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NY Gun Confiscation Underway – Citizens Told to Turn in Pistol Owner ID & Firearms


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LIBoy, I have to agree with you on this one,  there is a lot of misinformation, misguided, deceiving articles that really get thrown out of proportion.  That's why it would be wise for each individual to research for themselves.  The media is the culprit, and will always be no matter the subject. 


I see that this law will target certain groups,  mental illness, homeless, veteran, and Christians.  How can we allow our providers to make that moral, honest decision.  How are we to go to our physicians and trust them now.  This is breaking the trust between your physician and you.  This won't work. 


Are the people so blinded, uneducated, that they are just putting their full trust in their political leaders to make such choices for them.  I'm boggle at how such laws can get passed. 

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So what's the answer Bump.......just continue down the road we are on, and consider mass shootings as nothing more or less than collateral damage?   :shrug: 


GO RV, then BV

I have noticed that these mass shootings always take place in "gun free zones". Eliminate these gun free zones because they are just an invitation for the scumbags to arm up and wreak havoc. CT has some of the most stringent gun laws in the nation, yet all those defenseless people were murdered at Newtown. What law would have stopped that maniac? NONE. What would have stopped him? Armed NRA trained teachers in the classroom. Just knowing they could be there might have stopped him from even considering doing what he did.


We don't need more gun laws, we need to stiffen the penalties for crimes committed with possession of a firearm.


Caught with an illegal firearm? 10 years without parole. 2nd offense, life, no parole. Commit a felony with a firearm, life, no parole. Kill someone in the commission of a felony with a firearm? Death penalty.


We have no trouble aborting unwanted babies, yet we have an issue with putting felonious scumbags to death after 10-15 years of taxpayer funded appeals.


Where do we get the money to keep all these scumbags in prison? 


#1 get rid of lifetime welfare recipients.

#2 term limits for congress and senate, no retirement and they get on the same medical insurance the rest of us have.

#3 remove all "extras" from prison life(cable, a/c, weights, etc. and increase prison staff and pay, and inmate accommodations(more prisons).

#4 Stop the taxpayer funded vacations for the politicians, all of them. This alone should reduce the national debt 10 fold.



The mental illness issue is one that cannot be fully resolved unless we can get into each others heads and see what everyone is thinking.

I will quit the world the day that happens.


Steps off of Tankdude's soap box, shakes his hand and thanks him for letting me borrow it. 

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"Those folks having their weapons and FID cards confiscated  have been discovered to have been prescribed multiple different types of psychotropic drugs, such as those for Depression or Anxiety. These are known as SSRI ( Selective Serotonin Reuptake Inhibitors) class drugs and have the potential to cause serious and adverse side effects, something I wrote about extensively last week in an article that went viral in days"


This is EXACTLY what I said we should fear happening. The people making or executing laws have no context for their decisions, and it is an abomination. Apart from anything else, I'd like to know in this day and age of HIPPA, how anyone got hold of list of people prescribed anti-depressants?!?!? If our medical records are now that transparent, we are in deep sheet... depending upon who gets to decide what to do with what illnesses they do or don't like, do or don't understand. 

Inconceivable, (well I wish) that a reporter, or a legislator, or government official gets to write something like "serious adverse side effects, and people believe it cause it sounds good. Ever looked at a PDR? There are pages on each and every drug we take listing side effects with serious adverse impact. AND that statement relative to SSRIs is taken totally out of context.. (jayzuz this makes me crazy).... Take something like Prozac... Its not a side effect of the med, its a frickin consequence, and desired result of the med. Therein, practitioners have to take caution as to whom they prescribe this for, and be alert to aspects of reactive depression, AND, understand the capacity for impulse control to any teen for which this is prescribed.. (I would add adults as well, but teens for sure).... 


Wonderful, some government Jack Wagon has targeted the medication instead of focusing upon impulse control.... (have they banned violent video games for those without such control yet??). So some poor guy with a bat sheet crazy job, now divorcing Godzilla wants a little help with the Norepherines that are already being chewed up by job stress, and uses something to inhibit the reuptake such that they are more available to his brain while Godzilla cleans him out of house and home... no problems with impulse control... so taking an anti depressant... if it lifts the depression such that he can be more active.... will not result in impulsive acting out.. as demonstrated by his lengthy history of never having done so.... Simple easy, and apparently wayyyy beyond the comprehension of those thinking they understand it well enough to make decisions about someone's life. Wonder when the government Jack Wagons will think they can do neurosurgery cause they watched a few episodes of House.... or read about it online.... Stupid, bad, wrong, ignorant  consequence of someone practicing medicine/ making medical decisions without a license to do so.    



I was under the impression that the mass shootings over the last year were perpetrated by those with mental issues.  I was also under the impression that everyone was in agreement that people with mental issues should be screened and not allowed to have or procure a weapon.  What happened.....when did this stance change?   :shrug:  As far as I know, there is no Constitutional Amendment protecting a person's right to practice mental illness.


GO RV, then BV



Everyone, including you Bobbaloo, has manifest some degree of mental illness. Not even issue... illness!  Its in the book. Once written as the code for insurance billing, it has become the Bible against which to judge people's behavior. Oh and the bad part? Most of it is NOT empirical, soooo that means I can decide you are bat spit crazy, and you can't do a thing to refute it... Actually when you do, you sound even more crazy. Its a little trick they used in Siberia for years. 

