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Everything posted by fox

  1. Really? A guy in the secret service who can't keep secrets? LOL
  2. Delayed because of some shenanigans. problematic budget issues This is tricky for them. It would be interesting to know how many of the people in their Parliament understand what is about to happen. If some of them just figured it out, they are going to be thinking, hold it,.....I need to do a few things. I need to call my brother.
  3. Very nice! Thanks for posting it.
  4. Wow! Stuff like this really makes me wonder if this is a coincidence. Very interesting. Thanks for the info.
  5. I agree, If there is a difference in the meaning of how things are translated, go with the KJV. There are many verses that have been altered in the NIV that take away from the power of the scriptures. My favorite is the KJV, just because I memorized verses from it as a child, and those verses sound right to me. I had a very intelligent pastor share with me that the NIV translation is not accurate. But, that said, really, I don't care what version of the Bible people read. If they are reading any Bible, I am thrilled.
  6. I can't let this slide. There is more scientific evidence in a new earth and a world-wide flood, than in a "big bang theory". The laws of the universe tell us that things tend toward disorganization if left alone. The odds of life being created out of nothing or combining accidentally are what is impossible. It would be like someone dumping all the parts of a huge 747 out on the floor of an airport hanger, and leaving it there, hoping over time it would put itself together. In Glen Rose Texas, you can see footprints of a dinosaur and a man together that proves they coexisted. After Mt. St. Helen erupted, there was a little "grand canyon" formed in about two weeks. There are entire museums dedicated to creation science. You can check out 15 pages of evidence, if you are not afraid of looking at something that goes against what you have already set your mind to believe. Also check this out, it might change your life.
  7. This is really interesting. My imagination is going wild on this one. Did they just suck in a big bunch of physical dinar? Why would they basically borrow so much money?
  8. I believe in angels. I had one come to me in a dream one night and warn me about an evil man. As far as I know, I had never seen this man before, but the dream was so vivid, I remembered when I woke up what he looked like. A few days later, I saw the man from my dream backstage at the theater. I was able to get away and stay safe because of the warning. Do I know for sure that God used the dream to keep me safe? No, but I know for sure that I was protected from evil . I like your story. You always reap what you sow.
  9. This was a hoot, but I have to scoot!
  10. dontlop, I enjoyed the little clip.
  11. When they were placed under sanctions, the value of their currency went down. Hopefully, when they get out of Chapter 7, the value of their currency will go up again. They have jumped through so many hoops to get to where they are, now they just need to finish this.
  12. I love how people here pray for each other. I will pray for your surgery Monday and your family. God is good!
  13. This thread made me smile and laugh this morning. Thanks to everyone who posted in this thread!
  14. My husband's dad saw bigfoot crossing the road one time near Fouke, Arkansas. Lots of people that lived there have seen a sasquatch. The woods are so thick there, and so many honest people claim to have seen them. I think it is fun to believe in unusual things anyway.
  15. Uncirculd - I totally agree. I thought the same thing.
  16. Thanks for all the articles today Yota. I like this one especially. You do a great job of bringing us information.
  17. Congratulations on your good news! Prayer does indeed make a huge difference. I have really been blessed by the people involved with this site who pray for each other. It is awesome! God bless you all!
  18. I don't think your reasoning is logical here. The price of oil will be the same value in dollars. If their currency revalues, everything that is marked in their stores in dinar prices will need to be adjusted. Everything marked in their stores in US dollar prices will be the same. If they did a 1:1 RV, they could use the same price tags for US dollars and dinars. It would be super simple. I vote for it!
  19. Nice article. Thanks for posting it. I really appreciate all the time you put into finding relevant info and sharing it with us.
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