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Everything posted by Serenity

  1. So sad....My heart aches for his friends and family....May he rest in peace...AMEN!!
  2. Those clerics need some serious psychiatric counseling....I feel so bad for all the woman that live in Islamic countries....Unless things change, they will never know what its like to be a free woman and a free human being.....
  3. Thanks, but nothing new....When we see notes below 50 dinar, then we'll be in business.....
  4. And how many billions of US DOllars have we pumped into Iraq, not only to help with EVERYTHING, but also to support the Iraq dinar (the CBI is loaded) And nevermind, our soldiers killed or wounded....They have some nerve to DEMAND!!!
  5. What other reason would the U.S.Treasury have to be there but monetary policy....HMMM?
  6. Thank you, Zantac...That is the most awesome summary of events created by the banking elite I have ever read....Understand it more than ever...But its also making me sick to my stomach to find out how WE THE PEOPLE have been manipulated and enslaved all these centuries by these super-rich central banker S.O.B.'s who thought they were gods and were entitled to rule this planet at the expense of millions upon millions of lives....I have been following Poof's posts....I believe what he is saying about going back to what it should have been is true.....May GOD bless the RIGHT, give the people back control over their own lives and restore this planet to all the people....THere is plenty for all...As it should be.
  7. Yep....They needed a freakin' kick in the pants...........
  8. Thank you for sharing and don't sweat it.......
  9. It will be OK....IMHO, we all did a smart thing by getting our hands on the dinar....
  10. You're second question is correct.............. It will never be perfectly clear....This is such a big event...The best any of us can hope for are "subliminal messages"
  11. Pulling three zero notes out of circulation only contracts the total value of all dinar in circulation into smaller notes, a revalue....(i.e. .0009 will equal .9) per dinar....Another example: they know the total value of dinar in circulation in USD's. Remove all three zero notes, contract the money supply....Concentrate the total value into the remaining notes in circulation (less total dinar in circulation equals higher value per dinar) Hope this helps.....WE ARE GOLDEN!!!
  12. Oh, yeah!!! Let freedom ring, baby..........................
  13. Ahhhhhhhh, The Doctor doesn't know what he's/she's talking about....
  14. That's very kind of you, Nir...Keep us posted....
  15. Hearing from Forex traders....Its a practice rate to test system....
  17. What if it's not a typo, this time............HMMMMMM?
  18. Or, they have they're new budget figured out with the new rate....(They are removing three zeros, after all)
  19. Kuwait was never a rogue state or under any sanctions.....THeir currency was devalued to protect Kuwaits assets from Hussein and the reinstated as soon as Hussein was ousted.....Not the same thing.
  20. Happy New Year to all.....Remember to always be kind to each other.................
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