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Thoughts on Shabibi audio today...

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Ok how about this perspective?

Hey Audi,

Nice job on that last post. Makes alot of sense.

Before we get going I want to talk about the # trillion. I know it is easy to say and type and that we all hear it so much now days that it seems like it's really not all that much.

Well, what is a trillion? It is basically a million times a million. So a million UNITED STATES DOLLARS times a million. This is a number that is easy to say and throw around like it is no big deal but we really cannot even fathom its meaning.

Now lets call your last post senerio 1.

In this senerio your graph shows that the lowest payout is around 13 trillion.

Now here is senerio 2

Iraq redenominates pre RV and pays 0 trillion.

Here is the bottom line. They can redenominte and then RV or they can RV without a redenomination. If they do it without a redenomination they pay trillions and if they do it with one they don't pay trillions.

The final outcome that Iraq is looking for is to bring the IQD back to post war status wich was around $3.22 USD. What that means is it is three times more valuable than the United States Dollar. They can do this 2 ways. RV with or with out a redenomination. Without they pay trillions with they don't.

Now you tell me which you think Iraq will do. I'm unfortunately betting on with one.......especially when they are telling us over and over that thats what they are going to do.

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Again, you cant listen to what they tell you. They are never going to tell you that you'll be rich from doing this. It's a chance you just have to take.

Remember that the "Pay Out" isn't like turning in a lottery ticket. It won't be "Payed Out" all at once. Also keep in mind the reason everyone is interested in Iraq's RV is because of their potential with oil.

Latest numbers I’ve seen about their known, accessible oil reserves are 144 billion barrels. With oil over $100/barrel, that’s $14.4 trillion worth of oil… in today’s price. We all know it’ll go up over the course of the next 50 years. That $14.4 trillion easily backs up their $13 trillion “Pay Out”. So it’s safe to say they can afford that amount of currency. This doesn’t take into account all the gold, natural gas, and rare earth metals they have as well.

Just FYI, they wont RV and NOT redenominate. Unless they RV for 4x more than they are right now, expect a redenomination with any form of RV.

If they lop and RV to pre war status of $3.22, how will that help the Iraqi citizen? Your essentially locking in the theft you took from them years ago. You took thousands of dollars and decided to be nice… you gave back $10. It’s still a slap in the face to those who had wealth.

The PPP is between $2500 and $3500 or so… if you multiply that by 3.22 you’ll have $11,270 at best, which is less than half of surrounding countries.

If you go to a race with a 100 hp corvette wanting to race a 600 hp viper, don’t expect to win if you drop in a 322 hp engine. Yes it’s going to be faster, but you’re still getting demolished by your buddy in the viper.

Bottom line… this RV/redenomination/investment/whatever you want to call it is about Iraq and their economy… not about “feel-good-old-time-memories” of a fake $3.22. If they want to jump start their economy, they’ll revalue and then redenominated. $2500 PPP is equal to $1.20/hr. Try surviving off that. Now the GOI lends out a helping hand and raises your income to about $3.87/hr on average. That still wont provide a living wage for a country that is potentially the wealthiest country in the world. Increase the exchange rate with the trillions in circulation to $.01 (1,170% increase), bite the bullet as the GOI/CBI, and give everyone a livable wage (which would increase to $29,250/yr, about $14/hr). It will pay for itself with prosperity.

Remember when Obama dumped billions into the economy to jump start it? I’ll admit, it didn’t work real well as far as we all know, but it did work better than the changes he made that increased my (and everyone elses) bi-weekly paycheck by $5. I’m not living the high-life with the extra $130/year.

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I think you still believe that the GOI wants to pay trillions of dollars so that they can bring the wealth back to the Iraqi people. Please. They won't even lift a finger to give them electricity. Sad but true. Yeah they may have trillions of dollars worth of oil in the ground but do you think they are going to give it up when they don't have to? No. They will redenominate and move on. Besides all those trillions in oil in the ground basically belongs to the good old USofA. That again is my opinion but who knows. Look, we will just have to wait and see how this all plays out. I want us all to make out like bandits on this deal but that doesn't mean I won't call it like I see it. Just because I want to be rich doesn't mean all the theories that would make it happen are true.

