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carlos in san diego

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Everything posted by carlos in san diego

  1. Thanks Hugh! I agree, these are extremely dangerous times we live in. I may be wrong, but I strongly doubt the Elite would do something that stupid. They would be the first to be suspected and the first to be rounded up. I doubt they would be shown any mercy once the masses become aware of what had happened and who had done what! I could understand them taking this type of action if the economic situation could be salvaged in any way, but, I suspect the financial crisis can only have one outcome, and I strongly doubt any kind of intervention would save them or their wealth. Although it must be tough to admit defeat when you have ruled the world and all the sheeple for 300 years without any intervention. I would have thought theat they would have been better off creating a pandemic, at least with a disease, the infrastructure would still be habitable after the fact. Carlos
  2. Dinar'osauraus...Thanks for the news! I think many of us were expecting this to happen. It was only a matter of time. This means that Japan has joined the chorus of Bric nations that have abandoned the US dollar as the world reserve currency. The way I understand how it worked before was that any nation that wanted to buy something from another country, had to purchase US dollars on the open market and effect the exchange with those dollars. This status that was enjoyed by the US dollar, as world reserve currency was probably partially responsable for creating an artificial demand for the dollar that would not otherwise have existed. This demand helped to maintain the value of the dollar higher than it would have been otherwise given the fact that our nation has been de-industrialized by the Elite in an effort to maximize their profits, through what they are calling "globalization" This is basically a euphamism, like many that they use, that means...we are taking your work away and sending it to be done by someone who works cheaper, and does not need benefits. The list of nations that refuse to deal in US dollars has grown during the last six or so months to culminate in this last round between Japan and China. To me, this is a significant move, especially since we are talking about what used to be our second and third largest trading partners in the world, beside Europe. It seems the dollar continues under attack from all sides, underatndably so, considering the reason...The Bric nations said that they were tired of trading their products for a dollar that continued to loose value. Although I think they are not telling the whole story and what they want to do is to break the dollar and bring down the unscrupulous Banksters that run our government. Personally, I wish them all the luck in the world. Our country will suffer from the outcome of the collapse of the dollar, but, their is a good chance we will rid ourselves of the Banksters once and for all! The long term effects will outway the interim effects. Carlos
  3. words come straight out of the GOP-Neocon, Elitest Bankster handbook. You need to get past the media propaganda. With all due respect, the debt that you claim is from the liberals handouts actually is insignificantcompared to the corporate welfare of the the Banksters and cronies. Please inform yourself, for your own good. The information is readily available. By believing what they say in the media, you are only playing into the hands of the Banksters and their GOP paid flunkies. You need to understand how "disinformation" works, it's intended to build on hates that they have been fostering for decades, in order to distract your attention away from the real issues, and the real villains. The next logical step will be to get you to accept, and ask for, will be the removal of all the "liberal social programs", they like to call entitlements, Social Security, medical, medicaid, unemployment, welfare...what is called the "safety net" for the very poor and unfortunate.They will drive the message home everyday on the media, until you are convinced that getting rid of these evil things will help our economy, while the banksters and their flunkies continue to steal TRILLIONS with no accounatbility or oversight! Ask yourself who's side your on Mongo, are you with the people or the billionaires? Carlos
  4. thanks for the video, Imblessed! I agree with the message! Carlos
  5. Nope...this is his latest item, I saved it a couple of weeks ago and just got around to postintg it. At first he seems to be talking as though we were still in the Bush era, but he's not. . I have read elsewhere that Bush Sr. is actually running this country. He is the ELITE that is pulling the strings of the puppets, including Obama. Bush Sr. is also said to be the one that personaly annointed Romney for the Presidency. Apperantly, there is no one above Bush Sr. in America. He's the Godfather. Carlos Al Gore may be one of the few with his hands clean in all this. He's probably been selected because we ran out of options...Carlos
