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Central bank liquidity swap


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Central bank liquidity swap is a type of currency swap used by a country's central bank to provide liquidity of its currency to another country's central bank.[1][2]

In the United States the Federal Reserve operates swap lines under the authority of Section 14 of the Federal Reserve Act and in compliance with authorizations, policies, and procedures established by the FOMC.









These swaps involve two transactions. When a foreign central bank draws on its swap line with the Federal Reserve, the foreign central bank sells a specified amount of its currency to the Federal Reserve in exchange for dollars at the prevailing market exchange rate. The Federal Reserve holds the foreign currency in an account at the foreign central bank. The dollars that the Federal Reserve provides are deposited in an account that the foreign central bank maintains at the Federal Reserve Bank of New York. At the same time, the Federal Reserve and the foreign central bank enter into a binding agreement for a second transaction that obligates the foreign central bank to buy back its currency on a specified future date at the same exchange rate. The second transaction unwinds the first. At the conclusion of the second transaction, the foreign central bank pays interest, at a market-based rate, to the Federal Reserve.



When the foreign central bank lends the dollars it obtained by drawing on its swap line to institutions in its jurisdiction, the dollars are transferred from the foreign central bank's account at the Federal Reserve to the account of the bank that the borrowing institution uses to clear its dollar transactions. The foreign central bank remains obligated to return the dollars to the Federal Reserve under the terms of the agreement, and the Federal Reserve is not a counterparty to the loan extended by the foreign central bank. The foreign central bank bears the credit risk associated with the loans it makes to institutions in its jurisdiction.


Federal Reserve Act
Section 31. Reservation of Right to Amend 1. Reservation of Right to AmendThe right to amend, alter, or repeal this Act is hereby expressly reserved.

[Omitted from U.S. Code. Part of original Federal Reserve Act; not amended.]



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the fed will be holding dinars soon .... maybe for a period of 50 years .. or any time frame they agree on .. but this could be the bailout of global economy coming after ch7 release

with fed rates at 1%  if that right now .. they could lend it to iraq at 2% .... that gets that money out of the way for  opening up our economy .. the dinars would sit in fed reserve bank as reserves ...the dollars sit in iraqi bank  as cbi assets  to back up a rv..

right now if the fed raises the inrterest rates .. our govt could go bankrupt .. but if iraq taKES ON THAT RATE INCREASE  .. theres way to much to explain .. but things could fall in place for everyone if this goes a certain direction.. and it all starts with lifting chapter 7

from what i understand theres 3.5 trillion dollars sitting in the federal reserve ..paying very little interest to bond holders .. they printed up over 2 trillion dollars in a couple years .. this is where all that money came from that sits in the fed ..

it may all be part of the plan


if our economy takes off those holding bonds .. >mostly big banks < . would pull that money and and put it into the private sector ..  the rates would go up and those dollars would flood our market  causing instant inflation.. so our economy is inmtentionally being held back from any economic boom.. they need to get those dollars out another way .. thru iraq in my opinion would be perfect works out for  us and them ..

Edited by dontlop
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the fed will be holding dinars soon .... maybe for a period of 50 years .. or any time frame they agree on .. but this could be the bailout of global economy coming after ch7 release




I'd hate to be on the flip side of that and have to hold dollars for fifty years .... they'd be practically worthless by that stage

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OK I gotta give some more simple truck driver logic.  :lol:


Lets say the those," billions over Baghdad", that supposedly disappeared really 


did go to buy dinar for the U.S. Gov. They have gone to great extremes to 


convince the American public that they don't own dinar. Now they are about to


rv and the U.S. is about to have, say trillions, of excess dollars. Seems like this


could be a good explanation as to why all of the sudden the gov owns dinar.


Oh and think of how much Obama will talk about what a wonderful business


transaction he made to make it all possible. In the end the truth will come out.    

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OK I gotta give some more simple truck driver logic.  :lol:


Lets say the those," billions over Baghdad", that supposedly disappeared really 


did go to buy dinar for the U.S. Gov. They have gone to great extremes to 


convince the American public that they don't own dinar. Now they are about to


rv and the U.S. is about to have, say trillions, of excess dollars. Seems like this


could be a good explanation as to why all of the sudden the gov owns dinar.


