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Why am I under moderator supervision before posting.

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shiFT, I sent you a message as to why you were put on mod preview. You apologized and told me you would not use the word "retarded" again, and the next day I found you using the same word again. I upped your warning level (which was already at 8, so you are not lily white) to a 9, and told you I was putting you on 48hour mod preview to see if you could live up to your word. Your preview will be done shortly. Please try to live up to what you promise.


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So let me understand this. We concern ourselves with the use of a word that is no longer deemed politically correct but a forum about a girl selling her virginity for a phone (prostitution) we just let that slide? Again I ask do we really have our priorities right; or is this a case by case thing?

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Seven months ago, a member used the word ***********, and I asked her not to use it again. I got slammed like a racquet ball and nobody said a word to the offender. We need to drop the use of these type of words, but we also need some consistency.

I see now that the word has been removed. Just a question, but why would Shift's post include it and my post has it removed, not that I need the word, I am just curious.


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So let me understand this. We concern ourselves with the use of a word that is no longer deemed politically correct but a forum about a girl selling her virginity for a phone (prostitution) we just let that slide? Again I ask do we really have our priorities right; or is this a case by case thing?

It is a case by case judgment call, and the judgments come from the mods who contribute their time freely.

Word to the wise: Know your place. Don't make the mods mad, and if you do - apologize.


Thread closed, and I'm leaving it in the open as an example to other members.

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