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This makes sense after learning of liens placed against all 12 Fed Banks

HughJeffin Byrd

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Monday, April 16, 2012

Intel from the Good Guys!

Question: Due to the magnitude of this operation, are people being arrested now and then, the big announcement will be made once they are all rounded up?

: Not exactly. You’ve got people behind the scenes who are taken into custody and/or put under house arrest that’s not going to be in the mainstream news. The basis of what’s going to happen is very simple. We have set the country free through the notification process. The secondary part of that is that the military has assured its backing to us for the backing of the mass arrests scenario. The mass arrests scenario is going to be primarily all of your celebrity or well-known figures. You’re going to recognize a load of the names.”

“The first that happens is the central banking system is going to be required to repay each and everything that they borrowed. Not us, them. This will bankrupt that corporation.

Second part of this is a load, and I mean a heavy load, of criminal charges. Those criminal charges are not limited to anything. They contain just about every crime you can think of.

Following that, a reorientation back to the original de jour founding document government that was originally set in the United States will be implemented. Within all of this process, you’re going to have people taking care of, in terms of trying to make sure that the lights are all on, etc… If there’s a food shortage someplace, they will break out emergency rations and will make sure people don’t starve. In other words, everything that you can think of in terms of maintaining a general lifestyle is going to be as preserved as possible. This is going to be done with the least amount of chaos and as peaceably as possible. Some people will probably want to shoot it out. That’s their problem

There’s going to be a worldwide reevaluation of currencies from a debt instrument to an equity instrument and that will facilitate considerable changes. As far as I understand it, the plan has not changed. They were going to have a new currency which would allow for an exchange program and they decided that it could be done in terms of the currency that we have now, except that it says Federal Reserve Note on it. I’m thinking they’re going to bring the newly printed money back, bleach the paper and reprint. It will go from a debt instrument to an equity instrument backed by assets.”

In regard to HAARP, the controls will be taken over so it won’t be used as a weapon against innocent people. “There are a lot of good things that that can be used for."

Regarding televised coverage: “There’s going to be a nice little public display of people going to jail. Basically you’re going to see people being stuck in the paddy wagon being taken to the FEMA camps they built for us. This is going to be one each and every last channel that they can acquire. My understanding is that the military can access any and all channels so it will probably be on each and every channel and you won’t be able to change what you’re watching.”

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Monday, April 16, 2012

Intel from the Good Guys!

Question: Due to the magnitude of this operation, are people being arrested now and then, the big announcement will be made once they are all rounded up?

: Not exactly. You’ve got people behind the scenes who are taken into custody and/or put under house arrest that’s not going to be in the mainstream news. The basis of what’s going to happen is very simple. We have set the country free through the notification process. The secondary part of that is that the military has assured its backing to us for the backing of the mass arrests scenario. The mass arrests scenario is going to be primarily all of your celebrity or well-known figures. You’re going to recognize a load of the names.”

“The first that happens is the central banking system is going to be required to repay each and everything that they borrowed. Not us, them. This will bankrupt that corporation.

Second part of this is a load, and I mean a heavy load, of criminal charges. Those criminal charges are not limited to anything. They contain just about every crime you can think of.

Following that, a reorientation back to the original de jour founding document government that was originally set in the United States will be implemented. Within all of this process, you’re going to have people taking care of, in terms of trying to make sure that the lights are all on, etc… If there’s a food shortage someplace, they will break out emergency rations and will make sure people don’t starve. In other words, everything that you can think of in terms of maintaining a general lifestyle is going to be as preserved as possible. This is going to be done with the least amount of chaos and as peaceably as possible. Some people will probably want to shoot it out. That’s their problem

There’s going to be a worldwide reevaluation of currencies from a debt instrument to an equity instrument and that will facilitate considerable changes. As far as I understand it, the plan has not changed. They were going to have a new currency which would allow for an exchange program and they decided that it could be done in terms of the currency that we have now, except that it says Federal Reserve Note on it. I’m thinking they’re going to bring the newly printed money back, bleach the paper and reprint. It will go from a debt instrument to an equity instrument backed by assets.”

