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Sarah Palin: Illegal Aliens Get Better Health Care than Vets

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 Published on May 29, 2014

Palin: Obama Shows 'Lack of Understanding' of Debt of Gratitude to Military.
(Fox News Insider) Former Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin joined Sean Hannity from the Republican Leadership Conference in New Orleans, La. to speak out on the ongoing VA scandal. 
"I think there's a lack of understanding on our commander-in-chief's part about what the mission of the military is, and why it is that we owe a debt of gratitude that's manifested in benefits paid to those who've already earned them," Palin said.

Palin ripped President Obama's speech to West Point cadets this week, calling it "weak," and went on to say that she doesn't think Obama believes in American exceptionalism. 
It's not that we are weak as a country, but we are so unreliable now, under Obama," Palin said. "My concern is the effect that his doctrine, his policies, his attitude, has on those who are volunteering to serve this country -- to those whom we owe a debt of gratitude."

When asked by Hannity if the VA is a "death panel" for America's veterans, Palin responded: "Isn't it ironic that those who were willing to sacrifice all, to put their life on the line to allow the freedom of choices in health care and economic decisions and everything else -- our soldiers, our airmen, our Marines -- they're the ones getting screwed by the VA."

"Our commander-in-chief is in charge of this ultimately," Palin said.
See the full interview above.


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This is nothing new that those "evil Demoncrats" put in place. Get over yourselves.

This is, however, Socialized Medicine. Think long and hard about where you think the Affordable Healthcare Act or "Obamacare" is going to take us. The wonderful premium healthcare that we're accustomed to will still be there, but only for the "elites" and those that can afford it. The rest of the population will move to bureaucratic waiting lists in the "new" socialized system.

This isn't going to happen tomorrow or the next day. But one day we'll wake up and find that we're on some waiting list to be seen weeks or months from now about that belly pain or breast lump or sore ankle.

Welcome to Obamacare.

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This is nothing new that those "evil Demoncrats" put in place.

This is, however, Socialized Medicine.

This isn't going to happen tomorrow or the next day. But one day we'll wake up and find that we're on some waiting list to be seen weeks or months from now about that belly pain or breast lump or sore ankle.

Welcome to Obamacare.



I get what you are saying, and agree, this did not happen over just 5 years.

Every POTUS besides ocrap has heaped "love" on the military, but turned around and been ready to cut programs.


That said, o's attitude makes him a perfect target, especially with his defending the incompetent administrators.


That's for a different post, your message is one of dire warning for the continued implementation of the ACA.


The damage already done can not be "undone", people can not undie, lives are already being lost, the wealth transfer has already started, which was a real reason for this whole fiasco.


Unfortunately, as insane as it seems, people are supporting the establishment republicans in response to the establishment democrats huge list of fails.


We need to stand up to them all, the Chamber of Commerce is not good for Americans, The Board of Governors, Department of Education, EPA, FDA, you name the department, even NASA, and you will find career bureaucrats just putting in their 30 years and butt kissing the ladder, hoping to get the highest grade possible for retirement benefits.


It all seems so hopeless, how can we expect an individual to knowingly lose their financial security for standing up to the system when there is no benefit? They will be the ones to cause their family to suffer forever?

The whole honor-less process has permeated the American psyche,  it is now common for any business association,(HOA,Builders,legal,co-op,etc), to attempt to dishonor an obligation rather than pay their debt.


There is no punishment for bad, only reward, there is no reward for good, only punishment.

Every facet of our life has been twisted an no longer resembles it original purpose.


Guess I'm feeling a little overwhelmed today.

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This is nothing new that those "evil Demoncrats" put in place. Get over yourselves.

This is, however, Socialized Medicine. Think long and hard about where you think the Affordable Healthcare Act or "Obamacare" is going to take us. The wonderful premium healthcare that we're accustomed to will still be there, but only for the "elites" and those that can afford it. The rest of the population will move to bureaucratic waiting lists in the "new" socialized system.

This isn't going to happen tomorrow or the next day. But one day we'll wake up and find that we're on some waiting list to be seen weeks or months from now about that belly pain or breast lump or sore ankle.

Welcome to Obamacare.

Perhaps this has something to do with those flag waving "Replutocrats" in the Republican controlled House who keep voting down veterans benefits. But don't pay attention to facts.


Go after the Democrats.

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I can't help myself.... every time I see Sarah Palin speaking my brain immediately flashes on her Thanksgiving interview with the live turkey being ground up behind her as she was speaking.... ( I also thought whoever her PR/manager person was at the time, they should have been drop kicked)...


Of course I also immediately thought for a split second, when the hellll did we start treating extra terrestials  ..... forgetting that "aliens" was a term used long long ago for illegal immigrants, and its something you never hear (except maybe for an occasional Sarahism)....Her water-boarding baptism was my favorite for this year...  .. 



There was another thread wherein it was reported that 100 lawmakers called for this guy's resignation... and if any one of those 100, any one of them, was one of the people voting down the VA budgetary needs required to treat the numbers and kinds of injuries presented by vets today..... then that person(s) should shamefully decline to run for another term.... and I will be there to help them with that decision.

