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Everything posted by BETTYBOOP

  1. Well, I have no idea where Jeff got a date for the WTO , considering they are having another meeting in the 1st quarter of 2025.
  2. This reads like something similar to what maliki did to shababi! I am not saying he is innocent but we are close again to an rv / ri and this suddenly appears in the news??
  3. "joining the World Trade Organization will contribute significantly to enhancing transparency, encouraging competition, and stimulating sustainable economic growth for Iraq. Are they indicating it is happening now or soon?
  4. I have to agree. There will be no lop. There is little to no benefit to a lop. Additionally , I do believe there was never any plan to lop the currency
  5. I think he means breitling. I saw a post on another forum from somebody who claims to be an Iraqi citizen in Baghdad. They said the ATM have all been linked to a new system for currency. Can't find any articles about this.
  6. If it comes straight out the gate at $3.22 Man oh man!! I would have enough to buy and stock a farm , buy the nursing home I work in and set up an rv hire company!!!
  7. Sorry which post are you talking about?
  8. IF, sleepy Joe and the ust is holding up the rv and DJT is supposedly uncharged of the Federal Reserve etc why can't it be pushed forward by him behind the senses?
  9. It sure reads like another kick at the can to me.We are either going to see it before the USA elections or it is going into 2025.IMHO
  10. Holdup= they haven't had enough holidays yet and they are very busy creating their next crisis
  11. Sales said it in his speech about the parallel market
  12. What I fail to understand , if the numbers are correct and they are supposedly stable and doing so well , how can the ust stop the rv? Why can't the rest of the world make the use sign off on the rv. IE UN. WTO. WORKD BANK ETC?
  13. Frank26 [Iraq boots-on-the-ground report] FIREFLY: We are now hearing from our news on Channel One that Iraq has been fully accepted into the WTO. This is going to be official, July the 18th. FRANK: To join the WTO Iraq does not need a currency with value. No, that's not the point. Iraq needs a currency that has no restrictions, no handcuffs, no limitations in order for it to float on an international market - whatever the case this is very good. Let's hope this information is correct. So ,IF they are to move to full accession on the 18th .... they need a tradable currency before then. However, please note it only says it is a "working party" ABOUT them moving to full membership. .... so I would consider it unlikely they will become full members on July 18th. JMHO
  14. Am I reading this wrong? Is this explaining taxes in the USA or in Iraq?
  15. Sounds a bit like the west ... our prisons and detention centres are breeding grounds for people to be radicalised
  16. Did Kim clement not say it would happen whilst Biden was in the White house?
  17. They have in some ways ground to a halt again. At this rate we could still be here in 2026. Just my current mind set.
  18. the goats news letter today claims the UST and US sanctions are the biggest issue. The delete the zeros project on hold until sanctions lifted.
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