In regard to HAARP, the controls will be taken over so it won’t be used as a weapon against innocent people. “There are a lot of good things that that can be used for."

Regarding televised coverage: “There’s going to be a nice little public display of people going to jail. Basically you’re going to see people being stuck in the paddy wagon being taken to the FEMA camps they built for us. This is going to be one each and every last channel that they can acquire. My understanding is that the military can access any and all channels so it will probably be on each and every channel and you won’t be able to change what you’re watching.”

Do you have a link? I know its opinion, but i want to know where you got it from so I can DMDD.

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Do you have a link? I know its opinion, but i want to know where you got it from so I can DMDD.

Not mainstream sources by any means, but IMO, that's a good thing...

Also coincides with what David Wilcock, Benjamin Fulford's, Drake, and other inside intel sources are saying... this is Fulford's post today:

Benjamin Fulford: It is time to take the ring of power to mount doom

It is time to take the ring of power to mount doom

Posted by benjamin

April 17, 2012

The battle for control of the global financial system and thus the future of the planet has reached a temporary deadlock as the committee of 300 struggles to maintain power even as the rest of the world continues to push for a fair, free and open financial system controlled by the people of the planet. The situation has reached the point where physical action against the committee (mainly in the form of mass arrests) has become the only possible recourse.

One problem, of course, lies in the issue of what to do about the “ring of power,” or the job hitherto referred to as M1, wherein a single individual has ultimate control over the creation and distribution of money. There is no M1 now according to the Swiss government and other sources. Somebody needs to make sure that never again is single individual given such power and that means metaphorically taking the centralized control of finance and dissolving it in the “Mt. Doom,” of the Lord of the Rings to ensure that humanity is once again free from debt slavery and horror.

There were many meetings world-wide last week aimed at accomplishing exactly this.

In Japan a representative of the White Dragon Society met with top Finance Ministry official Eijiro Katsu and Bank of Japan Governor Masaaki Shirakawa last Thursday to discuss what to do about the astronomical sums placed inside Federal Reserve Board and Euroclear computers by competing factions.

The answer they gave is that Japan wants to go ahead and start using the funds for the benefit of the planet but that the Japanese authorities needed to proceed cautiously. Translation: They want to make sure they are on the winning side and will keep a low profile until then.

The committee of 300 tried to cash $600 trillion worth of bonds, through Dr. Zvonko Berdik-Albert, “President and CEO of the World Economy & Finance Treasury.” They claimed to represent the Dragon Family Royal Society composed of Asian royal families but as reported last week it turns out to have been an attempt by the committee of 300 to pretend they represented Asia. However, their representative has since ceased all contact with either the White Dragon Society or the Japanese government.

In a different move, Neil Keenan and Keith Scott issued a cease and desist against UBS Chairman Kaspar Villiger and a Singaporean agent by the name of Alex Ling Lee Soon who were caught trying to get their hand on the real dragon family’s funds. Shortly after that UK Prime Minister David Cameron also tried to get his hands on the money but was rebuffed. Keenan and Scott are working on behalf of a Swiss led 134 nation alliance.

In the meantime, the situation in Cabal controlled economies is getting progressively worse by the day. For example, markets in Europe were rattled last week despite feel good talk by various cabal controlled leaders like Nicholas Sarkozy and Angela Merkel. The real situation in Europe is as follows* The Greek Government has unfunded liabilities worth 800% of their GDP and their economy shrank by 5% last year. The unemployment rate in Spain is 23% while the youth unemployment rate is 50%. The Portuguese economy is expected to shrink by 5% this year. Italy’s debt is 2.7 times that of the PIIGS (Portugal, Ireland, Italy, Greece and Spain). Their chief creditor, the German banking system, meanwhile, is leveraged at 32/1.

Put in simple terms, the European cabal controlled banking system is bankrupt. What this means is that the European people are about to be freed from debt slavery.

In the US as well, institutions like Goldman Sachs, J.P. Morgan etc. are already shadows of their former selves with their CEOs constantly surrounded by lawyers and armed guards.

