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Everything posted by Mstr_William

  1. That made the most sense of any post I have read out here. Props for common sense!
  2. Probably gonna confirm what we already know.......".WE'RE BROKE BEYOTCH!"
  3. Stormtrooper for peace. If that doesn't work please see D&R's comment above. Picture was for a 4th Anniversary present.: Flowers
  4. <laughing> need an emoticon for "face palm"
  5. Tell your Son "Thank you " for his service!!!! It's people like him that allow me to live the life I do....
  6. Anything is possible.....but try and stay focused on the "Good" sided outcome of all of this though...... i.e. maybe they cut three zeros from the exchange rate making it .86 USD to 1 IQD......maybe they phase out all big notes as they are cashed in.......maybe maybe maybe.......lots of them out there....... Ask. Believe. R.V
  7. Ok....So I get that things get posted here and posted there. My point is this: Why do you need to talk trash and bash? Maybe that person didn't have time to search through the forums for every posting. Bonus points to your egos for being there to let the poster know. I told a friend once : "You can be good at what you do, be cool about it, and get respect. Or you can be good at what you do, be an Ass about it, and lose respect." It's your choice. We are all here for the same reason I hope. The Iraqi Dinar at some point making us wealthier than when we started. If you can't be a decent human being now, what exactly will the Dinar change for you. The world has enough rich pricks in it already.....actually money doesn't matter in that dept.... Ask....Believe....R.v........ @Ironwolf - I'm with you on the whole "grow up" thing....My mom told me to grow up once. I asked her what it "did" for her.....Didn't get a I never did either......
  8. No politeness in this realm anymore, so I will try to inject some toward you : Ahem Would you PLEASE be NICE and POLITE, or leave this site...... If that didn't translate for you try this : Ahem If you don't have anything nice, constructive, or positive to type then just don't. It's really that easy. Thank you for reading this. Now have whatever day you desire.
  9. Makes sense to me. Let's see if we can turn that sense into dollars now shall we. Ask, Believe, RV!!!
  10. I've got lots of time on my hands.....Put me in coach!
  11. "Her Excellency the Secretary of State...." snicker... :lol:
  12. This is great news...... Come on RV, my baby needs a shoe store....
  13. -1 for being intolerant of other people's lifestyles.....VERY UNCOOL.
  14. I'm with you on this one, and I haven't even been in that long........
  15. now that was funny! +1 for making me laugh this AM
  16. so does this mean Facebook is the "burning bush" of the digital age???
  17. +++++++++++++positivity++++++++++++++++ You either have it, or you don't...........
  18. Nice read.....I would be ecstatic with that rate.....
  19. Not sure what to think here. Translations differ at times, and everyone who reads into it seems to pull their own bias out of it. Personally I don't think they will snub the rest of the world. Granted world governments could probably exchange dinar for oil, but I have no need for unprocessed crude. I would also think that the average Iraqi who has saved a pittance his whole life would now see his money made completely worthless. If you think they have civil unrest now imagine after being told they have less than before. Just my observation, but I am a newbie here, so what the hell am I supposed to know?
  20. Hello everyone. I have only been invested since this spring, but I remain very optimistic about the future. My intent is pure even if I may not be. Looking very forward to the day when I can say "thhhbbbbt" to all the detractors. Until then I will just sit, watch, listen, learn, and laugh. Peace to all. William Master of "all" possibilities.
  21. "Life's a banquet and most poor suckers are starving to death" - Mame Welcome
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