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Something The World Has Been Waiting For For A Long Time.


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Here's an article of Dinarian interests...

Their potential membership is moving forward.

Something the world has been waiting for for a long time.

Treat as a rumor.  Not verified.  Your opine.





Goldilocks:                               Something The World Has Been Waiting For For A Long Time.

Article quote: Iraq is participating for the first time since 2004 in the Ministerial Conference of the World Trade Organization, which is held in… The capital, Abu Dhabi,”  Iraq is currently participating in the World Trade Organization. Their potential membership is moving forward.  As a full member of the WTO, they will need a rate to fully participate in this inclusion.  This is truly a monumental achievement for Iraq and something the world has been waiting for for a long time.  There are high expectations that full acceptance into the WTO for Iraq will happen during this meeting taking place.  As a full member of the WTO, they will need a rate to fully participate in this inclusion.  This is truly a monumental achievement for Iraq and something the world has been waiting for for a long time.  There are high expectations that full acceptance into the WTO for Iraq will happen during this meeting taking place…

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Here's another article related to the above...GOI talks LOP.  Will IQD investors be taken for a ride?





From Other Sources:                         Deleting IQD Zeros & WTO Accession: Iraq has been busy!


ARTICLE:  in IQD: In recent developments, Iraq finds itself at the forefront of economic discussions, both domestically & on the international stage.


With significant steps taken towards currency reform and renewed efforts towards accession to the World Trade Organization (WTO), the nation is navigating a transformative period in its economic landscape.



As always, I will break these developments down in factual and simple terms – because that’s what I do!

Deleting Three Zeros from the Iraqi Dinar (IQD).

Economist Dargham Mohammed sheds light on the process of removing currency zeros from the Iraqi Dinar (IQD), emphasizing its nature as an organizational overhaul rather than a direct valuation shift.

Mohammed underscores the importance of conducting awareness campaigns prior to implementation, ensuring a smooth transition for the public.


Removing three zeros from the Iraqi Dinar (IQD) entails a process known as “redenomination” or “currency revaluation.”


This process involves adjusting the face value of the currency by dividing it by a certain factor, effectively reducing the number of zeros displayed on banknotes & coins.


While the overall value of the currency remains the same,(LOP) its nominal value changes.

Key economic impacts and implications of removing three zeros from the IQD.
  1. Streamlining Transactions: One of the primary motivations behind removing zeros from a currency is to simplify transactions. Large numbers of zeros can make financial transactions cumbersome and prone to errors, especially in everyday commerce. By reducing the number of zeros, the currency becomes more user-friendly, facilitating smoother transactions and accounting processes.
  2. Enhancing Confidence: Currency redenomination can help enhance public confidence in the stability and strength of the national currency. It sends a signal that the government is taking measures to strengthen the monetary system and improve economic stability. This confidence boost can have positive effects on investment, consumption, and overall economic activity.
  3. Curbing Inflationary Expectations: In some cases, currency redenomination is accompanied by efforts to control inflation or stabilize the economy. While removing zeros itself does not directly address inflationary pressures, it can help reset expectations and create a symbolic break from past inflationary episodes.
  4. International Integration: A redenominated currency with fewer zeros may facilitate international transactions and financial integration. It can reduce confusion and errors in cross-border trade and investment, making it easier for foreign investors and businesses to engage with the Iraqi economy.

While the removal of three zeros from the Iraqi Dinar may not directly alter its fundamental value, it can have significant practical and psychological effects on the economy.


By simplifying transactions, enhancing confidence, and reducing administrative burdens, currency redenomination can contribute to broader economic stability and growth efforts in Iraq.



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Key takeaways


  • Redenomination is when the value of a currency is recalibrated due to a substantial change in the buying power of the currency.
  • In a redenomination, old notes are exchanged for new ones at a fixed exchange rate.
  • Hyperinflation, decimalization, or a country joining a currency union are some of the reasons that a currency may undergo redenomination.
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1 minute ago, muleman said:

Key takeaways


  • Redenomination is when the value of a currency is recalibrated due to a substantial change in the buying power of the currency.
  • In a redenomination, old notes are exchanged for new ones at a fixed exchange rate.
  • Hyperinflation, decimalization, or a country joining a currency union are some of the reasons that a currency may undergo redenomination.

Decimalization move the decimals .

  Not remove the zeros .

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Here's another article related to the above...deleting the currency zeros...






Frank26:               Deleting The Currency Zeros.


IMO they’re about to give the citizens a new ER with new lower notes to match…They already told them that process will then take that ER, which will be at least 1 to 1 but I think is going to be higher, to float in the basket internationally.

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8 minutes ago, BETTYBOOP said:

So who thinks they will lop? 


We are talking one Iraqi economist & one member of Parliament were talking LOP.

That don't mean it will happen...It's only two people's view.

These two have no real power or influence.

The zeros will be lifted off the exchange rate & not the currency face value.

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Personally, I am not convinced they will lop. Does lopping the currency actually gain them anything ? Plus, they need the larger notes in Iraq in the banks for liquidity purposes and they would want these changed out before the rate change so they don't have a country full of millionaires. A dinar will always be a dinar within Iraq... it is what it can allow them to purchase that changes. Why would they put the original plan in place , which many of us have read to then lop the currency.? Why wait 20 + years to lop the currency? 

Why stayed the larger notes will co exist for up to 10 years if they have no value. they wouldn't even be useful for inter banking purposes which was the original plan. All these people who have dinar, not us small fish are people who would have some knowledge that they would make large profits. otherwise they would not have invested. JMHO

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4 minutes ago, Luigi1 said:


We are talking one Iraqi economist & one member of Parliament were talking LOP.

That don't mean it will happen...It's only two people's view.

These two have no real power or influence.

The zeros will be lifted off the exchange rate & not the currency face value.

 Exactly! and we know most members of the GOI don't even fully know what is going to happen

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