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Obama Says No Foreign Terror Org Has Attacked US in 8 Years

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Thanks, SYN !

Unlike yours, Our posts usually garner interest based on comedic content...

we do get some reaction out of the hot-heads for our passionate Patriotic stance... so that's good.

But we're pretty far back in the race for meaningful content when we're up against YOU ! ^_^;)

Edited by SgtFuryUSCZ
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3 minutes ago, Shabibilicious said:

I'm confused alright, no doubt about it.....I actually like people and can't understand why so many here don't.  :huh:

GO RV, then BV

They are disenchanted. I understand that. They feel they're basic beliefs are being taken away. I understand that too. What I don't understand is the refusal to listen to any thoughts that differ from what they believe. Most of the time, not always, but most of the time there is no discussion here, simply attacks. No matter where you stand or what you believe, without open minded discussion, nothing will ever be solved. Just look at Congress. The "Us against Them" has been an epic failure.

For example. All these people who hate the idea of a national health plan attack Obama, as though he singlehandedly wrote the law and carried down the street by himself, when it was passed by a Republican led congress. Why aren't these people calling their congressmen and senators? Why did they vote them back in? If you really want to change the government, vote them all out at one time (or during the cycles depending the election schedule) and stop whining. I find it quite amusing everyday when the posters here call the left whiners. The folks on the right never stop whining about Obama and all his evil doings, when in actuality no president does anything without Congress. I mean who in their right mind would ever re-elect Mitch McConnell or Nancy Pelosi?  JMHO



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18 minutes ago, bostonangler said:

They are disenchanted. I understand that. They feel they're basic beliefs are being taken away. I understand that too. What I don't understand is the refusal to listen to any thoughts that differ from what they believe. Most of the time, not always, but most of the time there is no discussion here, simply attacks. No matter where you stand or what you believe, without open minded discussion, nothing will ever be solved. Just look at Congress. The "Us against Them" has been an epic failure.

For example. All these people who hate the idea of a national health plan attack Obama, as though he singlehandedly wrote the law and carried down the street by himself, when it was passed by a Republican led congress.



I have tried many times to have a meaningful logical conversation with you, but it never seems to materialize.  An honest conversation can’t be had when one party is disingenuous.  Almost impossible when that person is so blinded by their hatred for their own party, or more accurately the conservatives in their own party, that they actually believe Obummercare was passed by a Republican controlled Congress.  To refresh your memory, Massachusetts voted in a Republican Senator after Teddy dies in order to keep the Democrats from having 60 Senators, and to halt Obummercare.  Of course the Dems didn’t care and illegally passed the law anyway.


After your comment on who was running Congress, there was no reason to read any further.

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43 minutes ago, bostonangler said:

They are disenchanted. I understand that. They feel they're basic beliefs are being taken away. I understand that too. What I don't understand is the refusal to listen to any thoughts that differ from what they believe. Most of the time, not always, but most of the time there is no discussion here, simply attacks. No matter where you stand or what you believe, without open minded discussion, nothing will ever be solved. Just look at Congress. The "Us against Them" has been an epic failure.

For example. All these people who hate the idea of a national health plan attack Obama, as though he singlehandedly wrote the law and carried down the street by himself, when it was passed by a Republican led congress. Why aren't these people calling their congressmen and senators? Why did they vote them back in? If you really want to change the government, vote them all out at one time (or during the cycles depending the election schedule) and stop whining. I find it quite amusing everyday when the posters here call the left whiners. The folks on the right never stop whining about Obama and all his evil doings, when in actuality no president does anything without Congress. I mean who in their right mind would ever re-elect Mitch McConnell or Nancy Pelosi?  JMHO