Oh and think of how much Obama will talk about what a wonderful business


transaction he made to make it all possible. In the end the truth will come out.    


Well if it did pan out that way .... Bush should get the credit, probably wouldn't because obummer is a media wh*re.


but at least your economy would be secure for a few more decades and we would know the truth behind why and who saved America

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OK I gotta give some more simple truck driver logic.  :lol:


Lets say the those," billions over Baghdad", that supposedly disappeared really 


did go to buy dinar for the U.S. Gov. They have gone to great extremes to 


convince the American public that they don't own dinar. Now they are about to


rv and the U.S. is about to have, say trillions, of excess dollars. Seems like this


could be a good explanation as to why all of the sudden the gov owns dinar.


Oh and think of how much Obama will talk about what a wonderful business


transaction he made to make it all possible. In the end the truth will come out.    

the dollar is just a piece of paper with a number on it and a couple pictures .. they printed up  going on 3 trillion of them in the last 4 years ,, they dont need to buy dinars .. they just print up dollars . then do a liquidity swap .. they didnt pay squat for those dollars they printed up .and iraq  will rv  but finds a way to keep those dinars out of circulation for a time frame while they grow the private sector .. like finishing port of faw ...  and rebuild a huge agriculture industry .. by then the dinars value goes up . the dollar goes down .. and under the terms of these liquidity swaps as stated above ,, they buy back those dollars at  the same  exchange rate they bought them for ..the usa owns iraq . or will shortly ..

as iraq sells its oil over the next 50 years that is what is going to give the value to those dollars and dinars  from the original swap

this whole thing is a fed thing .. they own and control those polititions from both partys .. they can ruin our economy in a heart beat .. which president wants that under his administration .. ..the fed is driving this machine

whos this bernanke guy ,,his last name ends in a vowel ,, italian ?


was he put in power from the vatican ... rome?


is the roman empire coming back but no one suspects it ..

the reserve banking structure and its secrets that we will neve know ..

Edited by dontlop
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Bernanke is of Jewish origin according to Wikipedia.


To me that explains a lot. Who is running the Fed?

just sayin'


The Roman Empire never died, it just morphed itself into what is today, Mystery Babylon.



interesting .. someones going to end up or already owns iraq ..its in the books  .. or at least seems that way

they do these things in a way that the public isnt even aware of it ..

mystery babalon .. lol wow .. the vatican and its ties to isreal .. bernanke running the fed ,, just print up 3 trillion dollars   by decree the value stays reletivly the same ..its somthing

Who is mystery Babylon? Revelation 17:5 reads, “And upon her forehead was a name written, MYSTERY, BABYLON THE GREAT, THE MOTHER OF HARLOTS AND ABOMINATIONS OF THE EARTH.” Just from analysing scriptures alone from the Book of Revelation a consistent theme can be seen of an Apostate Church that persecuted the Christian Saints through the dark ages for 1260 years. Further analysis reveals that this Apostate Church is the key component of mystery Babylon and changed God’s law in favour of pagan traditions. The ultimate climax seen is God taking justice on this Apostate Church and those that supported her, for her crimes and fornication just before the second coming of Christ, which is also part of what is known as the Battle of Armageddon. Just before this happens the issue of the Mark of the Beast will be enforced and all will have the choice to bow down to the image made to this Apostate Church or to Worship God only and keep His Commandments. Those who willingly disobey God in favour of bowing down to the commandments of this Church will ultimately receive her mark and “shall drink of the wine of the wrath of God.


