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waking up a sleeping giant

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Jac--I just started reading a new book--Primetime Propaganda:The True Hollywood Story of How the Left Took Over Your TV. It's interesting how the far left label those of us who are rebelling against the propaganda we have been fed all our lives as "sheeple." Compare the millions of Americans who are willing to stand up and change the direction our country is going to those who want to "follow" the easy path to socialism where personal responsibility no longer exists. I ask them, "Who are the sheeple?" Emerson's Self Reliance might be a good read for them.

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Jac--I just started reading a new book--Primetime Propaganda:The True Hollywood Story of How the Left Took Over Your TV. It's interesting how the far left label those of us who are rebelling against the propaganda we have been fed all our lives as "sheeple." Compare the millions of Americans who are willing to stand up and change the direction our country is going to those who want to "follow" the easy path to socialism where personal responsibility no longer exists. I ask them, "Who are the sheeple?" Emerson's Self Reliance might be a good read for them.

As I mentioned the other day we (Americans) have a huge legacy. It must be protected and revered and though at times it might make us sick to see our Sacred Cradle of Liberty adulterated in Washington, DC, yet we cannot ignore who and what we are.

I am aware of media take over of the minds anyone who does not remain actively engaged in life both mentally and physically. It was was back in the 1960's that I wrote a feature article on subliminal hypnosis and how it was being used then by advertsiing firms. Now it has become the very breath of life of almost the entire media on all levels both written, spoken and seen on TV in the United States. I am a former resident of California but when I was it was a still full of Reagan traditional ethic and lifestyle. I am amazed at the changes, which occurred so quickly Calilifornia. I would say that half or more of our residents here are relocated Californians trying to escape high taxes from what they say.

I will take a look at the book but there is another one that was written in the 60's regarding the International Communist Convention at Dusseldorf, Germany in 1925 and the Communist 15 point plan for to take over the United States of America and the minds of its citizens. This was actually a report in spiral bound bookform. It was amazing and astounding. Even more amazing and astounding is how many of these points have aleady been manifested beginning right back in the 60's and of course back in Woodrow Wilson's day as well. The infiltration of Socialists into our actaul Hallowed Halls of Congress is astounding. No doubt you must know that 95 percent of the liberals in Congress are members of the International Socialist Party; A new name for soft Communism. As long as we know they are there we can watch them. Most important is that when they do not fulfil the American People'swill, desires and objectives in their service that they be recalled from their jobs immediatly.

BTW I am not a Tea Partier but I am a traditional Constitutionalist after the grand Tradition of the Founders of the United States of America.:D

God Bless America!

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Im not ashamed to admit that I'm a tea-partier...also a beer partier, a whiskey partier, the list goes on!

Got your point though jac, it's good that there are people like you out there that don't mind reminding us of our great rights to freedom and the pursuit of happiness.

I cannot for the life of me understand why some people want to ruin life for other peoples. If you believe in your religion, or no religion, that is fine with me.

Just don't try to kill me for what I believe, or I can guarantee that it will be quite a task that you have taken on, unless you do it from the back or with an explosive belt, or what have you.

Why not try to talk first, then bring out the artillery?

If talking don't work, then may the fastest draw win.

I am kind of ashamed that we as a people have let our government get so out of control and stupid.

Dem or Rep or Ind., surely nobody can think that this government is on the right track?!?!

If nothing else gets accomplished in my lifetime, I would like to think that we can at least get the country back on the right track so that my grandkids can experience America the way I have been able to (until recently).

I love every American citizen, and I hope we can resolve our differences without revolution, but if not, so be it.


Sorry for the rant. Peace everyone, and thank you so much for taking time to view the video. Love ya guys. Peace B)

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Wolfman! AWSOMNESS!!!! "The Long Run"

I am a movie producer & teacher, that takes kids off the streets & puts kids with family issues and other life skill obstacles

and help them write about their issues and experiences. I teach them to produce films that will help others with racism, bullying, neglect, confidence, etc....

We should hook up! Here is the project we are working on now.