I wouldn't use the word disenchanted since I do not think that accurately describes the contested value. The coincidental "understand" is a general acknowledgement to establishing, or attempting to establish, a stereotype. Basic beliefs can not be taken away nor can the fundamental underpinnings and structures be ignored. References to preexisting dispositions can and is used to assess individual and corporate reasoning with subsequent disposition of will and individual resources. The basic value and subsequent issue is how much right and influence other individuals and government have on another individual. The "refusal to listen to any thoughts that differ from what they believe" is really the "refusal to accept another individual's or government's imposition on and extraction of another individual's moral disposition and/or resources." I hold nobody subject to remedying a malady I may encounter or possess.  In this sense, "No matter where you stand or what you believe" is an open refusal to accept another's imposition.  For example, if I encountered an individual or individuals who were intent on causing me harm due to no fault of my own, I would use whatever means to stop the harmful imposition.  The "open minded discussion" concept does not apply here.  In the discharge of Social Discourse (as I call it), there is no predisposition to acceptance of contrary views but only acknowledgement of contrary views and nominal consideration applied to held beliefs and external preexisting dispositions. There are mutually opposing values that can not coexist for individual well being and that of society. Simply refusing the contrary values can not be construed as intolerant. "The "US against Them"" implies there is an alternate environment where mutually exclusive principles and values can coexist in relation to Rule Of Law with the subsequent influence of individuals and government's disposition on another individual.  What is at stake here from the Declaration Of Independence is:

"We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness. — That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed, — That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness. Prudence, indeed, will dictate that Governments long established should not be changed for light and transient causes; and accordingly all experience hath shewn that mankind are more disposed to suffer, while evils are sufferable than to right themselves by abolishing the forms to which they are accustomed. But when a long train of abuses and usurpations, pursuing invariably the same Object evinces a design to reduce them under absolute Despotism, it is their right, it is their duty, to throw off such Government, and to provide new Guards for their future security. — Such has been the patient sufferance of these Colonies; and such is now the necessity which constrains them to alter their former Systems of Government. The history of the present King of Great Britain is a history of repeated injuries and usurpations, all having in direct object the establishment of an absolute Tyranny over these States. To prove this, let Facts be submitted to a candid world."

As such, the peaceful transfer of powers is critical in the United States of America.  Unfortunately, the Snowflakes of varying degrees and age do not see themselves as ever being out of power.

The National Health Care Plan, from whatever origin and means, is proving to be an epic failure and is in need of repeal.  The United States of America does not owe me Health Care and I do not believe anyone in these very same United States of America is owed Health Care, either, from the United States of America for the consequences we are seeing today. These consequences are higher premium costs, waiting times for Health Care, quality of Health Care, and misappropriation of Health Care funds contrary to the values of the various citizens of the United States of America.  By the way, I do call my Senators and Congressman.  Seemingly, statements and initiatives contrary to Liberal Left philosophies is considered whining rather than for (really) one's right and duty to stand up and articulate one's beliefs.  Just look at the fairly wide spread Snowflake behavior.  Even though "whining" could be contributed to individuals of varying disposition, the Liberal Left and Snowflake ideological spawn has shown their intolerance, brawling, bawling, and whining in relation to the 2016 US Presidential Election outcome in degrees not seen in other US Presidential cycles.

Government is a very poor alternative to individual and corporate benevolence. People individually and corporately really do want to help others out in meaningful ways provided they have the opportunity and are not imposed upon or taken advantage of by contrary individuals and organizations - especially government.

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7 minutes ago, Synopsis said:

I wouldn't use the word disenchanted since I do not think that accurately describes the contested value. The coincidental "understand" is a general acknowledgement to establishing, or attempting to establish, a stereotype. Basic beliefs can not be taken away nor can the fundamental underpinnings and structures be ignored. References to preexisting dispositions can and is used to assess individual and corporate reasoning with subsequent disposition of will and individual resources. The basic value and subsequent issue is how much right and influence other individuals and government have on another individual. The "refusal to listen to any thoughts that differ from what they believe" is really the "refusal to accept another individual's or government's imposition on and extraction of another individual's moral disposition and/or resources." I hold nobody subject to remedying a malady I may encounter or possess.  In this sense, "No matter where you stand or what you believe" is an open refusal to accept another's imposition.  For example, if I encountered an individual or individuals who were intent on causing me harm due to no fault of my own, I would use whatever means to stop the harmful imposition.  The "open minded discussion" concept does not apply here.  In the discharge of Social Discourse (as I call it), there is no predisposition to acceptance of contrary views but only acknowledgement of contrary views and nominal consideration applied to held beliefs and external preexisting dispositions. There are mutually opposing values that can not coexist for individual well being and that of society. Simply refusing the contrary values can not be construed as intolerant. "The "US against Them"" implies there is an alternate environment where mutually exclusive principles and values can coexist in relation to Rule Of Law with the subsequent influence of individuals and government's disposition on another individual.  What is at stake here from the Declaration Of Independence is:

