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Everything posted by DinarC

  1. Hi Shelley - I believe this post should go under the Chat section. Namaste!
  2. HEY Cisole - - - If I can guess the secret piggy tail wiggle can I get VIP to the Pink Piggy Underground???
  3. I miss his posts as well. He seemed to be a straight shooter. He probably got turned off by the pumpers and the drama. OR maybe he went to Dubai and cashed in and is sailing the carribean with his friends watching sunsets and fishing at sunrise. Ohhhhh, how I wish I were there!! Namaste!
  4. MRB - You doubled your points value by posting an old pumper post!!! THAT WAS BRILLIANT! That just proves the amazing value of pumping! I wonder how many spent their next mortgage payment or kids medical supplies on Dinar because of this post. What will you post tomorrow, I can't wait to see!! Namaste!
  5. HELLO MODS!!! This post is ooooold and the sharks are feeding on the newbies! Can we close this??? Namaste!
  6. Well, I am attempting to update my calendar. Do I have the dates right for the RV? Monday, August 15th! This is a sure thing because Okie, Rich Queen, Delta, Frank and the Gurus said so! August 24th! UST/CMKX lawsuit finalized! This is a sure deal! August 30/31-September 1! End of Ramadan and Eid al Fitr Holiday! This is a sure deal! September 15th! Presidents Salaries to be paid! This is a sure deal! For everyones' convenience I have also added the following: October 3! National Iraqi Day! November 6-9! Eid al Adha Holiday! November 24th! Let's not forget the US' Thanksgiving Holiday! November 26th! Islamic New Year! December 5th! Ashura - not asura what that is but ashura it will RV!! And then I just added a ***** (5 star) indicating a Five Star Day for every Monday, Tuesday, Thursday that the RV is a sure thing? I thought this would make it easy on the pumpers if everyone had a heads up. It must be exhausting to have to come up with this exciting news week after week after week! Namaste! And I hope everyone has a joyfilled week!
  7. So is Prophet Kim Clemmons part of this conversation?? Thought FUR SURE he nailed it. Guess not. We Wait. COME ON RV!!! Namaste!
  8. Ok, Hi, I have to put my in regarding the WGS conversation. Actually, Wikipedia is a Bush owned entity. GWB created several mainstream websites for Nesara to divert the seekers of truth away from any possibility of enlightenment regarding the changes that would be the outcome if the "true Nesara" were to be put in place. If you follow the theories about the Illuminati, the 13 families, the Bush Cartel etc you will find that GWB has many reasons for Nesara not to happen and many reasons for this RV to happen. When the RV happens he will become significantly, did I say SIGNIFICANTLY more wealthy, and so will many other of the US Politicians, countries and of course the little people. It is said that the "True Nesara" has already been signed into action and there are several factors that need to take place before implementation. 1 being the arrest of ALL the corrupt ones and the ones who have willingly planned and participated in crimes against humanity. (AND we think Iraq has had a lot to deal with regarding implementing something!) When you look at the dirty laundry list regarding Global Settlements you will be appalled. Not for the weak at heart. The powers that be regarding Global Settlements are many factions higher than anyone in our government or any other government. The United States has no power to hold up the RV, nor does Pres. Obama. Some facets of the WGS are strickingly realistic and could shift our current global financial and economic disasters. Other pieces of the puzzle are much more difficult to fathom given the level of consciousness in the World today. That said, I am only pointing you in the direction to gather further information and make an observation for yourself. It is no doubt that serious change is afoot. I always believe that something good comes out of any adversity. We are definitely witnessing adversity - are we not??? So, something good, even great is about to happen, not just for us but for the entire world. If you really want to know more about the "true Nesara" google these key word phrases. Esoteric Nesara St. Germain World Global Settlements. When you put the word esoteric in the key phrase the search engines will bring you back information that is NOT mainstream. And you will never find the Truth on mainstream. It is designed to program and convert thinking into a desired format. Keeping an open mind will be beneficial. WARNING: you may not like what you read, or then again it may answer some questions and you may say Well, I already guessed that. Whatever the case there is a bigger plan in action right here, right now. We are not at the End of the World but at the beginning of the Golden Age. You can reference this in the Bible and all the sacred texts and generational legacies throughout the world. Keep love in your heart and truth in your intention and we shall see the Grand Design unfold and perhaps with all of the benefits and fulfillment we desire. Namaste!
