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I'll take the bait.... exactly what is it that the Tea Party Protestors are saying that sounds like "Nothing?" I am interested to read your argument....

True story, when the Tea Party folks first started protesting in my area....i was mad too, the government was spending too much money on the banks and wall street, against the people's requests....So i drove to the protest ready to join in the fight....

When i pulled up i saw signs about Birth Certificates, men in their 60-70's with signs about keeping the government out of their healthcare,Signs about socialism, but everywhere i looked....there was not a SINGLE person protesting the bailouts...The whole reason for the Tea Party was Taxation without Representation, which is EXACTLY what was happening with the bailouts

The problem with the Tea Party is that they are NOT following the beliefs of the original Tea Party, they're scatterbrained its literally thousands of people protesting thousands of different things with no real 'Taxation without Representation" stance...

Edited by donnydoright
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True story, when the Tea Party folks first started protesting in my area....i was mad too, the government was spending too much money on the banks and wall street, against the people's requests....So i drove to the protest ready to join in the fight....

When i pulled up i saw signs about Birth Certificates, men in their 60-70's with signs about keeping the government out of their healthcare,Signs about socialism, but everywhere i looked....there was not a SINGLE person protesting the bailouts...The whole reason for the Tea Party was Taxation without Representation, which is EXACTLY what was happening with the bailouts

The problem with the Tea Party is that they are NOT following the beliefs of the original Tea Party, they're scatterbrained its literally thousands of people protesting thousands of different things with no real 'Taxation without Representation" stance...

Are you DUDLEY'S brother?laugh.gif

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The problem with the Tea Party is that they are NOT following the beliefs of the original Tea Party, they're scatterbrained its literally thousands of people protesting thousands of different things with no real 'Taxation without Representation" stance...

I can agree with you that there will be a diversity of beliefs when you have a large group of individuals. But I am not sure that your portrayal of the Tea Party as a whole is accurate.

As far as I can tell these are the main beliefs of the Tea Party:


1. Illegal Aliens Are Here Illegally.

2. Pro-Domestic Employment Is Indispensable.

3. Stronger Military Is Essential.

4. Special Interests Eliminated.

5. Gun Ownership Is Sacred.

6. Government Must Be Downsized.

7. National Budget Must Be Balanced.

8. Deficit Spending Will End.

9. Bail-Out And Stimulus Plans Are Illegal.

10. Reduce Personal Income Taxes A Must.

11. Reduce Business Income Taxes Are Mandatory.

12. Political Offices Available To Average Citizens.

13. Intrusive Government Stopped.

14. English As Core Language Is Required.

15. Traditional Family Values Are Encouraged.


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I can agree with you that there will be a diversity of beliefs when you have a large group of individuals. But I am not sure that your portrayal of the Tea Party as a whole is accurate.

As far as I can tell these are the main beliefs of the Tea Party:


1. Illegal Aliens Are Here Illegally.

2. Pro-Domestic Employment Is Indispensable.

3. Stronger Military Is Essential.

4. Special Interests Eliminated.

5. Gun Ownership Is Sacred.

6. Government Must Be Downsized.

7. National Budget Must Be Balanced.

8. Deficit Spending Will End.

9. Bail-Out And Stimulus Plans Are Illegal.

10. Reduce Personal Income Taxes A Must.

11. Reduce Business Income Taxes Are Mandatory.

12. Political Offices Available To Average Citizens.

13. Intrusive Government Stopped.

14. English As Core Language Is Required.

15. Traditional Family Values Are Encouraged.


While those are the main STATED beliefs of the tea party, which I firmly believe in, they are not necessarily the beliefs that have been portrayed by a lot of people who call themselves tea-partiers.

I wish people would realize that, THOSE are the Tea Party stated beliefs, as I truly believe if most people knew those 15 things you pointed out as being the focus, then millions more people would consider themselves part of the tea party. Instead- we have far right radicals (just like we have far left liberal radicals), that give "Tea Party" a bad name. There is a lot of negative connotation with the words Tea Party, which is really too bad, because it's nothing radical at all. To me, anyways. . Wikipedia has a good write up of the tea party, how it began, what it all means, and the focus of adhering to our constitution.

And to the Day of Rage thing.....that's funny. So much for a big turn out. Day of Flop.

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True story, when the Tea Party folks first started protesting in my area....i was mad too, the government was spending too much money on the banks and wall street, against the people's requests....So i drove to the protest ready to join in the fight....

