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    Full endorsement on this opportunity - but it's limited, so get in while you can!

Wednesday Late Night Opinions @ 11:43 PM CDT - 9/20/2023


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REMEMBER, no one really  knows what will happen, or when.  They're simply stating their opinions based on what they perceive to be happening in Iraq... So, take everything with a grain of salt ... :twothumbs: RON 



Militia Man  During this time-frame we had some key components that were needed to be sorted.  We've been talking about this for a while - the 23, 24, 25 tripartite budget has not been spending any money, hasn't allocated any money...that's going to be resolved. 


Frank26  The see-saw just teeters and totters.  The ocean waves just ebb and flow, nothing ever changes but everything will dramatically change the moment you have the new exchange rate that Sudandi and Alaq have told the Iraqi citizens very clearly it's coming...


Nader From The Mid East   I'm sure you saw Sudani invited by Biden.  That's a good thing.  I'm sure you saw the Iraqi government reduced his bonds with the United States $400 million.  That's great news.  The most important thing when Sudani said he's gonna reduce the corruption big-time...You know what that mean?  I'll let you guess...We working, working, working. I'm happy about that.  What's happening today and Iraq and in the world I'm happy about it...


Kaperoni  Iraq is having a very difficult time managing the market rate from the official rate of the CBI. It is over 20% at this time. At almost 1,600 dinars to one US dollar. Way out of IMF compliance.


Angel1   I am zero concerned about HCL. Yesterday I do believe the Kurd's issues were resolved officially...We see some very strong rumblings that HCL is done.  We have seen a few articles on it...we are having translated for us...On Friday it was announced on the radio that it was going to be resolved on Sunday and subsequently activated...




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Militia Man  During this time-frame we had some key components that were needed to be sorted.  We've been talking about this for a while - the 23, 24, 25 tripartite budget has not been spending any money, hasn't allocated any money...that's going to be resolved. 



This buys time for the corrupt, a chance to skim their share off the top.

Then the crumbs will be dispersed among the needy.

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