I wasn't in the least offended by it. After all, who the heck am I but just another guy trying to find out what's the hold-up this time. I understood the sarcasm only after the fact, and realized I may have been misunderstood also.

Whether any of those poeple are fraudsters or not, I really don't know or care. What I DO care about is keeping myself grounded regardless of what anyone here says. Truth is always proven out in time, and so are lies. This particular CC seemed to be an admission that these folks mean well. I, for one, am willing to give them the benefit of the doubt. It costs me nothing, and keeps me sane. I don't bash anyone, and never will. I avoid LOPsters after trying to reason with them. I avoid political and religious posts too. I am here for one reason, and one reason only; to find out when my investment in IQD has turned a profit for me, just how much of a profit, and until it does so, what might be the reasons it hasn't happened yet. If anyone can provide this kind of accurate information, then my visit to this forum has been worth it.

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The humor is........the lies never stop!

That's why I like DV.....Adam is the real deal. He's not a pumper, habitual liar & he has a brain (and uses it), unlike all the other gurus.

With all due respect to Adam, as I respect and admire him, but DV is a pumper site, it does pump the VIP and also Adam's opinions, all gurus have one. The difference with DV and other sites is the way the members behave and I mean all of you. The bashing, in this site, is a shameful issue and turns people off. Please if you do not have anything nice to say or if you have ever post something intelligent or constructive, please refrain from pouring the little bit of brains you have down our throats, for all of us to see how ignorant you sound.

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The humor is........the lies never stop!

That's why I like DV.....Adam is the real deal. He's not a pumper, habitual liar & he has a brain (and uses it), unlike all the other gurus.

How long ago was the Marshal plan? What's with the guy who has hands on experience with it? That qualifies as funny in my mind.

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