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Walker Dropping Out Today.


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I really liked Scott Walker also, and without a doubt I find him to be a good man.


And most importantly a true follower of Jesus Christ. But I have got to say it, If you 


can't fight the likes of Donald Trump and win then you definitely shouldn't be in this race.


I pray that Ted Cruz figures it out and that he begins to use the media like the Trumpster.


Every single time they put a camera in his face say something so outrageous that they will 


have to cover it. Make the Media what they truly are, THE ENEMY. 


If you love this nation and you really wanna turn her around putting her back on track with 


the will of God in Jesus Christ, then you had better wake up and realize that you're fighting a 


freaking  war. The media, the demonic controlled liberals, and the satanic religion of Islam don't 


get to make the rules. And if any politician vying for the office of POTUS isn't willing to fight like a 


rabid dog for what is right, then join Scott Walker and get your sorry butts back on the porch.   



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That's okay Shabs, the Pope is landing at Andrews Air Force Base today to announce his candidacy for the Democratic nomination.

I know that's true I know that's true because MSNBC said yesterday that president obama has finally found an ally in the Pope.

Obama will move to the UN as the president of the world, what a wonderful world it will be

Edited by ladyGrace'sDaddy
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Republi-crats and Demon-cans have BOTH sold out IMHO leaving us with one and only alternative...some of you wont like what I have to say...but so be it


IF we TRULY want to rescue America from its headlong race to a Sodom & Gomorrah destiny we can do EXACTLY what GOD said to do in such a case






 as one very wise politician opined we have approved child murder and called it choice...homosexual marriage and called it acceptance....conspicuous greed and called it capitalism....we have turned our eyes from the poor...we have called good evil and evil good...and elevated idolatry to levels of sophistication that mask its true meaning....meaning when we love pleasures more than GOD it is idolatry....when we "worship" beauty more than holiness it is idolatry....


so friends our choice is clear....I have been crying this aloud for 30 years...sadly few are listening....



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The press will release later on today.

Scott Walker is going to call it quits, and will ask his supporters to fight against Trump.

Walker was one of my favs when he started.

I really liked what he did in Wisconsin.


And the band plays on......

Me too. I've been very disappointed in Walker. He should have just bowed out and kept his mouth shut.

Republican presidential frontrunner Donald Trump responded in top Donald Trump form to Scott Walker’s primary concession speech–which called on conservative candidates to coalesce against the race’s current frontrunner.

“The voters have focused on my proven ability to get things done and my positive vision to Make America Great Again,” Trump said in a statement exclusive to Breitbart News.

“That is why I am leading in every poll. I look forward to Governor Walker supporting my campaign when I am the Republican nominee.”

Approximately 20 minutes before Walker announced he was dropping out of the race, Trump tweeted well wishes toward the Wisconsin governor–atypical for the billionaire’s often blustery putdowns when talking about his competition.

I got to know @ScottWalker well—he’s a very nice person and has a great future.

— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) September 21, 2015

Walker, however, centered his exit speech on thinly-veiled attacks on Trump. He began by lamenting that the race has “drifted into personal attacks” instead of each candidate offering an “optimistic view of America.”

“Instead of talking about how bad things are, we want to hear how we can make them better for everyone,” Walker said, before repeating a series of conservative principles and–in a clear reference to Trump’s campaign slogan–saying they would “make our country great again.”

Walker announced he was dropping out to “[help] clear the field in this race so that a positive conservative message can rise to the top of the field… I encourage other Republican presidential candidates to consider doing the same so that the voters can focus on a limited number of candidates who can offer a positive conservative alternative to the current frontrunner.”


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God will have her crumble in ashes, like the Wicked Witch of the West!!!................ :bravo:

Now that was prophetic, the FBI just announced today they recovered most or all of the 30k emails she claimed to have wiped.

You know o is behind it. He gave her the token appointment in exchange for her support after he beat her down in '08, but the obama's and clintons have hated each other since day one.

It's because they are both power hungry corrupted lying dolts. Like charges repel you know..


Me too. I've been very disappointed in Walker. He should have just bowed out and kept his mouth shut.



That snarky little last swipe really degraded my respect for Walker.

That said, he probably hasn't had a decent night's sleep since days before the last "debate", and as the saying goes, "the bigger they are the harder they fall", he was fully expected to rocket to the top of the field, but flip flopped, vacillated, and misspoke on issues instead.

I'm sure the personal humiliation he is feeling right is intense, too bad it was self-inflicted. 

I wonder, if Trump's whole purpose is just to slap the crap out of the field, yank them out of the tired old standard GOP lame response mode. No matter what, the ones floating to the top are definitely finding their backbone.

Even Carson is learning how to charge.

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The press will release later on today.

