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    Full endorsement on this opportunity - but it's limited, so get in while you can!


Dinar Guy

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The world order has been here a long time... its camouflaged AKA: US Government... We all believe we are free and to an extent we are... If you put a mouse in a cage but do not close the door... feed him and he has a great life better than any he could find outside of the cage does the mouse stay or leave? When the mouse family has no food AKA money in this world government they are given food stamps and able to survive. In other cages (Places on the planet) this same mouse family would not be taken care of so well.

It is my believe that we have been under-control as a people for a long time! as-long as our government exists we have the following: A good way of life. however i trade of is this... Constant war to anyone that challenges our way of life.... The whole cold war... i know many Russians they to this day believed that they had a system that challenged ours on many levels... they wanted many of the same things for their people. They did not want to Nuke us of the plant any more then we wanted them nuked...

I think it came down to the Hilton competing with the days inn... both offered great rooms and a great vacation package... however both want to be the best and want all the business..... Thus the cold war!

It is my belief that is does not matter who it is or where you are! The people that have the money control the Hilton and the days-inn... we just rent a room! If we buy a house it can be taken from us to build or widen a road.... the only thing we are truly giving is: The perception that our hotel is the greatest in the world and they we must die for it... Money is the root of control and is the reason we have lost the fight... The new world order has already taken over it is not like we have read it it’s not a world order we can see or touch... it’s a belief it a way of life... is the raising of people to believe that we are the best and everyone in the word so do as we do and act as we act....

Face it we lost to the world order before any of us were even born.... our fathers fathers lost that fight... it was a battle fought so well the losing side never even realized that they lost....

The victor of the battle speaks very powerful and compelling words such as: Freedom, democracy, glory, These words a very compelling and will bring many people in ready to fight and lay down their lives for....

It is my belief that the best way to control the mice is to make them believe that it was their choice and they are not forced... and give them the feeling they are free and give them a good way of life...

when these conditions are met you will have the strongest mice army the world has ever known.... they will be ready and willing to shed blood for the 3 words above: Freedom, democracy, glory

what so great about his method of control is the it spreads like a cancer other nations see how well it works and join Nato and other controlling organizations and try to model after our HOTEL... remember you don't have to force people to do things...

You don't have to force men and women to dig ditches and to kill and to lay down and die! when people believe in the cause they have been known to strap bombs to their chests! they have been known to kill harmless and innocent people.. the cause is very powerful and compelling and many nations have causes that do not align with ours Thus we have conflict that escalates to war....

Now i am not Anti- American in anyway i love my nation however i have been and seen the world and i know a few things! We are not a free as we are lead to believe! we do live better than most! We the mice family are safe as-long as we have more bombs than anyone else....

We are built upon false freedom and false safety! However once the world is converted to democracy we will be under a world control this is all happening right now! people we don't know all over the world are standing up to try to achieve a better way of life like ours and they will get it however it will cost them the same amount it has cost us!

God bless us all in the US and rest of the world! do not reject the world government it is not all bad it will basically expand our mouse cage to the rest of the world over time! I just hope and pray that many more do not have to suffer and die for it...

I believe in a word with one government and no boarders... were people are not called Mexican because they come from there! or Iraqi because they come from there... i see the day to you can be born anywhere and have the same freedoms and rights as us!

the one world government will allow us to blend and a planet and forget our differences... I just hope the cost does not out-weight the benefits...

Imagine how much better our world would be if we all worked toward a common goal! Face it a new world order is the best thing this planet could ever realize

This new world order may or may not be controlled by the USA the US may have to fail for it to work because it is not allowed due to our constitution. This document while very good and very important was created in a time when world control was not possible… we could not go to England in 2-4 hours we could not get to any spot on the planet in hours. Face it the word has changed forever and we are governed by obsolete government… When a computer get old and no longer does what you need it to do you replace it with something better.

I think we should take what we have and use it as a draft to create something new that works in these times… this 200 year old document seems to work less and less and in 500 years when we are on the moon and mars… it does not work at all!

Please do not bash me if you do not agree!

The planet must unite under a new constitution one that works for all nations one that is for the people of the planet!

This is happening everyday but it will take time and money and lives to happen….

Once this happens the cage will be expanded but the people with money will still be in-control however the cage will be much bigger!

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Won't bash you at all but I will assume this is a comedy bit, or are you serious? So do you agree with the implementation of the UN's Agenda 21?

How about Codex Alimentarius? You are ok with the plan for 80% depopulation and the RFID program to chip everyone?

