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    Full endorsement on this opportunity - but it's limited, so get in while you can!

Wedesday Early Afternoon Opinions @ 3:11 PM CDT - 9/20/2023


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REMEMBER, no one really  knows what will happen, or when.  They're simply stating their opinions based on what they perceive to be happening in Iraq... So, take everything with a grain of salt ... :twothumbs: RON 



Militia Man  This U.N. assembly goes on for quite a few goes all the way out to the 23rd and then a final day on the 26th.  Iraq is going to showcase themselves this next Friday.


Pimpy  Article: "It seems clear and practical...The New York Times: Al:-Sudani won the support of the Iraqis" If you ask me it's still out there on the limb. There has been protest people are not talking about...but I will admit he definitely seems to be getting things on track for Iraq...


MarkZ article dropped screaming “Shades of the Kuwait RV”...this article is just like ones we saw coming out of Kuwait...Article: Iraq PM’s visit to the US coincides with dollar exchange rate crisis”  They are talking about external factors and the progress they have made. They are talking about the exchange rate is unstable…Similar articles dropped in Kuwait before their RV.  The rate is only unstable right now because they haven’t released the new rate yet.


Frank26   Question: "HCL was given to the Iraqi citizens?"  No.  Nothing is given to the Iraqi citizens until you get the new exchange rate.  It's that simple.


Samson  Article: "Iraqi PM Al Sudani to meet Biden at White House soon, says Blinken Washington worried over the influence of Shiite militias and wants Iraq to introduce reforms"


Clare  Article "Al-Awadi: Al-Sudani’s meeting with Biden will deepen understanding between Baghdad and Washington" Quote "The Iraqi government spokesman, Bassem Al-Awadi, confirmed...US President Joe Biden’s invitation to Prime Minister Muhammad Shiaa Al-Sudani to visit Washington confirms the independence of the Prime Minister’s approach to domestic and foreign policies and the high international appreciation he enjoys...the upcoming meeting...will culminate in a policy of respecting mutual interests and deepening mutual understanding."




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Good luck. Biden had almost no one at his speech to the UN. He is a pathetic liar and I would not trust a word out of his mouth period. In fact I don’t trust a word any left wing communist democrat has to say.

have notice since Biden and regime has been in office they have went against Israel and considering to go along with a two state deal, and every since we have had nothing but criminal and gang violence in our democrat run cities and our borders are wide open and we are being invaded by multitudes of criminals. He who cursed My people shall I curse those who bless My people I will bless those people/nations. I paraphrased this but it state’s basically what the Bible states. This administration has to go or we will be the slaves of this horrific administration.

 I can’t see Biden giving into Iraq upgrading their currency against the dollar. They know there are thousands of us out here who will become very wealthy and know that many of us are not democrats and will help take them outta office now stating this I could only hope he screws it up and goes with Iraq in a RV. The man is incompetent a criminal anlong with all his minions. Just my take on what’s taking place.

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Pimpy  Article: "It seems clear and practical...The New York Times: Al:-Sudani won the support system" rel="">support of the Iraqis" If you ask me it's still out there on the limb. There has been protest people are not talking about...but I will admit he definitely seems to be getting things on track for Iraq...




Sudani's spoke at UN of stability & security in the region & mentioned nothing about economic reform.

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