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Oh how about this- eveyone is worried about a LOP externally---let's just reverse the thinking for a moment-- They RV/RI use a fictional rate---10.00 internally and the Iraqis have 10 [ten] days to dig up their coffee cans, find the back pockets in thier robes to turn the currency in to the CBI to get the big bucks after that they are sh>>>t out of luck!The CBI has been drying up the local [in country currency] to make this next step dramatic internally and externally

NOW Iraq can not afford to piss off all the countries and private speculators who have supported them while turning thier country around---anything outside of the country RV/ RI s at again fictional rate of 3.00 --they must also make the RV for it's citizens dramic --to the point that they turn in the rest of thier coffee cans for the big bucks---and not piss off the foriegn investors and corps/countries. private industries looking to make money in this growing market----everyone grows everyone happy and still enough room for everyone to stick a little something extra in thier pockets!

GEE sounds like the USA-- just a cocktail thought


capt. Cliff

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Oh how about this- eveyone is worried about a LOP externally---let's just reverse the thinking for a moment-- They RV/RI use a fictional rate---10.00 internally and the Iraqis have 10 [ten] days to dig up their coffee cans, find the back pockets in thier robes to turn the currency in to the CBI to get the big bucks after that they are sh>>>t out of luck!The CBI has been drying up the local [in country currency] to make this next step dramatic internally and externally

NOW Iraq can not afford to piss off all the countries and private speculators who have supported them while turning thier country around---anything outside of the country RV/ RI s at again fictional rate of 3.00 --they must also make the RV for it's citizens dramic --to the point that they turn in the rest of thier coffee cans for the big bucks---and not piss off the foriegn investors and corps/countries. private industries looking to make money in this growing market----everyone grows everyone happy and still enough room for everyone to stick a little something extra in thier pockets!

GEE sounds like the USA-- just a cocktail thought


capt. Cliff


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dinarck, It's not like they're going to pay out trillions to US citizens. This is, afterall, about Iraq and the people of Iraq.

Can you tell me why they're so excited to redenominate (without RV)? What's in it for them? You said "they'll redenominate, then move on". Move on to what? Why did they redenominate? There is no reason to do so financially for anyone including themselves. The GOI cant even corrupt themselves a lil' something extra out of the deal! I'm so incredibly confused on why they would possibly want to re-denominate. The only reason I've been given is, "to reduce the trillions to billions", yet, again, I'm still incredibly confused on why that matters. It all seems like a gigantic, huge undertaking that serves not one... single... purpose...

It makes as much sense as the International Committee of Keyboards to standardize a new keyboard layout that was designed by a random letter generator just because they can.

Believe it or not, I actually found a keyboard that makes no sense! Someone ACTUALLY created one! What has the world come to??


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dinarck, It's not like they're going to pay out trillions to US citizens. This is, afterall, about Iraq and the people of Iraq.

Can you tell me why they're so excited to redenominate (without RV)? What's in it for them? You said "they'll redenominate, then move on". Move on to what? Why did they redenominate? There is no reason to do so financially for anyone including themselves. The GOI cant even corrupt themselves a lil' something extra out of the deal! I'm so incredibly confused on why they would possibly want to re-denominate. The only reason I've been given is, "to reduce the trillions to billions", yet, again, I'm still incredibly confused on why that matters. It all seems like a gigantic, huge undertaking that serves not one... single... purpose...

It makes as much sense as the International Committee of Keyboards to standardize a new keyboard layout that was designed by a random letter generator just because they can.

Believe it or not, I actually found a keyboard that makes no sense! Someone ACTUALLY created one! What has the world come to??



It doesn't matter that they would owe trillions post RV. You have hereby won the debate.

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haha i love how everyone knows its gonna LOP for certain like Mr. rich said shabbibi stated they added the zeroes because of high inflation he didnt say remove from the currency notes the articles are misdirection dont believe saleh!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! fact is no one knows what will hapen just wait also dont even compare a LOP to Iraq this is a brand new era for them so you can't base off other countries for what they did plus inflation is still low so i dont understand why people are stressing over and guaranteeing a LOP means a 25k= $25.00 haha its funny.

