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Two headlines today.

Consumer confidence hit a 15 year high, that's pre 9/11 level.

Mexico announced they are willing to discuss better border security and immigration as part of keeping their NAFTA status.

Mexico has not only allowed hordes of illegals to invade their greatest benefactor, but they have been actively assisting the invaders by providing water and food for their journey through Mexico.

This is what they should have been doing since bush "negotiated it and clinton signed it, but instead have increased their parasitic feeding off America's good will to a level that is on track to destroy us.

We have seen positive direction already, and he isn't even sworn in yet.

Anyone remember the Iran Hostage's?
A bunch of radicalized "students held 60 Americans hostage for a year.

Within hours of Reagan being sworn in as POTUS all Americans were immediately released.

 They lying libtards have been desperately trying to rewrite history, but no matter how hard they try, the rest of us know the truth.

Conservative principals, true capitalism, and a leader with backbone that has the support of his country creates a nation to be respected.

I'm sure today's news will force dozens into their safe place by snowflakes.....DM

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The force of GOOD over evil is clearly evident !

It's taken evil a long time to entrench itself.... GOOD is prevailing at record speed to dig it out and

eradicate it PUSH BACK THE EVIL RED TIDE  that tried to wipe US off the Earth !

Okay, Patriots...! Shoulders to the wheel...! Increase the momentum !  LET'S ROLL !



Edited by SgtFuryUSCZ
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....With the increase of cocaine traffic in the 70's across the US border allowing corrupt officials on the ''Hill' to fund bigger operation...CIA Director George Bush (nickname Big-Poppy) political Vietnam war that span his heroin connection through the entire 60's was becoming last covenant under military operations.... Bush's poppy fields were starting to become widely known and had to be moved to their present day operation in Asscrackinthesand and Pakistan...In the last two decades the US border has not only witnessed the increase of cocaine activity and a major influx of heroin...There is a reason corrupt politians can go to the ''Hill'' on a 150K  a year job and leave as multi-millionaires...The greed of drug trafficking and as the Clintons proved the human trafficking of young prostitutes to compliment their drug addictions and perversion has caused a security breach of our southern border as well as corrupt political leaders that'll sell off their own mother for their next fix...Mexico has one of the finest borders (we paid for) on their southern border but refused to build one on their northern border...The answer is quite elementary....''Greed and Perversion''  

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17 minutes ago, skeetdog said:

.. Bush's poppy fields

..''Greed and Perversion''  

Yes indeed. Here's an in depth article that is still online, but has been buried by google.

Have posted this here before, but it needs to be remembered.

The bush's came from Prescott Bush, president of The American Socialist party, charged with treason for "aiding the enemy" when he helped finance Hitler's WWII as director of Union Bank. It should be noted, The Bank of England loaned hundreds of millions to Hitler for his 3rd reich.

The whole left/right paradigm has just been a freaking game, hopefully with Trump stepping aside, we can finally expose the whole truth to America. 


US Military Secures Afghan Opium Harvest


By Elaine Sullivan / RCFP

The biggest offensive of the Afghanistan War may be one of the biggest lies of the War on Terror. According to the Pentagon, Operation Moshtarak was to be an offensive against Marja — a city of 80,000 people; a city covering more than 80 square miles; a city, according to ABC news, “more heavily populated, urban and dense than other places the Marines have so far been able to clear and hold.” Before and during the offensive, almost every major US news outlet reported similar stories. An expected 400 to 1,000 insurgents were reportedly “holed up” in the southern Afghan town. Operation Moshtarak involved 15,000 US, Afghan and British troops and is the biggest joint operation since the 2001 US-led invasion of Afghanistan.” The only problem: There is no city of Marja.

Marja is in Helmand Province and a quick look on Google Earth will show small homes with their farms; it clearly is not a city of 80,000 people. If you look at Lashkar Gah, the capital of Helmand Province, on Google Earth you can easily see it is a city with neighborhoods and surrounded by farmland. lists 117 Afghan cities by population, from Kabul with 2,272,000 to Jurm with 2100; Marja is not listed.

Investigative journalist, Gareth Porter, reporting for Inter Press News Service (IPS) reports that “Marja is not a city or even a real town, but either a few clusters of farmers’ homes or a large agricultural area covering much of the southern Helmand River Valley.” According to an official of the International Security Assistance Force (ISAF) “The only population numbering tens of thousands associated with Marja is spread across many villages and almost 125 square miles.” (Gareth Porter, “Fiction of Marja as City Was US Information War,” IPS, March 8, 2010). The only “city” within a hundred miles is the capital of the province, Lashkar Gah with a population of 36,600.

