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Everything posted by Rugbylaird19

  1. We waited almost 5 months since the election for a president and now the Iraqis have another 30 day to form a government. I know this is still moving in the right direction but REALLY!!!
  2. Adam mentioned October 2nd. Could things FINALLY be falling in line?
  3. Are we deleting from the local currency (the notes themselves), or from the nominal rate (exchange rate), or pulling in all large denominations ahead of the distribution of smaller denominations?
  4. Adam believes in a .10 cent revaluation. I would take .05 cents to walk away and never have to look at that face again
  5. "calmness" I like your choice of words. I've been feeling that very way, regarding this investment, for the past two months. Not knowing where it was coming from.
  6. Has the question regarding the 50 billion that Maliki somehow acquired been completely swept under the rug???????
  7. If I was born yesterday and read this memo mentioning a person called "Maliki" I would be so grateful for this person to be in some sort of power in Iraq. I hope the Iraqi people are not so blind.
  8. I've heard this as well but I also heard that this was to occur inside Iraq only (if this is at all possible) and would not effect notes held by us.
  9. I've often told myself that once I cashed out I would walk away and never look back at Iraq or the middle east as a whole. However, I'm inclined to keep tabs on Maliki for the sole purpose of one day watching him swing from the tallest tree...
  10. Agreed. I once commented how I liked the rumor section. It was a place you could share information that you couldn't, for one reason or another, back up with facts or sources But now this section is outright used and abused. Shame....
  11. Guru's confirming guru's. Right up there with the blind leading the blind.....
  12. Someone has to ask,"What was the difference in his worth before he became Prime Minister and now. So frustrating.
  13. I'm beginning to think the GOI wants to do and try everything else first, before it even considers that a revaluation of their currency might quiet the masses, stimulate the economy, give the private sector a shot in the arm, and restore basic every day services. How much frickin' worse does this have to get?
  14. This amount of corruption just sickens me. Of course if I was getting a nice slice of that pie I might feel differently, but I'm not, so this just sickens me........
  15. Math was never my strong point and so I don't understand your numbers but that doesn't mean that I don't like them. LOL
  16. Are they leaving because of the demonstrations or is that their excuse to not cause a scene and skip out before the Hangman catches up to them?
  17. The U.S. expressed the desire for Iraq to speed up the seating of the government and now the UN is doing the same. Have they done this before with previous Iraqi election nonsense? If not, why now. It almost seams as though Iraq is holding up the greater plans of the "Powers That Be" on the world stage. I've often heard the RV is in the hands of Iraq, CBI, etc, but this has made me think that although Iraq has her finger on the RV button it is the thumb of the PTB that has started to push down on that finger. Never really thought this way before but JMHO.
  18. Unless this chaos and the threat of civil war causes the RV button to be pushed to pacify the masses.
  19. I know FATCA has been around for awhile but I've never heard of it so often over the past year or so.
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