  9. Hi Reese and all of the insulted and victimized Newbies. (That is not a slam by the way, just addressing how the newbies are feeling.) I was a lurker for a long time here before I signed up too. I've only been in this investment for a little less than a year and can only imagine what those who have been watching these posts and hearing these rumors and intel for longer than that feel. My frustration with the lies, manipulation, and deceit that has been running rampant by pumpers and posters is minimal comparatively but admittedly I am very impatient with "ignorant posts" without any verification, legitimate information to back up what is claimed or insinuated to be legit intel. If you will look at my posts you will find that I am generally supportive, attempt to contribute to the positive energy or at least make something positive out of something negative, and I definitely respect many, many of the wonderful people here at Dinar Vets who contribute their time and energy to decipher what is real and what is unrealistic. Adam operates this site with integrity and has gained much respect because of that. This is not so with many of the Dinar sites. With that said, I got into this investment because a very dear 79 year old woman who is disabled, in a wheel chair, on SS (You get the picture) told me about this Dinar investment. I was cautious and only bought a small amount and of course that was when it was going to happen this weekend, monday, right after the holiday, sure thing. HOW LONG has this been going on every week? Well this woman has a huge heart and trusting spirit and BELIEVED the "rumors" and "intel" and purchased dinar with a down payment and put it on the layaway program. She was certain based on this information (why would anyone lie about something like this RV) that this RV would happen before her layaway was due at the end of 30 days, because she trusted the intel. Well, it didn't RV. And it didn't. And it didn't. She doesn't have any IQD now and doesn't have any resources to buy any on what she is getting from SS. So I get a little upset about the BS postings generated on this site and the others, to increase dinar sales and get people in a frenzy to buy more dinar. This includes those who post without conscious awareness of the outcome based on the information or non information in their post. It's been going on for far too long and I am sure this story is mild compared to some of the stories out there that are far worse than what this woman experienced. She just lost her dream of being safe and provided for in her remaining days. Some people have lost everything. Their families, their relationships, their homes, their vehicles. Sure it was their responsibility to manage their financial affairs and not over commit, however, lets take a look at the human psyche. They responded and reacted just as the pumpers and dinar dealers intended. To BUY NOW! I have a request for you and others who feel victimized and that is this: Please contribute to the growth and awareness of the community by posting legit information. Not something that can't be verified, or contributes to the chaos, or makes those less aware do something that they may regret later. As far as the woman in the story goes, I will probably look for and purchase a handicap accessable home for her. This should free up her finances a little bit to be comfortable. It's a shame that she won't be celebrating the dream, but maybe her dream will come in a different way. That is all. Namaste!
  10. WARNING! WARNING! NEWBIE with INTEL!!! Patiently Waiting Joined: Yesterday, 09:43 PM Patiently Waiting - your attempt at manipulation and misinformation failed. Whether you asked to confirm or not is irrelevant. Why didn't you do your due diligence and confirm it yourself before posting? I bet you really get after the office gossip too don't you??? It's more likely that your intent was to direct more attention to the CBI website based on what you read about the Crashes (which rumors were about as true as your post). HOW LONG have you been involved with the dinar, hmmm?? One week? Maybe a month of patiently waiting? Some people on the forum have been reading crap like this for months and years. Best advice to you - Step away from the keyboard and do your own due diligence! Namaste!
  11. It's Wednesday morning now.....hmmmm, no surprise here and no RV. Delta', Frank, BGG, Rich Queen, Okie, Possum, Bluwolf, Bulldog, Poppy2, Sonny1, Dusty, Tony, Seeker, SteveI, Blaino (Wheww! Did I get most of the repeat offenders?) have ALL been incorrect 100% of the time. Namaste!
  12. DinarC

    Seeker Rumor

    Yes, I would recommend the amber light with the fish tacos!! Namaste!
  13. So NOW Hilary's in charge of the RV??? Amazing! Namaste.
  14. Roger is heavily invested in operation manipulate and has been for some time, unsuspectingly to us who have followed him for a long time and didn't realize he was a smoooooth operator. Now we are on to him and I probably will be just like your two year old and throw this crap back at you when you are attempting to patronize. Roger lost the respect he had by his own doing. And so did those who were operating with him. And let's not forget that Roger promoted those people who promoted the RV tomorrow, today, next week, last week etc. Just sayin. Namaste.