There were also reports from three different sources from three separate intelligence agencies (MI6, CIA and NSA) that the Bushes, Clintons and other cabal leaders had prepared a hideaway in the Bahamas. A look with Google Earth did reveal two separate locations with air-strips located next to a group of ultra-rich people’s type housing complexes. One of the Islands had a giant Star of David on it clearly visible from a satellite.

However, sources in the Pentagon make it clear the cabalists will not be allowed to leave the United States until they have faced the justice system. These same sources say 800 bankers have already resigned and many arrests have already taken place.

In China as well, there are signs of major change. As noted before, all the top leaders such as Xi Xinping who were supposed to take over the government this year have vanished from the pages of the official Xinhua government news site in April. Clearly some sort of coup d’etat can now be confirmed to have taken place there even though the Western corporate news corps is still only focused on Bo Xilai. The Bo investigation has definitely gone far beyond him.

In Japan too, the yakuza and right wing forces allied with the White Dragon Society are getting impatient and are making plans to detain key cabal operatives for questioning. Major historical changes are becoming increasingly obvious.

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This is pretty cool as far as im concerned. Ive been reading up, and a lot of things are making more sense, i suppose thats how i wamt to put it. I know that thinga cannot go on as they have been. For centries i suppose, the same cycle of greed and abuse has perpetuated. Here is what I would like to know before getting my hopes up or possibly discreetly testing the waters with other people about all of this, Is this all really, honestly for real? Is all of this going to happen? What will the world be lke 20 ears from now or more if the good guys win?

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This is pretty cool as far as im concerned. Ive been reading up, and a lot of things are making more sense, i suppose thats how i wamt to put it. I know that thinga cannot go on as they have been. For centries i suppose, the same cycle of greed and abuse has perpetuated. Here is what I would like to know before getting my hopes up or possibly discreetly testing the waters with other people about all of this, Is this all really, honestly for real? Is all of this going to happen? What will the world be lke 20 ears from now or more if the good guys win?

I'm pretty grounded, but think about it, how can it not be real? If humanity continues on it's current path, it's over anyway...that's the way I see it... either we win, or we lose(we will not lose, it's a mathematical certainty we've already won, it all just depends on how much disruption these psychopaths want to cause) ... and 20 years from now...I'm thinking it's going to be looking a lot more like an episode of Star trek than the current darkness we're currently living under. Actually, once the 6000 patents that are classified are removed from under "national security"...there's no telling how fast we will evolve.

I've been following this blogpost for a few weeks now...uses cryptic messages and also sheds some light on other things...once the "nuclear entropy" level hit 0.00 on Friday the 13th, there was a lot of activity, very interesting to say the least.

Edited by HughJeffin Byrd
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Bluegrass: I've had the same thoughts everyday. Thst'a why I'm here reading. Your right! none of this is being heard anywhere on MSM. You have reason to doubt. We all do. Tha's why were here trying to get more info on how this is shaking out. I agree that I have connected dots also.

I guess that's the only way you can tell, is how many dots you have connected to prove what would otherwise be a rumor, or just another conspiracy theory among the many weird ones in the internet conspiracy theory mill. But everything I have heard has accuratly lined up with world history and current events. I'm fairly well versed in both, and to me the coincidence would be to great for it not to be true. I would say the odds of it being a hoax would be astronomical.

There has been some main stream news that corroborates the same. The corruption being reported on you nightly news sources have been telling us for decades now! We are easily distracted, and have very short term memories. We have allowed ourselves to become sheeple. We are all very complaisant, and were not watching what's been going on in the backgroud the whole time. As in"the lights are on and no body is home"

It also makes sense in the global view of countries breaking away from the dollar at what must be an innevitable need,because they are tired of selling their goods to a group that insists on continuing to devalue their own currency causing the non-aligned nations to take the hit more and more. They are also tired of the wars on their neighbors. We are in a currency war...and it is a war! Don't doubt it! We don't want to consider the consequences and neither do the non-alinged nations. They don't want to go there. They need to bring them down!

If it's a fake, I think it would not be this complicated a plot to span the centuries, align perfectly with an alternate, yet plausible vertion of history....because our view has probably been compromised by a group so devious that it's beyound normal belief? Ya..I believe its been happening all along! I would not put it past them for a minute!