Porter interviewed Richard B. Scott, who worked in Marja as recently as 2005 as an adviser on irrigation for the US Agency for International Development; Scott claims that “Marja has nothing that could be mistaken as being urban. Marja is an ‘agricultural district’ with a ‘scattered series of farmers’ markets.’”

According to Porter this idea that Marja is a city began with a briefing given February 2 by officials at Camp Leatherneck, the US Marine base there. Articles began to be published and news stories aired claiming, among other things, that Marja was a city, “the biggest town under Taliban Control”, and “the linchpin of the militants’ logistical and opium-smuggling network.” ABC news cited a population of 125,000 people living in the “town and surrounding villages.” The Associated Press (AP) referred to Marja as having “three markets in town — which covers 80 square miles…” Porter points out that a city covering 80 square miles would be bigger than such cities as Washington, DC, Pittsburgh or Cleveland.

This is not a mistake in demographics or a mistake in the briefing at Camp Letherneck. This is, as Porter contends, a “…decision to hype up Marja as the objective of Operation Moshtarak by planting the false impression that it is a good-sized city.”

Porter goes on to say, “A central task of ‘information operations’ in counterinsurgency wars is ‘establishing the COIN[counterinsurgency] narrative’, according to the Army Counterinsurgency Field Manual as revised under Gen. David Petraeus in 2006.

“The COIN manual asserts that news media ‘directly influence the attitude of key audiences toward counterinsurgents, their operations and the opposing insurgency.’ The manual refers to ‘a war of perceptions…conducted continuously using the news media.’”

“Gen. Stanley A. McChrystal, commander of ISAF, was clearly preparing to wage such a war in advance of the Marja operation. In remarks made just before the offensive began, McChrystal invoked the language of the counterinsurgency manual, saying, “This is all a war of perceptions.”

“The Washington Post reported February 22 that the decision to launch the offensive against Marja was intended largely to impress US public opinion with the effectiveness of the US military in Afghanistan by showing that it could achieve a ‘large and loud victory’.”

And large and loud it was. According to Wikipedia, “On February 13, two hours before dawn at 4 am local time the first of 90 Chinook and Cobra helicopters disgorged a force of British, Afghan and French troops.” The offensive ended 5 days later on February 18th. According to an AP report, “Marines uncovered dozens of Taliban-issued ID cards, official Taliban letterhead stationery and government stamps. They also found graduation diplomas from an insurgent training camp in Baluchistan … along with photos of fighters posing with their AK-47 assault rifles.” (Alfred de Montesquiou, “US Marines seize Taliban headquarters, IDs, photos”, AP Feb. 19, 2010).

All of this seems a little much just to show the American people how well the war in Afghanistan is going. If you look a little closer at the history of Helmand Province it is interesting to note that Marja is in the area referred to as the “opium belt” and Helmand Province is the world’s largest opium-producing region, responsible for 42% of the world’s supply. Marja is also a part of the Helmand-Arghandab Valley (HVA) irrigation system.. The HVA has strong connections with George H. W. “Poppy” Bush going back to the 1970s when opium production reached all-time yields (see the Wayne Madsen article on page 6). Also, we are heading into poppy harvesting time. With the historical connections between the Bush family, the CIA and the poppy fields of Afghanistan, it seems that the large deployment of troops to Marja wasn’t to secure the region from the Taliban, but to secure the poppy fields for the US drug trade.

US intelligence sources estimated at least 120 Taliban fighters were killed and 6 coalition troops. An assessment by the Afghan Red Cross Society claims the conflict left 35 civilians dead, 37 injured and 55 houses destroyed. Also a casualty: The Truth.

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Oops, wrong one.

Sorry, I have about 5 terrabytes of stored articles, white papers, and research links.

Grabbed the wrong one from the rock;

Bush-connected Firm Involved In Opium Production In Marja Afghanistan In 1970s


By Wayne Madsen /

A one-time Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA) source revealed to WMR that a Bush family-connected firm, the St. Joe Company, was heavily involved in an irrigation project that provided water to opium-producing fields in southern Afghanistan in the 1970s. 