Scott Walker is going to call it quits, and will ask his supporters to fight against Trump.

Walker was one of my favs when he started.

I really liked what he did in Wisconsin.


And the band plays on......

For a Libertarian, you sure spend a lot of time on the GOP.

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For a Libertarian, you sure spend a lot of time on the GOP.

Surely you are not inferring Clinton, Sanders, or Binden are viable alternatives to Carson, Florina, or even Trump?

I am libertarian BECAUSE I am Christian.

Christian is not a prerequisite for POTUS, but a "higher power" is, excluding Muslims.

Muslim is disqualified, as anyone following the stupidity, advancing along the apparent devotees path, will end up a fanatic, murderous, child raping, woman beating dirtbag thug, deserving only of being put down like the mad dog they have become. 


I could respond, for a libertarian you seem to be spending a lot of time avoiding the GOP.


America has a two party system.

The dems are preoccupied with establishing themselves as the rulers of oppression.

They have talked themselves into committing public suicide by convincing themselves they have enough lazy and corrupt followers to force a takeover, and will then compel anyone working for a living to support all who just don't "feel" like it.


At this time, the only humans awake and ethical enough to make a stand against the corrupted party "leaders" are the Americans in the republican party, who have taken positions within the organization and are at this moment engaged in a battle of doctrine.

I am proudly one of those individuals. While we have been "branded", and subsequently excluded from some establishment communications, our influence is spreading.


All I have seen from the blue side are fanatic communists, either determined to have a luxurious life for free, or, those determined to become an "administrator" for "the people", knowing full well they will be the ones to live in luxury, as they suck the sweat equity from the labor of the producers, while those stupid enough to help carry their battle standard will then be so much fodder to trample on. 


As a constitutional libertarian, one who believes in the rights of the individual, who understands you cannot legislate ethics, character, or morality, one who realizes every states constitution recognizes that humans were created by a divine "Providence" or "Creator", who can see through the "war on drugs" for the insidious war on humanity it really is, I am shocked you would even consider giving the reigns of this nation to a corrupted elitist troll, a socialist ignorant of everything that made this country great, or an outright, as yet unannounced DNC thug.


You do realize, Joe Biden has planned on taking "the crown" the whole time, his handlers are just waiting for the last possible moment to throw his hat into the ring, hoping they can keep him from opening his mouth. 

With Sanders and Clinton so pathetically incompetent, all Joe has to do is shut up so he doesn't make an azz out of himself, and he gets the nomination.


There's over 50% of our population dependent on the governments teat right now.

Fortunately, of those, there are many who would rather go to work, be productive, and support themselves, but they have been the unfortunate victims of our inept politicians caving to their corporate sponsors demands, and their jobs have either been outsourced to another country, or given to a foreigner on an HR visa, doing the same job, but for half the pay, being held as a virtual slave by the corporation that holds their visas.

We are counting on those humans to votes against their free lunch, and stand with the only ones that have a chance of pulling this country out of the decline we have been in for almost 30 years.


I am in fact a hopeless optimistic. I refuse to give up on my right to life, prosperity, and my pursuit of happiness.


Isn't that what "Liberty" is all about?

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Funny, I'm an aethisist, and I was a Libertarian long before I knew there was such a party.

Your little Islam diatribe has NOTHING to do with the comment I left. I've never read anything that requires the POTUS to have a belief in a "higher power". Please provide a link to the part of the Constitution that requires, or even asks of that.

As a true Libertarian, not just the fair weather kind, I need not pay any attention to either party in the false left/right paradigm. Neither represent me or my beliefs. Both have been corrupted by international banks, corps, and other countries.

Every time I've been in a booth I've seen more than two parties. The Founding Fathers wanted it to work without parties. It's become a two party system because your masters want it that way; divided Americans are easier to control.

Not sure why you think I would consider Biden. I'll assure you he's no better or worse than any other candidate of the two main parties.

Other than that, we have more in common than you may believe.

I want govco outta my home and my pocket.

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Funny, I'm an aethisist, and I was a Libertarian long before I knew there was such a party.

Your little Islam diatribe has NOTHING to do with the comment I left. I've never read anything that requires the POTUS to have a belief in a "higher power". Please provide a link to the part of the Constitution that requires, or even asks of that.

As a true Libertarian, not just the fair weather kind, I need not pay any attention to either party in the false left/right paradigm. Neither represent me or my beliefs. Both have been corrupted by international banks, corps, and other countries.

Every time I've been in a booth I've seen more than two parties. The Founding Fathers wanted it to work without parties. It's become a two party system because your masters want it that way; divided Americans are easier to control.

Not sure why you think I would consider Biden. I'll assure you he's no better or worse than any other candidate of the two main parties.