  6. Thanks Obe for the post! I found it interesting in that I think this guy has analyzed this situation prety well, and is providing as good an opinion as I have seen in some time. I think many people are still laboring under a misconception. That is that the Iraqi Dinar RV is no longer in the hands of the Western Banksters anymore, and has not been for some years, it's in the hands of China and the Bric nations. I have not seen this statement in print, but I think the facts bear it out, many will agree, some may not! This article alludes to this statement. I believe he also says the RV will be among many nations, as many will need to adjust the value of their currencies accordingly when the old system falls. I suspect that those currencies that will go up will be mostly among the Bric nations, while those nations under the control of the Western Baksters will decline in value. Since the RV of many currencies is not going to be controlled by the Western Banksters, then I personally feel it will also be safe to say that the timing of this global event will be dictated by the Bric nations and probably to the direct dis-advantage of the Western Banksters....This is why the 50 % devaluation of the dollar is being mentioned. The move may be the last nail in the coffin for the Elite Bankers, I will wait and see if this comes true. I say it will probably be the end of the Western Banksters because...what do you think will happen in this country when the American people wake up one fine morning and find that their savings and wages are worth half as much as they were the morning before and everything they need to survive is now worth twice as much? How would you like to be the one to have to explain it to the American people when this does happen? I noticed the author mentioned the famous word "soon" when refering to the RV of the Iraqi Dinar! I think we who have been around for any time at all are very familiar with that word, but, I would listen and remember those words, because at the end of June is the end of the second business quarter...a real good time to RV. I also happen to agree with the authors opinion as to an interim investment for the average person, prescious metals is the way to go, not certificates or derivatives but physical metal only! Thanks to all for your contributions, very interesting comments! Carlos But, you have to admit...there is something afoot! I see the evidence and can't explain it anyother way! Carlos
  7. In the spirit of sharing....please enjoy: Carlos secretgoverment1.html
  8. TSP: You may have sold out your principles along time ago....frankly that's your problem, you can justify it to yourself anyway you want to. I believe a vote for Romney is a vote for the status quo. There is no point in actually voting to keep things as they are! To me it means abandoning my principles and values, to just roll over and admit defeat, and that won't happen. To me this is the hallmark of a weak, spineless POS! Romney is a VULTURE CAPITALIST with no morals or integrity, he comes from a class of people who believe in a dog eat dog way of doing things, that I can't abide by in any way. The main problem is that the vast majority of the American people are just as brainwashed as you are TSP, and the sad truth is that these sheeple will vote for Romney simply because they were deceived into believing he stands for the same values they do, and this is not true! There will be no future in this country if the GOP is elected. I would rather see Obama in office again, than a vulture capitalist disguised as a human being! However, TON PAUL IS NOT OUT OF THE RACE YET! He will get my vote, even if I must write it in! Carlos
  9. Thanks Machine! Sobering reminder of our current condition. I really don't understand how some people can sleep at night! I mean, those in charge of our government, those leaders of business, what sort of people are these that are so greedy and selfish that could allow this to happen? I completely agree with what I just read. I suspected the same thing for some time now and could not put my thoughts into words. Finally, here it is in black and white! Carlos
  10. Thanks Wally Weaver, Machine, and 20MillionDinar for your information. It does not take a rocket scientist to figure out that anymore QE is only a short term bandaid on a gaping wound. I guess the object of the game is to continue to kick the proverbial can further down the road and deal with the problem later. The part I did not like about the article is where it says that the US Fed will be backing the QE. That to me, means that the Banksters will be putting whatever it is they loan out on our backs. They will do as they have in the past, add these amounts to our national debts! I guess my question to you all is....How long can they continue to" remedy" the problem by continuing to print more money? How long can they kick the can down the road? Since the move itself could be called hyperinflationary, as certainly would be any additional QE measures, is it possible that they could continue to print indefinitely? My feeling would only be a guess because I have not seem the end game of this scenario...except in the history books. Germany, Chile, Brazil, Argentina, Zimbabwe, among a few. The only thing that stopped these hyperinflationary spirals were the people of those countries who were so tired of the foolishness that they took to the