These are my students from my Acting & film Academy all saved from one situation or another.

The kids are focused to complete this film for the good of others. (After the RV of course because we need funding. smile.gif )

check out my gallery here or go to the Kids Matter page on my site, you will see some of the precious youth that benefit from learning an exciting career!

They truly love it.... it changes them to become kids that really can help others.

This also helps them turn their situations into something good. LOVE YOUR SONG!!! GREAT JOB!!!

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Lets set up concert speakers outside the white house and play it as loud as we can with a few MILLION of our friends. Grate job.

I'm all for that. So scared enough peeps aren't staying awake and paying attention! We need to keep supporting the Tea Party and all the candidates that really love America. biggrin.gif Great song!!!! Will pass it on to everyone I know.

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Lets set up concert speakers outside the white house and play it as loud as we can with a few MILLION of our friends. Grate job.

You are not alone in that sentiment (or any of tha aforementioned). I propose we all UNITE on purpose post RV to get heard and wake the rest of our sleeping nation up. We will have the money to do this and the ONE VOICE can be heard.

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Im not ashamed to admit that I'm a tea-partier...also a beer partier, a whiskey partier, the list goes on!

Got your point though jac, it's good that there are people like you out there that don't mind reminding us of our great rights to freedom and the pursuit of happiness.

I cannot for the life of me understand why some people want to ruin life for other peoples. If you believe in your religion, or no religion, that is fine with me.

Just don't try to kill me for what I believe, or I can guarantee that it will be quite a task that you have taken on, unless you do it from the back or with an explosive belt, or what have you.

Why not try to talk first, then bring out the artillery?

If talking don't work, then may the fastest draw win.

I am kind of ashamed that we as a people have let our government get so out of control and stupid.

Dem or Rep or Ind., surely nobody can think that this government is on the right track?!?!

If nothing else gets accomplished in my lifetime, I would like to think that we can at least get the country back on the right track so that my grandkids can experience America the way I have been able to (until recently).

I love every American citizen, and I hope we can resolve our differences without revolution, but if not, so be it.


Sorry for the rant. Peace everyone, and thank you so much for taking time to view the video. Love ya guys. Peace B)

If I somehow did not manage to convey this to Tea Partiers in my humble opinion I love the fact that the Tea Party movement was started by those who really care and who refuse to have American Freedom trampled upon. I do agree with your reasons and in my heart I know the Forefathers of this country would have protested right along with you all. You are all to be commended for gathering together and finally saying NO you cannot do that! I am proud that in our country there are so many Americans willing to participate withTea Party Patriots who know without a doubt that WE, AS AMERICANS ARE THE SELF GOVERNED! And that the goverment is in place to serve at the WILL OF THE PEOPLE! Believe it or not America is being restored. You and your fellow Tea Partiers began this historic restoration by the very fact that you moved a nation to wake up. Congratulations!

God Bless America!:D

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never mind about blasting this song out through concert speakers....that'll get you arrested, just like the men and women who danced at the Jefferson Memorial last week.

No....let's just make Wolfmans' video go VIRAL...spread it around, every and any way you can...facebook, it to everyone you know...and get them to do the same.

let's see this video beat Justin Bieber's hit rate....come on!! 5 million + hits for this video on YouTube by the end of this month.

The CHALLENGE is on!!!

As for those who like to use the word Sheeple....I must admit, I have used that word a few times... Whenever I use it, it is to describe those folk who just have no clue about the true nature of the goings on around them.

It has been well hidden up to the time of 9.11 after that event..."they" the NWO folk showed their true colours and boy oh boy....they move quickly....passing and implementing little new laws and directives that just chip away at your freedoms...until one day....actually i reckon it's already happened with that latest presidential power of "War...anytime, with anyone, anywhere...including US citizens... for any reason...without congress' approval...without courts, without justice systems..."

But truth be known...the NWO are very cheeky folk...they actually put all their symbols and their intentions right out there for everyone to's so very obvious, once you know what you're looking for....

there is another reason that they put it out there for all to see..... They figure...that if they put it out there for the public to see...and then the public doesn't react or just allows it to be...then, that gives the NWO people a MANDATE to in fact pass that law, or to engage in whatever activity...

