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Everything posted by MyLadiesDaddy

  1. It's otay girlfrand I work in a sand pit, will get ya all the sand ya need. But I must confess that my precious little kitty like to use the mulch that I put out for decoration more.
  2. I'm wit u kitty on this one, gonna have to leave Mark some serious room here............... How did you get into my castle. Ugh, Muslims, Ok kitty, TMI, and by the way what ever happened to the litter box.
  3. OMG, Untouchable. I'd try it but I already married a hot young woman in yoga pants Beginning to remind me of three day road kill I'm literally laughing to tears. Kinda looks like me every morning at 2 am driving down the hywy,
  4. My first and foremost Idea is founded in Reagan's basic rule of leadership. Hire folks that make you look like a god, But in all seriousness, I have put a lot of money into what we here call,"Corporate Offshore". that is what Adam offers in VIP. and so much more. I can tell you that you will hear many disparaging things about the man we lovingly call ,"Buzzy". But if you truly want my,"Laymen's", advice I will say this. I'm a 24 yr veteran trucker, who has served in the USMC. I have traveled around the world 4 times via Uncle Sam and visited every state in this country and Canada and Mexico. And the one quality that I have to honestly offer folks here is my ability to read people. Or in the words of one of my favorite singers, "I have amazing powers of perception". And Adam Montana is a good guy. He's highly educated and has even furthered is qualifications by passing some governmental exam that, from my understanding, gives him the ability to be a financial planner. Though I don't know if that is a correct assessment. I have to say that I truly believe it to be well worth the relatively small fee to become VIP. I bought it at a time when the cost was somewhat prohibitive. And eventually got into nearly everything that Adam offers. If it were today, I would sell something if I had to in order to be a part of something so great. As if that wasn't enough to convince, allow me to tell you of the one time that I dealt with Adam on a personal/business level. You may, or may not, remember the hurricane that struck the Island of Dominica. Adam wanted to send aid but quickly found out how cost prohibitive such a feet would be. He asked everyone here if they had any Ideas. As a veteran of transportation I steeped up and explained the details necessary to send a shipping container to the island. Adam asked me to do some logistical work in order to provide his people with a general path to proceed. Working together as a team here, with Adam doing most of the footwork, we sent over $20,000.00 dollars worth of supplies. Throughout the entire affair we witnessed Adams integrity and hard work. But what impressed me the most is that with all the scams going on with the internet today Adam's actions were impeccable. He even posted pics that documented what everyone here sent to those in need. Every penny went into this endeavor, and not one cent went to Adam. Now if one can't trust a man of such character I don't know who one could trust. I pray that helps. P.S. I noticed that I forgot to mention that what we get in VIP isn't just some offshore banking plan, but more importantly we will have access to some pretty amazing investment opportunities that the average person wouldn't be offered. We have that ability because of the connections Adam has now through his current career. For me it was a combination of both the banking and the investment opportunities. Things that were not allowed to speak of here, but as a VIP member you will be opened to a plethora of information. That to be honest went way above my pay grade in understanding. But as I stated in the begging, I don't need to know how to do brain surgery, but if I ever need it you can dang sure bet that I'm going to hire the best dam surgeon money can buy. My friend, I'm honored And I fear it's only going to get worse. Glad to see you in VIP and I look forward to meeting you and so many others also.
  5. Right you are, my friend. I would like to say that I know our,"moral perspective", is very similar. That is why I have so much trust and respect for you. I meant you no disrespect, and offer an apology if I was out of line with my,"errant", comment. For me a statement that anyone makes, that I deem in errant,I fully understand that is simply my perspective and not theirs. And like you I hold no ill feelings toward someone with whom I don't agree. It is not realistic nor right to think that everyone should,"Think the exact same way". My entire debate with relation to the current political situation isn't to convince you, or anyone else for that matter, that their wrong. My sole intention is to plant seeds. Seeds that may or may not grow, depending on future events. If I am correct then my desire is that some would look closer at Jesus in the near future as being completely in control of current events. And to be sure not even the Church can agree on everything. You are correct, I do see Donald Trump as a negative NET force. Lord how I wish that was not the situation. Nothing in life would ever give me greater pleasure than to say I was wrong on this one. But, alas, as you know I simply cannot ignore my spiritual feelings for my wants. And in all fairness to Mr. Trump, I don't know him well enough to really know what kind of man he is. I only know what it is that I believe the Holy Spirit to be telling me. And that, I'm sorry to say, gives me great pause.
  6. In two words, Cyprus and Greece. How long do you think it's going to take before that king of shenanigans comes to America? Remember the most important rule about banking is,"he who has the money RULES", and another way to say what I'm trying to say is,"possession is 9 tenths of the law". And if you really don't think that the American banking system wont go down that road because"this is America" you might wanna think about the recent news about Wells Fargo. What? You say that was just a bunch of bad employees? To me that kinda sounds like what we've been watching in Iraq for the last 8 yrs. That is why for me at this time the saying that comes to mind whereas finances are concerned is, " don't keep your eggs in one basket". But in the end it's everyone's own decision what to do, all anyone here can do is give layman's advice. Though I will say one thing about those, "Professionals", that you mentioned using to show you how to invest your newly found wealth should an RV occur. Ask any one of them, at this time, what they think about the idea of Iraq revaluing their currency. They will most likely look at you as if you got three heads. For me if they're so blind that they don't see this coming , how the heck am I supposed to take advice from them about future financial needs. Cause the one thing that I can assure every single person here is that after Iraq revalues their currency, if doing that is in anyway is unconventional, then everything in the financial world is up for grabs. And that , my friend, is the biggest reason that I don't trust the American banking system. It's already too unstable to handle such radical and unconventional moves in the financial world.
