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Everything posted by FlintNPebbles

  1. I was taking that as what he did before whatever he does now....I use that phrase a lot when I describe past I was an office manager in a previous life.....but I could certainly be completely wrong and he meant it as it is written!! I absolutely do not believe it will be much over $1 if at all. I don't see how they could possible acheive that....but again...I could be wrong Lots of interesting theories these days...but just theories...I will keep reading the wonderful articles coming out on the Iraqi news and Adams information.
  2. Crossing my fingers and toes that you may be may be something more
  3. I like it ....but it's probably just the fluctuation in the dollar.
  4. Hopefully not....but we seem to be stuck in a Groundhog Day scenerio....budget, Ramadan....etc. I am trying to have faith in Adam's intel But I have learned from many years to not get to hopeful.....I will probably not believe it at all when it does happen!!
  5. Why can't all of Iraq get their act together like the Kurds? I hope the HCL gets signed soon or the Kurds will finish their pipeline and then won't want to agree to anything Baghdad finally puts together.
  6. and my rv colored glasses went back and reread the original post. says another location on post would be exchanging. Didn't say anything about finding out what the rate would be as the original post says 1:1 the only thing that was missing was date and time....that was what was stated. We have owned our dinar for over 10 years....have been through many ups and downs. We will believe a RV when it arrives. I simply stated we would be very very happy with 1:1..... Thank you so much for clarifing for me ( and that is sarcasm for you and your comments) I would still say FSNB as the poster stated it would not be that location...but why would FSNB say another location on post if it was not the same bank? I believe they would say "Fort Sill Credit Union" will be handling any exchanging if it was another financial institution.
  7. Fort Sill National Bank, located at the PX on base at Fort Sill At least that is how I read it Sure would like 1:1 We would be very very happy with that. My DH has almost 30 years with the Army and wants to retire (along with his civilian job as a firefighter...only 1 more year to go there!)
  8. Yeah he should have said "man they got that wrong" Or something along those lines. As I said earlier.....stating that you "hate this country" is a hot topic. However, how many times has someone said something out of frustration? I have been mad at my horse and told him I was going to turn him into glue. Do I really want to turn him into glue...absolutely not. This topic right here on this forum shows how devisive this country is. Someone "sticks up" for someone else and ends up getting maligned and ridiculed for it. Do I believe Adam Levine should have said those EXACT words? Absolutely not, however.....there are times when I have felt our country needs a really big jolt to bring it back around. And before any of you bash.... I have been involved with the military for over 27 long as my husband has been serving. My son has joined the Army and is slated to go to Afghanistan in July. I believe I have earned the right to "stick up" for someone expressing his opinion..whether I like the comment or agree with it in any way. Those of you who believe Adam was dead wrong have every right to believe what you believe and yes, you certainly have the right to vent about it...but to decide that someone who has an opposing view is wrong or somehow less than....that is what I find offense with. That is NOT why my husband and son that anyone can impose their will or opinion on others.
  9. Well now.....probably not the best choice of words considering the hot topic that phrase is these days but I do understand that he had more to that. He didn't say more but his performer who did not make it past this last voting was wonderful and talented. I am pretty sure the "I hate this country" had more to do with the voters who did not see the talent in the performer and not so much is an actual "I hate this country" People take so much literally these days and everyone gets in an uproar over a phrase or a look or.....well anything. Everyone everywhere has to always be aware of what they say and how they say it and if they say something that others take offense to, then they have have to be on the defensive and explain themselves even though all the ones who bashed them for saying something will only believe they are trying to cover their butts.
  10. I agree. Where do you find the most violence and hatred? In places with abject poverty. Iraq is a great example. The people are tired of doing without their basic needs being met while they can see that their "leaders" are doing just fine or much better than fine. The rate of violent crime in areas that have affluent people tends to be low while those without any hope, the violent crime rate skyrockets. Since Iraq is a country with mostly poor people they are going to demonstrate. You do not hear of violence and bombing in the streets in the Kurdistan region...although I am sure it still happens. Part of it is secular violence (shiites vs sunnis') I believe but if the majority of people are not making enough to buy a loaf of bread and feed their family they are going to get angry and believe the other religious sect is to blame.
  11. Agree with you Texas Granny...that is why I said Ambition and education. You don't have to have education to have ambition. I know plenty of educated individuals who are the laziest workers. However, I also know a few mentally challenged people who are happy to work for minimum wage as it means they are working. Our company starts them out at minimum but they do move up as they prove their ability and desire to work. If only all people had that mentality and did an honest days work for a day's pay. Milk at my local Walmart is $2.89 a gallon...I live outside of Chicago so it's not farm and milk country
  12. That's the point...if they had a more decent wage then food stamps would not be necessary. Granted we all have choices and can better our lives with education and ambition, however, there are some people who are not able to go to college or trade school due to health, physical or mental challenges. They are the ones who end up working for minimum wage and supplementing with food stamps and other government programs. And the ones who feel they should get something for nothing or for very little effort because we owe them something somehow ( I have a brother like that ) Not sure raising minimum wage will actually create less people on food stamp rolls as I am apt to believe they will just end up changing the requirements to be eligible and it begins all over again. I do agree that all officials should be asked to live the life of a minimum wage earner for a week as most of them come from wealthy families and have never had to make the choice of do I pay the electric bill this week or buy some bread and eggs (yup I have lived that question and without food stamps). Thank the good Lord that I do not have that issue any longer but I remember it well and always have compassion for those less fortunate.