When i pulled up i saw signs about Birth Certificates, men in their 60-70's with signs about keeping the government out of their healthcare,Signs about socialism, but everywhere i looked....there was not a SINGLE person protesting the bailouts...The whole reason for the Tea Party was Taxation without Representation, which is EXACTLY what was happening with the bailouts

The problem with the Tea Party is that they are NOT following the beliefs of the original Tea Party, they're scatterbrained its literally thousands of people protesting thousands of different things with no real 'Taxation without Representation" stance...

This post has been edited by donnydoright: Today, 05:59 PM

Read more:

OK DONNYdoRIGHT, you could have been that single person protesting bailouts, but ya blew it. That's how the Tea Party works...ALL volunteer. I'm a coordinator in Cali and your all wet, we're following the original Tea party of 1773. Does this sound familiar?

The Old Tea Party Revolution and the New Tea Party

As I study the founding fathers, I can’t help but identify similarities in their cause and ours. These are the sited grievances from the Deceleration of Independence against King George III.

Does anything sound familiar?

- He has refused his Assent to laws, the most wholesome and necessary for the Public good!

- He has forbidden his Governors to pass laws of immediate and pressing importance, unless suspended in their operation till his Assent should be obtained; and when so suspended, he has utterly neglected to attend them.

- He has called together legislative bodies at places unusual, uncomfortable and distant from the depository of their public records, for the sole purpose of fatiguing them into compliance with his measures.

- He has endeavored to prevent the population of these States; for the purpose obstructing the laws for Naturalization of Foreigners; refusing to pass others to encourage their migrations hither, and raising the conditions of the new appropriation of lands.

- He has made judges dependent on his will alone, for the tenure of their offices...

- He has erected a multitude of new offices and sent hither swarms of officers to harass our people and eat their substance .

- He has combined with others to subject us to a jurisdiction foreign to our constitution and unacknowledged by our laws, giving his Assent to their acts of pretended legislation:

- For cutting off our trade with all parts of the world.

- For imposing taxes on us without our consent.

- He has excited domestic insurrections amongst us...

Slowly, we’ve allowed socialism to overcome our lives. This has taken decades and there is nobody to blame but ourselves. Look at how similar the founding fathers grievances are to our present day challenge. We are slowly turning into slavery by volunteering to give up our freedom by complacency on election day. The public at large needs to trust the present day Tea Party. The leadership is 99 percent unpaid volunteers who have no ambition for power or rule, just survival! We acknowledge the failure of our government to control our lives and desire to educate our communities. We vet proposition and candidate and offer solutions through our three core values: constitutionally limited government; fiscal responsibility; free market enterprise. It’s taken decades for our country to decay to this point and if we don’t do something quick, our children will be doomed to grievances more and more similar to those sited in that beautiful document. Want a peek into your future? Refer to the Deceleration of Independence.

We cannot insure success, but we can deserve it.

Edited by GIDad
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Never seen that list before. Man! I could get behind. Most of it, at least. Definitely not all. that.

Hey E., thanks for adding in! +1

I agree with most of the list as well, my problem with the list is some of it doesn't go far enough, in my opinion.

Especially #10. Reduce personal income taxes a must

I think ABOLISHING personal income taxes is going far enough. As you and I both know personal income taxes only go toward the interest on our national debt. Abolishing the Federal Reserve is the correct course of action here. And then you could do away with business taxes as well so that would take care of number 11. We could simply get by with excise taxes which is actually what pays for the majority of government services today, anyway.

In general, though, I agree with what the Tea Party stands for and highly support the ideas of Rand Paul(Tea Party Senator) and also many of the ideas of Ron Paul(the so-called godfather of the Tea Party), his father.

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I'll take the bait.... exactly what is it that the Tea Party Protestors are saying that sounds like "Nothing?" I am interested to read your argument....

To answer your question.

The core values that you have listed sound realistic.

But these same issue's plagued the United States long before Obama was elected President.

Yet I do not recall the Tea Party pushing the line against prior Presidents.

WE know the real reason why the Tea Party was Organized. You had a segment of the US population who was point blank was

unhappy with a Mulatto being elected President.

This is why the majority of the Tea Party dwells on the issue of Obama's Birth Certificate and African Heritage.

But I recall when Arnold Schwarzenegger, ran for the Governor of California, the California Constitution at the time, did not allow a person who was not born in the United States ( California) to hold the office of Governor. Schwarzenegger was born in Austria.

The same like group who oppose Obama rallied and had the California Constitution changed to accommodate, one that was like them.

Old money that was passed down from good old boy's from yesteryear runs this country.

Until People put forth a real effort to apply Real Change to this system. Things will remain the same in Washington D.C. with the same old people,

faces and places and empty rhetoric.

