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Everything posted by Shedagal

  1. Turned on the TV tonight and ran across this show on C-SPAN with Frank Luntz moderating. He was interviewing the Republican candidates. Wow, I wish everyone was watching it. Hopefully, it can be re-aired or shown on demand. Everyone should see this!
  2. Luigi 1, I'm like Adam in that I don't mind your posts. They are entertaining, and they are in the Rumor section. I will, however, be euphoric when we are out of Ramadan and begin to get real news.
  3. I do believe America will face judgment over all such atrocities. As a mother and grandmother, it breaks my heart to hear these reports. And I have been a champion of the pro-life stance for years. There is a remnant of Christians who are earnestly praying for an awakening in this country; and as judgment comes, we who have escaped the judgment due to God's protection will have an answer for those who are feeling the effects of it. That answer will be God's forgiveness, mercy and love for those willing to receive it.
  4. Don't know if you saw Meet The Press yesterday, but they spent 30 minutes trying to debunk Trump. The liberals are scared ****less. I love it!!
  5. Oh, I have no doubt he is ruthless. I certainly would not want to be on his wrong side. Which makes my point.
  6. Been thinking about Donald Trump. He is crazy like a fox. If he was into the dinar (and I kinda doubt he has alot of money just sitting in the dinar. I bet he has contacts that would let him know when to step in. Then again, he may be one of the big dogs Adam has on board.), he might try to use his "scare tactics" to encourage them to RV. I saw the Bill O'Reilly interview where he said basically that there is no Iraq and that Iran would take over the region. Most people think that Donald doesn't have a chance in the end, but he sure can influence the outcome. I am all for him squeezing Iraq to move forward with some decisions (HCL, etc.) to bring this thing to fruition.
  7. I really, really like Adam. And I appreciate his expertise and inside information. However, I don't base my investment on what Adam says. If I EVER felt like it was never going to happen, you would not hear me tell it on this site, I would just go quietly into the night.
  8. Didn't the CBI previously state that the plan was to get to the target rate of $1.17 and then have notes co-exist over a three-year period, allowing the dinar to float to $3+? Maybe I dreamed it! LOL
  9. Don't shoot me down (or do, I don't care), but could it possibly be a plan to RV, give us time to cash in, calling in all the notes (including 25,000's), and then issuing the larger notes for internal banking. Just a thought.
  10. I am one of the quiet and thankful bystanders that Adam spoke of earlier. I have followed this site for years and finally took the plunge a year or so ago and became a VIP. I have researched the OSI and would love to take advantage of it. Hopefully, I will be able to do that before the RV. If not, I will be thankful for what I get. I am posting for the first time because I see alot of people getting frustrated and discouraged and speaking out. I believe this is because we are war-weary (even Adam gets tired, I'm sure!). Many are facing ominous circumstances and need help ASAP! I just want to encourage you and tell you to stay steady and have faith in God and this investment. If you don't believe in God, that is your right. I am not posting to argue about that. I just want you to know peace while we wait. Like LGD, I believe we are close and that it will be a suddenly!!
  11. Hello! Dinars are in safe deposit box. Please badge me - thanks! Shedagal
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