You like America but it will become part of the North American Union.

I hope you might do more research on who these people really are, that will take you down many rabbit holes but once you see the links to the plans and the people I don't believe you will be accepting a NWO. What you see for security at the G20's for example is the future, not a pretty sight. These people are very intelligent but also very sick, evil people.

Hope you can research some more, many good sources out there. (Also there are many people that are paid to scan the internet and post positive articles like that....hmm)

Edited by Candinar
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The world order has been here a long time... its camouflaged AKA: US Government... We all believe we are free and to an extent we are... If you put a mouse in a cage but do not close the door... feed him and he has a great life better than any he could find outside of the cage does the mouse stay or leave? When the mouse family has no food AKA money in this world government they are given food stamps and able to survive. In other cages (Places on the planet) this same mouse family would not be taken care of so well.

It is my believe that we have been under-control as a people for a long time! as-long as our government exists we have the following: A good way of life. however i trade of is this... Constant war to anyone that challenges our way of life.... The whole cold war... i know many Russians they to this day believed that they had a system that challenged ours on many levels... they wanted many of the same things for their people. They did not want to Nuke us of the plant any more then we wanted them nuked...

I think it came down to the Hilton competing with the days inn... both offered great rooms and a great vacation package... however both want to be the best and want all the business..... Thus the cold war!

It is my belief that is does not matter who it is or where you are! The people that have the money control the Hilton and the days-inn... we just rent a room! If we buy a house it can be taken from us to build or widen a road.... the only thing we are truly giving is: The perception that our hotel is the greatest in the world and they we must die for it... Money is the root of control and is the reason we have lost the fight... The new world order has already taken over it is not like we have read it it’s not a world order we can see or touch... it’s a belief it a way of life... is the raising of people to believe that we are the best and everyone in the word so do as we do and act as we act....

Face it we lost to the world order before any of us were even born.... our fathers fathers lost that fight... it was a battle fought so well the losing side never even realized that they lost....

The victor of the battle speaks very powerful and compelling words such as: Freedom, democracy, glory, These words a very compelling and will bring many people in ready to fight and lay down their lives for....

It is my belief that the best way to control the mice is to make them believe that it was their choice and they are not forced... and give them the feeling they are free and give them a good way of life...

when these conditions are met you will have the strongest mice army the world has ever known.... they will be ready and willing to shed blood for the 3 words above: Freedom, democracy, glory

what so great about his method of control is the it spreads like a cancer other nations see how well it works and join Nato and other controlling organizations and try to model after our HOTEL... remember you don't have to force people to do things...

You don't have to force men and women to dig ditches and to kill and to lay down and die! when people believe in the cause they have been known to strap bombs to their chests! they have been known to kill harmless and innocent people.. the cause is very powerful and compelling and many nations have causes that do not align with ours Thus we have conflict that escalates to war....

Now i am not Anti- American in anyway i love my nation however i have been and seen the world and i know a few things! We are not a free as we are lead to believe! we do live better than most! We the mice family are safe as-long as we have more bombs than anyone else....

We are built upon false freedom and false safety! However once the world is converted to democracy we will be under a world control this is all happening right now! people we don't know all over the world are standing up to try to achieve a better way of life like ours and they will get it however it will cost them the same amount it has cost us!

God bless us all in the US and rest of the world! do not reject the world government it is not all bad it will basically expand our mouse cage to the rest of the world over time! I just hope and pray that many more do not have to suffer and die for it...

I believe in a word with one government and no boarders... were people are not called Mexican because they come from there! or Iraqi because they come from there... i see the day to you can be born anywhere and have the same freedoms and rights as us!

the one world government will allow us to blend and a planet and forget our differences... I just hope the cost does not out-weight the benefits...

Imagine how much better our world would be if we all worked toward a common goal! Face it a new world order is the best thing this planet could ever realize

This new world order may or may not be controlled by the USA the US may have to fail for it to work because it is not allowed due to our constitution. This document while very good and very important was created in a time when world control was not possible… we could not go to England in 2-4 hours we could not get to any spot on the planet in hours. Face it the word has changed forever and we are governed by obsolete government… When a computer get old and no longer does what you need it to do you replace it with something better.

I think we should take what we have and use it as a draft to create something new that works in these times… this 200 year old document seems to work less and less and in 500 years when we are on the moon and mars… it does not work at all!

Please do not bash me if you do not agree!

The planet must unite under a new constitution one that works for all nations one that is for the people of the planet!

