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Questions for Adam's Update 12-9-2015


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To briefly touch on my question from last week that you were hoping to answer on friday:

Is Iraq waiting to build bridges with the GCC, or are they good to go (since we KNOW they have gold)?

I'm hoping they have their delayed vote/meeting/kumbaya chorus before you answer our questions on your weekly chat  and have loads of good news for us :)

way to go Rodgers, not giving up the other night! The lions could learn something there

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Earlier this year in a chat in, January I think, you said you could see the dinar rv upwards to the 50 cent range.

With all that has gone on with Iraq this year, more oil, more gold, security, government, IMF and UN aid, you still feel/think they can rv that high?

I know about your 10 cent stance, and believe me...I'm a believer in 'at least' that for an rv.

I was just curious if you've heard anything about a possible rate of 13-26 cents, like a few other middle east countries are currently valued at as well.

Just so Iraq can be 'on par' with some of their neighbors.

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Hi Adam Could you please give us your thoughts on all of the turmoil going on in the mid east. What I am really interested in is if the fighting over there is a problem for the RV? One side of me says it could ruin everything. Then my other side says don't get too concerned as fighting and wars are pretty much an ongoing thing in there lives and they know how to handle it better than we do. So after thinking about, I feel that they have bigger fish to fry and some day they will get bored and get it done.

Sorry for rambling, but a few weeks ago I turned 70 years old and maybe the Iraqis will give me a big birthday present. I'll shut up and give someone else a turn


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