Google GEORGE GUIDE STONES...there they clearly state that they want a world population of less than 1 who are they gonna kill off? there's about 5 billion people in the world that they wanna kill....and they won't use bombs or

they will take away your right to clean clear water....they will take away your right to access nutricious foods and vitamins/minerals....the vitamins and minerals and other health supplements will be made very weak, so that they are pretty much USELESS. they will take away your right to grow fresh vegies and herbs in your backyard....

meantime they will push or endorse further use of soda drinks, coke, lots of aspartame, mess up your brains with cell phone technology....etc...etc...etc fluoride in your water....mercury in your lightbulbs, aluminum in your underarm sprays and roll-on products.....


i rest my case...thank you for the song, once are definitely NOT one of the Sheeple. go well, my friends.

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Thanks Elmstreet61, those were some very true words you just spoke. It doesn't take a conspiracy theorist to look at what has been jammed thru in the last few years and not think that we had best start covering our butts as individuals and families. The one good thing that has been on the rise I think is that families have had to start banding together a bit more and when you can get families and groups to work together, you can get a lot of stuff done!

Hey WOLFMAN..... WHAT DO YA SAY? .... I Need music! smile.gif see post above.

Sorry it took so long to get back to you moviemaker.

I would to at least see if I can help you out. How does a person private message someone, and maybe we could exchange e-mails?

Thanks for checking out the song!

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Thanks Elmstreet61, those were some very true words you just spoke. It doesn't take a conspiracy theorist to look at what has been jammed thru in the last few years and not think that we had best start covering our butts as individuals and families. The one good thing that has been on the rise I think is that families have had to start banding together a bit more and when you can get families and groups to work together, you can get a lot of stuff done!

Sorry it took so long to get back to you moviemaker.

I would to at least see if I can help you out. How does a person private message someone, and maybe we could exchange e-mails?

Thanks for checking out the song!

1st--> go to this site

The Long Run

2nd--> click continue to site (at bottom of video)

3rd--> look for contact us (at bottom of home page I believe)


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Thanks ArmymomRN, sounds like you have sacrificed for your country by being an Army Mom. Real Americans appreciate this!!!

I have written numerous songs, and have compiled them onto two cds. A couple are for our troops, and hopefully, responses like this will help me get up off my butt and work on getting more videos complete. B)

It is hard to find the time to do all the things that you love, and like everyone else, I have to work (self-employed contractor) and so

all the things that give you pleasure seem to take the backseat.

You people with your positive responses to this simple song have gave me renewed energy, and hopefully I can repay your kind words of encouragement with another video.

Thank you so much for your response.

And if I have not personally thanked everyone or responded to everyone, I apologize, and will try to do better. Thanks. Frank

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my count on youtube jumped from 1106 before I posted the link here, to almost 2300!!! Thanks all! :wave:

:DI am just really thrilled for you, your efforts and

your wonderful song. This is why your song touched so many.

God Bless You!

God Bless America!

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MM, I'm trying to send you an email, but something is wrong on my end. I will have my wife try it (she's smarter than me).

I'll get p.o.ed perty soon and put my dang phone # on here! B)

Got your email! I sent you the script to read, let me know when you are done and we will talk music! smile.gif for --> The Long Run

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You are very welcome!

I admire that you have taken the time to do something that really has the ability to impact others. I personally have ZERO talent and appreciate those that do. Continue to take the time to do what is important in this life and follow your heart. I am certain that your song and video has changed the hearts of many. A lot to think about! God bless you and your family.

With gratitude,


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You are very welcome!

I admire that you have taken the time to do something that really has the ability to impact others. I personally have ZERO talent and appreciate those that do. Continue to take the time to do what is important in this life and follow your heart. I am certain that your song and video has changed the hearts of many. A lot to think about! God bless you and your family.

With gratitude,


+1 and AMEN!

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