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Everything posted by jphillips

  1. Amen to that... Would have been nice if they would have put a warning label on the side...
  2. I think we need a new forum topic - 'Sarcastic Humor Because People Are Fed Up With This Roller Coaster Ride' - Mods? 4given2 - I can't believe I almost fell for this intel and was ready to go cash in on the 2nd. Then I saw it, glaring at me from the print on my screen, the one shred of proof that this is not real intel - you were not wearing a red shirt. Had this information been valid, you would have clearly known that, per Obamaliki's instructions, you would have had to reference either a red shirt or red bikini top. To all - Keep the faith. God works in mysterious ways and all things will happen in His time, not ours.
  3. It is frustrating but relax. It will happen in time regardless of whether it is a forced RV or a free market change. There are so many moving parts to this thing that I can't keep up but one thing I do know for sure is that it is in motion and the value of the currency will change - eventually. I have given up on immediate expectations which has smoothed out the roller coaster ride, I quit listening to idiots who claim they know something when they don't and it will be a nice surprise one morning when we wake up and find out the rates have changed. I really hope this is bad humor...
  4. That is an interesting turn. I am reading about all of the demonstrations and riots going on in the ME and Iraq seems to be the only one that is not calling for change in regime which is a very positive sign IMO. That does still lead the common thread of poverty and corruption that has to be addressed however. Repairing infrastructure and providing employment has to (I hope) be the top priority on the gov't agenda. Thanks for the post Woody.
  5. Interesting but obviously biased Internet rant regarding news that has already been posted. If you could, in the future, post the relevant part of the article along with the link. We are not here to go link chasing. The link is for verification purposes. Thanks for the post.
  6. Logical line of questioning and I could not agree more that they let a PERFECT opportunity to slip through their fingers if they were going to RV. I am invested and don't want to be negative either so I continue to draw what I consider to be logical conclusions to try to understand the mechanics of current politics and the other 'steps' that need to be taken before a revaluation occurs. Then I had an epiphany. I look at the US gov't who is giving advice to the Iraqi gov't on how to proceed fundamentally and economically and then, like a lightning bolt, it hit me. We are expecting a GOVERNMENT to act rationally and reasonably in light of some of the most troubling times our world has seen. I look at the US gov't reaction to our own financial crisis and have to ask whether or not the underlying philosophy (White House and Treasury) is to hold up the value of the dollar, but their response to this fiscal crisis is to print more money and drive the dollar down. Devalued currency sound familiar? At the expense of the populace? Hmmmm. On top of that, our current administration, including Treasury, has an entirely warped view of the proper function and role of the government in society. Rather than minimize bureaucracy and let free market reign, we have taken huge leaps and bounds to becoming a Socialist country. Being a small business owner, I don't think I can take much more of this 'recovery'. Two words, employment and housing. It is all smoke and mirrors and the truth eventually always comes to the surface. So if we can't run our own economy, how on earth do we think we can help guide the Iraqi government as they grow from infancy? This is a far reach to Iraq and the RV, but I can't help but wonder if the US is helping to hold back an RV. After all, if they did RV it would make Iraq a far less dependent state on our resources and our guidance. JMHO.
