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Sunday Midnight - 12/03/2023


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REMEMBER, no one really  knows what will happen, or when.  They're simply stating their opinions based on what they perceive to be happening in Iraq... So, take everything with a grain of salt ... :twothumbs: RON 



Frank26  The CBI wants more dollars?  No, they want less dollars. What does the US Treasury want?  More dollars in Iraq No, they want the CBI to introduce the new currency with the new exchange rate.  That will benefit the United States because the United States and the Federal Reserve have billions and billions of dinars stacked up just like they did the last time they did this...with Kuwait from 1990 to 1999. The only problem this time is they took twice [the time]...


Pimpy   Sovereignty means freedom.  That means you're in control.  Nobody else tells you what you can and can't do with your country, with your currency or anything else. That's the whole purpose of sovereignty.  Iraq wants control of their currency.  This is what we want for them to do...We have to make sure the people that are in control don't screw things up...Let's hope Iraq is ready to do this because if not it really could be a major setback...


Guru Clare  Article: "Al-Sudani:  We have natural resources that enable us to export products outside Iraq "  Quote "Prime Minister Muhammad Shiaa Al-Sudani said on Saturday that Iraq has the natural resources that qualify it to meet the market’s need for local products and export the surplus outside the country."


Nader From The Mid East  The revolution of the dinar exists, yes.  Is going to revalueYes. When? I don't know.  It can be now.  It can be next month.  It can be 2 years from now.  It can be 5 years form now.  You know people are going to hate this but the reality is there...You have to be a realist...You know it's going to revalue.


Breitling   Question: "Why haven't all the big sharks bought in anticipation of the RI?"  Who says they haven't?  I told you guys with some of the companies that I've worked with we did research and we had contact with a lot of senators and congressmen from both sides of the aisle, they all have it.  They all have Iraqi dinar.  They have other currencies too.


Militia Man  The last two weeks what did they doThey [countries around the world] opened 'corresponding banks' with Iraq.  To do what  To facilitate trade. Through what All these different currenciesIs it fact or is it fiction?  It's a fact.  I deal in facts.  I deal in truth.  I deal in data.  Article quote: "With the assistance of the Untied States...there is opening of accounts or correspondent banks which have now reached more than 40 new accounts."


Frank26  Some of you were asking, Frank, You don't want me to take my eyes off of my dinars but some of the banks I called said they're going to send them to another bank and inspect them and then bring them back Yeah, well you ask them for the address of that bank and you take your dinars to that bank and let them inspect them in front of you.  Once that's done and they give you credit and you see your account is credited with the right amount well then you're happy they can have all the dinars you took to them.  But never separate yourself from your dinars.  There are evil people in this world.   They'll find a way to steal.




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Breitling Question: "Why haven't all the big sharks bought in anticipation of the RI?" Who says they haven't? I told you guys with some of the companies that I've worked with we did research and we had contact with a lot of senators and congressmen from both sides of the aisle, they all have it. They all have Iraqi dinar. They have other currencies too.


Someone asked Breitling on this audio the other day what did he think about the articles stating January 1 2024 all transactions in dinar only. He said that's the super big & that's the beginning of them adding value to the dinar. Here's to hoping the 1st quarter things change super big for the citizens in Iraq & us investors!

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Frank26  The CBI wants more dollars?  No, they want less dollars. What does the US Treasury want?  More dollars in Iraq No, they want the CBI to introduce the new currency with the new exchange rate.  That will benefit the United States because the United States and the Federal Reserve have billions and billions of dinars stacked up just like they did the last time they did this...with Kuwait from 1990 to 1999. The only problem this time is they took twice [the time]...





I'm no F26 fan but he may be spot on this time around.

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