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Everything posted by Installer36

  1. Cris I admire the fact that you think you are talking to people who can rationally think or are not. Most of the liberal progressives only care about one thing...What do I get from this government? What is sad is that the countries that most degrade the US are the most financially screwed countries. but please keep trying to convince those that will listen ....maybe ....just maybe will really look at where we are headed....Thanks....Chris...
  2. I thought Best Buy closed down....
  3. I have always felt if you eliminate the benefits to be illegal then they will get legal.....HMMMMM simple for most to grasp perhaps.....Thanks Chris.....
  4. In arizona the concealed carry also pertains to ones vehicle. But I believe that if I conceal in my vehicle and get pulled over that I must declare the concealed weapon. I learned recently that the police like it when you declare unconcealed weapons when getting stopped....Also there is no permit or registration needed to carry here. Only you must be legal to own a weapon by state and federal guideline. So nice to live here......
  5. I tried to make it to the end of the video but it was such an insult to my intelligence that i could not watch the whole thing......Scrum is this what is to convince me that Ron Paul supporters are more "AWAKE" then Romney supporters? ......No need to reply.... Thanks .....Chris
  6. LD Please provide a link showing me or giving me the name of anyone arrested using one of those ten descriptions.....Namely an American....Thanks....Chris
  7. Bottom Line Questions we should all ask ourselves... Is this Country better off , Are my children better off, and am I better off today with this man as President... For me and my family no we are not this can be verified with Factcheck.....Is our Country .....Time will tell...History will tell...And to our posser from across the pond ..welcome back Mojack......Thanks Chris....
  8. I hope he can go to the convention and have enough clout or backing to at least get some of his Ideas adopted into the Republican platform. i dont see how he can get nominated but he may get the republicans to start looking at the constitution again. ......Thanks Chris
  9. A question I have had for some time now ...Is if they were to do as this article states then why have they not done so ? I can see a great deal of issues that need to be resolved for an RV but as for the RD why not do it and be done with it since an RD is supposedly good for the Country. So for me I kinda go along the belief that the longer it takes the better off for us....Thanks Chris...
  10. This doesnt make sense to me ..that is about 100,000 dollars per home...kinda high to me if the average income per household is less then 1000 dollars per year.... Just thinking out loud.... thanks for the post ...
  11. What confuses me is why do I find this on DV and not else where? For me I have received a better perspective of who this "President" really is here on DV. Stonewall and the rest of you that contribute to this cause......THANKYOU...... Chris...
  12. there is a possibility that martin knew of Zimmerman long before the incident....He may have had a twitter account in which he tells a friend about Zimmerman. If so then this kinda changes things.....Perhaps Martin was the assailant ....
  13. Dive have you forgotten that if you disagree with any liberal lemming you are a racist ? And with regards to Mojack he is only here to through fuel on the fire. 1200 and some post and about a 1000 in the off topics....Hmmmmm....
  14. For some reason this line hit me ...."It was decided at a meeting of Ministers of Finance and Economics Forum held on 27 March and was attended by seven ministers only and deputy ministers and representatives of Arab countries, the adoption of strategies, security, tourism and follow up the implementation of items issued by the peaks previous economic, urged the Iraqi Prime Minister Nuri al-Maliki, Prime Minister to "stand in solidarity" for the advancement of Arab economy as is the case in the world, also called on Arab companies to participate in the reconstruction of Iraq." Are they say to Malki to stop procrastinating? Just wondering or am I reading into something not there?.....Thanks Chris
  15. I thought if BHO had a son he would look like Larry Summers......
  16. Just erased some pretty snide remarks about this post and the poster and it dawned on me that what if mia is going through something pretty Chitty ...and we the people of this site just got the brunt of her fear or anger....I can live with that and just let her know ....keep coming back ....I hope and pray (in a non threatening kinda way) that you have a great night and an even better day....Thanks ....Chris...
  17. I could get behind his campaign.....
  18. ABO.................................What will you RP supporters do if RP tells you at the RNC to vote for the nominee?........He knows he cant get the nomination but he can get certain mandates that the new republican party will follow. Hopefully he does. But not to vote for any one is just Pathetic in my eyes.....Thanks.....Chris...
  19. What most people are forgetting is that its not the SL// comment its the governments mandate to once again tell companies that they must provide a benefit to people and have other people pay for it. My wife and I dont need birth control but our health insurance will go up if all carriers must provide this coverage. Plain and simple. They are going to mandate what kind of car I drive and how much electric i use and what kind of meals my grandchildren eat. Simply put ...PATHETIC...
  20. Where is the outrage for Palin or Malkin.....Oh thats right a comedian spoke that trash so it okay... Who just happen to give the Obama campaign $1,000,000.00........So that make that POS 's statement acceptable for the Left women...Such Bull ****....Thanks.....Chris...
  21. Bama girl , just keep your thoughts centered on your beliefs because you will never change those that say "no proof or video could be changed. " And in regards to the statement "It's a religion not a country or embodiment of military authority." Please.... Wake up...... Thanks Chris
  22. This is something I have been doing for about 25 yrs. What I have learned in this time is that it is possible to reach a state of total emptyness within ones mind. I read that someone said they cant sit still for 5 mins. then dont just sit still for 2 mins. .This is a start. My meditation is done privately as well as in groups. It is done with music and with silence.What i try to do is think of a word or phrase or writing and focus on that thing for a short period of time. Soon that short period becomes longer. Another thing I try to do is to listen to my body for it will tell me when the meditation is over. There has been alot of debate in this thread about the aspects of meditation and Christianity.......For me Meditation is Listening and Prayer is Talking to whomever or what ever one believes in. And finally my goal in meditating is to become a man with true humility and one with healthy shame. I hope this helps someone out there...And thanks for the post...Chris..
  23. Why has everyone forgotten about Rick Santorum...He is having a pretty good night tonight....Thanks Chris... Ps...I have yet to meet someone who did not vote for Pres. Obama that plans on voting for him but I have met many people who did vote for him that plan on voting for ABO.....
  24. Fact is over 60 per cent of this country thinks the bill is crap...Iam sure you have read the entire bill and looked up all the additional bills this refences and understood all you read to have such a smug opinion . Bottom line the bill was passed by unethical means just like most of this pathetic policies of this administration.
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