I also notice that with the white right, when a person does not agree with your band of politics you like to hit the red button.

You can stick both your thumbs up your arse and walk on your elbows. Because when it comes down to the real deal, most of you are all mouth.

And wont bust a grape in a fruit fight.

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I hate to break it to you guys, but the protest is still going on and will until their demand “to get President Barack Obama to establish a commission to end ‘the influence money has over our representatives in Washington’” is met.

I'm not for commies and freaks but the main issue being protested is something most can get behind. Everyone is tired of the corruption. I know I am. And don't fool yourselves... the DInar has more to do with this protest than you think. :unsure:

This will evolve to an epic sized event during the next week or two imo. This is the final show.

You can watch the protest live here -

Edited by djhemp
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WE know the real reason why the Tea Party was Organized. You had a segment of the US population who was point blank was

unhappy with a Mulatto being elected President.

This is why the majority of the Tea Party dwells on the issue of Obama's Birth Certificate and African Heritage.

But I recall when Arnold Schwarzenegger, ran for the Governor of California, the California Constitution at the time, did not allow a person who was not born in the United States ( California) to hold the office of Governor. Schwarzenegger was born in Austria.

The same like group who oppose Obama rallied and had the California Constitution changed to accommodate, one that was like them.

Thank you for your response. But I will have to disagree with most of it.

I will start with the race issue... come on man. Do you really think the reason people have joined the Tea Party is because the President is mulatto? Look at the Tea Party website...

I don't see anything on there about Obama's birth certificate.

And the way you ended your post... really? Your original post, which I interpreted as an attack, stated:

Just Like The Tea Party Protesters. Talking Loud Saying Nothing.

And then because you racked up negatives everyone who gave you one is a white racist?... Did I read that right: if someone simply disagrees with you they are a racist? I wasn't aware of your skin color when I invited you to make your case; that wasn't an issue for me.

And your argument about the California state constitution having to be changed so that Arnold could become Governor... I'd like to see the link for that. As far as my understanding goes that is not true. Now there was talk about getting the US Constitution changed so he could run for President, but that didn't go anywhere. But that is not what you stated.

Where was the Tea Party before Obama? It had not been organized yet. I would love to debate further with you on this but I will not if you will insist on bringing race into this. If you can agree to debate without the racism then I will go further with you.

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I, for one, am convinced that the actual PURPOSE of the Federal (Reserve) Income Tax is to suck wealth out of the economy for the sake of "controlling inflation,

Can't say I disagree with you... makes sense. But I am pretty sure you still agree with abolishing with the Fed from previous conversations we have had. The Fed has to go or it will destroy the freedom of this great country by sucking up what's left of our capital and making us slaves.

Naturally, getting rid of the Fed would mean coming up with a new currency and, in all of my studying so far, replacing the FRN's with another fiat currency is not the way to go. A commodity backed currency is the only way to go, in my opinion. And I do agree that a currency backed by a basket of commodities is a great idea (gold, silver, oil, wheat, etc.), but again, we came to agreement on this on another thread.

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All the thirteen trillion it recently created and sent to its friends (mostly over-seas) was all new money. The FED needs the collected Income Tax not at all. It has no use for it. It can create all the new money it wants.

It seems to me like all of the central banks around the world are working together to crash the entire world economic structure so they can end up owning... "the world." My understanding is all of the central banks are printing money and then purchasing gold with it and storing it in their treasuries. This weakens all the currencies of the world as well as makes the central banks truly wealthy at the same time.

At some point most of the fiat currencies, if not all, will crash and the central banks will be sitting there with most of the real wealth. I read this somewhere and tend to believe it's true.

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I can agree with you that there will be a diversity of beliefs when you have a large group of individuals. But I am not sure that your portrayal of the Tea Party as a whole is accurate.

As far as I can tell these are the main beliefs of the Tea Party:


1. Illegal Aliens Are Here Illegally.

2. Pro-Domestic Employment Is Indispensable.

3. Stronger Military Is Essential.

4. Special Interests Eliminated.

5. Gun Ownership Is Sacred.

6. Government Must Be Downsized.

7. National Budget Must Be Balanced.

8. Deficit Spending Will End.

9. Bail-Out And Stimulus Plans Are Illegal.

10. Reduce Personal Income Taxes A Must.

11. Reduce Business Income Taxes Are Mandatory.

12. Political Offices Available To Average Citizens.

13. Intrusive Government Stopped.

14. English As Core Language Is Required.

15. Traditional Family Values Are Encouraged.


+1 Great list. Pretty much covers it for me

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