Thanks: Carlos

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So much of this makes sense in relation to what is happening that is being reported around the world.

The dark cabal's power is breaking with every passing minute. Look at what is happening in Iceland and



I think it shows a small population of the world can stop the bad guys in their tracks From what little I have heard the EU is in the same process now. I read the derivatives market was crashing and the cabal has two deadlines to make payments or be in default themselves. One is on May 15th. when English Law Bonds come due, and the next is 30 days later when the Banksters have to pay on their credit default swaps. I think the obvious question is to whom do they owe the money??


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I think it shows a small population of the world can stop the bad guys in their tracks From what little I have heard the EU is in the same process now. I read the derivatives market was crashing and the cabal has two deadlines to make payments or be in default themselves. One is on May 15th. when English Law Bonds come due, and the next is 30 days later when the Banksters have to pay on their credit default swaps. I think the obvious question is to whom do they owe the money??


Carlos, I am so overjoyed at what is happening because this proves that it can happen!

So many of us have lived with the bad for so long it just sounds too good to be true and we have no frame of reference for it.

It will be a huge adjustment for many. Disclosure cannot be far behind these developments! I'm excited!

Perhaps they owe the money to our friends in the East as outlined by the Wilcox/Fulford posts...

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Thank you Hughjeffn byrd and Carlos, I appreciate your responses. I am actually pretty convinced that this is real.. it makes too much sense and answers a lot of questions Ive had for a long time. A lot of people wont read into any of this much less be able to accept it. Too many have put their blinders on and are quite firmly attatched to them. Myself, idk, nothing ive read really surprises me that much. Ive always been of the disposition to question the 'why' behind a lot of things. Over the years conventional answers didmt.quite add up, and i found myself looking into fringe media and things of the like. Since Ive had a few experiences that defied 'cinventional' explanation I feel im a bit more open to what is going on behind the curtains. One or two of those things may be a part of the 6000 patents to be released..

I almost cant wrap my mind around the enormity of what things like nesara could do for us all. The good guys prevailing and financial slavery ending are pretty much the only way this planet will survive. The reason I asked if this was all really real was because Ive been considering sharing this with others and I needed a bit of extra reassurance. Idk if anyone will listen but its worth a try. When those mass arrests come around people are going to be more than a little scared. In situations lke that knowledge is power, and being reassure others and help keep the peace is paramount. I live in ky and while a lot of stereotypes about he south arent quite true, the changes that are hopefully coming are not really part of peoples' realities around here. It's too out there for them. Im sure that's common for most though. Consider this; A relative almost got in a fight with me when I tried to explain that God did not out dinosaur bones in the ground. Yes. You all read that correctly. That guy is not some snake handler either.. When everything comes together, It's going to blow some minds..

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Thank you Hughjeffn byrd and Carlos, I appreciate your responses. I am actually pretty convinced that this is real.. it makes too much sense and answers a lot of questions Ive had for a long time. A lot of people wont read into any of this much less be able to accept it. Too many have put their blinders on and are quite firmly attatched to them. Myself, idk, nothing ive read really surprises me that much. Ive always been of the disposition to question the 'why' behind a lot of things. Over the years conventional answers didmt.quite add up, and i found myself looking into fringe media and things of the like. Since Ive had a few experiences that defied 'cinventional' explanation I feel im a bit more open to what is going on behind the curtains. One or two of those things may be a part of the 6000 patents to be released..

I almost cant wrap my mind around the enormity of what things like nesara could do for us all. The good guys prevailing and financial slavery ending are pretty much the only way this planet will survive. The reason I asked if this was all really real was because Ive been considering sharing this with others and I needed a bit of extra reassurance. Idk if anyone will listen but its worth a try. When those mass arrests come around people are going to be more than a little scared. In situations lke that knowledge is power, and being reassure others and help keep the peace is paramount. I live in ky and while a lot of stereotypes about he south arent quite true, the changes that are hopefully coming are not really part of peoples' realities around here. It's too out there for them. Im sure that's common for most though. Consider this; A relative almost got in a fight with me when I tried to explain that God did not out dinosaur bones in the ground. Yes. You all read that correctly. That guy is not some snake handler either.. When everything comes together, It's going to blow some minds..