  15. We've gotten the doom and gloom from DD. Now from Ali. I think we can expect a doom and gloom post from Scooter now. And one from Breitling. Hmmm. Their idea of damage control is not what I would have expected however, my expectations would be that they would seek to operate on the up and up. I agree with the previous poster who said maybe they are down selling in hopes of selling more dinar......Jeeeesh.. Namaste
  16. Backpeddling for sure. Ali was the ONE who stated "as soon as the RV happens we will open our offices for exchange". Not when the rate is at a rate we deem profitable. Not when "We" think there is a higher exchange rate. HIS SPECIFIC PROMISE was that as soon as the Dinar became viable he would open his offices for exchange. Hmmmmmm. I find this very disturbing too. Perhaps the dinar community will be looking outside of the currency dealers and the Big 4 Banks for cashin. What was the situation in Kuwait? Didn't it go from nothing to something? I may be posting too early as I haven't read all of the responses, though nonetheless, had to respond because all of a sudden it sounds like another rat is roming the warehouse. And let's not forget that Ali, DD, Scooter, Breitling, Rudy, and the others I am sure are attempting to disuade and depress the Dinarians for the recent out call regarding their lack of integrity etc. Perhaps boycotting Ali @DinarTrade, DD, Currency Vault, and ETC. is the only way to stop their madness. For the life of me I cannot see Iraq come out at a poverty level (like they're not already there) and CREEP up. Time to start making some phone calls. I will work on my Namaste attitude now.....
  17. Here's my worth! 1. Where thought goes energy flows. 2. The world has continued on for trillions of years, with or without us. This is a sure thing. 3. Mankind has always found innovative and progressive solutions as a result of change, and perhaps it is time for a change because the "old system" is failing miserably. 4. For some reason only a "select few" believed in this investment enough to take action on something that was speculated by the experts as a farse. For some reason there is a reason you are holding Dinar and perhaps you will know soon enough. (BESIDES the obvious that everyone on this site could probably benefit from an extended vacation after this ride!) 5. There is a plan in place here even at a much, much higher level than our perceived human existence. 6. It is all good! Place thoughts and energy on the good and good will continue to expose itself and manifest greater. Namaste!
  18. “Iraq plans to delete the three zeroes from the currency” I think we have heard this over and over and over for months. This information has already been beaten, blown up, exposed, smeared and debunked. Let's just put 'er to rest already! Who is seeker and what are their credentials? Who is Kaperoni and what are their credentials? Who is BGG and what are theri credentials? We know Guru Bondlady is discerning in her information based on publicized news and has an excellent ability to make the printed foreign reports understandable. asdf tends to keep his speculation very level headed however, has a tendency to divert into fear based propoganda for future events. Just sayin. NEWBIES BEWARE! Namaste.
  19. Well Easy, We already know who Okie is but don't know what his credentials are and furthermore we know what his track record is thusfar. More importantly my question is: Who is AQ and what are their credentials? Who is Fresh and what are their credentials? Who is Spartan and what are their credentials? Who is Seeker and what are their credentials? Who is Bret123 and what are their credentials? Who is BGG and what are their credentials? As far as I know P** is just another dinar site possibly connected with the pumpers and currency sales. None of these folks have any idea whatsover what is happening with this RV and this is all speculation posted as important information. NEWBIES BEWARE! Seek out those with integrity, logistical information and willing to post their resume! Easy, are you posting this "presumed" guru crap with the intention of being humorous or do you really seek information from these types? Namaste!
  20. Funny and perhaps, ohhhhh so true. From the looks of things, it appears that we are in need or a complete remodel of our system which is perhaps already on the way. The reduction in the credit rating will be the beginning of the reorganization. Now all we need are some honest, legitimate, and intentional representatives that will NOT sell us down the river for a buck eighty nine. Namaste!
  21. DinarC


    Ya'll need to step away from the koolaid! And it's probably not a good thing if you are bagging Adam and Phoenix with Breitling, Roger, Scooter, and Rudy. Just sayin. Dinarians beware. Namaste.
  22. Aqua Dude - Thank you for bringing this up. I really would like to address all of what you have said. It's not about hanging out with rich people. It's about connecting with others involved in this investment. No different than if you were going to hang out with your car buddies or golf buddies or bunko buddies, etc. That was the intent. Just a meet and greet for fun. Could be a mountain RV celebration at a mountain resort. It's not about flaunting anything. As far as the future goes, no need to drop doom and gloom here regardless of how imminent you believe it to be. All you have to do is remember that where thought goes energy flows and you are welcome to create your future in disaster and oppression and an impoverished nation (sortof like what we already have going on, right?) For me I prefer to create my future days celebrating this opportunity to connect and share with people, connect with the land and nature, and build lasting and healthy community regardless of the state, nation or country I live in. I've been down the conspiracy theory road and on that ride for more than two decades and believe me it is far more perilizing than this ride has been. I'm not saying the information is incorrect. In fact there is a lot of information coming forward to point to the truth of what may be occuring. For me, I decided that even in the midst of complete chaos I have the power every moment and every day about how and what energy I choose to embrace, fear or love and to make my decisions based on that. I may not know my destiny, (well, ultimately I do) but I do know that I am the creator of this journey right here and right now and specifically what I mentioned previously is what I choose to create.
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