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Everything posted by TVdinar

  1. In your book you said that Iraq was under 73 U.N. resolutions and Chapter 7 sanctions. What is left? Does someone have to bring each of these items up for a vote before they are dismissed?
  2. Why are the Kurds holding up the HCL? What am I missing?
  3. I thought Bulldog75 and Okie were hackers??? Where was the prayer?
  4. I would say there is a 98.17% possibility that he will be posting the same thing tomorrow!
  5. Really???? Our government can't keep anything secret. But people still believe that our government planned all of 9/11 ahead of time? Our government did all of this and it is still a secret??? Right. BS!!! She blows the lid off of her insanity!
  6. Nothing new. Mostly he was gining advice on what to do with your Dinar after it RV's. He said investing in the Iraqi economy is wise. Namely the telecom industry when they start to go in. There aren't any telecommunications companies there now. He thinks that the RV rate will be close to one to one. No prediction on when.
  7. Why do people keep throwing God into this???? Didn't God throw all of the money changers out of the temple???
  8. TVdinar


    Maybe because we are melting from the heat???
  9. I will be staring at my phone waiting for the text. I am afraid to blink!!!!!!!
  10. Staring at my phone just waiting for the text!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  11. First Convenience Bank of Texas. They are in most Walmarts and some Krogers. Just ask the teller. Good rates.
  12. I think someone needs to snap open a Slim Jim!
  13. New date everyone. He said May 21 was an invisible judgement day. Is that like an it RV'ed in Dubai and no where else??? Watch for Oct. 21st now!
  14. I was outside talking to my neighbor and he disappeared right in front of me!!! Is this a bad sign?
  15. Volcano erupts in Iceland, spurs 50 quakes. White plume shoots 18,000 feet above the glacier that sits over the volcano. Uh oh.
  16. 5 months of torment = 5 months of constant RV predictions from OKIE OIL MAN. NOooooooooooooooooooo
  17. Rapture today, or 5 months of torment......... Hummmm. Each sounds equaly fun!!!
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