Edited by easyrider
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haha i love how everyone knows its gonna LOP for certain like Mr. rich said shabbibi stated they added the zeroes because of high inflation he didnt say remove from the currency notes the articles are misdirection dont believe saleh!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! fact is no one knows what will hapen just wait also dont even compare a LOP to Iraq this is a brand new era for them so you can't base off other countries for what they did plus inflation is still low so i dont understand why people are stressing over and guaranteeing a LOP means a 25k= $25.00 haha its funny.

Yeah there are a few of us who believe that a redenomination is likely. There are hundreds if not thousands who believe it is impossible. I guess it all comes down to interpretation on what they are trying to say over and over and then again in another article confirming what the numerous other articles say. Shabbs english isn't all that good but he went ahead anyway and confirmed even further what all the articles have been telling us. So I guess you could consider that some type of evidence of a redenomination which by the way is the excact word that has been repeated over and over in articles and even by Shabbs himself. Yeah who really knows what is gonna happen but how many articles have you read that say fractional banking is going to give us a RV of 3.22? Sorry don't mean to be a smart a$$, just trying to get my point across.

Edited by dinarck
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Yeah there are a few of us who believe that a redenomination is likely. There are hundreds if not thousands who believe it is impossible. I guess it all comes down to interpretation on what they are trying to say over and over and then again in another article confirming what the numerous other articles say. Shabbs english isn't all that good but he went ahead anyway and confirmed even further what all the articles have been telling us. So I guess you could consider that some type of evidence of a redenomination which by the way is the excact word that has been repeated over and over in articles and even by Shabbs himself. Yeah who really knows what is gonna happen but how many articles have you read that say fractional banking is going to give us a RV of 3.22? Sorry don't mean to be a smart a$$, just trying to get my point across.

No need to attempt to get your point across. More of us than you realize understand your point and agree in full for the most part. But it does no good to attempt to get others to understand your points. You have to take into consideration that most are too drunk with overnite millionairism to focus on what you have to say or to see the writings on the wall. I would love to skip work and be able to call in rich tomorrow with my rv wealth.... But it doesn't look too good right now.But who knows? They may decide to go another route and not follow through with what they are suggesting.That wouldn't be too surprising based on what has transpired so far.

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No need to attempt to get your point across. More of us than you realize understand your point and agree in full for the most part. But it does no good to attempt to get others to understand your points. You have to take into consideration that most are too drunk with overnite millionairism to focus on what you have to say or to see the writings on the wall. I would love to skip work and be able to call in rich tomorrow with my rv wealth.... But it doesn't look too good right now.But who knows? They may decide to go another route and not follow through with what they are suggesting.That wouldn't be too surprising based on what has transpired so far.

It's known has the ostrich theory.

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I'm still waiting for the GOI to announce to the people their plans so it isn't a surprise when it happens... since they're just lopping and all. Shouldnt have to be a secret... yet the details have yet to be heard. hmm

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No need to attempt to get your point across. More of us than you realize understand your point and agree in full for the most part. But it does no good to attempt to get others to understand your points. You have to take into consideration that most are too drunk with overnite millionairism to focus on what you have to say or to see the writings on the wall. I would love to skip work and be able to call in rich tomorrow with my rv wealth.... But it doesn't look too good right now.But who knows? They may decide to go another route and not follow through with what they are suggesting.That wouldn't be too surprising based on what has transpired so far.


My head hurts anyway from banging it against the wall.

I'm still waiting for the GOI to announce to the people their plans so it isn't a surprise when it happens... since they're just lopping and all. Shouldnt have to be a secret... yet the details have yet to be heard. hmm

They are only telling those who are listening.

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There has been more than enough lop talk on here in the past week to last a lifetime. It is quite aparrant that we are not all gonna be on the same page till something actually happens. I happen to be in the "no lop" camp. So what? who cares what I think, and does it even matter? No, I don't get a vote and neither do you. Face it, nobody knows for sure ( well maybe Shabs and a few others but he's already said he's not telling) and tempers are beginning to flair, so can we pleassssse talk about something else? There is other news out there and I think all the hide has been beaten off this dead horse. Lets just agree to disagree and wait and see what happens. Then one group of us can look at the other and say, "See, I told ya so". Also if we must talk lop, from here on out could we please place it in the LOP section? Just my thoughts.

RSS :)

yes I agree with RSS and im tird of all the lop talk also. Its the SOSDD,

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