Mystery Babylon is a CHURCH: In the Bible a WOMAN symbolizes a CHURCH.




the church is a woman ..hmmmm...... reminds me of  who ..  with all there hail marys .. oh .. the vatican...

they had a whole string of homosexual priests molesting little boys .. thats something

wild isnt it .. they do their thing at the central banks .... then they send in their own guys to do the auditing every years , they come out and say . yep .. everything is just fine ..


no problems here ,, see ya  next year

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Who is mystery Babylon? Revelation 17:5 reads, “And upon her forehead was a name written, MYSTERY, BABYLON THE GREAT, THE MOTHER OF HARLOTS AND ABOMINATIONS OF THE EARTH.” Just from analysing scriptures alone from the Book of Revelation a consistent theme can be seen of an Apostate Church that persecuted the Christian Saints through the dark ages for 1260 years. Further analysis reveals that this Apostate Church is the key component of mystery Babylon and changed God’s law in favour of pagan traditions. The ultimate climax seen is God taking justice on this Apostate Church and those that supported her, for her crimes and fornication just before the second coming of Christ, which is also part of what is known as the Battle of Armageddon. Just before this happens the issue of the Mark of the Beast will be enforced and all will have the choice to bow down to the image made to this Apostate Church or to Worship God only and keep His Commandments. Those who willingly disobey God in favour of bowing down to the commandments of this Church will ultimately receive her mark and “shall drink of the wine of the wrath of God.


Mystery Babylon is a CHURCH: In the Bible a WOMAN symbolizes a CHURCH

Read more:


Again, dontlop, you are correct, but your analysis needs to go further.


As stated, Mystery Babylon, is commonly believed to be"a church" . And depending on which 


theologian you ask, in the last days not just an apostate church but a," lukewarm", church as well. 


Rev. 3:16

King James Bible (Cambridge Ed.)

So then because thou art lukewarm, and neither cold nor hot, I will spue thee out of my mouth.


Jesus was talking directly to the 7 churches when he maid this statement, his churches. 


​It was referring to what is commonly believed to be the last dispensation church. Also it should 


be noted that in the Greek the more accurate translation for the word, Speu, would be synonymous


with projectile vomiting. It seems God doesn't like warm Christians, only hot or cold. Or may I say


we should never stand in the middle of the fence.


However, there has been, and will be, another "church". This church is what you are directly 


making reference to. I know that most people believe that  church to be the Roman Catholic Church.


I have prayed  a long time about that and this is not entirely the case,(as I believe God to have shown me).


That is to clarify THIS IS MY THOUGHTS, and therefor may be subject to error. 


What you are attempting to make reference to here is the one world religion that the Antichrist will be


setting up. I think that will be a coalition between the Catholic Church and Islam. Why?


The Catholic Church is the largest organized church in the world. It has only one real competitor.


That being Islam. Have you ever wondered why the world media ALWAYS refer's to the terrorist as a


radical sect of a peaceful religion? When you and I in fact know that according to the Koran they are Islam.


This lie is being perpetrated on the entire world so as to be able to merge under a one world religion


the, "peaceful", Muslims and the, lukewarm Christians of the Catholic Church into what will be referred 


to as a, " UNITED FAITH" that will bring total peace to the world. All other religions will become outlawed


as terrorist groups that only wish to divide everyone for profit. ie Mystery Babylon. And if you think that 


most people wont accept this, new religion, think again. This world is RIPE for someone to come in with


a solution to all the fighting. Even if that someone is the Antichrist. 


Allow me to give you some other scriptures, if you will.


2 Thessalonians 2:7

     King James Bible (Cambridge Ed.)

For the mystery of iniquity doth already work: only he who now letteth will let, until he be taken out of the way.


or as per the NIV( new international version)

For the secret power of lawlessness is already at work; but the one who now holds it back will continue to do so till he is taken out of the way.


letteth or will let, means, to restrain, or hold back. This is a direct reference to the Holy Spirit. As we are today 


the Spirit of God restrains evil on this planet. Hard to believe when you consider how much evil does exist. But


imagine what it will be like when that Spirit is taken out of the way. This will occur with the event of the rapture.


What the Apostle Paul was saying here is that this mystery was already working, even two thousand yrs ago. 


Lucifer has been hard at work. As well he had to be. For to set up his one world order and his one world church


is not something that could have been done any other way. We who now live are witnessing an amazing era in


the affairs of men. This, in my view, is an amazing time to live. Many souls before us have desired to see what 


we now live. 