"We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness. — That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed, — That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness. Prudence, indeed, will dictate that Governments long established should not be changed for light and transient causes; and accordingly all experience hath shewn that mankind are more disposed to suffer, while evils are sufferable than to right themselves by abolishing the forms to which they are accustomed. But when a long train of abuses and usurpations, pursuing invariably the same Object evinces a design to reduce them under absolute Despotism, it is their right, it is their duty, to throw off such Government, and to provide new Guards for their future security. — Such has been the patient sufferance of these Colonies; and such is now the necessity which constrains them to alter their former Systems of Government. The history of the present King of Great Britain is a history of repeated injuries and usurpations, all having in direct object the establishment of an absolute Tyranny over these States. To prove this, let Facts be submitted to a candid world."

As such, the peaceful transfer of powers is critical in the United States of America.  Unfortunately, the Snowflakes of varying degrees and age do not see themselves as ever being out of power.

The National Health Care Plan, from whatever origin and means, is proving to be an epic failure and is in need of repeal.  The United States of America does not owe me Health Care and I do not believe anyone in these very same United States of America is owed Health Care, either, from the United States of America for the consequences we are seeing today. These consequences are higher premium costs, waiting times for Health Care, quality of Health Care, and misappropriation of Health Care funds contrary to the values of the various citizens of the United States of America.  By the way, I do call my Senators and Congressman.  Seemingly, statements and initiatives contrary to Liberal Left philosophies is considered whining rather than for (really) one's right and duty to stand up and articulate one's beliefs.  Just look at the fairly wide spread Snowflake behavior.  Even though "whining" could be contributed to individuals of varying disposition, the Liberal Left and Snowflake ideological spawn has shown their intolerance, brawling, bawling, and whining in relation to the 2016 US Presidential Election outcome in degrees not seen in other US Presidential cycles.

Government is a very poor alternative to individual and corporate benevolence. People individually and corporately really do want to help others out in meaningful ways provided they have the opportunity and are not imposed upon or taken advantage of by contrary individuals and organizations - especially government.

I always enjoy reading your posts. Thank you. I agree we should all be responsible for our actions. Of course in an open society that is never the case. As I tell my foster child who came from the lowest of low society, where responsibility is never an issue for them. There those who do and those who do not. We are doers. Her learned behavior is to never take responsibility for her actions... We are working on that and actually making some success after a year and a half of battling. In her family no one, and I mean not one of her family members has ever graduated high school. Two of her five brothers, one of her three sisters and her grandfather cannot read or write. They are a scourge on society. Do we give them food and housing or do we let them just go out and take what they think they need? Do we just gun down the poor and uneducated and eradicate them? What is the answer? As for my family, we hope to break the cycle. We have her in school. She has a job. She hasn't gotten pregnant. She is responsible for herself. Will it work? There is no guarantee, but as Christians or more importantly as humans, we couldn't turn our backs and watch the carnage. 

The unfortunate truth is those who do will always be expected to lift those who do not. If people did not bail out the sinking boats, our society would be even more violent than it is today. I don't like it. I feel like my pockets are being picked but the sad fact is some people would rather rob, steal or even kill so as to avoid going to work. Should it change? Of course. Will it change? I don't think so. There is a culture of entitlement that will always exist. Sometimes I wonder if they aren't the smart ones. I mean all they do all day is sit around getting high, playing video games and eating free food in their free housing. Who's the dummies? I'm only kidding of course, most Americans could never live that lifestyle. But my point is they are out there. JMHO



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22 minutes ago, SgtFuryUSCZ said:

EXAMPLE:  Taxpayers should not have to pay for your abortion.

De-fund Planned Parenthood.

Let those who want /support it pay for it... according to them there are SO MANY who believe in it, (yuh, right <_<)

it shouldn't be a problem for THEM to whip out their wallets.