I can sympathize man...I went through the 5 stages of the awakening process, it began with a simple Aaron Russo documentary and looking into the federal reserve(thank you Ron Paul)...and I think it's step 3 when you feel so overwhelmed you must alert everyone and convince them all immediately or we're all doomed...then all of the sudden your family and close friends all think yours nuts...I've had to walk out on dinner with my father b/c of his ignorance(fox news watcher) ...I'm still dealing with this now, it's weird living in 2 different realities...I know their reality is a fake one created by the elite so I just play my part in it when I'm with them and just try to plant seeds here and there, I've learned to pick my spots and create intrigue without saying something that will completely shut off their mind after hearing it... soon enough we won't have to live in alternate realities, the timelines will converge into one, and all the people living in the fake reality will have a paradigm shift... we've already had ours.

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Thank you Hughjeffn byrd and Carlos, I appreciate your responses. I am actually pretty convinced that this is real.. it makes too much sense and answers a lot of questions Ive had for a long time. A lot of people wont read into any of this much less be able to accept it. Too many have put their blinders on and are quite firmly attatched to them. Myself, idk, nothing ive read really surprises me that much. Ive always been of the disposition to question the 'why' behind a lot of things. Over the years conventional answers didmt.quite add up, and i found myself looking into fringe media and things of the like. Since Ive had a few experiences that defied 'cinventional' explanation I feel im a bit more open to what is going on behind the curtains. One or two of those things may be a part of the 6000 patents to be released..

I almost cant wrap my mind around the enormity of what things like nesara could do for us all. The good guys prevailing and financial slavery ending are pretty much the only way this planet will survive. The reason I asked if this was all really real was because Ive been considering sharing this with others and I needed a bit of extra reassurance. Idk if anyone will listen but its worth a try. When those mass arrests come around people are going to be more than a little scared. In situations lke that knowledge is power, and being reassure others and help keep the peace is paramount. I live in ky and while a lot of stereotypes about he south arent quite true, the changes that are hopefully coming are not really part of peoples' realities around here. It's too out there for them. Im sure that's common for most though. Consider this; A relative almost got in a fight with me when I tried to explain that God did not out dinosaur bones in the ground. Yes. You all read that correctly. That guy is not some snake handler either.. When everything comes together, It's going to blow some minds..

The story goes on, I just read another thread on DV that the East and the West have to sit down and talk about an overdue US Currency Report, the report (I suppose public) is being held up until such time as this meeting can take place. The whole news item fits right in to the overall story.

I think the fact that the Yuan's rising value is to offset the value of the dollar that is being driven down by the bankers. The Western Bankers want to pay of the Orientals loans with worthless dollars so they can put the entire loan in their pockets, stick it to us to repay the bankers through our taxes making us believe that we owe it on our national debt. When in fact, it's their debt, and not ours. They created it themselves, and for themselves based on lies...that the banks needed a bailout, and they are too big to fail!

Our government elected officials told us that the Banks and Insurance Companies were broke and teetering on the brink of some dark abiss, and needed the American Taxpayer to step up to the plate and do what is right! And, it was passed into law, with the majority of American approval. The Congress gave them the money and then they borrowed trillions more from the Orientals and we the tax payers are on the hook for all of it.


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The story goes on, I just read another thread on DV that the East and the West have to sit down and talk about an overdue US Currency Report, the report (I suppose public) is being held up until such time as this meeting can take place. The whole news item fits right in to the overall story.

I think the fact that the Yuan's rising value is to offset the value of the dollar that is being driven down by the bankers. The Western Bankers want to pay of the Orientals loans with worthless dollars so they can put the entire loan in their pockets, stick it to us to repay the bankers through our taxes making us believe that we owe it on our national debt. When in fact, it's their debt, and not ours. They created it themselves, and for themselves based on lies...that the banks needed a bailout, and they are too big to fail!

Our government elected officials told us that the Banks and Insurance Companies were broke and teetering on the brink of some dark abiss, and needed the American Taxpayer to step up to the plate and do what is right! And, it was passed into law, with the majority of American approval. The Congress gave them the money and then they borrowed trillions more from the Orientals and we the tax payers are on the hook for all of it.