  7. There is no doubt who the best dealer is. It is me! I have named my company Copy&Cut Dinar and will sell it to you for $450 per million dinar. Please disregard the fact that it will not have any of the security measures that you may find in some of these other so-called dinar dealer products that get sent out. Also, please ignore the fact that the serial numbers are repetitive. I was told it is easier to keep track of my dinar with fewer serial numbers. There are several advantages from buying my dinar. First, it is much cheaper than anyone else's. I think that is GREAT! and should prompt you to send me wheelbarrows of cash right away. The second advantage is that there is no chance of these dinar being confiscated at the airport when you arrive in Belize (disclaimer: that is unless they arrest you for transporting counterfeit currency). If you pay me cash, I will have your dinar out to you the same day. Please note, there is a discount of $100 per million dinar if you cut them yourself. It is strongly recommended that you do not rub the print and that you wear proper head and eye attire (cap and sunglasses) when attempting to cash in your dinar. fast-rv, et al. - This site is not for use as an advertising medium and I think I speak for many when I ask you not to 'pump' your affiliate / referral site anymore. Thanks
  8. Woody, This is actually a really good post. As others in the chain above have observed, they aren't going to come out and announce an RV to the public. That would cause worse panic in the streets than the protests. What Maliki did do a good job of is addressing the points of democracy while at the same time indicating that he would not allow the masses and the influence of terrorists to undermine the fragile state this new government is in. I would argue that there are there are a lot of Maliki bashers out there, but really who is offering a better solution? Without writing a novel, we have to be realistic about a revaluation of the Iraqi currency. As JuryPicker called it, I have also been investing for a long time and, in the real world with a target that has so many moving and complex pieces, it is not practical to assume that these things will happen overnight and it could take more years for this to come to fruition. I am hopeful for a government intervention in the valuation of the dinar creating an overnight RV and a windfall for everyone involved. From an investing perspective, that is the best case scenario and I am off to Tahiti or some other undisclosed, under-attired beach destination. That said, let's take a look at the worst-case scenario. Democracy fails, country locks down and dinar becomes worthless. Do you think that will happen? Not me. That means we probably need to look somewhere in between. Money markets, forex, etc. have been showing signs of movement with regard to the dinar. Rumors - Nobody knows. Period. Rumors are entertaining but useless. There is already an international market for the currency (demand). Where you ask? In your drawers and safes. People are buying dinar because they are reasonably sure the value will increase. That is an investment and we are now creating the international market. So where is the true value of the dinar? What makes us think we can simply redefine the value of the Iraqi currency? Obviously the country's primary asset is what gives us the intuition that the value of the dinar will rise. The value of Iraq and its currency is directly tied to oil and our assignment of value to that asset. But the country has to go through some restructuring first which is where we are now and that may take some time. What will happen in the meantime? Who knows but my guess is that the currency will simply become more active in the market place and the revaluation will happen due more to free market forces than government intervention. Imagine if you had the opportunity to invest in the US back when it was just being formed. That is the true value and the underlying driving force behind the value of the dinar and the value of this investment. Whether or not the government 'kick starts' the currency with an RV is unknown, maybe even to them. There may be some intervention or they may peg the currency at the full value. Who knows? I am hopeful they do, but my reality senses tell me it will not be one extreme or the other, it will be somewhere in between. As always, this is JMHO.
  9. Thanks for the post and good catch. I saw it this morning. Not a lot to get excited about quite yet but there are a couple of things worth note. Go to the daily chart and you will see the IQD really began tracking on 1/9 of this year (significant IMHO). Second, today is the first day where the spreads have tightened to within 10 IQD which is also significant. Third, Sunday forward, the rates have hit below the CBI 1170 now several times and yes the time tracks are more frequent. To me, again IMHO, these changes may indicate a coming event.
  10. Here is another good one with charts. The daily tab is the best.
  11. Good find. Thanks for posting mrbaun.
  12. Great article Woody. Made a lot more sense when I put my Arabic reading glasses on. This is a very astute observation. I wonder if they will be sophisticated enough to use this opportunity to entrench the current government and make them the local heroes or if they will blow it like they have in the past. Interesting to watch and I am curious as to how much coaching they are getting from Hilary? I don't think Hot Pink is Maliki's color but you never know. I give him more of a Lavender hue. Maybe purple. That is supposed to be the color of royalty. As long as they do something soon. Not PC, but I couldn't help laughing...
  13. Thanks Doc. I would love to know why it is so quiet. Good sign or a bad sign. We'll have to wait and see which.
  14. Good call and good luck with ball.
  15. link
  16. So I think the collective population here has spoken and I vote that we create a new forum named "Lies and Pumps". That way Rumors could be used for its real purpose - putting up reliable data that doesn't have proof or substantiation. Just a thought.
  17. Forget the translator for this site. I put the link below but if you look in the actual link, there is a variable for language. Just type in 'english' and it pops up in english without a problem.
  18. Agreed 100%. Problem is that we would have to turn off the tv and drop the remote to get out and vote. Hard to have a revolution if nobody shows up.
  19. When they are needed smaller denoms will go into circulation. I would bet they are already designed and the plates / molds made but nobody is going to let out that they exist. Even if they did make it public information it would not matter until they actually put them in circulation. Thanks for the post.
  20. Great job Booseman and thanks for the 'real' information.
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