Other than that, we have more in common than you may believe.

I want govco outta my home and my pocket.


All good except for " little Islam diatribe".


Show me just one Muslim dominant country that isn't a theocracy.

Oops, can't. They are by definition a theocracy, so some religious nut job is telling everyone what to do and how to live. Only the most fanatic devout worm their way to the top

OK, show me one Muslim country that doesn't consider women property.

uh.. not that either.

How about one Muslim country that isn't split apart, with "moderates" subjected to random acts of violence perpetrated on them by extremists?


There isn't any, so, aside from allowing temporary marriages to allow for prostitution, condoning rape, promoting child molesting, a thriving slave market, a commonly accepted practice of men homo-sexually sodomizing boys because of the intensely repressed society, and the fact that at least 20% of all Muslims desire to kill the rest of the world, maybe they not so bad.

Except for those times a guy can rape a woman, then get out of charges by forcing her to marry him, so he can then take her home, and rape and beat her until he's bored, then decide to kill her out of honor, because she had sex before she was married, sheesh, what a slu*, she shouldn't have let him rape her, it was her fault anyway, she made him do it just by being a woman.


As for in the constitution, never said it was written. But after decades of running businesses, and hundreds of employees, I can promise you, if a person does not have a "higher power' they answer to, then when no one else is looking, there will be no God to see what they just did.

A person that operates on pure self, will act on pure self, and sooner or later, they will self-destruct.

I don't require my employees to be Christian, that would be illegal, but if they don't have a God, they usually will be immoral.

Heh, I'm betting there's a few PC'ers wishing they knew which company I owned....


Back to topic, I thought we were discussing potential POTUS candidates.

In which case my happy little diatribe has EVERYTHING to do with topic.


I hear the words you use, and they are very similar to mine, but I can't help but think their meaning is so completely different.

The 'tude directed towards the only candidates actually speaking any truth is unmistakable.


Of coarse America has been usurped by collectivists.

Every damn one of them.

But unless your planning on overthrowing every government agency, every police force, all branches of the military, and a few hundred million armed Patriot Americans that will  not go along with a concept they don't understand, then working within the only political party that has a sufficient number of individuals that understand the American Constitution is about the only way to get anything done.


Unless, of coarse, you would rather just sit around and give lip service.

If you pour hate on everyone, you can always say you were right, it's so easy.....


Americans are not ready for a truly individual liberty society. they could not handle the inverse implications, responsibility, or liability.

Just as the collectivists have spent 150 years dumbing them down, it would take a generation to educate and acclimate, otherwise the result would be complete anarchy.

I have already accepted a free America will not happen in my life time.

That still will not stop me from working towards that goal.

Maybe one day, when my son is talking to his grandson, he will talk with pride about the eyes I helped to open that helped bring America to her full potential.

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Derailing your own thread....Classic.


Aha, I got it now.

You don't ever want anything to change.

You need to dwell in your own misery, and are too scared to stand up for anything that might cause a revival of individualism.

So THATS why you just troll forums, talking nonsense out the side of your neck, and never bothering to do anything or say anything constructive.


it's the only way you could possibly decide discussing American Principals has nothing to do with electing a president.

There's no way in hell to ever effect a change in attitude without educating the people.

So rather than bother investing time and energy, is much easier to desperately look for anything that might save face and allow for a quick exit.


No worries, but be advised, there are actually a LOT of humans that do in fact love this country, have served in the past with honor, and are willing to continue to work to build America to be the light on the hill for the world.

A half baked snarky comment and off you go, back into your dogma of desperate apathy.


I'd be happy to carry on a discussion, but if all your going to do is become obtuse and defiant, then I won't bother wasting my time.


Most people understand the bankers are deceitful warmongers.

Politicians corruption is blatantly obvious.


While I am sometimes frustrated trying to open eyes, helping others to see the truth is the only way for each individual to arrive at the obvious conclusion.

Until they see, they will resist.

Once they understand, they are an ally for freedom.


If a POTUS openly embraced the truth, it would enable people to wake up by the millions.


And that is why the comments were not off topic.


Instead of wasting time on desperate last words, try to see the whole picture, instead of some very narrow scope.

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It was a great day and damn I'm out of pluses or I would have gave most of you one, or 2 or 3 ! The truth is anyone of these republicans would do a better job than what we got now , I would even say that Dem Jimmy Carter " a real fine humanitarian " would have been better than what we have today. The players on the playing have to be leveled to determine who is going to lead us the next election. Who ever is standing needs to be what a real American can live with, so far a Muslim in the White House has done everything he could to destroy us and he is nowhere to be finished even after he has left the Oval Office. If you think the last 2 elections weren't important, you might want to change your faith !

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