streets in protest. On onother note...I don't think it's just Obama that wants to kick the can down the road and see if he can make it to November's election. It's both political parties that are trying to hide the truth from the American people by, not addressing the issues in a public forum. Both political parties do not dare use the issue against the other, for fear of letting the cat out of the bag and creating more questions among the American people than they can safely afford to answer. It's an illussion that must be maintained at all costs. I believe it's agood thing for us that the Chinese and Japanese are considering using their own currencies amongst themselves. In reality...This should further accelerate the demise of the dollar. The sooner it collapses, the sooner we can get to the business of reconstructiion. So, what choise do they have? Use the dollar? Despite those that say the dollar is still a good safe haven, I feel the proof is in the fact that the dollar is no longer being chosen by the Bric nations to transact the bilateral business. They see it as too risky and that using the dollar would only encourage the Banksters to continue the charade, prolonging the inevitable, and prolonging the missery among the people. Carlos
  11. Igot mine for $600 a mil in Iraq in 2004! I also have friends who witnessed the loading of paletized dinar headed for the states. It happened jus before I got in country in 2004. I believe my friends they had no agenda other than to share info with me at the time. Carlos
  12. I like the way you put that! Makes me proud to be in your company! I feel the exact same way, NOBODY will quiet me. Where ever I see injustice you will hear from me. I will not remain quiet and I will not hide under the bed when someone comes looking for me. They will find me standing my ground! Carlos
  13. Don't worry if your late! Better late than never! It's complicated to explain in a few words. Go with the flow for now, you'll catch on soon. All the information is not in yet, we are all waiting right now to see wich way the mop flops. Time will tell on who's in and who's out! Who goes to jail and who does'nt. The fear in Washington must run high! I'm thinking there are member of the current administration who were originally Bankster puppets who it's possible have changed sides in this battle. From what I'm reading the Chinese are telling Washington what to do, seems also that Geitner's and Hillaries trip to China was not about a dissedent, as the media wants us to believe but to beg the Chinese to help them prop up the dollar since the Bric nations stopped using the dollar in international exchanges. I think the bottom line is that between the two groups, the west and the east, the one that will win will be the group with the best backed currencies. And, it's not us! Carlos Thanks for the information GIDAD! Welcome to the conversation! Carlos Hugh...40OZ: You guys do good work, I'm impressed, and thankfull! Carlos
  14. Thanks Snotroquet for your well meaning post! Personally, I refuse to live in fear! I have and will use whatever language I want, when I want wihtout regard to whomever might feel threatened by it. Fear is a powerfull tool for those who would oppress us. I feel it's time to stand your ground and be counted among those who will not bow their heads in silence and tuck their tails between their legs and go quietly into the night! Don't allow these threats to limit your thoughts or activities, just be yourself! I say, let them spy on me! TPTB have wasted time and money on countless other things, might as well continue the trend by spying on me! I don't care! Intimidation never went over real big with me anyway! Carlos
  15. Wow Benjamin! that's a good news tidbit that may be very significant! I"m glad you posted that! Carlos
  16. Your absolutely right, Rightsonword! You beat me to it! I'm glad the Japanese dropped the sanctions against Iran! The sanctions imposed by the Western Banksters are simply to pressure other countries into submission! Submission to allow the same Banksters control of that countries banking system. I hope other countries follow their lead! They use the UN, IMF, and WB as the enforcement agencies, then when these fail, they already have the American people brainwashed into thinking these nations and their leaders are rogue nations that are threatening our freedoms...and as usual, the US attacks....basically an innocent country. Classic recent examples that follow these same Bankster guidelines are: Iraq, where our "mission" was a complete failure, and afghanistan, where our troops are only there to protect the poppy fields for the Banksters. You also right about Cuba! This is a poster child case of brainwshing gone wild...Americans cringe at the thought of those dirty little cubans spreading their filthy communist and socialist ideology among their neighbors, but, if they only knew the truth! Carlos