I agree we shouldn't have to pay. So are you ready to adopt the next crack baby born? Or should we wait until the baby is born and then kill it? I'm just asking. The reason I ask, is because I'm raising a kid who was born into that world. Who is going to take in the next one? Are you? Likely your response will be like so many others... "It's not my problem"



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4 minutes ago, bostonangler said:

I always enjoy reading your posts. Thank you. I agree we should all be responsible for our actions. Of course in an open society that is never the case. As I tell my foster child who came from the lowest of low society, where responsibility is never an issue for them. There those who do and those who do not. We are doers. Her learned behavior is to never take responsibility for her actions... We are working on that and actually making some success after a year and a half of battling. In her family no one, and I mean not one of her family members has ever graduated high school. Two of her five brothers, one of her three sisters and her grandfather cannot read or write. They are a scourge on society. Do we give them food and housing or do we let them just go out and take what they think they need? Do we just gun down the poor and uneducated and eradicate them? What is the answer? As for my family, we hope to break the cycle. We have her in school. She has a job. She hasn't gotten pregnant. She is responsible for herself. Will it work? There is no guarantee, but as Christians or more importantly as humans, we couldn't turn our backs and watch the carnage. 

The unfortunate truth is those who do will always be expected to lift those who do not. If people did not bail out the sinking boats, our society would be even more violent than it is today. I don't like it. I feel like my pockets are being picked but the sad fact is some people would rather rob, steal or even kill so as to avoid going to work. Should it change? Of course. Will it change? I don't think so. There is a culture of entitlement that will always exist. Sometimes I wonder if they aren't the smart ones. I mean all they do all day is sit around getting high, playing video games and eating free food in their free housing. Who's the dummies? I'm only kidding of course, most Americans could never live that lifestyle. But my point is they are out there. JMHO



One of your BEST posts B/A...  You're exhibiting the power of individual action, for the empowerment of other individuals.  One person at a time, perhaps... but accepting your own decision to help... is the best example of confronting the scourge and evil that we know will always exist.   I have a good feeling you will succeed! :tiphat:

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Just now, Jaxinjersey said:

One of your BEST posts B/A...  You're exhibiting the power of individual action, for the empowerment of other individuals.  One person at a time, perhaps... but accepting your own decision to help... is the best example of confronting the scourge and evil that we know will always exist.   I have a good feeling you will succeed! :tiphat:

Thanks Jax... Our hope is to show this kid there is a better way... One day at a time and I can tell you some are better than others. Whew



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15 minutes ago, bostonangler said:

I agree we shouldn't have to pay. So are you ready to adopt the next crack baby born? Or should we wait until the baby is born and then kill it? I'm just asking. The reason I ask, is because I'm raising a kid who was born into that world. Who is going to take in the next one? Are you? Likely your response will be like so many others... "It's not my problem"

***///  Oh, stop with your standard bleeding heart narrative of pure DEFLECTION....<_< Puh-leeze....

Nobody said anything about you not being able to have them...

only that The Taxpayer should NOT have to pay for it.

And cut out that FALSE NARRATIVE about "nobody wants the poor crack babies"...

Cutting Taxpayer funding of abortions does NOT affect morons being able to have all the

abortions and crack babies they want.





Edited by SgtFuryUSCZ
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39 minutes ago, SgtFuryUSCZ said:

EXAMPLE:  Taxpayers should not have to pay for your abortion.

De-fund Planned Parenthood.

Let those who want /support it pay for it... according to them there are SO MANY who believe in it, (yuh, right <_<)

it shouldn't be a problem for THEM to whip out their wallets.


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2 minutes ago, SgtFuryUSCZ said:

***///  Oh, stop with your standard bleeding heart narrative of pure DEFLECTION....<_< Puh-leeze....

Nobody said anything about you not being able to have them...

only that The Taxpayer should NOT have to pay for it.

And cut out that FALSE NARRATIVE about "nobody wants the poor crack babies"...

Cutting Taxpayer funding of abortions does NOT affect morons being able to have all the

abortions and crack babies they want.





Pay me now or pay me later... Either way we pay... Unless we kill them all... Of course I'm not serious about that.


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