The project, the Helmand-Arghandab Valley Authority (HAVA) irrigation system and the US Agency for International Development (USAID)-constructed Kajaki Dam, saw Afghanistan’s opium production reach all-time yields in the 1970s, before the Soviet invasion and occupation of Afghanistan.

St. Joe Company, based in Jacksonville, is one of the largest private property owners in Florida, having increased its ownership of land when former Florida Governor Jeb Bush arranged for the “sweetheart” sale of public state-owned land to the firm during his governorship.

St. Joe has long been connected to US government operations around the world. It was founded in 1936 by the Alfred I. du Pont Testamentary Trust. St. Joe also owned the Talisman Sugar Company, which was heavily involved in Florida sugar cane production and partly responsible for the imposition of disastrous restrictions on the import of sugar from countries in the Caribbean, a policy that ensured economic instability in the nations of the West Indies. 

St. Joe was also a part owner of Jeb Bush’s firm, the Codina Group, run by Bush’s close friend Armando Codina, a Cuban exile who fled the island as a teen. 

On August 2, 2006, WMR reported: “President George W. and Florida Governor Jeb Bush, two brothers who owe their offices to the power of the right-wing Cuban-American community in south Florida, engaged in a macabre and sinister death watch for Cuban President Fidel Castro while being hosted by wealthy Cuban-American supporters. As Castro was rushed to the hospital suffering from internal bleeding, the Bush brothers began planning action against the Cuban government and the two Castro brothers — Fidel and Raul.

… The Bush brothers huddled at a Republican National Committee fundraiser with Jeb Bush’s business mentor and partner, wealthy Cuban-American real estate developer Armando Codina, head of the Codina Group and close friend of George H. W. Bush. Codina sponsored the fundraiser at his Coral Gables home. Until 1994, the firm was known as the Codina-Bush Group. Codina and Jeb Bush made a fortune in developing southern Florida real estate properties. Codina invested $1000 in 1984 in a Miami office tower project and cashed out his shares in 1990 for a hefty $346,000. Before he left Codina in 1993, Jeb earned huge commissions for the sale of real estate to Japanese investors. Jeb also sold water pumps [for irrigation projects as in Afghanistan] to Nigeria in a questionable deal involving Nigeria’s military junta, M&W Pump, and another Bush company, Bush-El. These deals occurred at the same time that Jeb Bush was enmeshed in the savings and loan scandal involving Florida-based financial institutions. As reported by WMR last November, the politically-powerful St. Joe Company has a significant investment in the Codina Group. After Jeb Bush became governor, he took care of his real estate business friends, selling them state-owned land at cut rate prices. 

Joining the Bush brothers in Coral Gables were the Florida Cuban-American GOP congressional team of Representative Ileana Ros-Lehtinen, who best represents the fact that America’s foreign policies on the Middle East and Latin America have been outsourced to two vocal and politically powerful special interests — the Israeli and Cuban exile lobbies. Ros Lehtinen’s mother was a Jewish-Cuban refugee from Cuba. Joining the Bush brothers in the Florida death watch huddle was another GOP brother team, Representatives Lincoln and Mario-Diaz Balart. The brothers Bush and Balart and Ros-Lehtinen and Codina have their eyes set on lucrative real estate development schemes for post-Castro Cuba. The fact that oil has been discovered in Cuban waters has also earned the interest of the Bush-Cheney petroleum cartel.”

On September 4, 2009, WMR reported on a more-than-coincidental link between St. Joe and the collapsed financial empire of now-jailed Sir Allen Stanford. WMR reported on Stanford’s attorney: “[Carlos] Loumiet is listed as the registered agent for the Stanford home [in Coral Gables] in a contrivance called Casuarina 20 LLC. Located nearby at 50 Casuarina is the home of Cuban-American businessman Armando Codina, Jeb Bush’s longtime friend and business partner who has sat on the boards of American Airlines and Merrill Lynch. In the weeks prior to Jeb Bush taking over as Governor of Florida, Stanford Trust, in December 1998, inked the sweetheart deal with Arthur M. Simon, the director of the Florida Division of Baking within the Department of Banking and Finance to allow the Antigua-based entity to begin issuing CDs in Florida. The deal was signed by Stanford Trust on December 10 and by Simon on December 14. In the interim, Florida’s outgoing Democratic Governor Lawton Chiles died of a heart attack on December 12 in the Governor’s Mansion.”

Stanford was under investigation for laundering drug money for the CIA through his banks in Antigua, Panama, Colombia, and other countries. 