  7. Rather than splice your excellent post I am going to place my post directly in the body of yours. My post are in blue and please know that the color has no other meaning than to designate my reply to your comments. First I would love to say that your Harvard Education is showing, and that is a good thing. Second, I would like to say that I hope somehow to provide a little more clarity to my statements. Probably it would be best to try and understand that every single thought I have is rooted in the spiritual. And in order to best understand me one needs to read my words as if they were listening to their Preacher or Padre. Not that I would dare to think myself to hold such a prominent place in yours or any others life, just that is how my thought process works.
  8. I know that everyone is finding it difficult to get excited at this point, but I must say that NOW we will see something happen with the HCL. Remember, it essentially was the National Alliance that has stopped this the whole time via Maliki and his goons, who were operating at the behest of Iran. I'd say it's time to start thinking about how your going to proceed with your financial futures. Not that Adam needs, or wants, my endorsement but I believe that he's got a good bead on what the future holds financially. And your gonna need to be prepared.
  9. Not to disparage you sisters in any way but I would like to answer the part I highlighted in red 60+ million dead babies surely don't think so.
  10. He says he can create 25 million, So he should make that his business plan. Actually I'm confused as to why you think that isn't a viable task for one man to do. How many Jobs, directly and indirectly did Sam Walton create? And that was without a doubt someone that wanted to make America Great. Or how many jobs did Henry Ford create, directly and indirectly? I don't buy into the lie that one man can't make millions of jobs and transform the world as they choose to. I don't put any limitations on the power of,"one man", to leave an everlasting effect on the world in which he lives. It's all up to the individual to use the,"talents", God has given them to bring blessings to those they can. The interesting thing is that in attempting to create so many jobs one invariably rises to greatness in the annals of history. And that is not to mention the vast amounts of wealth they create for themselves. And, my dear friend and mentor, If you still doubt what one man can do when he allows nothing to stop him, just remind yourself of the words of,ONE MAN", 8 yrs ago............. And whist neither one of us likes what that man did, one thing is certain, He did fundamentally transform America. All I'm saying is that one man,"Donald Trump", can do whatever he sets his mind to do. He doesn't have to wait to be President to do it. And by claiming that He Himself can do it as President He assign's himself the responsibility. But I do concede that it's the Presidents job to,"create an environment suitable to nurturing business growth". And as Reagan showed us that is best done by reducing taxes. However, I don't think that Henry Ford or Sam Walton would have let something as trivial as taxes to slow down their dreams for greatness.
  11. I find this post very interesting and would like to thank you for bringing it dinar4dinner Everyday I drive my truck down a road called," Tank Farm Road", it's called that because B.P. has several old and no longer used oil storage tanks along the road. However, last week they began moving in huge power station devices to bring the place online. Last year I made some predictions based on my knowledge of the Bible and current world events. One of those predictions was that we would soon see oil approaching $150.00 a barrel. For that to happen it seems that several, "man made", problems would have to happen. I see this story as one of those events, and expect many more to come.
  12. Well for starters I'd be extremely impressed if he did now what he claims he will do as President. "Trump presents vision for creating 25 MILLION jobs". When in actuality it's more like, A CNNMoney analysis calculates at least 34,000 jobs attributable to the Donald {As quoted by WHN} So, I ask, why wait. Not to disparage the 34 thousand jobs he's already created in any way. But simply put it's not the Presidents job to create jobs. It's The job of people like Donald Trump,"THE BILLIONAIRE" ! All I'm saying is that if he can do it as President then he should have done it already now to his own benefit. And please don't tell me that as President that he will have access to more money to use to create those jobs, because that is just taking from the people of America and,"Spreading the wealth", as liberals like to do. That is NOT why we pay taxes. In a word, YES. If Donald Trump would have created 25 million jobs before running for President That would say a whole lot more about who he is and what he wants to do for humanity than all the coming out of his mouth now. Unlike some, I don't hold his billions against him, wish I knew how to make billions and keep my morality at the same time. Wish I knew how to turn billions into trillions and help as many as I could to live a more prosperous life. But all I know how to do is show people with my actions how to live a more moral life, and to combine actions with knowledge,(my words), how to become more than just the,"Body of Christ". But to be the ,"BRIDE OF CHRIST". By the way, if you asked me to prove a point as I did you, I would prove it. Or at least be man enough to admit that I was wrong in saying it.
  13. I'd say that's probably a close second I do catch what you're referencing, however, what is coming will be claimed to be just that Matthew 24:30
  14. OH, there's something coming alright. But it's not an asteroid. The one thing everyone should fear MOST.
  15. It was a bit of sarcasm. Why wait till your president create jobs do it now increase your own wealth make everybody happy. Heck I would consider voting for him then.
  16. Forget U.K. tax, better get ready for the One World tax Obama is going to put on everybody when he becomes Secretary General of the United Nations.
  17. And they project their hatred on to others. Sorry, I did try to keep our little relationship a secret but it appears that the cat is out of the bag.
  18. Ugh, last time that happened to me I had to go out and buy a new computer. We have gotten so much rain this yr that our ground is saturated. I personally think that has more to do with all the earthquakes lately than anything. Oklahoma and Kansas ground simply isn't solid enough to handle the nearly tropical weather we've been having. Back in May Sedgwick county received enough rain to overfill our largest reservoir. It's turning our ground into mush.
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