This is happening everyday but it will take time and money and lives to happen….

Once this happens the cage will be expanded but the people with money will still be in-control however the cage will be much bigger!

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Well, just couldn't finish but about a third of this drivel before having to respond. Some of the things I read hold some truth in them, but one must sooner or later face the facts, eh ?

Every type government, by definition, controls the individual citizen in some way(s). Our type, the democratic republic, at least affords us the widest array of freedoms available within ,again by definition, some constraints. If you really want no constraints, then go live by yourself, and be totally self sufficient, on a deserted island somewhere. The minute you want some help (obtaining food, defense, etc.) from another or others, then expect to begin losing some individual freedoms.

Choosing where you live, and therefore its type of government, chooses the freedoms, or the lack thereof, you have. Choose wisely, my friend. Choose wisely.

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Here we go again. And, for those that CHOOSE not to participate? My (their) liberty and freedom trumps any collective arrangement. I choose not to participate AND in that, will make a better contribution to any society.

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Except...We're not a Domocracy. Never have been. You'll not see that word used anywhere in the Declaration of Independence nor the Constitution. A Democracy is majority rule. A Republic protects the minority. Here's a quick lesson"

And, you say...

I think we should take what we have and use it as a draft to create something new that works in these times… this 200 year old document seems to work less and less and in 500 years when we are on the moon and mars… it does not work at all!

Founding Fathers referred back 2000 years for the best governmnet to people of a moral and religious nature. A Democracy is not it. They also said these rights are endowed by the Creator. There are no boundaries to the Creator. These rights are not limited to United States boundaries. Any people may claim their rights, but they don't and this is not our problem.

So, a Republic is the absolute best form of government. The one item you don't mention is property rights which go hand in hand with Freedom and Liberty. Property rights are the reward.

Personally, I will not die on my knees and I will not share my property with Europe. The one difference between Europe and the USA is we own guns to protect us from government and you will have to remove it from my cold, dead hand.

I will not go quietly!

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The world order has been here a long time... its camouflaged AKA: US Government... We all believe we are free and to an extent we are... If you put a mouse in a cage but do not close the door... feed him and he has a great life better than any he could find outside of the cage does the mouse stay or leave? When the mouse family has no food AKA money in this world government they are given food stamps and able to survive. In other cages (Places on the planet) this same mouse family would not be taken care of so well.

All I could read was the first paragraph.

If our founding Fathers had thought like that, there would be no America. Our founding Fathers wanted to break FREE of an oppressive Government, not just be happy in the rat cage you speak of.

Freedom, independence, liberty refer to an absence of undue restrictions and an opportunity to exercise one's rights and powers. Freedom emphasizes the opportunity given for the exercise of one's rights, powers, desires, or the like: freedom of speech or conscience; freedom of movement. Independence implies not only lack of restrictions, but also the ability to stand alone, unsustained by anything else: Independence of thought promotes invention and discovery. Liberty, though most often interchanged with freedom, is also used to imply undue exercise of freedom.

That is what made America the greatest country known to man. We've already lost a lot of what made America great. I believe with a NWO we would lose it all.

P.S. Well said GIDad!

Edited by DinarMillionaire
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All I could read was the first paragraph.

If our founding Fathers had thought like that, there would be no America. Our founding Fathers wanted to break FREE of an oppressive Government, not just be happy in the rat cage you speak of.

Freedom, independence, liberty refer to an absence of undue restrictions and an opportunity to exercise one's rights and powers. Freedom emphasizes the opportunity given for the exercise of one's rights, powers, desires, or the like: freedom of speech or conscience; freedom of movement. Independence implies not only lack of restrictions, but also the ability to stand alone, unsustained by anything else: Independence of thought promotes invention and discovery. Liberty, though most often interchanged with freedom, is also used to imply undue exercise of freedom.

That is what made America the greatest country known to man. We've already lost a lot of what made America great. I believe with a NWO we would lose it all.

P.S. Well said GIDad!

Very well-stated... and GIDad, too. A common "mistake" I see and hear so often, especially by our youth... is the insistent comparison of the USA to other countries around the world, and their insistence that we adopt their viewpoints. As we know... this is impossible, for the USA is the most unique country in the world. Our values cannot be interchanged with other countries' values that easily... no matter how desireable we would like it.... for them to adopt ours, not vice versa! So, until and unless the ignorant masses understand and accept this, we are in the continual fight to preserve our values, and Constitution... which is NOT a "living and breathing" document to be constantly interpreted, as many simply don't understand. In our civil society, there would be no reason for our Constitution if it was simply going to be constantly changed. Hence, the difficulty in task to ammend it. That preservation, will always be an ongoing effort... and should be.