  17. Good find Notapicker! And welcome to the forum! The article says, towards the bottom that we need to understand the problem, when in fact it only makes a weak attempt to put the blame on our politicians. And, although in part they have a great part of the responsability for selling us out, I believe the answer lies in those that hide behind the same politicians and pay them to do their bidding. Let's face it...the average American worker has historicaly been all about his union affiliations and a good middle class income, and income that also included a good retirement program and medical benefits. This is after all what most of us aspired to when we were growing up. Of those that have achieved it, many have found themselves loosing their retirement and benefits that had been promised them. Why? Bacause the greedy Banksters that own the indutry in this country closed them all down and offshored their manufacturing to China where they receive trememdous incentives. Cheap and ready labor market with no end in sight. favorable tax incentives to move their compananies to China, at the expense of the American Tax payer, and tax incentives when they re-introduce their manufactured products back into this country, subsidised again, by the US taxpayer. I recall reading an article years ago that claimed that the US government was paying for the complete relocation of these manufacturing facilities with US taxpayer's money! How did we get this way? Ask your local congressman! Ask him why the elite have abandoned this country for greener pastures on the other side of the globe? The answer is simple. The elite have wanted to break the backs of the unions for a long time. The evidence is all around, TPTB have deamonized the unions to a point where many Americans seem to identify the unions as one of the main contributing factors in the decline of our economy, when this is not the case. You might ask your congressman why he or she sold us out to begin with! The TPTB want to drive the wages down in this country in an effort to profit EVEN more than they did before. While they make us compete directly with the average Chinese laborer who only makes a couple of dollars a day....we will be forced to lower our labor rates even lower to be competetive, IF we want to work, and most of need to, just to get by. For most, we work or we starve! All these changes took place right under our very own noses, in broad daylight in the halls of congress, and in the name of the average American citizen by our own elected officials! It did not happen all at once, it took decades to accomplish the project, it took a long time so that most people would not be able to connect the dots and understand what their ultimate objective was! This situation did not just develop all of a sudden by some misterious force! This was planned manipulation! Now you can see for yourself what our elected officials had in mind for us. The results are in...there is no doubt about it. Does anybody hold these politicians responsable for having sold us out? NO! Most Americans are completely unaware of what took place right under their noses, and in plain daylight because these facts are not reported by the MSM...why is it not reported? Because we are on a need to know basis, and we just don't need to know! Carlos
  18. It's not just the TSA that needs to be replaced! It's the whole government! Carlos
  19. I'm with 'ya on that! I don't believe in the end of the world either. Mother earth will always be here tomorrow. I don't consider myself a doom and gloomer either, I just want to be as informed as I can be, so that I can make the right decisions for myself. That's the key to success as far as I am concerned. Sometimes you have to put your wadding boots on to get to the truth, when you consider the mountains of reading material there is out there available to us at the click of the mouse. The information sometimes needs to be filtered out from the tons of BS on the net. The concept of the end of the world is a Christian belief. It is not rooted in anything scientific. Although most of us know that there are natural events that could wipe out mankind in the blink of a eye, like an asteroid impact, or the eruption of the Yellowstone supervolcano, but the odds of these events happening in our lifetime are fairly remote, and there will be no way for the average person to prepare for anyway, so...there's little point loosing any sleep over at night. All the concerns you have, the pandemic, civil unrest, natural disasters, are all possible in our lifetimes, the one I'm concerned about is the one whe have been told for years now is due to happen. The collapse of the dollar, and with it, the crash of our economy. Although I'm not a trained economist, I've reaserched the subject fairly well for my own education, and I've come to the conclussion that the economic collapse is not only possible, but innevitable. Some might even argue that it's innevitability was programmed into the system decades ago. The problem is that our government want's to keep specific information to themselves, and has not been completely transperant with us. I'm still upbeat about even the worst case scenario. I think people will react in a positive way to it's happening. If commerse does come to a halt, it will gradually pick back up again, because people will still have needs to be met, and there will always be people that will want to profit from it. Already established distribution systems will want to continue working. On the other hand, I don't feel the event will be completely seemless, either, as I've read it most likely will be, I think that's wishfull thinking. One good thing about being prepared is that when you prepare for one event, you are also covered, even somewhat, for other possibilities also. I'm not happy with the long term prospects in this country anymore. I'll be hedging my bets, because I'm not sure things will improve in the near term. I have my eye on some fertile property with plenty of natural water in Latin America, away from large population areas, practically pristine preserves ....? Carlos