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Perhaps this has something to do with those flag waving "Replutocrats" in the Republican controlled House who keep voting down veterans benefits. But don't pay attention to facts.


Go after the Democrats.

Sorry, I guess you missed my point and I apologize if I didn't provide enough verbiage so that you could understand, too.

  • If you're following the tenor of the current argument, many feel that this all falls on the current administration. It's doesn't. Hence my comments about there being nothing new here and my admonition that these folks need to "get over yourselves." This type of single-payer system has been the bane of the peace-time military and VA systems with all their bureaucracy that chews up way too many dollars before the first patient is ever seen. Been there. Done that. Played that game. Didn't save the tee shirt but I still have both styles of dress blues and dress whites in a closet somewhere.
  • But this is an example of socialized medicine that the general public has never seen and they're appalled. And the general public needs to be appalled. Right now we're moving down the path to having socialized medicine. Look at other countries where they do have socialized medicine. Are there not waiting lines? In Russia? In the UK? In continental Europe? Then why in 2010 did Danny Williams, the Premier of Newfoundland and Labrador (I'm guessing we'd refer to that position as Governor) decide to come to the United States for heart surgery. Now maybe they didn't or don't have the specialty care that he needed in St. Johns. So why not go to Toronto or Ottawa - surely it's available there? But no, he's an elite that could afford to so he went to the U.S. where he could get what he wanted and when he wanted it.

I didn't choose one political party over another in my earlier post except to say that this wasn't caused by the "evil Demoncrats."  I imagine I should have laid more blame at the feet of both parties who have failed to manage the system correctly. There's more than enough blame to go around including some for voters like you and me. But to just throw money at the issue and expect it to get better? I expect more than that.

Now understand who the veterans are. They're former military people. Surprise! Bet you didn't know that! These are people we entrust to do whatever it takes to protect our constitution; to protect our country; to protect our way of life. These folks, by and large, do not complain about the "system" that awful much. It erodes morale. They know that. So our vets have quietly suffered for decades under a system that doesn't work as well as it should. And everybody thinks things are hunky-dory until we really see what the system is all about. And the stuff that's being exposed now is nothing new!

Welcome to my world. 

By the way, somebody hit you with a red dot for your response. I fixed that. Also, just you know, while I tend to be conservative, once upon a time I might have been called a "yellow-dog," then it was "blue-dog," but I've really only ever seen myself as an independent. Now I'm not registered as an independent because if I was registered anything, I wouldn't see myself as an independent.

Have a good weekend.

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Sorry, I guess you missed my point and I apologize if I didn't provide enough verbiage so that you could understand, too.

  • If you're following the tenor of the current argument, many feel that this all falls on the current administration. It's doesn't. Hence my comments about there being nothing new here and my admonition that these folks need to "get over yourselves." This type of single-payer system has been the bane of the peace-time military and VA systems with all their bureaucracy that chews up way too many dollars before the first patient is ever seen. Been there. Done that. Played that game. Didn't save the tee shirt but I still have both styles of dress blues and dress whites in a closet somewhere.
  • But this is an example of socialized medicine that the general public has never seen and they're appalled. And the general public needs to be appalled. Right now we're moving down the path to having socialized medicine. Look at other countries where they do have socialized medicine. Are there not waiting lines? In Russia? In the UK? In continental Europe? Then why in 2010 did Danny Williams, the Premier of Newfoundland and Labrador (I'm guessing we'd refer to that position as Governor) decide to come to the United States for heart surgery. Now maybe they didn't or don't have the specialty care that he needed in St. Johns. So why not go to Toronto or Ottawa - surely it's available there? But no, he's an elite that could afford to so he went to the U.S. where he could get what he wanted and when he wanted it.

I didn't choose one political party over another in my earlier post except to say that this wasn't caused by the "evil Demoncrats."  I imagine I should have laid more blame at the feet of both parties who have failed to manage the system correctly. There's more than enough blame to go around including some for voters like you and me. But to just throw money at the issue and expect it to get better? I expect more than that.

Now understand who the veterans are. They're former military people. Surprise! Bet you didn't know that! These are people we entrust to do whatever it takes to protect our constitution; to protect our country; to protect our way of life. These folks, by and large, do not complain about the "system" that awful much. It erodes morale. They know that. So our vets have quietly suffered for decades under a system that doesn't work as well as it should. And everybody thinks things are hunky-dory until we really see what the system is all about. And the stuff that's being exposed now is nothing new!

Welcome to my world. 

By the way, somebody hit you with a red dot for your response. I fixed that. Also, just you know, while I tend to be conservative, once upon a time I might have been called a "yellow-dog," then it was "blue-dog," but I've really only ever seen myself as an independent. Now I'm not registered as an independent because if I was registered anything, I wouldn't see myself as an independent.

Have a good weekend.

I'm afraid the "waiting in line" thing for single payer medicine doesn't hold water. If you have private insurance, you could keep it. No change for you. They would just socialize it for the poor - and I've used the Canadian system and it's great.


The reason they socialize it for the poor? They are paid $7.25 an hour and health care is $400 a month.


EVERY other first world industrialized nation has single payer health care. There's a reason. It works.


I'm moving on - I get tired of pointing out the obvious.

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