  13. Thank you for the article. Just goes to show the "walk a mile in my shoes" is never understated. Perceptions vary and eye witness accounts are not always accurate but a person's individual experiences make them who they are and what they are grateful for. These two are probably not the minority when it comes to believing the invasion was well worth it.
  14. I have g a y friends. Both male and female. I love them all dearly but do not agree with their lifestyle, even though I support them as friends. However, I believe the sacrament of marriage is biblical and therefore should not have the government interferring with the rites of it. I whole heartedly believe everyone should have the same rights under the law of the land such as tax breaks, inheritance laws and other laws that are exclusive for married people now. I believe we can accomplish that without a g a y marriage law. Civil unions work, they just need to expand the laws to include rights that marriage brings without allowing it to be "marriage" in the biblical sense. I grew up going to church and learning right from wrong, what God finds preverse and what is right in God's eyes. Yes, I teach that to my children and even if they go on to believe there is not God and Jesus, they do have a foundation of love and forgiveness ingrained into their lives. They have a conscious and have learned to listen to it.
  15. I am apt to believe not one thing is the root of all of it, but rather a combination. In Adam Lanza's case both the prescription drugs and the violent video games that he played. My son has played violent video games but had a limit on how many hours he could play them. He went through a violent phase when he was about 10 to 12. But he had learned from infancy to be respectful of elders and although he would get angry he would listen when enough was enough. We would use different methods to help him learn to control his anger. A large punching bag was purchased and put in the basement for him to vent his frustrations out on. Never once did we think that drugs were the answer. NEVER. He has become a fine young man who is now serving his country and soon to go to Afghanistan. I do understand that there are no other alternatives for some children...but drugs should only be used when all other avenues have been explored and tried. And when you have those type of behavioral issues, why would you let your child play violent video games?
  16. Thank you for responding in a courteous manner. Your example of California is exactly the answer I was looking for as far as why the registration is being so objected to. I also agree wholeheartedly with the idiocracy of banning high capacity magazines. Sentinel7...can you tell me how many of the countries you listed had a constitutional right to bear arms? I am not trying to argue with you, I am trying to understand your, and alot of others, viewpoints. I am not stupid nor a liberal. I have been raised differently than you obviously and am trying to understand your views. Which, if you or others can "verbalize" without making this into "if you have an opposing view then you are anti-American", then I am well open to having my views changed.
  17. Thank you. However, can you elaborate a little on the setence of "Everytime there is a gun registration they come back and take the guns EVERY TIME" ? I have 3 guns registered to me, no one has come to take them. Are you speaking in the forward tense and projecting that this is what will happen as the government gains more and more access to personal information? Registration in and by itself is not a bad thing. If you sell a gun and it is used in a felony, they trace it back to you. If you purchased that weapon at a store that did a back ground check and registered it. If you purchased it from your neighbor and then sold it to your sisters boyfriend it will come back to your neighbor. I have only purchased guns in North Dakota and Illinois, but for both of those states, I am the registered owner and if the gun is used to commit a crime, I am the one they will look for unless there is a law that is enforced that requires me to have a background check on a purchaser and then submit a registration for that purchaser. Do I think gun owners will want to go through the trouble when they can sell it "under the table"....nope, can't see them doing it. It will be a law like many many others that do not get enforced.
  18. risk being called a liberal....what exactly is wrong with doing background checks on all gun sales? Gun shops have had to do them for years, now they are asking private sellers and gun shows to do them. I really am trying to understand the reason why this action is not wanted. To me, it makes sense to keep individuals who will not qualify to own a firearm from getting one. But if any of you can explain to me how it's a bad thing then I am willing to listen. I do not agree with limiting the high capacity magazines, especially in bear country. So that part of the law I would have an objection to.
  19. I recently heard a sermon regarding passing God's small tests in order to fulfill your destiny. When you hear that voice prompting you to give someone aid, to add another $5 to the offering or the tip in a cafe, those are the small tests. If God cannot count on you to do the small stuff, how can He count on you to do the big things? This guy passed that small test and now has the blessings that God meant to bestow on him
  20. Sure are hearing a lot of the April 2013 around here lately.
  21. Thank you for posting this. Seems to me the better their economic growth, the better chances we will all have of seeing more than a little return
  22. I think it is a catch 22. The violence is being escalated due to poor living conditions and frustrations. The Sunni blame the Shiite and the Shiite blame the Sunni for the issues. I am not saying that an RV would fix the issue but having a stronger currency to be able to import more goods and services, that may tamp down some of the violence. They have been at war with each other for centuries, there really isn't much that will change it, the only difference is the type of weapons and the amount of destruction they can cause to each other. Barbarians
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