Fool us once shame on them...they won't fool us again when the Euro and US economy collapse... many of us now know that it's THEIR DEBT alone, I myself have taken an extreme leap of faith while at the same time giving these murdering bankers the far as I'm concerned, their credit cards for us are prepaid cards... and any mention of "validation of debt" will have them sh*tting themselves... I expect this to be over pretty soon, but if It ever did reach the courts, I'd just simply represent myself and tell the Judge I do NOT understand the charges, since I am a human being of flesh and blood created by god and not a ficticious strawman with all capital letters.

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nesara? are you kidding me?

read some back years of nesara they claimed hank paulson was dead and what we saw on tv was hanks clone, and that g bush was arrested and in jail come on people

nesara is junk

Yeah Yeah... nothing to see here... don't mind the man behind the curtain... ::ZAP:: all is well, I repeat all is well... please tune into Fox news tonight for another fascinating O'reilly factor.

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go back and read old nesara posts you will see im stating facts

You also negated to mention how NESARA came about, all coming from the farmer claims through the 1980's and what eventually led to the Supreme Court ruling of the Federal Reserve and all the other debt instruments were in fact illegal... the new monetary system was to be announced at 10am Sept 11, 2001, by Greenspan. And guess what, that monetary system is back online, this time...instead of a traumatic negative paradigm shift like 9/11....we are headed for a positive paradigm shift this world has never seen before.(Mass arrests)

We'll see man... all i can tell you is the truth is always stranger than fiction. Remember how big the dolly the sheep news and stem cell research became in the 90's and the "moral" controversy it led to... if human beings could clone a sheep in the 90's, what makes you think we can't clone a human being and use progeria for age progression? Furthermore, what makes you think that any technology that hits the public sector is in fact 40 years behind the real technology available in black ops projects? It's 2012, wakey wakey.

Anybody that wants to see the truth behind NESARA(and the facts about cloning are in there, very controversial I know but it is what it is):

Edited by HughJeffin Byrd
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do you really believe gw bush jr is in jail?

do you really believe hank paulson was cloned?

No to both. I mentioned NESARA as it is/ was part of this whole thing. Ive seen some fairly convincing evidence for a lot of the stuff going on here.. in real life, not on a computer screen. Wild things do happen. Knowing people from all over the place who have had some bizarre and/ or disturbing experiences helps me feel a bit more.comfortable with information like this. Regardless, im mostly interested in the economic aspects though. Idk about some of the more esoteric aspects, but im not going to rule anything out. Things arent what they seem. That much should be certain.

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No to both. I mentioned NESARA as it is/ was part of this whole thing. Ive seen some fairly convincing evidence for a lot of the stuff going on here.. in real life, not on a computer screen. Wild things do happen. Knowing people from all over the place who have had some bizarre and/ or disturbing experiences helps me feel a bit more.comfortable with information like this. Regardless, im mostly interested in the economic aspects though. Idk about some of the more esoteric aspects, but im not going to rule anything out. Things arent what they seem. That much should be certain.

And that's the best attitude to have when researching...always use discernment, but also have an open mind because at the end of the day just because we can't fathom the thought doesn't mean it's not so. As for Bush...I do believe Daddy Bush was arrested in March and gave up Bill Gates and his minions to being the people who were sabatoging the new financial system from going online and putting in a bunch of backdoors, I haven't heard anything about little Bush but I'm sure his karma is going to catch up to him in the next few months.

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And that's the best attitude to have when researching...always use discernment, but also have an open mind because at the end of the day just because we can't fathom the thought doesn't mean it's not so. As for Bush...I do believe Daddy Bush was arrested in March and gave up Bill Gates and his minions to being the people who were sabatoging the new financial system from going online and putting in a bunch of backdoors, I haven't heard anything about little Bush but I'm sure his karma is going to catch up to him in the next few months.


I do hope that is true.. I haven't done much digging into that yet, which is the main reason I have difficulty believing it. BUT, given their very high profiles, it's feasible that finding concrete proof would be.. problematic. So, I can certainly see it as possible.

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