I didn't agree in the slightest (in case you have your record book in front of you  :D ) and clearly disagreed for this very reason. 

Mental Illness is on a continuum... If you say anyone with a formal thought disorder (schizophrenia) then I might agree... And note at the same time, if profoundly schizophrenic, they usually don't have it together enough to want or buy a weapon. Or, if you say, teenage male, with impulse control disorders, or Autistic Spectrum Disorders, or developmentally disabled.... then yes I would likely agree. And if teenage males with said disorders are allowed to play violent video games day in and out, then I would agree that there should be no weapons in the house at all. None, zero, zip, nadda. Not even in a safe.... 

People taking anti-depressants? This day and age probably have better reality testing than those who don't.... Same with anti-anxieties. 


We're looking for a quick fix, and NONE of these measures are it. As I've said before and will continue to say, (want to find and post it  :D ). ... go to the video games and deal with that first...How the freakin sam hill is it that no one can notice we've had guns for centuries, and only recently, the use of them against people by teens has increased... Hummm I'd say there is a great correlation question in someone's research horizon.... :peace: 



PS like the Bobbaloo... I think its cute... :)

Edited by Rayzur
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Agree, Rayzur. As a physician, I have the pleasure of seeing lots of people placed on medications for which there was no real reason to place them on. The first thing I reach for with a mental illness DX person is my FOOD LIST (which foods NOT to eat along with foods to eat). Funny thing is that NO ONE has ever spoken to them about their diet or even exercise/activity to reduce their anxiety. depression, etc. Autism can be treated with diet (GAPS diet plan). Depression greatly improves with diet (up your FATS). Overall sense of well-being with a real food diet (reduction in grains and starches, increases in FATS and veggies). Make a DX and here's your! Presto, you're healed! What a joke. Even medications for other diseases can cause mental states. I have to run over each and ever med the patient is given to try to find an explanation as to the "why" they feel like crap. Often, I can see it as a side-effect of some drug. Ask the patient if the prescribing doc mentioned this to them? they usually respond, "Ah, they were pretty busy..." or "No, I don't remember the doc telling me that..."

Take charge of your health, folks. Don't believe what a doc tells you just because they are doctors. Research it for yourselves and take the lead. Run into a doc who doesn't like you questioning them? Tell them to piss-off and find someone with a mind to think openly. I love patients who ask questions. I love explaining things so people understand the WHY they are feeling bad. Yeah it take a little more time, but its worth it in the long run. Dunno, just saying......

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We're looking for a quick fix, and NONE of these measures are it. As I've said before and will continue to say, (want to find and post it   :D ). ... go to the video games and deal with that first...How the freakin sam hill is it that no one can notice we've had guns for centuries, and only recently, the use of them against people by teens has increased... Hummm I'd say there is a great correlation question in someone's research horizon....  :peace: 


I dont believe that the video games are the problem, I believe that our education system, from the lowest to the highest levels are the issue. Parents, for the most part, dont have control, or have little control of their children, the teachers/ professors do. Jimmy Carter saw to that back in the 70's when he helped form the teachers unions.

5 year olds get kicked out of school for having bread shaped like guns in their lunch boxes, or for even mentioning a gun, or making their hand into a shape of a gun.

The gun grabbers say we need more gun control.

Why is the 2nd amendment so despised? Why not the first? We lose 2A, all the rest wither away like a garden with no rain.


Parents cant discipline for fear of child abuse charges. We have turned into a nation of pathetic, govt controlled cry babies.

Read more:–-citizens-told-to-turn-in-pistol-owner-id-firearms/page-2#ixzz2Q0v7sMJP

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Today it is the drugs for mental health. Tomorrow it will be for.......Whatever THEY decide is bad for us and causing mental health issues. Once the precedent is set to invade our health records, the chicken coop is open to the wolves. It is also going to make it harder for someone to go to a doctor for fear their medical history is going to be looked at. Hmmm paranoia?? God help us.

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I dont believe that the video games are the problem,


Well that's because you apparently did not read my compelling research report, connecting the dots. The nexus is incontrovertible.... Lest I get smacked by one of the buds for posting it again, I won't do so. And sure parents are definitely pivotal... being there, not letting their kids play this stuff on end, and making sure their kid has the emotional maturity to engage this kind of training ...... Months after I posted this, there was a researched police response saying that the kill scenario was right out of Call to Duty.... (or one of those therein), the very game I referenced in the post. And I had no idea Lanza played that particular was game day in and day out....  It was just that obvious of a call in terms of again... the identified nexus.... 

If I had my way, all the war games would be treated like alcohol in that you have to be 18 to have possession or consume. 

I would  bet a bizillion that you learned and practiced strategic combat flying/tactics moves in the sim before you hit the aircraft. I know I did before hitting the 15 as an EWO.... And the flying sims are very different at that.... The ground infantry sims are face to face combat and kill.... The point being, the military uses sims (that were half as sophisticated as these games are now) to train us to do our job.... Not as a fun past time, not as entertainment, not as a game.... But I digress and am getting back to the former post... Did I mention compelling  :D ... 



PS I think it was Dog? that said something about alcohol use being next.... nope.... its first.... Its in the Dx nomenclature as a mental illness.... 

Edited by Rayzur
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