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Talk about KOOL-AID!!!!! All I can say is, Jeezzzzz......gimme a break with all this NWO BS.....if someone is diggin' and studyin' trying to justify this drivvle they've got waaayy to much time on your hands ! Forgive the negativity, but all this has nothing to do with the dinar investment!

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Talk about KOOL-AID!!!!! All I can say is, Jeezzzzz......gimme a break with all this NWO BS.....if someone is diggin' and studyin' trying to justify this drivvle they've got waaayy to much time on your hands ! Forgive the negativity, but all this has nothing to do with the dinar investment!

I don't believe anyone stated that it had anything to do with the Dinar.....

There is good reason to try figure out what is going on with this country and the world.

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Dinar Guy's quote:

(When the mouse family has no food AKA money in this world government they are given food stamps and able to survive)

I have a question for you Dinar Guy. Have you ever been on this food stamp program or tried to apply for one? If NO is your answer then let me tell you what kind of questions you would need to answer & hope that you were able to be granted the so called "lucky" stamp.

My ex-hub cheated on me, verbally abused me, beat me up physically, kidnapped my child, called my family & friends to say that I sleep around and became a prostitute, tried to rape me, and threatened to kill me (he was an Army so obviously he got guns to carry out his intention). I escaped with my child to another state with my family. Not qualified for the unemployment I was sent to the Welfare Department to received further verbal investigation to be granted this "blessing" food stamp. Let's say this is you & you're so happy, content and proud of this one world order and If you're able to pass this type of questions yourself so you can receive a meager $61 a week to feed your child & yourself in one of the most expensive state in US you then have the right to tell us that you're proud to be a part of this crap.

So here we go.....

1. You are separated from your husband so do you have sex?

2. When was the last time you had sex with anyone?

3. Do you have sex with anyone else beside your ex husband?

4. How often do you have sex with others?

This is just a little sample to enlightened you. I'm not surprise if they would ask if you have sex with your mother, father, etc.

You know what? Yeah, I got my little money that day by traded off my dignity so I can have a little money in my hand to buy milk & foods for my hungry 3 years old child, but in 3 weeks I got myself a job and gave them my special "finger" and started to reclaim my soul, my human dignity, and my self worth. That was a very long journey, but I swear I will never ever allow anyone or any circumstances to be back in that place again. If you are interested in being that "mouse - the rodent" that just want the free cheese because that how you feel you're worth then you go right ahead go for it & see how good that feels.

To earn my freedom and feel self worthy I have no problem working my ---- off for my keep. There's no free lunch, remember that. Read a book called "Who Moved My Cheese". Decide which mouse you want to become.....educate yourself a little I hope at least you can do that much while keep your "food stamp benefit". Let's wake up to smell the roses not the "stink" rose unless that's what you choose.

Blessings to all especially the "lost" ones.

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I don't believe anyone stated that it had anything to do with the Dinar.....

There is good reason to try figure out what is going on with this country and the world.

Just another one who has no clue to what "Off-Topic" means and also has no time to research reality because he lives in the TV reality that is more important to him. It's ok they will be caught by surprise when the SHTF. He calls it BS but it's in writing in front of his face...mmm Fluoride.

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The world order has been here a long time... its camouflaged AKA: US Government... We all believe we are free and to an extent we are... If you put a mouse in a cage but do not close the door... feed him and he has a great life better than any he could find outside of the cage does the mouse stay or leave? When the mouse family has no food AKA money in this world government they are given food stamps and able to survive. In other cages (Places on the planet) this same mouse family would not be taken care of so well.

It is my believe that we have been under-control as a people for a long time! as-long as our government exists we have the following: A good way of life. however i trade of is this... Constant war to anyone that challenges our way of life.... The whole cold war... i know many Russians they to this day believed that they had a system that challenged ours on many levels... they wanted many of the same things for their people. They did not want to Nuke us of the plant any more then we wanted them nuked...

I think it came down to the Hilton competing with the days inn... both offered great rooms and a great vacation package... however both want to be the best and want all the business..... Thus the cold war!

It is my belief that is does not matter who it is or where you are! The people that have the money control the Hilton and the days-inn... we just rent a room! If we buy a house it can be taken from us to build or widen a road.... the only thing we are truly giving is: The perception that our hotel is the greatest in the world and they we must die for it... Money is the root of control and is the reason we have lost the fight... The new world order has already taken over it is not like we have read it it’s not a world order we can see or touch... it’s a belief it a way of life... is the raising of people to believe that we are the best and everyone in the word so do as we do and act as we act....

