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This was another hard Newsletter to write because I wanted to bring some very good news and could not. Yes, the currency reform process is in motion as the CBI is still attempting to manage the parallel rate of the black market. This inability still has lots to do with Iran as Iran is still stealing millions each week from Iraq through the banks. I even went so far as to hold off on publishing the Newsletter yesterday in the hope that I would have some very good news for you after my weekly call today, Wednesday to my CBI contact in Iraq. So, what I was told is still the same old, same old. The project to delete the zeros is still on hold. The education articles and news media reports have also been put on hold for now. The issues with the Iranian bombings in Iraq and Syria of US bases is not helping the situation either. Of course the Iranian backed politicians are pushing for the removal of US troops from Iraq. They would luv to fill the gap and occupy Iraq as a puppet country of Iran. But there are still enough true Iraqi patriotic politicians involved who like to see Iraq return to a TRUE sovereign country once again. And so, like in the US with the threat of the globalist ideology, the Iraqis also face this threat of an Iranian takeover of their country. Based on this I was told there is no way the US is going to signoff and allow a reinstatement of the dinar.

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It don't mean a thing that the Budget & HCL were agreed upon by all Parties & passed.

It's back to the drawing boards & starting all over from scratch as new amendments are added each & every passing day.

I mentioned a while back...Iraq takes one step forward & two steps back & we are back to SQUARE ONE.

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This all reminds me of reaching for the brass ring on the carousel....every time it is within reach they manage to fall out of the saddle and can't get up. The next parliamentary session will most certainly accomplish our national goals....LOL      :rodeo:

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