With opium production again at an all-time high in US-occupied Afghanistan, it would appear that the Bush family is, once again, reaping the benefits of the opium trade it once enjoyed in Afghanistan in the 1970s under King Mohammad Zahir Shah and Prince Mohammad Daoud until the pro-Soviet coup in April 1978.

In November 1974, Secretary of State Henry Kissinger visited Kabul and agreed to increase funding for USAID projects in Afghanistan, including the irrigation programs benefiting Afghanistan’s opium output. 

After a few years, Daoud, who succeeded the King and proclaimed a republic, grew tired of his Soviet military advisers and Communist Cabinet ministers and began to dismiss them. A CIA report states that on April 13, 1977, “Soviet party leader Leonid Brezhnev launched into a tirade about the large number of ‘experts’ from ‘NATO countries’ involved in various projects in Afghanistan. He asserted that they were ‘spies’ and demanded they be sent out of the country.” Brezhnev and his KGB were undoubtedly aware that the CIA, who was under the directorship of George H. W. “Poppy” Bush in 1976, and his connected firms like St. Joe were cashing in on the increase in Afghanistan opium yields. 

Mocow Radio’s home service reported on November 24, 1985, “As far back as 1979, a secret deal was concluded between the CIA and the ringleaders of the Dushman groups of smugglers. The deal made provision, in particular, for the supply from the USA, in the guise of medical instruments, of equipment for converting raw opium into heroin and morphine. At present in the Peshawar region, about 20 such clandestine laboratories are operating. Moreover, the CIA stipulated only one condition: part of the cash gained from the sale of drugs must be donated to purchase weapons for the Dushman bands.” The Soviets referred to the Afghan Mujaheddin groups in Pakistan aided by the CIA as the “Dushman” groups — Dushman being an Afghan word for “enemies of the revolution.”

On March 19, 1989, The Sunday Times of London reported, “Four years ago the United States Drug Enforcement Agency recognized that 50% of the heroin getting to America came from the country receiving the most aid from the CIA [Afghanistan]. Even so, nothing was done.”

After coming to power in the 1990s, the Taliban drastically curtailed opium production, totally banning its production in July 2000. Under President Hamid Karzai, Karzai’s family, most notably his younger half brother, Ahmed Wali Karzai, who is paid by the CIA, is financially benefiting from the current windfall profits from opium exports. Opium production is at an all-time high, with an estimated street value now pegged at $3 billion per year. 

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SKEETer & The DIVEMASTER ---- Right on!, post it Brothers ! :twothumbs:



Way past time all these Truths came to light and to the attention of folks the world over so we can

ALL recognize the true face of evil trying to bring Free humanity to it's knees for their evil gain.


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1 hour ago, SgtFuryUSCZ said:



SKEETer & The DIVEMASTER ---- Right on!, post it Brothers ! :twothumbs:



Way past time all these Truths came to light and to the attention of folks the world over so we can

ALL recognize the true face of evil trying to bring Free humanity to it's knees for their evil gain.


Emboldened, comforted, and empowered, by the support and confirmation of Patriots like you.

55 minutes ago, skeetdog said:

Thanks DM....For some leads to follow-up....

....And of course ''Thanks'' Ladies for the support.....:wub:

With all the research information given here...I might be out of pocket a couple days...

There's been a LOT of censorship over the last 1 1/2 years.

Had I not already known about the above articles, and had backup copies, I don't know if I could have just randomly found them by a google search.

I tried a specific keyword search, and did not see a reference in the first four pages of responses.

The good news is they can't shut the sites down, yet, so if you have questions, please do not hesitate to ask.

My intent is not to give anyone their opinion, only to help provide a complete picture of the truth, and let every individual make their own decisions.

I'd be happy to offer links to all my research.

I don't have any of the websites anymore, so there's no link for the videos that can't be found, so perhaps I'll make a email account in order to upload to google drive.

heh, how ironic, using google drive to post truth videos that google is actively killing, I like it.

46 minutes ago, SnowGlobe7 said:

leave a ladder to climb out of the rabbit hole my friend!!!!

It's a vertical AND horizontal labyrinth in 3D, unfortunately, once "inside" there is little hope of ever getting out.

It will change the way you see not only world events, leaders, and agenda, but will open your eyes to the people that surround your daily life.

Before long, you will "read" more from what is not said in an article than the lies and deceptions in black and white.

Red pill, or blue?

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