  20. cgbrown: We have all been dumbed down by the media and our educational system. The media has made us believe that everything is allright. I have spoken to many people who feel that things are just fine, because it happens to be the case in their particular lives. Their exposure to reality has been limited by what they see of the world driving by at 80MPH on the freeway. And they have no idea that the economy and their society may collapse at any time. They are completely oblivious to reality. Once in a while they run into a panhandler on a street corned with a cardboard sign, whom they look on in disgust, thinking to themselves that the guy is just another lazy bum, and would never considerer lowering their window and helping the guy out with some spare change. The reason nothing in our world works the way it should, namely our government is because, it is not designed to work for the needs of the majority, but the needs of the wealthy...the few! The evidence of it's dysfunctionality is all around you, if you care to look at things objectively. I think the American people are very complacent and comfortable...but that's only because the majority don't know the truth about what's going on in our society. If they ever come to know the truth is a day TPTB fear the most! Thanks: Carlos
  21. That's some good, sound words of wisdom, thanks Snotrocket! Thanks for the material to read! Carlos I like your attitude Elmstreet. Good to see you! Carlos Thanks L / D!... We've have had plenty of experience in the survival game, and feel empowered by what we have learned. I'm sure the same applies to you. I sense you have things well under control. Like Elmstreet says, it's an easy thing to do! Carlos
  22. I think your absolutely right DinarDiva, and thaks for the thread! I agree that although there are many people that are "prepping" we are still the minority. I have tried reasoning with many people who seem to feel that an economic collapse cannot happen in this country. I just spoke to a CPA who told me the exact opposite of what I have been reading now for years. When I got his take on the issue, I changed the topic, realising he would not be receptive to what I had to say, because his mind was set. Although his view was the opposite of mine...I hope he is right, and nothing will happen. However, I don't like leaving things to chance. For me there is security in knowing that I have done all that I can to take care of myself and my family regardless of what happens. There is another point that I believe will come to pass, as time goes on. Prices will rise...they must for several reasons. So, I simply look at what I spend on prepping as a hedge against inflation, it's simply an investment, because we will probably never see the prices of goods this cheap again. Hyperinflation is part of the chain of events that must happen before the dollar collapses. When it starts in earnest, money will become increasingly worthless, and it will take proportionately more money to buy the same goods than it does today. The way I see it, there is absolutely no reason to save money now. Spend it all on the things you will need for tomorrow. Buy what you need today while your money is still worth something, and while the goods you need are still on the shelves at the store. I really don't know when hyperinflation will set in. I hope this cycle is stopped through intervention before it does. As far as currency, I have bough US silver coins, pre 1964. These are 90% silver, are easily transportable and come in different denominations, dimes, quarters, and half dollars. The downside to them is that it does not take much of an investment to develop a heavy, bulky problem. A 20 to 30k investment means you will need a handtruck to move it around, and large safes to store it.'s probably the best investment. Thanks: Carlos Hi L / D! I'm glad you are still with us. I was worried about you! We the American people are the majority! Carlos
