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Here is a great post from an other forum by the person "SVISSER" that I agree with 100%


Posted elsewhere by SVISSER:

"Keeping it Real and Keeping it Simple

I watch this site day after day to see one “guru” after another make claims that we will see the RV on such and such a day, or after a certain UN meeting, or during the holy month of Ramadan as a gift to the people… blah blah blah blah blah.

This is a simple answer as to “When we will have our RV” but unfortunately so many various pieces of intel have clouded the issue.

I am writing this in an attempt to return to the simple and obvious.

Question: The singular most important justification for the UNSC authorizing war against IRAQ and imposing Ch7 on the nation of Iraq was what? I will give you a hint… we saw Gen Colin Powell address the UNSC with a bunch of photos and intel describing Iraqs capability and possession of….. Thats right WEAPONS OF MASS DESTRUCTION!

Back several months ago when we saw a push to take Iraq out of CH7, (this was the big push prior to the election), there were two major hurdles that the country of Iraq could not overcome. The IAEA had not completed their inspection/Audit of Iraq. The Iraqi Parliment had not voted on a very important piece of legislation that had to do with the “Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty”, specifically the “IAEA Additional Protocols”.

Additional Protocols are so important because they are rules specific to Iraq. 88 other countries have signed the Additional Protocols for their specific countries, however the problem with Iraq is that as much as the executive branch has said yes we will honor the additional protocols, nothing has been ratified by their parliment. There is “No official law” backing these protocols, simply just a pledge by Maliki. Not good enough!

You may remember when the Obama administration wanted to “vouch” for Iraq being in compliance with the audit after the caretaker govt said they would abide, and very wisely the UNSC said NO Way! The IAEA is official nuclear watchdog for the UN on anything nuclear. The UN demanded that it be done right.

So the IAEA completed their work with the audit however the parliment has not been re-seated therefore there is no official government to vote these additional protocols into law.


IMO you will not see an RV without removal from Ch7. The simple reason is leverage. Iraq will not give up the only bit of leverage that remains to force or shall I say entice the UNSC not to just forget about them.

The international community wants an RV yes, however without the UNSC dealing with the “reason” we went to war in the first place, Iraq will not get what they need!

Simply put… Once the Government is finally seated, then look for an announcement on the additional protocols. Chapter 7 will follow very quickly and then you will get your RV.

Following this logic, your emotions will stay in check and you will not be subject to the emotional roller coaster that we get so sick of! This will free your up your time and allow you to live your life free of the dinar drama without selling them off and forgeting this investment!

The investment IS REAL and it will happen, but so are the emotions. Significant damage can be done to relationships when you allow the dinar rumors and gurus to drive hopes based on “intel” that does not address the basic reasons for the war in the first place. Hang tough and may God Bless us all!


Edited by Phoenix
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Here is a great post from an other forum by the person "SVISSER" that I agree with 100%


Posted elsewhere by SVISSER:

"Keeping it Real and Keeping it Simple

I watch this site day after day to see one “guru” after another make claims that we will see the RV on such and such a day, or after a certain UN meeting, or during the holy month of Ramadan as a gift to the people… blah blah blah blah blah.

This is a simple answer as to “When we will have our RV” but unfortunately so many various pieces of intel have clouded the issue.

I am writing this in an attempt to return to the simple and obvious.

Question: The singular most important justification for the UNSC authorizing war against IRAQ and imposing Ch7 on the nation of Iraq was what? I will give you a hint… we saw Gen Colin Powell address the UNSC with a bunch of photos and intel describing Iraqs capability and possession of….. Thats right WEAPONS OF MASS DESTRUCTION!

Back several months ago when we saw a push to take Iraq out of CH7, (this was the big push prior to the election), there were two major hurdles that the country of Iraq could not overcome. The IAEA had not completed their inspection/Audit of Iraq. The Iraqi Parliment had not voted on a very important piece of legislation that had to do with the “Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty”, specifically the “IAEA Additional Protocols”.

Additional Protocols are so important because they are rules specific to Iraq. 88 other countries have signed the Additional Protocols for their specific countries, however the problem with Iraq is that as much as the executive branch has said yes we will honor the additional protocols, nothing has been ratified by their parliment. There is “No official law” backing these protocols, simply just a pledge by Maliki. Not good enough!

You may remember when the Obama administration wanted to “vouch” for Iraq being in compliance with the audit after the caretaker govt said they would abide, and very wisely the UNSC said NO Way! The IAEA is official nuclear watchdog for the UN on anything nuclear. The UN demanded that it be done right.

So the IAEA completed their work with the audit however the parliment has not been re-seated therefore there is no official government to vote these additional protocols into law.


IMO you will not see an RV without removal from Ch7. The simple reason is leverage. Iraq will not give up the only bit of leverage that remains to force or shall I say entice the UNSC not to just forget about them.

The international community wants an RV yes, however without the UNSC dealing with the “reason” we went to war in the first place, Iraq will not get what they need!

Simply put… Once the Government is finally seated, then look for an announcement on the additional protocols. Chapter 7 will follow very quickly and then you will get your RV.

Following this logic, your emotions will stay in check and you will not be subject to the emotional roller coaster that we get so sick of! This will free your up your time and allow you to live your life free of the dinar drama without selling them off and forgeting this investment!

The investment IS REAL and it will happen, but so are the emotions. Significant damage can be done to relationships when you allow the dinar rumors and gurus to drive hopes based on “intel” that does not address the basic reasons for the war in the first place. Hang tough and may God Bless us all!


Good info, thank you for your post! I think I remember back before we (US) went into Iraq, the UN gave Iraq a six month period before sending in the UN inspectors to search for WMD. My son recently met a man whose son was in the Marines during the grace period, and he mentioned to my son that his son sat at a distance and watched the Iraqis move WMD into Syria. Nothing was ever reported on this due to the fact that we weren't supposed to be there at that particular time. Just passing on info that probably now has no importance other than FYI

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