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Everything posted by IchDien

  1. I say we RV NOW and forget what Iraq does after that, lol. Someone go over there and "push the button" for Shabibi!
  2. Smoke and mirrors. Think they'd really be clear on the REAL agenda regarding indicators for the RV?
  3. Ok, so let's RV and "regain the forfeited value" already! I have shopping to do!
  4. Well....say they increase the pay for these government people, great....what about the starving people with the poverty rate at 23%? I hope they plan on helping them, with an RV, since there wouldn't be any other effective way of helping them. If they don't help the people, then they will riot and destroy the country.
  5. I would like Thanksgiving, Christmas, even April Fool's Day. I'd prefer 2011 of course, soon please. Let's RV this and celebrate a nicer life.
  6. The forex shows active trades, just like stocks, and as such the numbers change from second to second. I have seen the IQD trade between 1154 to 1200. This is normal activity and means nothing to us that hold actual currency. Forex traders are trading not the actual currency, but the futures, or promisaries of the IQD. This is something like buying and selling corn. You're not actually buying the corn food, but rather the corn future, to which you then sell in the hopes of pocketing the difference between your purchase price and your sale price as a profit. This has nothing to do with actually owning the corn itself. Forex is the same thing, the numbers have no real impact on the people that actually hold real IQD notes, unless you decide to take them in the sell them, at which time you are selling your notes at whatever value they have based on the Forex value at the time you make your sale. Unless you're actively trading on the Forex, the IQD number on forex mean nothing to you. Just relax, sit back, and wait until you see the RV, then go cash it in and enjoy!
  7. Well, I get the humor of the original post, and I get the humor of betting at what point a person gets banned for excessive negatives, and I agree that censorship (in any form) is a bad thing, but let's at least realize that, aside from the fact that he is entitled to his opinion (no matter how silly), he does come up with some valid points from time to time. Overall, let's give it a rest TellTheTruth, your rantings are really old at this point and you really don't convince or win anyone over that has already decided their own finances. Try a new tactic. By the way, my bet is -200 till banned, lol.
  8. So...Maliki is willing to reduce his own power and increase localized power? Is that what I'm understanding, or is this merely increasing local power without affecting federal power?
  9. Well, one should know not to question the All-Mighty Okie! Didn't you know that? lol
  10. Considerring only 17 banks instead of the usual 22 or 25 or so, the lower amount isn't anything to worry about. Besides, just like stocks, there are up and down days, plus... eventually there won't be any cheap Dinars left (hehehe).
  11. RV time, forget the rest.
  12. Am I misunderstanding the new rating system? I thought the point of the new system was that those who end up with big negative reputations would be suspended from the site...if that's the case...then why is TellTheTruth still here? Or did I misunderstand something? I, personally, am totally against any form of censorship, but it's obvious that this particular "member" seems to enjoy causing more trouble and discouragement (even though he sometimes does have valid points), than he contributes to the discussion. With regard to his owning 30 million dinar...why? If he feels he's been scammed...why is he still holding the dinar? Why hasn't he sold it a long time ago, taken a 25-30% loss, and walked away? Unless....he actually believes the dinar will RV, in which case he's believing against what he's preaching
  13. High inflation is good for us, right? So...then...we want the economy to be bad, or good there?
  14. Yes, all the troops leave, renamed as guards and diplomats, and remain, lol. Troops are then gone, but we remain and our numbers are the same. Individual numbers are replaced by squad numbers, that makes it sound lower and less, but represent the same amount, lol. Politics at it's best, gotta love it. Either way, we're not ever leaving, like we're never leaving Germany, Japan, South Korea, Vietnam, etc, etc, etc.
  15. Without any specifics...perhaps the important issues are about what type of wall paper the bathrooms should have, lol.
  16. I thought it was the UN, not the US, per se, that holds Iraq in Ch7. Either way, I'm taking this to mean that they are out of Ch7. Great, so when might we hear the official word, anyone have any ideas on that?
  17. Consider this...Iran is not that much different than Iraq was when we invaded Iraq the first time. We may very well end up going to war, but the end result will be the same, we win a decisive victory and teach the world, yet again, that you just don't mess with the USA and that dictators are bad. Since when are we afraid to fight?
  18. I heard from my cat that has a source underground from a mole that the RV will occur sometime next week after Obama will make his announcement about the flowers blooming in his wife's garden in the whitehouse garden after Shabibi visits the lawn and Maliki deposits some manure for the roses. I believe my cat's sources, don't you? lol
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