  23. 20MillionDinar: Nice find! That's one of the best written, factual pieces of work I've read in a while. I'm Impressed, and agree with 99% of what they are saying with the exception of the hyperinflation. I don't think it will take two years before it comes around. IMHO, I believe it will happen before the election, or shortly thereafter. I believe TPTB will try and stave it off for as long as they can, but, once the motivating factors they talked about start to kick in, it will accelerate exponencially....starting out slowly and picking up speed at an ever increasing rate. If my memory serves me right, the Zimbabwe situation did not take more than six months until children were playing with discarded currency piled up in the streets. Their currency was mere garbage that became a nuisance to even have around, and was swept out into the streets! (and most of those people were dirt poor to start with!) I hope some semblance of reason takes over, and stops what appears to be the innevitable end to our current system. I truly dread to think of what could potentially happen in not only our country, but around the world as this man made financial cancer spreads around the globe as it must. Countless people will suffer needlessly, only so a few could make some money for themselves, without any sense of responsability towards their fellow humans! As caretakers of our financial system, TPTB have failed miserably at steering our futures. Ultimately we are the only ones that can blamed for allowing them to take us this far down the road to perdission. We failed because we had too much trust in the people that ran our government, we did not monitor what they were doing in our name, and were not wise enough to interpret the obvious signs that could have stopped this sooner. I also have been reading these same economic prophets for many years now. These people were telling the truth back then to anyone who would listen. I would strongly encourage everyone who is still un-informed to get up to speed, and fast! Please head these warnings, and prepare yourselves. If you do not have resources to invest in emergency provisions, and whatever you will need to ride this out: your only other option will be to become a scavenger. Competing with many other millions of those who were also not prepared, and did not read the writting on the wall, for any scrap of food or water. As yourself if you could survive as a scavenger? Do you have the skills, the stamina and the determination to survive in this fashion? Please think about it! Carlos
  24. HJB: For one, I always had a knee jerk reaction to anything negative said about the Israeli Government, or people. I can see now that it was only a part of our programing that we receive from living in this country. And I have rejected the notion of anything anti-Semitic as baseless hate because of this for many years. I guess it always reminded me of the old grainy news reels about the White Supememists in this country who' main talking points were the evils of the Jewish people. To me it was repulsive. I've learned that the Jewish people are basically innocent and have been brainwashed just like we have been. As seen by your link. Their behavior reminds me of anti-immigrant activity in this country. We have to realise that these people only hate the immigrants because there are those among them who would use the immigrants as scapegoats. The anger is stirred by TPTB to distract the people from the real social and economic issues that they face. It also polirizes and further divides what it already a deeply fractured society. The concept of divide and conquer. It creates fear and uncertainty, that plays right into the hands of TPTB, who then step forward with a solution that they already had tailor made for just this situation. They give the people what they want, security clampdowns, loss of individual rights, added police and military budget increases, dictatorial takeovers....eventually war, and it's always a war created by the stratigists among TPTB to further thie goals. Topple a government, crash it's currency, take over it's natural resources and bring the countries" errant" Central Bank under the umbrella of the Western Banking Cartel (TPTB) they can control the people through debt and economic manipulation. Enslave them if possible in one way or another. And as seen in the cases of Iraq and Afghanistan, TPTB manage to get the majority of the population in the country completely in favor of the war. Through media manipulation. When neither country was guilty of what had been claimed by the Bush Administration. The real purposes of the war were hidden from the majority of Americans. I know it was for me. Sad sidenote to all this, and I'd like to thinks it's not intentional, but since those days back during Gulf War 1 and Gulf War 2, the TPTB had sistematically gutted our economic infrastructure, leaving few work options for many of our young people...among the few was to join the military. A trend that continues to this day. Lambs sent to the slaughter. Carlos
  25. I sense you mean well, DinarDiva. My only comment is that war is not good and necessary under any conditions, and least of all when we are being manipulated by the Industrial Military complex, so that they can continue to profit! I think we have all been programmed by TPTB to accept war as something innevitable and almost natural thing for us to do. As was the case in Iraq and Afghanistan. These wars should never have been allowed to go forward, and I think those that were behind the deceipt should be brought to justice! Bush and Channey among many others in that criminal group! This is a big problem that we face together in this country. We have not known true peace since the neo-con concervatives took over our government!. We need to experience what that is all about! Who knows? We might find it socially benefial and productice to live in harmony with one another....for a change! Thanks for your imput! Carlos
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