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IF the RD/RV happens, will you be prepared??

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Not trying to scare anyone but these are valid points I have been tossing around in my head and wondering if anyone else has been thinking the same.....cause it would suck if we just sit here and assume we will be able to exchange back and end up getting the shaft.....

Has it not made you wonder why Ali and other dealers have stopped selling or they might still be selling but are telling people they are no longer buying back?? They dont have any obligation, promises, or guarantees that they can get the new denoms if a RD happens.....and why would they buy back any dinars if there is a chance they cant exchange them back either?? Then the dealers are stuck with tons of worthless dinar that they cannot do anything with......

I truely hope things dont turn out this way but better to be safe then sorry.....Warka is looking VERY attractive right now.....

I have...

I think the following:

--Worst case scenario: They close up borders, introduce new notes & exchange. Deem all notes outside of their country no longer valid. Re-open borders.

--Everything in be-tween.

--Best case scenario: R/V at $3+

By staying grounded.. I predict the scenario that happens is in the middle. (Everything in between)

See, if they do this so-called "LOP" I'm cashing in right away. I'm not going to sit & wait for this supposedly inevitable increase in value.. Why? Because I think it would not happen until after the 000s are no longer valid. (From my understanding, that is how Turkey did it..-- which labels it as a hybrid scenario)

But - the next question is.. Do I spent the $ and create a warka acct? There is a lot of fees involved with that.

Buy lower denominations? They likely may not reach state-side, and who knows what it will cost to buy them.

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Sir Keepalot,excellent post,thanks for ur perspectives. Its good to see differing opinions presented in a professional manner. OK who is this ballcapped young lad pretending to be Keep???? HaHa! Serious,thanks for the post

LOL Its me I promise hahaha.....just tryin to get people to use their brains a little and really think about whats goin on!!!

I have...

I think the following:

--Worst case scenario: They close up borders, introduce new notes & exchange. Deem all notes outside of their country no longer valid. Re-open borders.

--Everything in be-tween.

--Best case scenario: R/V at $3+

By staying grounded.. I predict the scenario that happens is in the middle. (Everything in between)

See, if they do this so-called "LOP" I'm cashing in right away. I'm not going to sit & wait for this supposedly inevitable increase in value.. Why? Because I think it would not happen until after the 000s are no longer valid. (From my understanding, that is how Turkey did it..-- which labels it as a hybrid scenario)

But - the next question is.. Do I spent the $ and create a warka acct? There is a lot of fees involved with that.

Buy lower denominations? They likely may not reach state-side, and who knows what it will cost to buy them.

And what will you do if it lops and no one will exchange your dinar?? It will be too late!! As far as I know, there really isent much start up costs for Warka....just gotta keep 150 USD in one account and the other will be held in dinar......I could be wrong though....still checkin on that.....

Thats why I think our best bet would be to get a warka account just in case.....then even if everything goes our way, we still got lots of dough!

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LOL Its me I promise hahaha.....just tryin to get people to use their brains a little and really think about whats goin on!!!

And what will you do if it lops and no one will exchange your dinar?? It will be too late!! As far as I know, there really isent much start up costs for Warka....just gotta keep 150 USD in one account and the other will be held in dinar......I could be wrong though....still checkin on that.....

Thats why I think our best bet would be to get a warka account just in case.....then even if everything goes our way, we still got lots of dough!

I'm not invested "that" much... I'll just consider it a loss..

I would imagine if there was a place taking dinars, it would be widely known amongst the forums.

See, if a LOP were to occur, any increase in the value via exchange rate would either happen right away, or after the old notes are no longer valid.

So - my plan: Cash out soon as it lops.. Regardless of the value they offer -

Than, as I wait for the funds, I will do my due diligence on which route to take... Re-invest or walk away.

Re-invest would likely be done through a warka account. Depending on what is all needed and the likely time-frame.

Than I have to ask myself, is it worth it to maybe triple the value after fees are paid.

I figure - I would play the ISX for fun and hope for better returns.

If I did do the warka-route.

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I'm not invested "that" much... I'll just consider it a loss..

I would imagine if there was a place taking dinars, it would be widely known amongst the forums.

See, if a LOP were to occur, any increase in the value via exchange rate would either happen right away, or after the old notes are no longer valid.

So - my plan: Cash out soon as it lops.. Regardless of the value they offer -

Than, as I wait for the funds, I will do my due diligence on which route to take... Re-invest or walk away.

Re-invest would likely be done through a warka account. Depending on what is all needed and the likely time-frame.

Than I have to ask myself, is it worth it to maybe triple the value after fees are paid.

I figure - I would play the ISX for fun and hope for better returns.

If I did do the warka-route.

And thats why I think Im heading that way now either way we win (just a matter of how much) Soon as I get this move done with Ill be trying to take care of that just too damn busy right now!!!

I bet we would have much better luck if we put a little on black (ISX) LOL

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One thing I have thought of as well but honestly I dont even know if this is possible lol but it was a weird thought I was having......(let me know what you all think)

What if dealers were able to get the new lower denoms during the RD process?? You would be able to buy a ton of the new bills at the 1170 rate and just wait for the RD process to be over, which they would then raise the rate to around 1 dollar and you could MAYBE walk out with a couple mil in your pocket.......or even if you knew someone inside of Iraq like maybe someone in the service, they could maybe even buy a bunch of the new lower denoms at the 1170 rate and hold on to them.....I have no clue if this is even possible but it was something my mind was pondering should they really RD....there is always another way to skin a cat right? LOL

:o What? Woa..wait a second here!!!

Wishwell>>>(in a low to high pitch) KEEEEEEEEEEEEEPPPPPPPPPPPPPMMMMMMM...can I see you in your office for a moment?

Wishwell>> (stomping in and closes the door. ) Keep BROWNIES??..You just speculated my brownie theory!. and...... :lmao:

And a "WIERD' thought????:o<_<

Wishwell (grabs the stack of dinar notes from desk and dangles them over the paper shredder ) :eyebrows:

Keepm..say it.. (kicks shredder to the on position) "Say it Keepm"...A dozen old Brownies exchanged for a dozen new brownies. ..(amps up the shredder speed...) say it Keep :angry:. "The Brownie theory is worth visiting and Brilliant not wierd:angry: Let me hear you Say it Keep .........:lmao:


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