Face it we lost to the world order before any of us were even born.... our fathers fathers lost that fight... it was a battle fought so well the losing side never even realized that they lost....

The victor of the battle speaks very powerful and compelling words such as: Freedom, democracy, glory, These words a very compelling and will bring many people in ready to fight and lay down their lives for....

It is my belief that the best way to control the mice is to make them believe that it was their choice and they are not forced... and give them the feeling they are free and give them a good way of life...

when these conditions are met you will have the strongest mice army the world has ever known.... they will be ready and willing to shed blood for the 3 words above: Freedom, democracy, glory

what so great about his method of control is the it spreads like a cancer other nations see how well it works and join Nato and other controlling organizations and try to model after our HOTEL... remember you don't have to force people to do things...

You don't have to force men and women to dig ditches and to kill and to lay down and die! when people believe in the cause they have been known to strap bombs to their chests! they have been known to kill harmless and innocent people.. the cause is very powerful and compelling and many nations have causes that do not align with ours Thus we have conflict that escalates to war....

Now i am not Anti- American in anyway i love my nation however i have been and seen the world and i know a few things! We are not a free as we are lead to believe! we do live better than most! We the mice family are safe as-long as we have more bombs than anyone else....

We are built upon false freedom and false safety! However once the world is converted to democracy we will be under a world control this is all happening right now! people we don't know all over the world are standing up to try to achieve a better way of life like ours and they will get it however it will cost them the same amount it has cost us!

God bless us all in the US and rest of the world! do not reject the world government it is not all bad it will basically expand our mouse cage to the rest of the world over time! I just hope and pray that many more do not have to suffer and die for it...

I believe in a word with one government and no boarders... were people are not called Mexican because they come from there! or Iraqi because they come from there... i see the day to you can be born anywhere and have the same freedoms and rights as us!

the one world government will allow us to blend and a planet and forget our differences... I just hope the cost does not out-weight the benefits...

Imagine how much better our world would be if we all worked toward a common goal! Face it a new world order is the best thing this planet could ever realizeThis new world order may or may not be controlled by the USA the US may have to fail for it to work because it is not allowed due to our constitution. This document while very good and very important was created in a time when world control was not possible… we could not go to England in 2-4 hours we could not get to any spot on the planet in hours. Face it the word has changed forever and we are governed by obsolete government… When a computer get old and no longer does what you need it to do you replace it with something better.

I think we should take what we have and use it as a draft to create something new that works in these times… this 200 year old document seems to work less and less and in 500 years when we are on the moon and mars… it does not work at all!

Please do not bash me if you do not agree!

The planet must unite under a new constitution one that works for all nations one that is for the people of the planet!

This is happening everyday but it will take time and money and lives to happen….

Once this happens the cage will be expanded but the people with money will still be in-control however the cage will be much bigger!

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Just the words I love america that came out your mouth sickens me. No you dont. You are a tratitor. You are the poorest excuse for a man that I have ever seen. My god do you here what your saying. This is what you want for your grandchildren. It may play out the way you stated but I will say that me and a million more like me will lie dead before it happens.

God bless the real america. You make me ILL Sorry mods you can just erase this and give me another warning but this sickins me

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Just the words I love america that came out your mouth sickens me. No you dont. You are a tratitor. You are the poorest excuse for a man that I have ever seen. My god do you here what your saying. This is what you want for your grandchildren. It may play out the way you stated but I will say that me and a million more like me will lie dead before it happens.

God bless the real america. You make me ILL Sorry mods you can just erase this and give me another warning but this sickins me

Touché !

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I will not "Bash" you, but I will point out that you are possibly in the only country in the world (certainly one of the few) where you are allowed to present your views/beliefs. Thousands of men and women have given their lives to protect those rights you/we ENJOY.

In this "NWO" you refer to, are women allowed to be educated? The uprisings in the ME are not as much of a populace revolt as much as being driven and supported by those behind the sceens.

Judging by the response you are receiving the saying "Perhaps if everyone disagrees with you, then maybe they are not the ones who are wrong".

PLEASE, use your "freedom" to leave this country and go wherever you believe is better, and leave behind those of us who do Love the USA and BELIEVE in our founding documents. (While you are at it, see how many other like-minded people you can find and take them with you).

Not bashing, JMO.

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