Matthew 13:16


16But blessed are your eyes because they see, and your ears because they hear. 17For truly I tell you, many prophets and righteous people longed to see what you see but did not see it, and to hear what you hear but did not hear it.
Jesus was telling the Apostle's that they have witnessed in him, and his teachings, what many before desired
with a passion to see. I feel that as Christ teachings were also meant for us that these words he spoke were also 
directed to us. And what more shall I say of all the prophesy's of Isaiah, Jeremiah, or Daniel. This mystery was 
seen by them through prophetic revelation.  But make no mistake about it, this Mystery began in a garden some 
6 thousand yrs ago with a man and a woman named Adam and Eve. It is the Mystery of Lucifer. The desire
of his to lead as many souls to hel l with him as he can. And he's become quite good at what he does. You see
we were NEVER meant to go to hel l. That was created for Lucifer and his demons alone. NOT FOR US. 
Still we have to make a choice. Either follow the Mystery of Babylon or to accept the FREE LOVE OF GOD. 











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LGD and dontlop,

It's very good to see that people are understanding God's Word (Christ). I want to add a few words to all that above what God has shown me is the "mystery" is that it is mixed between the "church" and the monetary system. The Vatican (and the Vatican Bank) are very powerful, and it is just like king Nebuchadnezzar and Daniel prophesied. All that has come to fruition with the empires, and the final empire (the iron mixed with the clay) is here. In Revelation 17 & 18, I believe it clearly points out who the harlot is, (the Catholic Church) but it also states that all the kings of the earth have committed fornication with her. In 18, it clearly (to me) is talking about the financial system (buying and selling) and that "these are all of one mind" and "gave their power and authority to the beast". In Rev. 13 if you don't have the "mark" you can't buy or sell. I truly believe from a study of the Greek of these passages that it's not an actually a "mark" but to give over to the beast your "power and authority". This whole world financial system is satanic, the "money" is not really money, money is debt, the whole system is debt based, nothingness, and thus, based on a lie. (who is the father of lies? - the devil)


What has the world system done? You can (almost) not survive unless you are "in the system" today. You have to have a "number" (SSN) to open a bank account, to get a job, to do almost anything they ask for that number. What does God tell us in Rev. 18:4 - "come out of her, my people, lest you share in her sins and lest you receive of her plaques". I believe God has shown myself and the group I am with that this IQD is a way out of her. He told us years ago to have gold, silver, and / or the IQD. Over the years I have noticed a lot of Christians in this investment, I hope when it does revalue, that they will help family and friends first, educate them on the world system, and remove themselves from it. I believe that God has allowed this to provide for some of His people, to prepare for the coming days. I believe that this will also in the coming days or years, begin to bring down the world financial system, the fall of Babylon the Great. (A HOUSE BUILD ON SAND CAN NOT STAND) Build your house on the Rock, which IS Christ Jesus (The Anointed One). This is the time when Christ will come back, and take His rightful place as the True King, and rule and reign for 1,000 years with His saints, the one's who understood His Words and followed His directions to "overcome" the world (system), the one's who separated themselves from it.


Yahweh open Your people's eyes,

God pour your Spirit upon Your children Lord

Come Lord, Yeshua, show us Your Way.


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the fed will be holding dinars soon .... maybe for a period of 50 years .. or any time frame they agree on .. but this could be the bailout of global economy coming after ch7 release

I DONT THINK SO !!! Why would the FED "Hold" dinar for any length of time? The FEDs job is to stabilize the US economy. It does that by manipulating the value of the dollar, period. Got nothing to do with an RV of the dinar.

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the fed is in a deep hole right now .. they need to unload around 3 trillion dollars .. but they cant because it will cause instant inflation .. actually its banks money in the fed  basically collecting dust  at a verysmall interest rate


start it at 10 minutes 30 seconds and see if it gets your attention ..


<<<<if you get 15 minutes watch this report about sequestration .. it explains what happens if that  newly printed money hits the streets ...>>> instant inflation..this is why they are intentionally holding back economic growth in the usa .. they need to transfer that money to someone elses  reserves so they dont hit the streets .. im thinking iraq

the fed is involved in alot more that the us economy .. and if it takes a currency swap to stablize the economy ..then thats what it takes

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